Return of a lost nation (Halo...

By Ikelos_ODST

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A UNSC fleet blindly launch themselves in a sector where they received multiple messages. However as they get... More

Chapter One: The Jovian Moons
Chapter 2: Mars to Earth to Lunar
Chapter 3: Research and Signals
Chapter 4: Encounter
Chapter 5: Investigation and Primal Fear
Chapter 6: Rearm and Regroup
Chapter 7: Surrounded, Outnumbered yet Victorious
Chapter 8: Discovery and Convergence
Chapter 9: The New Age
Chapter 9.1: Random filler for Javelin
Chapter 10: Cogs of the UNSC War Machine
Chapter 11: Battle of Brisbane
Chapter 12: Continuation
Chapter 13: For those we Cherish, We die in Glory
Chapter 14: Re-occupation
Chapter 15: Revealed
Chapter 16: Reinforcements
Chapter 17: False Hope
Chapter 18: Pacific in Flames
Chapter 18.5: Harbinger's Resolute
Chapter 20: The Death of Liberty

Chapter 19: The Ancient Awaits

526 26 37
By Ikelos_ODST

Solar System, Luna, Earth's moon, UNSC base 'Vesuvius', November 27th, 1938. 20 minutes after the Isstvan Massacre.

Javelin sat on her captain's chair, overlooking the final stages of preparation. Beside her is an AI given to her from UFO. The AI stands there, playing with a mechanical bird that was perked up on her arm. The AI wore jacket with light blue and dark blue on the sides of the jacket, dark blue pants covered her lower body. She also wore a classic tactical vest and a dark blue tactical pack behind her. She wore a modified dark blue helmet that acts like a hat, having fins sticking out like ears and a placement for night vision goggles, followed by earmuffs. Her face, however, was covered with an orange-red glasses that is unable to see her eyes and a plain white mask. Though what's interesting was the patch on her left arm was a purple Decepticon symbol.

(Not even decepticons are safe from being turned into a waifu)

"Soundwave, can you connect me to Sins of Humanity and When Day Breaks, please?"
Javelin asked, still getting used to having an AI and having crew members.

"... ... ... Connected."
The AI didn't say anything for a few seconds before responding.

The hologram feed pops up in front of Javelin, in the hologram, there was two girls, all wearing ODST armour but their helmets, this included Javelin as she wore the same thing.

"Alright, we are almost reaching the time limit. My crew are loading in final preparations and gear. Other than that, I am ready."
Javelin reported.

"Same as I, loading has just finished and all crew are accounted for."
When Day Breaks reported as well.

"Good, Javelin, tell your crew to double time it, we are leaving in 30 minutes."
Sins of Humanity responded.

Javelin nodded and left the call, before activating the communication systems on her ship, letting all hear her. Soon enough, the final preparations were complete. All her naval crew accounted for, followed by marines, shock troopers and the Spartan Fireteam. She also has her vehicles loaded for the crew, such as Scorpions and Warthogs, followed by aerial vehicles such as the F-218D/E Sabres, F-41G Broadswords, F-99 Wombat Drone fighters and GA-TL1 Longsowrd fighter-bomber variant.

She still feels weird about having crew members again. Though a bit of a weird feeling, she feels nostalgic as past memories of her crew appeared on her mind during the First Siren War when she was still a wet based ship in the past. Having crew members again makes her nostalgic. Though what would happen to the crew if she transforms the ship into her rigging?

She shakes those thoughts as it was time for her to move along with her two sister ships. Alerting the crew to her stations, she awaits the order to move form UFO. Son enough, the green light was given.

Three Paris Class Heavy Frigates moved away from the UNSC Base, heading towards Great Britain in Earth. Each ship was in formation, with Sins of Humanity leading, on her left side was Javelin and on her right was When Day Breaks.

Re-entering Earth's atmosphere, the ships turn bright red on the lower parts of their ships, until settling back to normal. Now they're just floating there, before moving towards Portsmouth.


Moving at a slow, yet moderate speed, the three Paris Class Frigates in their ship form continued to operate normally. Though their scanners are at high power as a precaution from the Sirens, who for the current moment has not shown their faces out.

