
By Ari12_2

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Characters Aesthetic
2.Unraveling Secrets
4.Why Are You So Heartless
Not An Update
6.I Just Need Peace
7. Is That A Stammer
8. Not So Peaceful
9.Whats Wrong Princess
Time Skip Guys
New Character Aesthetic
11. Moving On
12. Job Hunt
13. Dark Feelings
14. Test I
15.Test III
17. Why
18.Work Ethics
19.Didnt Mean It
Not An Update
Breaking the Chains
A New Dawn
A Walk to Remember

10.Bullying With A Twist

34 1 6
By Ari12_2

I think the past is ok at this point but be honest with me how bad do u think this bullying. I feel this bullying is enough actually but what happens in this chapter shows you how terrible the bullying was and how it continued till she graduated


The morning brought a shift in my usual routine as I stood before my closet, contemplating the array of outfits. Today, I opted for a departure from the elegance of the black dress. A baggy t-shirt and tight high-waisted jeans caught my eye, and I decided on a more casual, carefree vibe. As I dressed, I felt a sense of liberation in choosing an ensemble that echoed simplicity and comfort.

Exiting my home, I made my way to Klara and Sophie's car. The casual attire didn't escape their notice, and they greeted me with a chorus of compliments. "Looking laid-back and fabulous, Queen!" Klara exclaimed, while Sophie added, "Casual chic is definitely your vibe today."

Their encouragement bolstered my confidence as we headed to school. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans became a symbol of personal expression, a departure from the unexpected intimacy of the weekend.

Upon arriving at school, a wave of trepidation washed over me. To my surprise, as I entered the classroom, Alexander was already seated, and our eyes briefly met. In a move that intensified my anxiety, he motioned for me to join him. Hesitantly, I took the seat beside him at the back of the class, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans offering a semblance of comfort.

As the lesson unfolded, I couldn't shake the feeling of being exposed and vulnerable. The casual attire, chosen for its comfort, now seemed to betray me in the face of Alexander's unexpected proximity. Shyness and fear enveloped me, a stark contrast to the more confident persona I had projected through my clothing choice.

The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, which had initially embodied a sense of autonomy, now felt like a shield against the discomfort of Alexander's presence. The back of the class became a quiet battleground, where the complexities of personal style and unexpected encounters played out in a silent dance of emotions.Midway through the lesson, an unexpected shift occurred as Alexander abruptly stood up, his demeanor taking a harsh turn. Without warning, his hand gripped my arm with a force that left me startled, and he began to drag me up from my seat.

The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, chosen for comfort, now became a stark contrast to the sudden tension that filled the air. The casual attire, which had initially symbolized a departure from the usual, found itself entangled in a moment that defied the ease it had initially conveyed.

As he pulled me from my seat, the classroom's attention shifted to our unexpected interaction. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans became inconspicuous witnesses to a scene that unfolded with a disconcerting intensity. The harsh grip on my arm spoke volumes, a silent declaration that transcended the bounds of mere encouragement.

Navigating the sudden shift, I found myself standing, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans now feeling like a shield against the vulnerability of the moment. The unexpected encounter, marked by harsh physicality, left me grappling with a sense of unease that extended beyond the visible fabric of my chosen attire.Amid the watching crowd, fear etched across my face, I pleaded with Alexander to release his harsh grip. "Please, Alexander, let go. What are you doing?" I implored, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans serving as inadequate armor against the escalating situation.

He met my pleas with a twisted smirk, reveling in the attention and my distress. "Time for a little lesson, Princess. Let everyone see who's really in charge here," he sneered, his words cutting through the anxious murmurs of the onlookers.

As the gathered students observed in silence, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans felt like flimsy protection against the emotional turmoil that unfolded in the stark hallway. Alexander's taunts continued, each word a deliberate barb aimed at my vulnerability. "Thought you could play it cool, huh? Not so tough now, are you?" he mocked, amplifying my sense of helplessness.

The casual attire, chosen for its ease, now seemed incongruent with the harsh reality of the moment. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans became silent witnesses to an ordeal that surpassed the usual dynamics of high school encounters.

