
By Ari12_2

1.1K 57 18

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Characters Aesthetic
2.Unraveling Secrets
Not An Update
6.I Just Need Peace
7. Is That A Stammer
8. Not So Peaceful
9.Whats Wrong Princess
10.Bullying With A Twist
Time Skip Guys
New Character Aesthetic
11. Moving On
12. Job Hunt
13. Dark Feelings
14. Test I
15.Test III
17. Why
18.Work Ethics
19.Didnt Mean It
Not An Update
Breaking the Chains
A New Dawn
A Walk to Remember

4.Why Are You So Heartless

54 1 0
By Ari12_2

So no inspirational song yet but I'm hoping it comes my Playlist on Audiomack is pretty boring as hell.


The dimly lit campus lounge became a temporary haven as I sought refuge with my two best friends, Klara and Sophie. The echoes of Alexander's brutal assault still reverberated in my mind, and the air was heavy with a mix of pain and vulnerability.

As I settled into a corner, Klara and Sophie flanked me, their supportive presence a comforting shield against the harsh reality that unfolded. Sophie's eyes held a fierce determination, while Klara's expression conveyed a mix of concern and solidarity.

"He attacked you, and we won't let him get away with it," Klara asserted, her voice steady.

Sophie nodded in agreement, "We need to report this. No one should go through what you experienced."

The warmth of their friendship provided a momentary respite, a sanctuary away from the shadows of betrayal. However, the illusion of safety shattered when Sandra, seemingly materializing out of thin air, appeared with a malicious grin.

"Well, well, well. Look who's seeking sympathy," Sandra taunted, her words dripping with condescension. "Didn't think you were so fragile."

My heart sank as the venomous mockery cut through the protective barrier my friends had created. Sophie shot Sandra a fierce glare, "This is not the time or the place for your games, Sandra."

Ignoring Sophie's admonishment, Sandra continued her verbal assault. "Reporting Alexander won't change anything. You'll just make it worse for yourself."

Klara stepped forward, her voice firm, "Enough, Sandra. We won't let you add to the pain she's already going through."

With a final disdainful look, Sandra retreated, disappearing into the shadows as swiftly as she had arrived. The lounge, once a sanctuary, now echoed with the remnants of her taunts.

Sophie and Klara remained by my side, their unwavering support evident in the way they held me close. "Don't listen to her," Sophie urged. "We're here for you, no matter what."

Klara's words carried a soothing reassurance, "You don't have to face this alone. We'll stand by you every step of the way."

Despite the encouragement from my friends, the fear of retaliation and the overwhelming weight of the situation paralyzed me. The idea of reporting Alexander felt like stepping into an abyss, uncertain of the consequences that awaited.

Sophie's expression softened, "We understand if it's too much right now. But remember, reporting him is the right thing to do."

Klara added, "Justice is on your side, and we'll support you, no matter what you decide."

As they spoke, the lounge seemed to shrink, the walls closing in. The fear and uncertainty clung to me like a suffocating fog. The decision loomed overhead, a daunting choice between facing the truth or succumbing to the shadows of fear.

In an attempt to gather my thoughts, I excused myself and stumbled towards the bathroom. The cool tiles offered a momentary reprieve as I locked myself in a stall, the sound of my uneven breaths drowning out the outside world.

Panic gripped me, its tendrils tightening around my chest. Each breath felt like a struggle, and the weight of the situation bore down on me. The echoes of Sandra's mockery and the looming decision to report Alexander fused into a suffocating symphony of anxiety.

As my surroundings blurred, Klara's voice echoed in my mind, urging me to take a stand. Sophie's unwavering support resonated like a distant echo, a lifeline in the tumultuous sea of emotions.

Yet, fear held me captive, the shadows of potential consequences dancing on the edges of my consciousness. The panic attack surged, an overwhelming force threatening to consume me.

In the confines of the bathroom stall, I grappled with a choice that felt like navigating a labyrinth of uncertainty. The decision to report Alexander lingered, a heavy burden on my shoulders, while the echoes of Sandra's mockery reverberated in the hollow space.

The bathroom, usually a place of solitude, became a battleground between resilience and fear. The walls seemed to close in, and the air felt suffocating as I confronted the harsh reality that the shadows of betrayal had cast over my college journey.

In the confined space of the bathroom stall, panic continued to tighten its grip around me. Each breath felt labored, and the echoes of Sandra's taunts reverberated in my mind. The cool tiles beneath me provided a meager respite, but the overwhelming weight of fear and uncertainty lingered.

Suddenly, the bathroom door creaked open, and Sandra's presence slithered in. A malicious grin adorned her face as she scanned the bathroom stalls. Panic surged anew as her eyes locked onto mine, vulnerability exposed in the confines of the small space.

"Well, well, well. Look who's hiding in the bathroom," Sandra sneered, her voice laced with condescension. "Can't handle the pressure, huh?"

My attempts to mask the fear proved futile as Sandra approached, her footsteps echoing ominously against the bathroom tiles. With a sudden burst of aggression, she slammed her hands against the stall door, jolting me.

"Why bother reporting Alexander? No one will believe you," Sandra taunted, her words a venomous assault on my already fragile state. "You're weak, just like I always knew."

The mental torment escalated into physical aggression as Sandra forcefully pushed the stall door, causing me to stumble backward. The confined space offered no escape, and the feeling of vulnerability intensified.

"Maybe if you were stronger, people wouldn't treat you like a punching bag," Sandra continued, reveling in the power dynamic she sought to establish.

The bathroom became a battleground, the air charged with tension. Sandra's taunts and physical aggression were a relentless assault on my psyche. The decision to report Alexander felt more daunting than ever as the shadows of fear loomed larger.

Desperation clawed at me as I searched for an escape. With a surge of adrenaline, I managed to slip past Sandra and bolt out of the bathroom. The cold air outside offered a welcome contrast to the suffocating atmosphere I had just left behind.

Determined to put distance between myself and the torment, I navigated the campus pathways. The streets, dimly lit by lampposts, stretched ahead like a maze. The distant hum of city life provided a distant comfort, a reminder that beyond the confines of my college campus, a world awaited.

With each step, I felt a glimmer of strength returning. The supportive voices of Klara and Sophie echoed in my mind, urging me to rise above the torment. The decision to report Alexander became a beacon of empowerment, a commitment to reclaiming control over my narrative.

Eventually, I reached the familiar bus stop that would take me home. The rhythmic sound of my footsteps against the pavement provided a grounding force, a reminder that despite the shadows that loomed, I had the resilience to navigate through them.

As I boarded the bus, the city lights blurred past the windows, a kaleidoscope of colors that mirrored the complexity of my emotions. The journey home became a metaphorical escape from the shadows that had cast their pallor over my college experience.

Upon reaching home, the warmth of familiar surroundings enveloped me. The supportive presence of family and the solace of my personal space became a sanctuary, a refuge from the challenges that awaited beyond.

The echoes of Sandra's torment lingered, but within the safety of home, a newfound determination flickered. The decision to report Alexander became a pivotal step towards reclaiming agency, a testament to the resilience that could emerge even in the face of darkness.

As I settled into the comfort of home, a renewed sense of strength emerged. The journey through the shadows had been arduous, but the unwavering support of friends and the commitment to justice illuminated a path forward—a path where the echoes of torment could be replaced by the empowering chorus of resilience and self-determination.


So tell me what you think

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