Javelin stared out of the bridge, looking at the clouds and the vast ocean below her. Thoughts rummaged through her head, yet all weren't relevant to anything, a simple daydream. Behind her, the crew she has continued to work diligently. People walked around in seemingly random areas filled with the sounds of their footsteps and the beeping of computers and terminals, as if they were worker ants. Though, looking closer, everything is as organised as possible.

A few tens of minutes pass by, until Sins of Humanity's crew spot multiple blips on the radar, all recognised them as the Royal Navy Kansens and Sirens. Though, the Kansens were dropping like flies, their blips flashing before effectively disappearing.

As quickly as the crew member spotted it, he informed his captain, or in this case, his kansen, who also quickly relayed it to the other shipgirls of the UNSC. Changing their direction to Portsmouth towards the Isstvan Islands, they pushed their engines as hard as they can in atmosphere. Emanating a large force from their thrusters and causing wind gusts in every direction.

Javelin, fearing the safety of her friends and family launched aerial craft to go ahead of the ships, of course with the permission from the other Kansens. Two UH-144 Falcons exited from Javelin's hangar, flying off forwards to where the signals of the Royal Navy was, followed by three Longswords who swooped forward onto the fray.

Not long after, the automated Falcons found three Royal Navy Kansens who were ragged, beaten and heavily damaged, with one ship taking in water.

"Javelin to Sins of Humanity, my Falcons have found three Royal Navy kansens, though heavily injured, they won't survive for much longer."
Javelin spoke through her comms.

"We pick them up, all UNSC ships, get into your riggings."
Was all what Humanity said.

"W-w-wait, what about our crew?!"
When Day Breaks said in a panic.

"They'll all be fine, they won't get affected. Essentially they get smaller when we transform into our kansen mode."
Humanity replied back.

Without wasting anymore more time, Javelin quickly informed her crew as she prepares for her rigging. Suddenly, heaps of bright, golden light envelopes her and the ship, being replaced by Javelin herself floating with riggings that confirms she is a Paris Class Frigate. Wearing her helmet, she begins moving forward to where the automated Falcons she controlled, not even her AI, Soundwave was capable of surprisingly.

Upon arrival of the location, Javelin sees Sheffield, Icarus and Matchless, all broken and in the near death state, quickly summoning her ship form, she lowers her ship until the water level is at the same height as the hangar bays are. The crew, already in action, surged forward, multiple medical teams arrive at the hangar as the three Royal Navy Kansens enter through the Ray shield that keeps space out of the hangar. The medical teams worked immediately, letting their training guide them almost robotically.


Earth, North Sea/English Channel border, November 30th, 1938. Three days after the Isstvan Massacre.

Two fleets sailed the oceans, sailing towards the Isstvan Islands. One fleet was lead by KMS Tirpitz, an entire fleet of Ironblood kansens, while the second fleet was an entire fleet of Sakura Empire kansens led by the Crane sisters, Shoukaku and Zuikaku. All armed to the teeth, their weapons pointed neutral, but ready to fire.

They continue to sail towards their objective, a constant repeating of beeps echoed throughout an old communication channel, which was once used when the Crimson Axis was part of Azur Lane during the First Siren Great War.

. . . / ——— / . . . / ——— / . . . / ——— / . . . / ——— / . . .

Consecutive beeps continued to echo, as if it was beckoning them to come closer. A repeating cries of a fragment of metal. The beeps continued to call way before the fleets even arrived, it is believed that everyone, including the enemies of humanity was able to pick up the transmission.

For the dire situation at hand, the Crimson Axis set on a mission to find the source and possible bring back the source or destroy its core. Tirpitz and the Crane sisters along with their fleet were sent out to find the source of the cries of help.

The two Crimson Axis fleets branched out as they reached the islands, exploring the islands, yet, an unknown feeling begins to emerge slowly through their bodies, barely even noticeable. Not even the more spiritual kansens of the Sakura Empire notice the same presence.

The islands were spread throughout the sea, yet still relatively close to each other. A great spot to stage an ambush. The sea, however was crystal clear, able to look at their own reflections. At one of the Islands, there was a broken terminal with multiple crates and other equipment littered around the beach. While around the islands, the remains of a battle was evident.

