Atlas clone army ( on hold)

By kieron0103

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in the years before volume 1 start atlas teams unlock a new tech that help remnant aka cloning and start ma... More

Welcome/ I do not own
Clone cannon characters
Clone Legion, weapons, vehicles and Atlas vehicles, weapons
clone vehicle
Chapter 1 the start of a new Atlas
Chapter 2 a Winter Rescue
Chapter 3 Dust Robbery
Chapter 4 a few months later
Chapter 5 Battle at the docks
Chapter 6 Welcome to Beacon
Chapter 7 battle of Mountain Glenn part 1
Chapter 8 A Minor Hiccup and Painting the Town...
Chapter 9 battle of Mountain Glenn part 2
Chapter 10 Citadel Challenge and Start of The Dance
Chapter 11 Dance Infiltration
Chapter 12 Dance Aftermath and Leaving beacon
Chapter 13 Search and Destroy with the 212th
Chapter 14 No Brakes
Chapter 15 Vale Breach
Chapter 17 It's Brawl in the Family and diplomats arrive
Chapter 18 Talks and Never miss a Beat
Chapter 19 the day of reckoning begins
chapter 20 fall of beacon part 1
chapter 21 fall of beacon part 2
chapter 22 aftermath of the fall
Atlas clone army war time vehicle
Atlas clone army war time Clone Legion/ weapons
White fang/Faunus droid army solders/ weapons
White fang/Faunus droid army vehicle
Chapter 24 1 year later
Atlas Clone army new ships
Atlas clone army new solders and weapons
Halo Cannon characters
Spin off idea vote
on hold still/ update

Chapter 16 start of the vytal festival

62 5 2
By kieron0103

before we start heads up this be the start of season 3 of rwby and from here things take a change from the original time line as i plan to create my own time line of shorts as well as do some of the cannon

i also add new ships to the clone vehicle page they are  Consular-class cruiser and Z95 head hunters

 any way lets carry on

also this take place 2 months after the breach



( intro)

our story opens up as we see Clone troopers  walking threw  a dark mist of darkness and shadow as we hear Rex voice the name rex but your call me captain or sir, war dose not come with a guarantee no solders the promises off...."

as rex voice falls out we hear a new voice "my number is five, five, five sir"

we then hear a new voice " call him fives, him heavy, that echo" it says as we zoom out and start to see Rex helmet along side Cody, Wolf, Fox, Tup, Hardcase and many more clone  with a mix of Pilot, commandos, Phase 1 and 2 helmets and in the back ground gun shots are seen 

we then hear Cody voice " im commander Cody your new boss"

" sir yes sir" clone voice echo 

"look like we got our selfs a batch of sines here commander " rex says

" shines sir " echo voice ask

" yea your amour Shiny and new just like you" rex says

we then hear fives voice " look around we one and the same, same heart, same blood, your training is in your blood and my blood boiling for a fight" as the camer zooms out showing more clone helmets as we then hear random clone voices in the back ground followed by alarms, blaster fire and battles

" good solders follow orders"

" you have any idea what you done"

"this is our home, this is our war"

" this cant be good"

"we complete expose "

" man down, man down"

"medic i need a medic over here"

"we need to pull back and get them to follow us, if we see them we can hit them all troops pull back now"


" ...breaking a whole unit... fire at will"

" Squad 2, pick your target."

"There's too many, Captain!" 

 " Watch your stabilizer, Gold 6" 

 "Anybody, cover me I've got two vultures on my tail."

 "- We gotta hold them here" 

 "- Watch your left!" 

"- I can't shake them! I'm hit! I'm hit!"