In the midst of the gathered crowd, the casual ensemble became a canvas for the unfolding drama – a symbol of vulnerability that clashed with the unexpected brutality of Alexander's actions. As the onlookers watched, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans became inseparable from the raw emotions that played out in the harsh spotlight of the school's hallways.Amidst the hushed whispers of the gathered students, Alexander's malicious intent manifested in cruel insults. He looked at me with disdain, his tone dripping with scorn. "This outfit makes you look absolutely disgusting, Princess. Did you think you could change who you are with some cheap clothes?" His words were a sharp contrast to the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, chosen for comfort and simplicity.

The casual ensemble, once a choice for a carefree day, now became a focal point for his derision. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, meant for ease and familiarity, felt like a visible target under the scrutiny of his harsh comments.

As the onlookers absorbed his words, the casual attire became a symbol of vulnerability in the face of relentless humiliation. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, chosen without the intention of attracting attention, now bore the weight of Alexander's cutting remarks, amplifying the sense of helplessness in the unforgiving spotlight of the school's hallways.In a tentative attempt to find common ground, I pressed on, "But what about that moment in Starbucks? It felt... different. I thought we could, I don't know, coexist without all this animosity." The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, chosen for simplicity, now seemed inadequate in conveying the depth of my confusion.

Alexander's response was a scoff, his eyes narrowing with a mocking glint. "Coexist? You really believed that little scene changed anything? You're delusional, Princess. We're not going to be buddies just because of some Starbucks encounter," he retorted, his dismissive tone cutting through the tension.

As the onlookers absorbed our exchange, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans bore witness to a conversation that unfolded in unexpected and unsettling directions. The attempt to understand our shared moment in Starbucks became a futile effort, the casual attire representing a failed bridge between the divide that persisted in the unforgiving spotlight of the school's hallways.

His laughter echoed through the corridor, a cruel symphony that added to the humiliation. "You really thought that outfit was going to change anything? You're still the same pathetic Princess, trying to play dress-up and failing miserably," Alexander taunted, his words laced with contempt. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, chosen for simplicity, became inadvertent targets of his disdain.

The onlookers, drawn by the spectacle, became a captive audience to the verbal assault. "You think you can coexist with me? Look at yourself. Disgusting. No amount of outfits can hide what you truly are," he continued, each insult cutting deeper than the last. The casual attire, intended for comfort, now felt like a flimsy shield against the barrage of degrading remarks.

As I stood there, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans became symbols not of ease, but of vulnerability in the face of relentless humiliation. Alexander's insults reverberated through the hallways, amplifying the sense of helplessness in the harsh spotlight of the school's judgmental gaze.Alexander's cruel words were accompanied by an escalation in physical aggression. His grip tightened on my arm, the casual fabric of the baggy t-shirt offering little protection against the force. "Pathetic Princess," he spat out, his fingers digging into my skin. The high-waisted jeans became a silent witness to the increasing brutality.

In a startling move, he grabbed a handful of my hair, yanking it back with a force that left me momentarily disoriented. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, initially chosen for comfort, now became entangled in a scenario that defied their intended purpose.

The onlookers, drawn by a combination of verbal assault and physical aggression, stood as silent witnesses to the degrading spectacle. Alexander's insults continued, each word punctuated by a harsh gesture, the casual attire now bearing the weight of both words and actions in the unforgiving spotlight of the school's hallways.The verbal onslaught intensified, accompanied by a disturbing escalation in physical contact. Alexander's hand, once on my arm, now migrated to my face, his fingers gripping my jaw with a force that left a painful imprint. "Thought a change of outfit would make you less repulsive? It only emphasizes how utterly pathetic you are," he sneered, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans caught in the midst of a hostile encounter.

The casual ensemble, chosen for its simplicity, now served as an unintended battleground in a confrontation marked by both words and deeds. The onlookers, their collective gaze fixated on the distressing scene, witnessed the transformation of the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans into symbols of vulnerability.

As Alexander's tirade continued, his aggression took a more sinister turn. He forcibly spun me around, his fingers now clutching at the fabric of the baggy t-shirt, twisting it with a malicious intent. The high-waisted jeans, once a choice for comfort, now felt constricting under the pressure of the escalating physical torment.

