
By Ari12_2

1.1K 57 18

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Characters Aesthetic
2.Unraveling Secrets
4.Why Are You So Heartless
Not An Update
7. Is That A Stammer
8. Not So Peaceful
9.Whats Wrong Princess
10.Bullying With A Twist
Time Skip Guys
New Character Aesthetic
11. Moving On
12. Job Hunt
13. Dark Feelings
14. Test I
15.Test III
17. Why
18.Work Ethics
19.Didnt Mean It
Not An Update
Breaking the Chains
A New Dawn
A Walk to Remember

6.I Just Need Peace

36 2 1
By Ari12_2

So basically, I really love Alexander alot because I know how his character is going to develop but tell me what u guys think of him

The bustling cafeteria, once a haven of laughter and shared moments, transformed into a battleground as Alexander's words echoed in my mind. Seated with Klara and Sophie, our usual trio, I reveled in the camaraderie that had defined our high school experience. The warmth of the sun filtering through the windows seemed to mirror the vibrancy of our friendship.

Suddenly, Alexander's imposing figure disrupted the harmony. His swaggering entrance drew all eyes to our corner table. A smirk played on his lips as he directed his taunts at me.

"Emilia and her little sidekicks," he sneered, his eyes fixed on me. "Probably plotting to solve the world's problems, huh?"

The words hit like a verbal assault, and I exchanged glances with Klara and Sophie, a silent acknowledgment that we were entering a storm. Sophie shot me a supportive look, her eyes reflecting both concern and defiance.

"Just having lunch, Alexander. Why don't you find someone else to bother?" I attempted to deflect his verbal onslaught.

But he persisted, his tone dripping with disdain. "Lunch? More like a pity party. I can't believe anyone would willingly hang out with you three."

Sophie, her patience waning, retorted, "We're good with our choices, thanks."

However, Alexander's cruel agenda persisted. "Do you even have a life, Emilia? Or is your whole existence confined to these losers and your pathetic daydreams?"

His words, laced with malice, struck harder than anticipated. For a moment, I faltered under the weight of his cruelty. Klara and Sophie exchanged glances, understanding the gravity of Alexander's targeted attack. As he sauntered away, a lingering hurt settled at our table, casting a shadow over the once-vibrant atmosphere.

The remainder of lunch felt like an uphill battle against the invisible weight of Alexander's words. Attempts to resume our usual banter were strained, the laughter forced. Klara and Sophie, sensing my distress, tried to steer the conversation towards lighter topics, but the echo of Alexander's taunts lingered like an unwelcome specter.

As the bell signaled the end of lunch, I picked up my belongings and walked out.

The cafeteria door swung closed behind me, leaving the lively chatter and clatter of trays in the distance. My steps echoed through the empty hallway as I sought refuge from the chaos that had taken root in my mind. A silent quest led me to a secluded courtyard bathed in the gentle hues of the setting sun – a place where tranquility usually reigned.

The once-familiar brick walls and manicured greenery seemed like distant memories, distorted by the prism of anxiety that clouded my perception. The cool breeze that rustled the leaves offered no solace; instead, it carried the lingering echoes of Alexander's hurtful words.

As I found a quiet bench tucked away in the corner, the weight of the world pressed upon my chest, each breath a struggle against the encroaching panic. The sanctuary I sought became a battlefield of conflicting emotions – doubt, fear, and the desperate need for respite.

With shaky hands, I clutched the strap of my bag, its familiar texture grounding me momentarily. My friends' supportive voices echoed in my mind, attempting to drown out the relentless whispers of self-doubt. Yet, the residue of Alexander's cruelty clung to me like an insidious force, threatening to unravel the fabric of my self-esteem.

In the midst of the internal tempest, I closed my eyes, attempting to steady my breathing. Unbeknownst to me, the tranquility of the courtyard became a fleeting illusion as the shadows of my turmoil loomed larger.

Suddenly, the air felt charged with an unwelcome presence. Opening my eyes, I saw Alexander swaggering into the courtyard, his menacing aura disrupting the fragile peace I had sought. The sinking feeling in my stomach intensified as I realized there was no escape from the relentless torment.

Alexander, a smirk playing on his lips, sneered, "Look who we have here, Emilia. Seeking refuge from the real world? Can't handle a little truth?"

His words pierced through the fragile sanctuary I had constructed, aggravating the panic that threatened to consume me. I felt like a trapped animal, the predator circling, relishing the vulnerability it had instilled.

Struggling to maintain composure, I shot back, "Leave me alone, Alexander. I don't need this right now."

But he reveled in my distress, taking a step closer with an air of triumph. "Running away won't change anything, bookworm. You can't escape who you are."

His taunts resonated like a discordant melody, intensifying the disarray within. The bench, once a refuge, became a cold seat of vulnerability. Klara and Sophie's reassurances seemed distant as Alexander's looming presence overwhelmed every rational thought.

I tried to push past him, my desperation mounting, but he blocked my path with an unsettling grin. "Now, where are you going in such a hurry? Got a date with your imaginary friends?"

The weight of his words felt insurmountable, triggering an onslaught of symptoms that marked the crescendo of a panic attack. My chest tightened, breaths became shallower, and the world blurred at the edges.

In the midst of my struggle, Klara's voice echoed in my mind, urging me to stay strong. I clung to that lifeline, attempting to drown out Alexander's cruel jabs. Yet, the courtyard, once a sanctuary, now seemed like a prison, and the isolation amplified the torment.

Alexander, emboldened by my vulnerability, continued his assault. "Maybe if you were a little more like me, life wouldn't be such a struggle. But no, you're content being an outcast."

The panic intensified, reaching a crescendo that drowned out reason. I felt trapped in a nightmare, the courtyard morphing into a distorted labyrinth with no way out. Desperation etched across my face, I pleaded, "Just leave me alone!"

But he persisted, reveling in my unraveling composure. "You're always trying to escape, Emilia. Maybe you're just not cut out for the real world."

As the world spun around me, Alexander's mocking laughter echoed in the courtyard, amplifying the isolation. The sanctuary I had sought had become a battleground, and the panic attack surged like a tempest, threatening to engulf me completely.


Im exhausted

Tell me where your from my lovely readers

I know alot of u are ghost readers
I know

I can see u allllll😈😈😈😈

Anyway tell me what u thunk

And how's ur day going

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