"- Where's our reinforcements?"

we see a tank cell land on the ground behind rex helmet making a explson that  take out all the helmets as the sound of " good solder follow orders is hired"


( aka this go from the start up to 1.10)





 the few changes as we see Captain Rex shoot up from his room on Ironwood venator above vale now named the Iron hand Iron hand as Rex pants   he held his head as of late he had a night mare like a few of there brother may be it was stress or may be it was  seeing there brother die by the white fang and grimm he did not know but he had work to do as he turn to his alarm seeing the time he set as he had a meeting to get to so he start gearing up putting his amour and pistols on before heading out of his room to the bridge 

it had been 2 months sins the breach during this time the Vytal Festival and its Tournament had been pushed back why small areas of vale were cleaned out from grimm who manged to escape the breach or white fang in hidding and ones the damage from the breach was fix and vale secure ironwood along with the clone and atlas solders were put in charge of security for the Vytal Festival Tournament witch was starting today and right now Rex would arrive at the bridge of the venator 

Venator-class Star Destroyers featured two bridges, with the starboard bridge serving as the primary command center of the ship and the port bridge being dedicated to starfighter operations. These bridges were raised from the main body of the destroyer and provided a wide, panoramic view of the battle. However, the bridges' exposed nature made them vulnerable to attack.

The bridges featured large windows at the front, with two sunken pits behind, with a raised command walkway in between. This design would become a staple in Imperial vessels, giving emphasis to the command hierarchy. Further behind, a holotable sat between two sets of blast doors which could be used for communication, ship analysis and troop movements

right now the bridges were filled with life as Atlas and Clone officer walk to and from with a few sitting at Consoles in the rear of the bridges or in the pits below with a few officer standing as it was busy and as Rex enters he see Cody was there along with Thorn and a few naval officer and  Atlas officers standing around the hologram table with Ironwood as Rex spoke " sir " he says as he salute ironwood

"good your here now we can get to it " ironwood say pressing a button as a image of two woman and a male appear " this is Sienna Khan leader of the white fang" he point to her image " she is on her way here after reports of the breach, battle betwen us got to the white fang and Sienna has decide that she dose not want a war and has seen what we can do so after some talking it has agreed to do peace talks "

"the white fang want peace talks " Thorn huffed " i do not trust this"

" i was the same but she reached out to atlas for the peace talks so we have to give it a change but we we will  keep on high alert  as of late white fang activity in the 4 kingdoms has been high and it look like a war is coming  and we do not need another grate war so we will try the peace talks " Ironwood says to them 

"where will the talks take place " Cody ask looking to Ironwood

" i get to that next in return for the talks she coming here she be bring some of her trusted solder as guards along with the former leader and members of the white fang Ghira and kali Belladonna  now there be coming here and talks be held  iver on my ship or at beacon  during the torment  if this talk go well we can may be end the white fang ones and for all with out any more blood shed " Ironwood says to the team as he look at them

" sir what about adam and the others " Thorn ask wondering they had encounters with adam before 

" if he dose show up were deal with it" Ironwood look at them "I order winter to bring some supplies and back up and she be bring a commando team to aid us  there be coming on " there be coming on a Acclamator and our  3 new Consular-class cruiser why here the commandos he helping take down a thew criminal groups and help with securty " Ironwood says as he starts to go in to detail about what be coming next




our story start to fade out as we now switch to patch where we find Ruby rose as Ruby lowering her hood, smiling sadly downward " Hey, mom" she say why looks down at the inscription: "Summer Rose – Thus Kindly I Scatter" 

Ruby start speaking again "Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... well, things have been, pretty busy. Oh, Dad's here, too! He's, uh, you know... Dad.   He's still teaching at Signal. But he told me that he's going to be on some mission soon. I think he misses adventuring with you." she looks forlornly " I miss you too. " she pause " Haven't gotten kicked out of Beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. Keep her in line... That was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter! You can tell she's learned a lot from Dad! Oh, so are Weiss and Blake. Oh! They're my teammates! Together, we form Team RWBY! And yes, before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion. Anyways, I made a bunch of new friends, and then I met some... let's just say, uh, odd teachers. Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys, too! I guess it's like they say: "like mother, like daughter"! I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early. But uh, I guess he'll tell me one day. You know how he is. It's funny, the more I get to know him, the more he's starting to sound like Uncle Qrow. "she says as A bark alerts her to the ever-adorable Zwei and the sight of her father, Taiyang Xiao Long, in the trees behind her 

" Oh! Looks like Dad's back! I gotta go! He's dropping me off at Beacon for the tournament match before he goes on his next mission. Wish me luck!" Ruby puts the hood back on and starts to walk away, but turns and delivers one final message to her mother " It was good to talk." With that said, Ruby jogs back to her family as a group of crows fly into the sun to make a very familiar sight.




we change to High above the action, two familiar teachers are sitting at a sportscaster's desk, with a microphone between them and the holographic image of the four kingdoms' symbols united as one. as we hear port speek "Hello! It seems that we have another astonishing bout ahead of us! Wouldn't you agree, Professor?"