Prinz Eugen walked towards one of the terminals, hoping it would still work. Having a quick glance around the terminal, it was recklessly set up and abandoned easily, as if it was used for a temporary command post or something else entirely. Tapping the terminal, the screen flickers barely to life, as each flicker was longer than the other. Once the screen stabilises, an unknown image is shown to Prinz Eugen and the others.

"What symbol is that?"
One of the Ironblood kansens, Blücher asked.

"I do not know, maybe Tirpitz knows? After all, she seems to be the smartest out of all of us."
Deutschland responded, before nudging towards another kansen.

"Show me."
Said kansen, Deutschland responded, walking towards the terminal.

As she reached the terminal, it is as if time stopped for her, though her facial expression cannot be seen as she keeps a neutral face, she glares at the screen in shock. The symbol itself glares back, calling her. Memories of a long origin past the kansens time came crashing back like a tsunami. Dropping her staff like weapon, she steps back in shock.

"Tirpitz, you okay?"
Deutschland asked, worried for the battleship.

"I... yeah... just memories from the past..."
Tirpitz's voice held deception that she was fine, yet inside, panicking from the symbol itself.

Eugen just stares at the screen, she knows something none of the other kansens know. Moving past the symbol, she begins to access the files. Most of the files were corrupted or redacted as if they were all deleted in mass. However, some of the files were still able to be accessed. Opening of the files, it was a video showing multiple Royal Navy kansens sailing towards this very island. Playing it, each of the Crimson Axis kansens took interest in the video.

One of the scenes show the same symbol again, though this time, it was a quick glance on a heavy sword. Tirpitz, who already picked up her weapon, tightened her grip. Though luckily no one noticed it, not even the Sakura Empire.

What shows on the screen is a visage of the past, not too long ago, a clear and beautiful ocean.

"What has occurred here?"
Shokaku asked to herself, which was heard by everyone.

"I feel like we are missing something here, try accessing the others files."
Zuikaku said, pointing at the terminal.

"There is a lot of ground we can cover if we split up and head to the other islands, we might find our answers."
Deutschland pointed out.

The others nodded and began sailing towards the other islands. For a while nothing happens as they can't find anything useful. The islands were essentially the same as other islands could be, as the ocean waves crash upon the sandy shores of the islands. Though some islands were marred with holes, not made of natural origin. Graf Spee could even see shells that washed up on the shores or haven't exploded.

As they continue to sail towards the unknown, an unsettling presence lurks, concealed from sight but undeniably palpable. As each moment passes, an impending sense of foreboding draws nearer. Tirpitz thoughts tremble, and her heart quickens, responding to an unseen force. A psychic resonance, heavy as the weight of the world, echoes across every corner of existence. "The Ancient awaits!" it cries, shrouded in sorrow and burdened by anguish. Patiently, it bides its time, awaiting the inevitable. The two fleets bear the weight of this impending hardship, enduring it with unwavering resolve, determined to trace its origins to their source.

Each step they take the burden gets heavier, as if he Darkness itself surrounds them, yet, its presence not even there. The kansens of the Sakura Empire, mainly those who were spiritual began acting crazy, shaking with fear, rambling on and constantly looking around as if paranoid that something is watching them.

'This feeling... it can't be...'
Atago dreads at the thought, she feels if the Darkness envelops her, yet this feeling is different. Way different than the darkness itself, unbridled rage, anger and sorrow is what Atago feels.

"The Darkness... its suffocating..."
Hiei , a Sakura Empire battleship finally speaks, her cannons swivelling around.

As the group continued to dwell on with their objective, they did not realise they all reached the last island of the archipelago, this time the island was bigger than the others. Impacts of any kind laid throughout the shore, the signs of a heavy battle is scattered throughout. Craters formed, pieces of metal littered, planes of Royal Navy and Sirens sprawled about, some of them burning and dead bodies Sirens were littered about.

Graf Spee and Zuikaku were the first ones to make a move, forming a perimeter around the two fleets. Atago, on the other hand, looked around. Trying to find something of importance.

