No Way (•Scollace•)

By Animeshowdowncaptian

4.6K 66 56

I know paragraph is long but bear with me. 😔 *Just happen to binge watch the movie and series. I immediatel... More

Do It Matter
Few Days Later
‼️ Author's Note ‼️
Food Fiasco
Double the Trouble Part 1
Double the Trouble Part 2


539 11 9
By Animeshowdowncaptian

-Scott POV-

After the concert at Rockit, there was an after-party at Julie's house. Everyone was invited except for me but I went anyway. It was packed with people everywhere. When I walked into this upbeat, electrifying, tacky party desperate people were doing desperate people things. Kissing on the stairs, playing sex games, skinny dipping, and doing 'things' with the pool sticks.

I began walking around the house carrying a red cup, blending in with the crowd. I found an empty spot and sat there looking out at the mob of people. I sipped on my drink when someone came and sat beside me. "Is this seat taken," a familiar voice asked. "Not that I know of," there was an awkward silence. I haven't seen Ramona since I saw her talking with Stacey and Knives.

After the show, I went looking for her but she was already gone. I missed seeing her rainbow hair that changes unexpectedly every week and a half. Even if I had just seen her this morning I still missed her badly. She was like a toothpick that I use to pick out meat from between my teeth. When I didn't have it I would miss it because my inaccurate finger would pick at the wrong tooth.

I would say I was surprised to see her here but it wasn't much of a surprise that she would be here.

Although this atmosphere is pretty uncomfortable I tried to lift it a bit. I started talking about the party and the band and stuff. She gave little to no reply only saying some words.

The truth was I still felt kinda weird for wimping out on her the other day.

The only thing I could do was talk as if I didn't.

"Did you know that the developers of Sonic assumed wrongly that hedgehogs couldn't swim so they made it a part of the game? In reality, hedgehogs can swim."


Of course, I noticed something was different with Ramona. She always wasn't much of a talker but it's not that.

More like Ramona gave off a different vibe, the same vibe she gave when we first met three months ago.

Almost like we are nothing but strangers again.

"Do you wanna play this game with me," she looked at me giving me a small smile. "What kind of game will we be playing?" At least she still talks to me like we aren't complete strangers. "Come on they're playing it over here." I followed closely behind her as she led me to a long table full of red cups and drinking games.

"Drinking games?"

She nodded then pulled me over to a group of people and asked them if could we join. They said sure and explained the rules to us.

It sounded simple enough. We sit at the circler table they were at with our heads down then on the count of three, we lift our heads and stare at another player. If the person you're looking at isn't looking at you you're safe. If you end up staring directly into someone else eyes you shout out "Medusa!" and take a shot. After the explanation and everyone took their seats the game started.

I had survived 3 rounds without looking into someone's eyes. In the fourth round, I directly looked into this one girl's eyes. She shouted out Medusa before breaking eye contact. I sighed my streak gone as I downed the shot. I coughed three times wondering what the hell they gave me. Two more of those and I'll be wasted. After the first round I lost, I started losing all the other rounds as well.

Don't remember what round we were on before I got up to go to the bathroom. I don't know when but Ramona was no longer at the circular table either. "Uh, c-coulD y0u p01nT mee t0wArds the b-bathr00m." My head hurts like hell and I felt hot. "Yeah, bathrooms over there are you ok dude." "Im fne thwank y0u," I opened the bathroom door to see three people pushed up on the sink making out and doing other things. I quickly closed the door and backed away from the bathroom. All of a sudden I don't have to use the bathroom anymore.
I was looking for Ramona when I saw Wallace dancing on top of a table surrounded by a lot of people cheering and watching.

He moved weirdly, swaying his hips to the music. He put me in a light trance with his hair flowing in the air. Sweat glistening on his forehead. Everything seemed to slow down as the alcohol was still in my system. I couldn't take my eyes off his captivating movements.

Suddenly a greedy person reached out and grabbed Wallace's pants. Making him fall in their arms. I came back to my senses to see that Wallace and that person before was gone. I skimmed over the crowd for them only to be disappointed. Without thinking I started looking around the house for them.