Oobleck annoyed spoke " Doctor." he say and (brightens up excitedly again " And yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match may be the closest we've seen of the four-on-four round of the tournament!"

"For those of you just now joining us, welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament, broadcast live from the Amity Colosseum!" Port says as he waves his arm to gesture at the entire event from his place on the gigantic screen over the crowds as the Coliseum is shown in its full glory, as shuttle craft transport people to and from the various floors while the entire structure hovers around the airspace of Beacon Academy along with ironwood venator and other ship hovering out side and ARC 170, Y wing bombers and gunship flying around at the same time. Explosions are seen throughout the battlefield, but the view shifts back to the announcers as they begin speaking again. " If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules." Port says

( made the image my self)

Oobleck holds up the appropriate number of fingers for each of his explanations as a hologram to his side illustrates the rules " The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds; teams, doubles, and singles. Age and school year are irrelevant! In this tournament, your only attribute being tested... is skill."

Port nods as another hologram pops up to do the same thing " Correct! The winners of this battle will elect two of their members to represent them in the doubles round, followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance once again. The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdom! " he say as the hologram disappears with the image of a victorious figure, sword raised and wearing a crown

Oobleck pushes up his own spectacles as he says this " And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to spectate on! I don't think anyone tuning in around the world is going to disagree with me on that!" he say as they say this, the scene changes to their televised broadcasts all around the kingdoms, from a row of holographs above the patrons in the Mistral Distillery to an Atlas home with a group of friends seeing it together, a bar in Vale where everyone turns to view the screen, and outside a mobile home in Vacuo being watched by a few Faunus on a projection

Port smiled " Ahh, and why would they? Now, let's get back to the match between Team RWBY of Beacon, and Team ABRN, of Haven." The announcements cut back to the action

The battle opens in the midst of the action, with Blake Belladonna fighting Reese Chloris in fast-paced close-quarters combat. Reese attacks Blake aggressively with her Hoverboard, but Blake is able to parry most of her attacks. Reese attempts to perform an acrobatic aerial jump, but fails and falls painfully on her tailbone.

Meanwhile, Yang Xiao Long takes on Arslan Altan and they exchange blows in rapid hand-to-hand combat. Although they initially appear evenly matched, Arslan uses her rope dart to catch Yang off-guard, knocking her into the icy portion of the arena. As Yang attempts to regain her balance on the slippery ice, Arslan presses her advantage and hits her again.

Yang lands near Nadir Shiko, but before he is able to act, Ruby Rose immobilizes him with some ice Dust. Bolin Hori appears behind Ruby and threatens to attack, but Weiss Schnee quickly kicks him away with her glyphs. Weiss and Ruby team up on Bolin, but he manages to evade both of their attacks and goes for some fire Dust. He throws the fire Dust to Reese, who infuses it into her Hoverboard, granting it the ability to create fiery blasts and heat.

Reese frees Nadir Shiko from the ice using heat from her Hoverboard, and then returns to fighting Blake, attacking her with a vicious onslaught of fiery blasts. Blake manages to evade her attacks and slips away. Reese spots Blake seemingly distracted, facing the opposite direction. Thinking she has caught her off-guard, Reese attacks her from behind, failing to recognize that it was merely a decoy Blake had created with her Semblance. Using Gambol Shroud's ribbon component, Blake clotheslines Reese and then knocks her out of the arena, disqualifying her on two counts - Aura depletion and ring-out.

Weiss uses a black glyph to incapacitate Bolin and Nadir, and then, using ice Dust, envelops them in an enormous ball of ice and begins rolling them to the edge of the arena. Arslan punches the ice ball and releases a blast of fire into it to free both of her remaining teammates. Weiss then uses ice Dust to create a massive ice ramp, which Yang slides across. Blake tosses Gambol Shroud in kusarigama form to Yang and swings it to help her accelerate. Yang leaps into the air while Ruby assists Blake in a high jump. Blake yanks the ribbon and throws Yang forward, allowing the latter to deliver a powerful blow to all three of their opponents, ringing them out.

as the match ends Port spoke " And that's the match! Team RWBY is victorious!"

 as the buzzer sounds and Ruby cheers "YAAAAAY!" in the background with her team as Weiss look around and sounding surprised said " we.... did it?"