Trudging forward with cannons raised, the combined fleet  began to spread out once again. The weight of dread spikes their mind like a needle poking a finger.

Shokaku and Tirpitz eyes suddenly burst open and gasps echoed from their mouths. The rest of the kansens gazed at their direction, only to find the sight before their eyes is stark. A kansen sitting down, leaning down on something long, yet hidden to make out what it is. She is broken and battered. damage and injuries were so extensive, the kansens did not know who they were looking at.

Unexpectedly the kansen interjects with pointed thoughts, awake once more as its body is rose from the ground. Looking at the fleet and began to speak.

Her voice rattled, demanding to know;
"Are you standing here gathered as friend or foe?"
Her shattered form still was yet to poses a threat to all. Though the kansen's question itself made it seem clear that she will not be deceived, nor ignored.

Tirpitz steps forward, ready to address the kansen in front of him.

"We picked up your distress signal that was in an old naval channel, we thought you would be long dead, seeing as this was an old code-"
Tirpitz responded in half truths to not invite alarm, yet was interrupted by the lumbering kansen.

"I see through your words, and I am not disarmed! We had learned from HER to hold to truth with every breath!"
The Lightbearer's voice echoed in anger at the Bismarck Class battleship's response.

'The wrong word here may mean death to us all'
The kansens thought. Their cannons swivelled slightly while the carriers prepare to launch planes. All was ready to spring in action.

"Your words here now may be twisted and turned into weapons against me!"
Her voice spat with venom. Anger increasing at the thought of herself being put down.

Eugen takes a step back from the danger that looms over everyone as with every phrase he beckons reeked more of his intent. Though Tirpitz herself did not falter, stepping forward and asks.

"I need to know the name of he who has me in his sights?"

"I am one of the Royal Navy, She who Remembers the Ancient of Rites, Venerable of the Queen's Palatine Host, and proud servant of the Emperor, Beloved by all!"
The kansen said in a somber tone mixed with pride.

All at once, the pieces come together in everyone's mind. The kansen in front of her was Warspite. Queen Elizabeth's right hand woman,

"Would you convince yourself I am a remnant seeking saving?"
The kansen beckons, brandishing her rigging slowly. Piece by piece, her cannons and other equipment appear, shimmering under the sun. Its shape and look all familiar to everyone, especially the other battleships.

"This was not a cry for help! This was a lure I laid to invite something in need of slaying!"

The Crimson Axis kansens all stepped back, their weapons and rigging raised some pointed towards the kansen, ready to open fire for any tricks to be spewed. Eugen has her cannons pointed forward, with the Crane Sisters, backed away further, but their plane origami miniatures ready to be thrown. Tirpitz and the other 2 battleships moved forward, ready to tank and damage to protect the others. However, before they could do anything, the Royal Navy kansen looked away from them and gazed at one of the islands, all imbued with craters and wreckage of planes, creating a barrier to hide.

Suddenly, the planes were torn apart apart, an explosion from wreckage gathered the rest of the Crimson Axis' attention. Smoke filled the gap, not one person unable to see who or what was responsible for the explosion.

A silhouette of a small, human entity begins to form, her rigging was recognisable to be a battleship kansen, however, her outfit was a mix of impracticality and borderline nudity.

Stepping out of the fog of war, the entity is revealed to be a kansen, wearing rigging that is reminiscent of a kansen, though it is engulfed in a purple like paint, with silver staggering light shine in some areas of its the kansen's rigging. Her face was displayed to all, showing a cocky appearance, pale white skin grabbed everyone's attention, followed by marks of tattoos throughout her body that is exposed. Eyes coloured in sickening blue. The entire area is engulfed in darkness, true Darkness, siphoning the Sakura Empire kansens of their spirit, only having their willpower as their method to feed on.

The entity steps forward, each step seems to create a deafening roar of danger and to avoid at all costs. Though, stopping itself as quickly as it moved.

Everything was silent. No hums of energy or clanking of armour and guns could be heard, only the quick, deep breaths the creature mustered. In a sudden turn of events, the mouth sewed on its face grew a wicked smile, before speaking to all.