My head started pounding hard causing me to grip the wall. It resided a bit before I continued down the hallway. There was a light noise coming from a dark room on the right side of the hallway. Walking towards the door the noises got louder. I stopped in front of the door. What was I doing? I turned around to go back when a crash came from inside the room.

I barged into the room the light from outside the door lit up two faces. Wallace. There was broken glass on the floor. The guy was straddling Wallace with his hands above his head. Breathing down his neck.

In the blink of an eye, I sent whoever this guy was flying out the door and smashing through the wall. He landed on the first floor.

His groans were drowned out by the loud party music. "Sick jump dude," I heard a person say as he picked up the guy off the ground and disappeared with him in the flood of people.

I looked at Wallace who was also looking at me. Wallace looked away from me and went to sit on the bed. I watched his every move as he swung his head back showing his beautiful collarbones. He looked oddly sexy sitting only a few feet away from me. A bite wouldn't hurt would it.


-Wallace POV-

There were all types of people at Julie's party. Meaning my type of guys would be present as well. I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink when Todd Ingram a guy I hooked up with once upon a time was staring at me. I inwardly sighed quickly grabbing the first drink I saw I opened the can.

I looked over my shoulder to see Todd gone I sighed again and started drinking the Smirnoff Ice smash. He was totally obsessed with me. Poor guy even got a tattoo with my face and name on his stomach.

I cringed remembering the tattoo, I better go. I let myself be dragged into the crowd drinking the Smirnoff as I go. After a while, I became intoxicated by the Smirnoff.

When I was about to go to the kitchen for another drink a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me to an open space to the side. "What do you want Todd," I already knew who it was. He just doesn't give up. "Wallace, my love, talk to me you've been ignoring my messages have you gotten the gifts I sent you." Maybe I should've just gone home. "Todd I told you already I don't love you it was just a fling," I repeated myself for the gazillion time. "I swear there were sparks, THERE WERE SPARKS!" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Get over it Todd," that was the last thing I said before disappearing into the crowd again.

This time I was heading for the door. "THERE WERE SPARKS." Note to self never have a fling with a vegan blonde guy.

When I finally made it through the crowd I somehow made it back to the kitchen where I started. There were three other people in the kitchen as well. This one girl was ranting on about something with the girl beside her.

The third girl came over to me and handed me something before disappearing. I called out to her but she was already gone. It was another can of Smirnoff. I wanted one earlier so I just shrugged and drank it without thinking much about it.
I was under the influence of whatever I drank. Before I knew it I was dancing on a table. The drowned-out cheers and music just add fuel to my excitement. I don't even remember what happened after talking to Todd.

My hands traveled up and down my body leaving a longing desire to be touched by something or someone. My lips were moving but nothing was coming out. The music drew me in like a moth to a flame.

I felt plenty of people staring but I didn't care. There was this one strong stare that made me open my eyes to look for the source. Glancing through the crowd I didn't see anything staring extremely hard. The stare caused my body to heat up, my legs started to give.

Someone grabbed my pants out of nowhere making me lose balance and fall into their arms. I couldn't see their face but they carried me somewhere where it was quieter. They drop me on a bed.

Consciousness was coming and going as they rubbed my chest and kissed my face. I momentarily came to my senses and pushed whoever it was off me. I heard a grunt come from them confirming that they were a man. He bounced back quickly to reach out and grab me. I attempted to get away from the creep in the process I knocked something over. Sounded like glass I had to get out of there. By now I was half sober. The man grabbed my leg and yanked me off the bed. He then got on top of me preventing me from moving. He leaned down to kiss my neck again I closed my eyes tightly.

The next second the weight on top of me disappeared. I opened my eyes to see Scotts back. He turned around and looked at me still sitting on the floor. His gaze on me was making me hot again. I had to look away before he saw my blushing face.

I walked to the bed and swung my head back exposing my neck. Scott was still staring but this time was different it was more of a desirous gaze.

It turned me on to feel his hunger filled eyes on me. I heard him closing and locking the door so I looked over at him to see him walking over.

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