Ruby looking at her sister for confirmation, she smiles and leaps into the air, screaming"WE DID IIIIII-" she say before the scean changed now showing team rwby in the fair ground as ruby now hunched over " anyone else starving?"

Blake looking cool as ever, arms behind her head " I may have worked up an appetite." she say as the growling of an angry beast from her stomach proves her statement, much to its owner embarrassment

Weiss sarcastically shrugging her arms " Gee, if only there was somewhere on campus to get food around here." the view zooms out to show a myriad of tents and small shops wreathed in colorful flags in a large forest clearing as people mill about to experience it all " oh wait " she says

in the back ground Yatsuhashi Daichi can be seen flexing in front of two girls nearby. A pair of Shock troopers were on patrol walk past the girls as they talk as Ruby pats Weiss shoulder " It's okay, Weiss, I forget about the fairgrounds, too."

Weiss knocked Ruby arm away "I was being facetious?" 

Ruby freaks out " Gah! Well if you were hungry, why didn't you say so!?" 

 Yang chuckled " come on i know just the place"

Team RWBY starts to follow Yang, but Weiss suddenly stops as she hears a ringtone on her Scroll. Pulling it out, she sees the caller ID labeled "FATHER", and glares at the device, putting it back from where she got it, unanswered.

some one was seen coming up behind team rwby it was Emerald holding a red wallet filled with Lien "Hey! Might be hard to eat without this." she say as the team look over seeing the wallet

Ruby frantically patting around her outfit, panicking  as she knew who wallet  that was " No, no, no, no!"

Emerald laughed seeing ruby like this " Good to see you, Ruby."

Ruby takes the wallet back from her "friend" and puts it away "Oh! Thanks, Emerald! Oh. Guess I dropped it. Girl pockets are the worst!" she says as she slouches as she says this

  "What's up, Em?" yang ask

  "Just left the stadium after your amazing fight! You guys were awesome!" Emerald says with a smile

 Ruby blushing and mumbling " Oh, shut your stupid little face..."

Blake walks over Ruby's incoherent gushing" i  heard your team progressed to the next round too."

  "You know, I feel that we haven't seen your other teammates." Weiss adds in

  "How'd they do in the fight?" Yang ask

   "Really well...". Emerald  says as A brief glimpse of the battle is then shown. Emerald and Mercury are seen firing off a few shots from their weapons before Cinder kicks an unfortunate opponent through the air. He lands at the feet of a mysterious girl with black hair and green eyes, who circles around him menacingly. Her eyes change to pink and brown, which are Neo's signature colors, before she knocks her helpless opponent out with her boot.

  "That's great. Uh. Why don't we all go and get a victory food together?" Ruby ask smiling

 "Oh, gosh, that's so nice of you, but my teammates are all kind of... " Emerald  looking back at Mercury as he sniffs the inside of a boot, looking perplexed after he does so " ...introverted. Really socially awkward."

 "Ooh, yeah, I could see that." Yang says

Emerald smiled at them "Oh yeah, looks like Merc and I are going to move on to the doubles round. What about you guys?"

Ruby looking pretty proud of herself " Well, as the leader of this team, I thought long and hard about this decision."

Weiss popping in to remind her, straight-faced: "We put it to a vote."

Ruby nervously tries to backtrack " Yes, so, but I decided that we should put it to a vote."

 "We voted for Weiss and Yang." Blake adds in

 " I will happily represent Team RWBY." weiss says why curtsying

Yang pounding her fists together spoke " Yeah, we're going to kick some butt!"

  "Well, if Mercury and I see you down the line, don't think we'll go easy on ya." Emerald says as she laugh 

Yang nd Weiss return Emerald's confident smirk with their own as yang spoke "Wouldn't have it any other way."

Emerald turns and walks away from them as they do the same "Alright, well we're going to catch some more fights." she says as team rwby wave bye as Emerald walk off over to mercury as her cheerfully giving her own wave " See you later! " she say and immediately drops the act as she walks with Mercury and looks disgusted 

 "So, how are the new friends?" Mercury ask with a smirk

Emerald scowling look at him "  I hate them."