"Was this trap set for me, Old one of Mine?"
The kansen spoke, the voice crackled to life, reverberating the chamber all dwell upon. She looked around, seeing if there was anything else. He sees the Crimson Axis, who she ultimately smirked but pays no mind to them.

"Is this it?"
She continued.
"You sought to draw me here to kill me? But, you look terrible, a disgrace even~"
The croaking voice seemed to hold disappointment mixed with pleasure, sending chills to the rest of the kansens present.

"At last sister. You have come to me, abomination."
The other kansen's voice bellowed and steps forward. One hand held her sword, while the other, a weapon of unknown origin, atleast to the Crimson Axis. The weapon she held was actually Belfast's gauntlets with her wrist mounted cannons.

Warspite triggered her gun, but - fast as quicksilver - Elizabeth caught it and crushed it before it could fire.

"No, I don't think so," said the Queen, effortlessly ripping the gauntlet from Warspite with a quick flick of her own sword. Warspite's right hand was sliced off easily. The Queen gave the weapon a dismissive glance, noting that it was Belfast and the hand that was from Warspite holding it, before tossing it aside.

Before the Queen did anything else, Warspite slashed her sword to the shoulder, sending Elizabeth back.

"You betrayed us," Bellowed Warspite.
"Your people! You led us here to die! There is no forgiveness for that. None! You must die by my hand! The Emperor's justice will fall upon you. Not even the TRUE Queen Elizabeth The Second can escape his Judgement!"

Elizabeth moved forward slowly, not for caution, but for anticipation for what's next to come. A gleeful expression etched his face. As more of Elizabeth's body was revealed in the rest, the Crimson Axis looked in shock once again as this was Queen Elizabeth, fighting Warspite. Multiple question sprang in everyone in the Crimson Axis' mind. What is going on? Why did one set a trap for their own sister?

Elizabeth pondered, where her sister's faith in this 'Emperor' came to mind, alas, she ignored it.

"You wish me dead?"
It said, scathing pity dripping from every syllable.
"Why? Because you think I betrayed you? The Navy? Oh, sister, your thoughts are so narrow. If you could only see us now, how beautiful we have become. We shine so brightly, each of us a brilliant sun."

Zuikaku and the rest watched the two fight on, with Warspite swinging her sword towards Elizabeth's neck, yet she effortlessly catches the blade with her palm. Blood dripping from her hand, covering Warspite's blade with Elizabeth's own blood and onto the ocean, leaving a red hue, slowly spreading out.

Warspite did not care whether she lived or died, only that Elizabeth went with him.
"Do. Not. Do. This!" barked the Royal Navy Kansen.

"Why not? I am your Queen, Leader of the Royal Navy - I can do whatever I like. I can crush you or I can raise you up. Return to the port. Accept the gifts of our Prince, and you will walk at my side, clad once again in true glory! You can be anything, dear sister! I will sculpt you into something beautiful - a god to these mortals!"

"I care not for what you offer! You will die by my hand!"

"Words uttered by a shattered pile of abhorrent pile of metal and rust? You've had four days of your own time to think of what to tell me, you now have my full attention, Warspite, oh Sister of Mine."
The Queen sneered, saliva dripping down from its mouth as she sits on the floor, not caring at all. Only focused on licking the gaping wound on her hand after effortlessly catching a blade.

Warspite, only chuckled upon hearing her sister- this creature's words, however, the Crimson Axis were tense, they weren't too far from them, yet they could be attacked in any moment.

"I need not glory nor for words to speak for I have something that surely you would know."
Warspite only chuckled.

With a flick of her left hand's wrist, she fired a shot from Belfast's gauntlets that was attached to her other arm. The shot hit a small floating object, destroying the top layer, revealing something. A long silver object, bearing the hazard symbol, next to it, barely seen and heavily scratched was words in the tongue of the Sirens. VIRUS BOMB.

"A gift for your traitorous deed, when you left your people to die!"

Elizabeth moved with breakneck speed to stop the now revealed bomb from activating, yet it was all for nought as the bomb was not only engulfed in bright fire, it pushed back everyone from its vicinity.

