The Exit - Oscar Piastri FF

By slitherin999

15.5K 274 117

Oscar and Yn were once inseparable as best friends and teammates at Prema Racing and Alpine Academy. However... More

1. - Long time no see
2. - New friends
3. - A night to...
4. - Drunken mistakes
5. - Mr. & Mrs. Red Bull
6. - Apologies
7. - The accident
8. - Let's go back home
10. - I fucked up
11. - Heartbreaks and summer days
12. - Confessions
13. - Just like old times
14. - Jealousy?
15. - A disaster
16. - Is it too soon?
17. - Why didn't you?
18. - Sunshine
19. - Drama
20. - Sober mistakes?
21. - New opportunities
22. - Explanations

9. - Trouble in Paradise

641 13 11
By slitherin999

The moment we exit the luggage hall, I spot both my siblings waiting for me, and I don't remember any single thought going through my head. I just leave my luggage behind, and walk straight into both of their embraces, as we share a group hug. I didn't even notice the many fans or reporters who had showed up, I just completely let loose of the emotions I had done my best to just hold in until then. 

After a minute, we pull away and they both look behind me. I look back as well and wave over both of the boys who were waiting patiently a few feet behind, my luggage with them as well. "Guys, this is Max. Max, this is my sister Casey and my brother Dennis. And you both remember Oscar, yeah?" I speak, wiping the rest of my tears as they all greet each other, Max with a handshake and Oscar with a hug. 

"We're dropping you off at your place, right? Then we can go to Mom and Dad's tomorrow." My brother said, driving the car. Both the boys looked to me, as we sat in the backseat. "Yes, that's fine, we're all tired after a long day," I reply and feel a squeeze on my hand which was intertwined with Max's. Being the youngest sibling, I always had my siblings look after me, even after I had already become an adult. They were there through everything, we had always been very close, so being back in their presence was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt at home and at peace, even with the horrible circumstances, I knew that everything was going to be okay. I had all that I needed right there, in that car.

When we reached my apartment, Max grabbed my luggage as well as his own, followed by Oscar. "You sure you don't want me to get a hotel room?" Oscar asked for the millionth time since we left the airport. "I'm sure, Osc. I have a spare room, there's no need to waste money on that! I'm already asking enough of you to be here and not at your own place." I tell him, unlocking my door and letting in the boys. This was the first time I had any of them over at my place, since I had moved right after I stopped talking to Oscar. It was a very simple two-bedroom apartment, with not that much decoration, but pictures of friends and family all over the place. I always loved being home, but I rarely had enough time to see everyone, so I wanted to make sure to have everyone I love represented in some way. On one wall, I had one big board filled with small polaroids of friends. 

"Welcome! Please make yourselves feel at home okay? Whatever's mine is yours," I smile at both of them as I watch Oscar begin to explore while Max helps me put the luggage away. "Is that picture of us in F3?" Oscar asks from the other side of the room, looking at the big board. I make my way over to him, a smile immediately appearing at the sight of the picture. "It is," I chuckle, then pointing to another, "That's our first podium together," I say, looking back at him. "Did you have these up the whole time?" He asks, keeping a smile on his face, but I could tell there was a sense of remorse in his eyes. "Of course I did. Even if we won't be friends forever we'll always share those memories," I smile back at him, before noticing Max joining us on my other side to look at the board. 

"Where are my pictures, huh?" Max asked, a bit of sourness in his voice, so I took his hand and forced a smile. "Well, I haven't really been home since we started dating, now have I?" I tried not to sound sarcastic, but it was really hard as he always knew exactly how to push my buttons. Everyone became quiet after that, so I cleared my throat before walking out and into the kitchen to get some water.

"I'm sorry, Schat, I didn't mean to..." Max says, joining my side. "You never do, Max," I let out in a frustrated manner. "Yn... Please look at it from my perspective for once. He's everywhere on that wall, and he's here now, and after that night,-" I cut him off, "Here we go again! Please, if all you care to talk about right now, is to question whether or not you can trust me, I'd rather you leave me alone," I burst out and he lets out a scoff. I had tears in my eyes, but he was getting angry at this point, I could see it in his eyes. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" His voice was stern, and I had only ever heard him speak to his team when he was really angry. He had never spoken to me like that, ever. And I hated that he did now. 

"What?" Was all I could muster out, but it only came out in the volume of a whisper. For a moment it felt like the time stopped, and I could see his expression fall, as he realised what he had just said. "No, that's not-" He took a step closer, but I put up my hands and he stopped in his tracks. At this point, a tear had already fallen down my cheek, and I could barely look at him. "I want to be alone right now..." I say and he lets out a deep sigh, before leaving me standing alone in the kitchen. Not long after, I hear the sound of my front door opening and closing right after.