  "Orders are orders." Mercury says as he shrugged a they been order by cinder to make friends with people 

Emerald mashes her fingers together angrily " I just... how can they be so happy all the time!?"

 "Did you at least get what we want?" Mercury ask going back to there job

  "It's the heiress and the bimbo." Emerald huffed

  "Hmm, alright. At least we know who we're working with." Mercury says as the 2 start to leave the park and head back to beacon



the scan changes and we see a pink-haired girl with a beanie walks by a hut with several posters, inside one man holds a cup. At another one of the unassuming huts set up in the fairgrounds stringed with paper lanterns with a sign overhead saying A Simple Wok, Team RWBY sits at the stools outside, ready to order.

and as the team order they see clone walking past as Yang spoke up" is it just me or are there more clone than normal as of late"

the other all look as Blake nods " i agree  there usely not so many but ever sins the breach they become more of a sight around"

" well if you remember after the breach Atlas was put in charge of all security that why there more clones" Weiss says to them as she saw a few clone go past "  and if you notes a lot of the white fang attacks have stop and even other criminal groups  to" weiss says

" true but i do hope thing can return to normal soon " Blake says she like the clone but she thought the atlas army here kinda of made thing harder for people 

  "well  lets not think about that " Yang turns to the food stool and took a seat with the others " I'll have a bowl of the regular, please. " she say as a large bowl of noodles slides in front of her

Ruby staring at Yang's meal "Oohhh... I'll take the same. " she say as a large bowl of noodles slides in front of her, as she clasps her hands in excitement 

Weiss looking concerned "   Do you have anything with a low-salt ...?" she ask as a large bowl of regular noodles instantly slides in front of her instead " Um... okay..." she say

Instead of saying anything, Blake merely gives a nod and smile to the Shopkeep, who returns the gesture as he rushes through one door of his shop and comes out the other to leave a large bowl of noodles topped with fish in front of her. Blake's eyes light up as she drools over her order. While Weiss looks strangely at her teammate, she gladly offers her Schnee Dust Company credit card to the Shopkeep as Yag spoke " aw weiss what the occasion"

"Consider it thanks for sending me to the doubles round." Weiss says but her joy is ruined when the card is flung back at her, and the annoyed Shopkeep points to his register as it beeps "DECLINED" "What?! How can my card be declined? I was barely into my monthly allowance!"

Blake looking around panicked, she attempts to slowly slide her bowl closer to herself before the Shopkeep disappears with her food, causing the poor girl to slump over in defeat as a voice spoke " may be i could help" as the girls turn to see Pyrrha, Jaue, Nora and ren walking over 

Ruby flings her arms wide in delight" Pyrrha! she yell

 "Aw, you don't have to ..." Yang says 

 "But she could!!!" Blake says  in a panic 

  "Well, I think you all earned it after that battle." Pyrrha says as she and the other all take seats and order food 



Later on, the bowls are empty, and each student is either content with their meal or holding their stomachs sickly and Ren look to Pyrrha after eating " Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?"

Pyrrha smiled as the Shopkeep quickly gathers the bowls and vanishes" Of course! It will give us energy!"

Nora simply gives a hearty belch as Jaune splaying himself over the counter, sickly saying " If I barf, I'm blaming you."

Nora grinned in a evil way " oh if you do throw up aiming at the enemy "

  "Nora, that's disgusting. " ren says but sighed and look to Jaune "But if you feel the urge ..." he see jaune give a weak thumbs-up

 Pyrrha tanding up from her stool "Well, we should be off."

 "So, you think you guys are ready?" Ruby ask them

Nora gestures to each of her teammates " Of course! We've got a world-renowned fighter on our team, one's basically ninja, I can bench five of me, Jaune, we trained all year, our weapons are awesome, Glynda barely yells at us anymore, and uh... Jaune!"