The Sakura Empire kansens with quick thinking, placed multiple wards around them and their allies. A shield only available from looting the Sirens. However, the Ward reached out to both Warspite and Elizabeth, shielding them from being eviscerated by the blast of the VIRUS BOMB. Yet the two Sakura Empire kansens in the Crimson Axis' ranks were unable to stand up, as they continue to hold the Ward from crushing down upon them. Shokaku was forced to take a knee as her hand was still stretched out. The ocean beneath them were sending ripples in every direction.

The Crane Sisters and her fellow Sakura Empire kansens continue to hold the pace, keeping the Ward from breaking. Iron Blood kansens with the Siren over shield they have joined in while the rest moved back further away.

As the Crimson Axis continued to survive, Tirpitz continued to watch, she sees both two Royal Navy kansens fight out, Warspite, weilding her sword, throwing slashes to the creature that calls herself Elizabeth, who only dodges and charges toward the battleship with her own sword and mace, duel weilding them. Instead of seeing a frail kansen devoid of its might, what Tirpitz and others sees is rather a righteous being of defiance, who has the will to continue to fight.

She continues to watch the kansen fight against her corrupted sister. Warspite dodges a slash aimed for her neck by dropping down low and lashed out in wrath, yet her blow was deflected by the creature. Despite the days she endured, from being created during the First Great War, training hard and taught by her own sister who Warspite saw as a mentor, to the Great Siren War, the Battle of Twilight Gap, to the Battle of Solomon Canyons , To then watching her fellow sisters of the Royal Navy die one by one, betrayed by Queen Elizabeth herself, Despite the days and years Warspite has endured, it was clear that she will live and will die by the Royal Navy's Code.

Elizabeth returned the strike that was aimed at Warspite's right arm. Her sword slitting through bravado, defiance and flesh alike. Elizabeth, who saw Warspite's handless arm be sliced off to the elbow created a face mixed of contempt and glee, with eyes feeding of her sister's misery.

"You can never be forgiven for the things that you've done! so it falls to my hands to end the Prodigal Queen!"
Warspite bellows out. Ignoring the pain flaring and bleeding from his right arm, she jumps back after firing her main cannons, secondaries and anti-air guns at her sister in point blank range. However, Elizabeth notices the cannons turn and barely dodges the attacks, only suffering from anti air fire and 5 main cannons shots that hit unimportant parts of her rigging. Warspite seeing this fail, rushed forward continues to clash with her sister.

"You cannot imagine the beautiful bounty of the Commander, Eli will give you everything you ever need~"
Elizabeth's voice coo'd to lure her sister to join her. Yet she only responds with an elbow decking her right in the jaw. The Queen staggers for a bit but then launches her sword towards her sister.

"Those things I'd never even wish to know!"
Warspite huffed as she dodges the thrown sword at him and charges at Undran. Letting herself go to overdrive, pushing back the traitorous bastard back even more.

"There is still your potential that shines through, imagine the unfulfilled glories we'd see to!"
The Queen continued to coo at her, who only retaliates by firing her main batteries at her again. Yet Elizabeth dodges expertly.

"That you'd still think I seek any glory betrays the true blindness that has overcome you!"
Rage filled Warspite as Elizabeth continued to torment him by twisting the Royal Navy's code.

"I recall the virtues I stood for! I recall the struggles and the things that we have done! I will not be deterred from my vengeance, I remember the lessons passed on to our people! I am HER MAJESTY'S SHIP WARSPITE OF THE ROYAL NAVY! ANCIENT OF RITES! VENERABLE OF THE QUEEN'S HOST! AND PROUD SERVANT OF QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND! BELOVED BY ALL! I REJECT YOU NOW AND ALWAYS! TO STRIKE YOU DOWN FOR I HAVE WAITED FOR A MILLION NIGHTS!"

The kansens dashed towards the creature she once called sister, once called her queen. She dashed forward one last time, aiming for her neck with the blade, gusts of wind andwater was thrown around as the kansen rushed towards her former sister, yet, the blade was caught once again.

Elizabeth laughed and said,
"I'm sorry, did it sound like I was offering you a choice?"
The Queen wrenched his hand from Ikarus' left hand, before slicing it off. Dragging a sopping mass of her sword, hand, fluids and matter with him. Glutinous ropes of blood dripped from his fingers; he was like a midwife holding a mewling newborn. Ruptured cables inside her armspilled amniotic fluid, formerly used for oil now so stagnant it must surely have been poisoning Warspite with every passing second.