In the harsh spotlight of the school's judgmental gaze, the casual attire became a silent testament to an ordeal that transcended the boundaries of typical high school dynamics, a cruel interplay of words and actions leaving both the fabric and the wearer marked by the unforgiving encounter.The distressing encounter took a darker turn as Alexander's aggression escalated to outright harm. He shoved me against the cold, unforgiving lockers, the impact jarring through my body. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, chosen for their simplicity, now bore witness to a scene of brutality.

His taunts echoed in the narrow corridor as he pinned me against the lockers, fingers gripping the fabric of the baggy t-shirt. "Pathetic Princess thinks she can change with a new outfit. You're nothing, and no amount of clothing will change that," he spat out, each word accompanied by a malicious thrust against the lockers.

The high-waisted jeans, once a choice for comfort, felt constricting as the physical harm intensified. The onlookers, frozen in a collective silence, became unwilling witnesses to a scene that transcended the usual boundaries of high school conflicts.

In the unforgiving spotlight of the school's judgmental gaze, the casual attire became a symbol not only of vulnerability but also of the profound harm inflicted in the name of Alexander's unrelenting aggression. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, meant for simplicityScared and numb, I bore the brunt of Alexander's aggression, my body pressed against the cold lockers. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, chosen for simplicity, offered little protection against the force that seemed determined to break me.

As the physical harm intensified, I felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness, my attempts to reason or resist futile in the face of the relentless onslaught. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans now dampened not just by the physical contact but by the emotional toll exacted in the unforgiving corridor.

The pain, both physical and emotional, left me on the verge of breaking. The casual attire, once a choice for ease, became a symbol of vulnerability as it absorbed the weight of the ordeal. Each thrust against the lockers sent shivers through my body, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans now feeling like a flimsy barrier against a storm of torment.

In the harsh spotlight of the onlookers' gaze, I stood there, tears threatening to betray the fear and pain that pulsed through me. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, chosen without the anticipation of such brutality, now carried the weight of an encounter that left me emotionally battered and physically scarred.The brutal encounter reached a gruesome crescendo as the relentless assault left me battered and bloodied. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, chosen for their simplicity, now bore the stains of a physical torment that had spiraled into a nightmarish reality.

As the cold metal of the lockers continued to meet my back, the fabric of the baggy t-shirt absorbed the evidence of the harm inflicted. Blood began to seep through the material, staining it in a visceral testament to the brutality that unfolded. The high-waisted jeans, once a choice for comfort, were now smeared with a harrowing reminder of the unforgiving violence.

The onlookers, silent witnesses to an ordeal that defied comprehension, stood frozen as the casual attire became a canvas of horror. Each thrust against the lockers intensified the bleeding, the baggy t-shirt now serving as a chilling tapestry of the physical toll exacted.

In the unforgiving spotlight of the school's judgmental gaze, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans stood as symbols of a traumatic encounter that transcended the boundaries of typical high school conflicts. The casual ensemble, chosen for simplicity, now carried the weight of not just emotional and physical scars but the visible evidence of a brutality that left both fabric and wearer irreversibly altered.Amidst the brutality, a momentary plea for release escaped my trembling lips. "Please, Alexander, let go. I can't take it anymore," I begged, desperation tinging my voice. Surprisingly, he relented, releasing his grip and allowing me to stagger away from the lockers.

As he stepped back, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, now stained with blood, clung to my battered form. With a mixture of pain and relief, I stumbled away from the scene of torment, my hands shaking. The onlookers, still frozen, watched as the casual ensemble became a haunting symbol of a vicious encounter.

Ignoring the stares, I ran to the bathroom, seeking refuge from the horror that had unfolded. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, once chosen for their simplicity, now felt like burdens, carrying the weight of the physical and emotional toll exacted in the brutal corridor.