 " Are you gonna take that?" Ren ask jaune

  "She's not wrong." Jaune sighed 

 "I'm kidding, he knows I'm kidding  Don't be so nervous! The worst that can happen is we lose, that is just a few more years of walking around school with everyone knowing we're failures, our friends will slowly abandon us to preserve their social status, we won't be able to show our faces in class, no one will sit with us in the cafeteria, Ren and I have no parents, we have no home left to go to, we'll be officially renamed Team Lose-iper!" nora says  as her mad laughter turns into sobs as she slams her head on the counter 

 " So, yeah, we're feeling pretty good." ren adds in

  "Don't fret. If anything, we should be looking forward to a fight with actual guidelines, and not, well, ...murderers." Pyrrha says with a smile 

  "Yeah, don't sweat it, we've all faced way worse before." Yang says

Blake counts off the threats on her fingers "Let's see. Grimm invasions, violent extremists, a destructive sociopath..."

  "And that's all while were still in training! Oh, imagine what it would be like to graduate!" Ruby says

Weiss sarcastically mumbling to herself " Maybe then I'll be able to pay for a meal."

Port crackling in over the intercom system  "Would Team JNPR please report to the battlegrounds immediately!"

Oobleck adding in to Port's order " Yes! Like they were scheduled to, several minutes ago!"

  "Well, it looks like this is it." Pyrrha says as she and the other stand up all of them saying good bye as the team walk a way



later on Team RWBY enter the Coliseum through one of its tunnels and head to their seats as Emerald and Mercury are seen walking behind them to do the same. Down in the field below, the scorched ground and cold plains are no more, and only a layer of white mechanics is left, with a central stage on which the two teams gather.

Mercury having found his seat with Emerald and munching on a large tub of popcorn " I wonder who's gonna win."

 "Tch. As if we didn't already know." Emerald says to him

Cinder walking up behind them, showing off her new outfit of jeans, an orange jacket, and sarashi bandages over her chest as she takes an unpopped kernel from Mercury's bucket " Oh, come now. Even if you know how the story ends, that doesn't make it any less fun to watch" she say as her eyes glow with her fingertips and the kernel finally pops, which she enjoys while sitting down as Mercury and Emerald share a devious smirk 

Port announcing over the cheering crowds " Team JNPR of Beacon versus Team BRNZ of Shade!" As each team readies their poses, a circle of holographic roulettes start spinning frantically through various symbols and colors before finally landing on a green pine tree and gray thunderstruck mountain. With these random selections, half of the field opens to reveal a tree-filled forest, while the other raises a small rocky outcropping to fill in the circle. Jaune narrows his eyes in concentration; Ruby "WHO-HOOOO"s loudly from her seat. " Three, two, one, begin!" he say

Team JNPR readies themselves against their opponents in the Amity Colosseum, the mountains to their back and forest on the other side. A large holographic screen counts down to the start of the match. All four members of JNPR charge forward, but only three fighters from BRNZ do the same; May Zedong turns around and heads into the trees, cocking her rifle.

In the center of the field, leader Brawnz Ni delivers a knee kick to Pyrrha Nikos' shield that sends her skidding back, right before she blocks the claws on his fists with her xiphos. She jerks her sword away and makes him leap back, just as May jumps up into the branches of the forest with the bladed butt of her rifle.

Lie Ren readies his StormFlower to attack Nolan Porfirio, who almost gets blindsided by Nora Valkyrie's swing with Magnhild before he ducks under the attack and attempts to hit her with his cattle prod. May finally takes aim from her spot and manages to fire off two rounds near Ren, destroying the rocks behind him.

Jaune manages to block the buzzsaw gloves of Roy Stallion with his own shield before he notices the bullets flying and sees the glint of the gun in the leaves. Ren glances back at his leader as a shot hits the ground by his feet. He and Nora start running back into the mountains as Jaune and Pyrrha cover their escape by blocking the bullets with their shields. The four leap over a rocky outcropping for cover.

May gets even higher in the tree and smiles from behind her scope as she looks at the fight below. Brawnz and Pyrrha continue to duke it out while Nolan slowly advances on Ren when he slides into his path. The prod-wielding warrior looks back at the trees and nods to his hidden ally, who shoots at Ren's feet again and makes him jump around trying to dodge them.

Just as he lands, Nolan hits him upside the head with his weapon and is able to miss the retaliatory kick with another blow to the knee and a final hit to the chest using the business end of his prod. Electricity shoots through Ren's body before he collapses to the ground beside his childhood friend.