"I'm sorry, Con..." I hear, then look up to see Oscar standing in the doorway. I shook my head and took a deep breath, before responding, "It's not your fault that he doesn't trust me," I mumbled. Oscar walks over and puts a hand on my shoulder, "Try and focus on your family for now, okay? Things with Max will work out sooner or later, your mind needs to be on what's important," His voice was soft and calming, it made me feel better in an instant. "Thank you, Osc, you're right," But I didn't really know if he was. I didn't know if Max and I were going to be okay that easily after this, but Oscar was right about having to focus on my family instead of that. 

I wake up the next morning, to find that Max still hasn't come back. I was getting a bit worried, since, as far as I knew, he had no other place to stay in or near London. He had probably just gone to a hotel I guessed, but was proven wrong soon enough when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in..." I say, hoping it would be Max who had come back to reconcile. The door opened, and it was Oscar, standing with a conflicted expression on his face. He obviously had something to say, so I motioned for him to come closer. He came over and sat on my bed, and without a single word, he showed me an article on his phone. 'Max Verstappen spotted again in London Stansted Airport, only hours after having arrived with fellow drivers Yn Conner and Oscar Piastri.'

My heart dropped. He had left last night and probably gone back to Monaco. I couldn't believe that he would do that, leaving me at a time like this. As my boyfriend he shouldn't have left my side, hell he shouldn't have made so much additional drama when I'm going through all of this already. A tear falls down my cheek, but I don't notice it until I feel a thumb wipe it away. I look up at Oscar, who's looking at me with sad eyes. "Why does this feel like a break-up?" I ask him, and he pulls me into his embrace without answering my question. I stay in his arms for a little, before pulling myself away and looking up at him while a small sigh escapes my lips. "How about some breakfast, hm? Then we can go to your parents' house after," He spoke up in his usual soft tone, and I agreed with a nod. 

When I had gotten out of bed and ready, I headed down to the kitchen to see that Oscar had already made us breakfast. He had made pancakes, eggs, bacon and even went and bought some fresh fruits he had cut out. I couldn't help but smile at the sight, as I joined him by the counter, looking at all the delicious-looking food. "You know you didn't have to make all this, Oscar," I let out, still completely in awe. I feel his eyes staring me down, so I look up and my eyes meet his immediately. "I know, but seeing that smile on your face has made it all worth it. Besides, you need the energy now more than ever. Today is probably going to be very draining, so I also bought some of your favourite snacks to bring along," He spoke, showing me the bag full of my favourite sweets and snacks. My smile grew even wider and without even thinking, I hugged his side and pecked his cheek. "Thank you. You're amazing," 

I could tell he was stunned by my actions, so I tried to play it off by grabbing the plates to go and set the table, but even I was a bit surprised by my own actions. Oscar followed after me with the food and we sat down at the table in the living room to eat. He had already brought out some juice and water as well, and we began eating. After a while of silence, my mind begins to wander, and I look at my phone on the table, checking if any messages have chimed in, but nothing appears. I wonder whether I should reach out to Max or not, but as if Oscar reads my mind, he speaks up, "Try and call him. If he doesn't answer, you should let it go for the next few days," I look up and think about his words for a bit. "I wouldn't even know what to say if he picked up at this point... I don't feel like I've done anything wrong," I explain, and Oscar shakes his head. "You haven't done anything wrong at all, but he's probably feeling really bad right now. Call him up, and see if he has anything to say. It's better to talk now than wait until it escalates," 

I take a deep breath and grab my phone, then dial his number. I put it to my ear, and hear as it rings. Max always picked up instantly when I called him, but this time, it went to voicemail. "Hey, Max, it's me. Um, I just wanted to make sure you got back home safely since that's where I'm guessing you are right now... Listen, can you please call me back? I want to talk, so we can work this out, okay? Let's talk soon..." I left him a message and then laid down my phone. "I'm sure he will call you back as soon as he hears it," Oscar says, and I nod, but keep looking down at my plate of food, suddenly not feeling so hungry. 

"You don't have to eat it all, Con, I'll just make you a sandwich to go, so if you get hungry before lunch, you can have that, yeah?" This boy was amazing, inside and out, and he did his best always to make me feel comfortable, heard and seen. I loved him with my whole heart, and he kept proving to me that he was worthy of the love and trust that I had put in him. I looked up and smiled sweetly at him, which he returned with a small smile as well. At this point, nothing else needed to be said, as the look in our eyes was more than enough for both of us. We had always had this kind of connection. It was unspoken, but we both knew it was there, and it was stronger than anything I had ever had with anyone ever before. We clicked back from the first moment we met, and it was like that was happening all over again, right now. We clicked. But this time, it felt different than the first time. Maybe it was because we were both adults now. Or maybe it was something else. Something stronger.

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