In the relative privacy of the bathroom, I huddled in a corner, the baggy t-shirt soaked with blood, the high-waisted jeans bearing witness to a trauma that defied explanation. The casual attire, chosen for its ease, now became a cocoon of despair as I tried to comprehend the unimaginable brutality that had left me broken and bloodied.As the bathroom door closed behind me, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans clung to my trembling frame. The air felt thick with the echoes of the brutal encounter, and I sank to the floor, gasping for breath. Panic seized me, a torrent of overwhelming fear and anguish cascading over me like a suffocating wave.

The baggy t-shirt, now stained with blood, seemed to tighten around me, intensifying the feeling of confinement. The high-waisted jeans, once a choice for comfort, now felt like a constricting barrier against the onslaught of panic. My hands shook uncontrollably as I clutched at the fabric, desperately trying to ground myself.

The bathroom became a refuge tinged with terror. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, chosen for simplicity, now bore witness to the aftermath of a harrowing ordeal. As my breathing grew more erratic, the casual ensemble became a tangible reminder of the fragility of my attempt to find comfort in the routine of everyday clothing.

In the grip of a very bad panic attack, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans served as both witnesses and casualties of an encounter that left not only physical scars but a deep emotional wound. The casual attire, once an unassuming choice, became entangled in the aftermath of brutality, its fabric now soaked not just with blood but with the weight of an indescribable trauma.The bathroom walls seemed to close in around me, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans now feeling like an unbearable weight. The air grew thin, and my attempts to breathe were met with only shallow, ragged gasps. Pain radiated through my battered body, every movement a reminder of the violence inflicted upon me.

The baggy t-shirt, stained with blood, clung uncomfortably to my skin. The high-waisted jeans, once chosen for their comfort, now pressed against me, amplifying the physical distress. I clutched at the fabric, fingers digging into the material as if seeking an anchor in the midst of overwhelming agony.

The panic attack intensified, transforming into a relentless tempest that swept away any semblance of control. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, once mundane pieces of clothing, became instruments of torture as their presence heightened the sense of confinement.

In the grip of excruciating pain and a worsening panic attack, I collapsed to the cold bathroom floor. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans became witnesses to a moment of profound vulnerability, their fabric now saturated not only with blood but with the anguish of an indescribable trauma.

The bathroom, once a sanctuary, became a chamber of torment. The casual ensemble, chosen for simplicity, now seemed to mock me as its fabric absorbed not just the physical aftermath but the crushing weight of a pain that transcended the boundaries of comprehension.On the cold bathroom floor, enveloped in pain and consumed by a worsening panic attack, a profound emptiness settled within me. The baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans, now stained and clinging to my battered form, accentuated the hollow feeling that echoed through my being.

As I huddled in a corner, the emptiness seemed to seep through every pore, leaving me feeling like a mere shell of myself. The baggy t-shirt, once chosen for its unassuming simplicity, now served as a tangible reminder of the brutality that had stripped away not only my physical well-being but also a sense of inner wholeness.

The high-waisted jeans, once a source of comfort, now pressed against me in a way that mirrored the internal pressure building within. Clutching at the fabric offered no solace; it only intensified the feeling of emptiness that pervaded the bathroom.

The casual ensemble, chosen for routine and ease, became an unintentional accomplice to the emotional void that settled in. In the midst of pain, panic, and an overwhelming sense of emptiness, the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans bore witness to a moment where the very fabric of my existence seemed to unravel.

Thank u for making me realize how stupid I was Alexander.


Author's Note:

Hey awesome readers! 🌟✨ How's the journey through this story treating you so far? I hope you're strapped in and enjoying the rollercoaster of emotions we're weaving into this narrative. 😄

Now, let's chat! How are our characters doing in your eyes? Are they making you laugh, cry, or maybe throwing you for a loop with all the unexpected twists? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the baggy t-shirt and high-waisted jeans of emotions we've thrown onto our protagonist. Are they your new literary BFFs or making you want to send them for a fashion makeover? 🛍️💁‍♀️

Feel free to drop a comment below and share your vibes! Your feedback is like the magical spice that makes this literary stew so much more flavorful. 📚✨ Plus, I'm here to dish out more drama and joy, so let me know what you're craving from the next chapters.

Sending you virtual high-fives and happy vibes! 🌈🌟 Keep enjoying the ride! 🎢💖

Have a nice day my lovelies

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