Scowling, Nora takes a swing at Nolan, who promptly dodges it and again unleashes his weapon's power into her corset, though this causes a quite different reaction from the grinning redhead. Announcers Peter Port and Bartholomew Oobleck explain that Nora's Semblance allows her to produce and channel electrical energy to her muscles, giving her increased strength and speed.

Nolan finally takes his cattle prod away, but the damage is done: Nora flexes her arms as pink lightning is seen coursing through her body. Nolan attempts to lift his hands up in surrender, but thunder starts sparking from Nora's Aura as she rushes at him.

There is a split-second where Nolan's horrified face and Nora's victorious smile are seen close-up on the sides of the screens before the hammer hits head-on and Nolan bounces back across the field, crashing through rock and staying there when he has stopped moving.

Jaune looks back at the mountaintop on his team's side as a dark storm cloud appears over it, crackling with lightning. He looks over at his energized teammate. She sprints off to start climbing the mountain.

As Ren distracts May, the remaining three members of JNPR run forward as Nora hops up and rapidly ascends the mountain. Roy throws the saws from his gloves into Jaune's shield, which still manages to bend the metal and slam the leader's own defense in his face before the weapons return to their master. Pyrrha gets up close to him, and he delivers a series of spinning swings with his arms into Akoúo̱ as Jaune shakes off his disorientation and charges into battle yet again.

Pyrrha is then seen taking on both Brawnz and Roy, delivering a kick to one as she deftly dodges and blocks the discs of the other, throwing her javelin to distract Roy while she somersaults back to use both feet in landing a blow on Brawnz.

May attempts to shoot Ren while he dashes his way toward her position, leaping out of the way of her shots, the flying saws, and even sliding under Pyrrha before he runs at Nolan, weapons blasting until he is close enough to start swinging his blades away.

He ducks and deflects each of the cattle prod's attempted hits until he manages to hold it in the pistol's blades and double kicks his opponent, giving him the opportunity to catch Nolan's weapon in his own as the prod is forced onto Nolan's throat and leaves him trapped in a chokehold. Ren hides behind the teammate of the sniper, who stops aiming at him and lifts her barrel up to another target.

The sniper spots Nora, who's about to reach the top, and takes aim but not before Ren's attempt to warn Nora makes Jaune aware of the danger. Jaune captures one of Brawnz's claws with his sword, giving him enough time to address the situation and order his partner to perform a special movement together.

His partner rushes towards him, dodge-rolling to avoid a launched saw until she bounds over Brawnz and lands on Jaune's shield. He manages to throw her into the air with her own shield raised to block the kill-shot aimed at Nora. This gives the redhead just enough time to reach the peak, and she lifts her hammer up as a bolt of lightning hits the weapon directly.

She changes it back into grenade-launching form and pops the front off to reveal six explosives that shoot out over the field in a heart-shaped formation onto the sniper. The poor girl barely has time to gawk before she leaps over to a nearby tree just as the one she was in goes up in pink flames, leaving only a giant scorch mark billowing smoke to block out the coughing May's view.

She jumps down from the branches just as her three teammates look up and behind them at Nora coming down on them like a meteor, slamming her hammer into the ground and sending the enemies back at the feet of their disoriented teammate.

Jaune attempts to lead his teammates into finishing BRNZ off with codenamed team-attacks, "Flower Power" for Ren and Nora, and "Arkos" for himself and Pyrrha, but his teammates do not understand his instructions, despite the fact that they went over this previously according to him. After failing to explain his battle plan to his teammates, he, in frustration, simply orders Nora to hit BRNZ with her hammer.

Before anyone can react, Nora jumps over in front of Team BRNZ, then brings her hammer around to collide with all four screaming fighters as they soar straight into the forcefield surrounding the arena's rim, sliding down to the ground with arms and legs in bent positions they really should not be. as the match ends

as the fight ends we see the scean fade black as our story ends 




there we go chapter 1 ends and with hints to what i got planed to

most of the chapter be the fights   but as said war may be on the way  and if you can guess what i mean by that then your get a gold star

next chapter be a bit of a long wrong  but i hope you enjoy it

until next time stay safe and have a good day

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