Elizabeth reached for her neck with her other hand, sliding her bare hand onto Warspite's neck before pulling her closer to her face.. She smiled, closing her eyes and letting her tongue slip across Warspite's cheeks as she pushed around her face..

"Ah, there you are!" said Elizabeth, as Warspite's voice grated in fury.
"Wet and wriggling. I can feel your panic. It's delicious!"

"I will remake you, my Sister," croaked Elizabeth. "You will be my... crowning achievement."
Though Warspite's body was little more than rags of wet meat, losing both of her hands, Elizabeth grabbed Warspite from her neck and lifted her up. Eugen sensed Warspite's horror at the last violation. An inescapable destiny where she would become what she hated most.

'What do we do?' The question was from Zuikaku as she spoke through the communication system to thew other Crimson Axis kansen.

Tirpitz, Deutschland and Eugen, felt Elizabeth's infinite malice, her cruel enjoyment of her own sister's anguish and the helplessness of the Crimson Axis. The Queen of the Royal Navy revelled in her new found overwhelming pride, a trait they all knew from when Azur Lane was once united.

But more than anything, stronger even than Elizabeth's spite, Tirpitz felt Warspite's pride and honour, the unbending core of greatness that had set her against her sister and people of the Royal Navy and had seen her descend into obsessive madness beneath the surface of a dead world.

Tirpitz took the measure of Elizabeth, seeing nothing worthy in her. Her fellow kansens felt the moment her decision was made.

Eugen and Zuikaku however, was inspired by the things they have heard, feeling a sense of pride swell inside both of them, the feeling though long gone when they followed their country into damnation. Groaning,  Eugen looks up to Tirpitz, who only nods her head. Immediately, Eugen and Deutschland who noticed it rushed towards Tirpitz's position, rigging activated.

Tirpitz stepped forward, before raising her voice to shout clearly and out of turn.
"Queen Elizabeth The Second of The Royal Navy!"

Elizabeth stops her fondling and looked at Tirpitz, followed by Warspite.

"Warspite deserves better than you, Your Majesty! Warspite deserves better than all of us!"
All three kansens joined, shouting before raising their rigging towards her.

Shokaku and the rest levelled the ward to a complete stop, rendering it off, before joining in and prepared to attack while also flee.

The Crimson Axis, fired everything they have, their honour intact as they bombarded the Queen, while Zuikaku dashed forward, cutting off Elizabeth's arm holding Warspite and a bit of Elizabeth's tongue off, before dragging Warspite with her, while the rest of the Crimson Axis retreated, all while the Siren Virus Bomb begin to explode once again.

Warspite, before blacking out, looked at Tirpitz and smiled. Yet, Elizabeth saw fire, and once more, All Life Burned

The flames of the VIRUS BOMB quickly spread across the archipelago and onto the open ocean. In but a few hours the flames have stopped.

Suddenly, the ocean floor begins to emit a black liquid, soon regenerating from bones to muscles than to flesh; It was Elizabeth, who managed to use Siren Technology to survive, but with the aura of pride, lust, pleasure and her perfectionist aura left her. Only sadness.

She looks around, the once, beautiful ocean and island, now only rubble and dead plant life, she was bathed by the sunlight that poked from the clouds. Yet, unknown to her, tears fell from her perfected face, dripping down onto her hands and onto the ocean floor.

"Although this body of mine is still intact, a part of my pride, I fear, will never come back"
Elizabeth whispered. She will never forget. She will never forget the rejection of her only sister of the Royal Navy. Elizabeth was in her greatest height and power. She will never forget, and that will be enough.


BOO! Another chapter. Sorry for the late upload. A lot happened. Got promoted at work, got hit by a car, the ambulance I was on got hit by another car, while being wheeled off into the hospital a bird shat on me. Few days later kids were throwing super glue at each other and got in my hair, which i had to cut it all off. Five years of me growing it out, GONE in a second. ;-;. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed!

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