Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of...

Par captainbendover78

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Having found out the truth about the nights watch from Wynafryd Manderly, Jon snow can't help but feel his fa... Plus

Strangers in a Strange Land
Maybe it isnt so bad?
Welcome to the Jungle
Heart of Darkness
Home of the creepy weird and incredibly dangerous
Magic and sickness
Perfect World
A Long Time Ago
Those who were never saved
Journey of a Thousand Miles
Reason to Survive
Starry Mountains
Shadow of the Colossus
Where we are now
Basilisk Isles
Pirate King
Salladhor Saan
Heading out
The Ritual
First light Upon the New World
The Lord of Light
Clash of Titans
Sea Adventures
Lord of Winterfell
Heading North
The Wall
The Great Ranging
Corpse Queen
The Others
Battle of Blood and Snow
Back South
Wedding Present
Chaos in Kings Landing
Someone You'd Burn The World For
Price for Vengence
The Doors of Stone
Going Home
Red Flower
Marriage & Birth
The Darkstar
First Flight
Salt Wife
War is on the Horizon
First Sparks
Reunion & War
Our Meeting Was Destiny
The Princes Pass
Brothers in all but Blood
Start of a Journey
Discovering Oneself
Daenerys Targaryen
The Last Dragons
Dothraki Raid
Something isn't Right
Spark of Madness
What do we say to the God of Death
You Remind Me Of What He Could've Been
Abandon All Hope

Ghost Town

130 8 1
Par captainbendover78


Oberyn, Aegon and Ned had all spent the past few days on the small ship together. Needless to say, it had been an incredibly tense ordeal; Aegon being the boy that he is only saw Ned as the enemy —which he was in the simplest terms. But Ned did not help things when he called Rhaenys a creature. Many times Oberyn had to stop the boy from drawing his sword on the older lord. The true victim in this whole situation was Oberyn who had to spend time on the boat with two people that he despised —his fake nephew and someone who put his family in danger.

Oberyn and Ned had come to an arrangement, though Oberyn didn't have much choice in the matter considering their current position. Ned would assist him in helping his brother and he would give Ned the ship they were on; Ned Stark was known as a man of honour throughout Westeros, but considering his recent actions Oberyn was unsure of whether that was ever true. However in the position he was in he had little choice; otherwise all he would have was Aegon —the hotheaded possible Blackfyre.

After a tense few they finally came up close to the shore of Sunspear "Remember what I told you, stay close to me and do not run off on your own, we do not know what lies in wait," Oberyn stated from the wheel of the ship.

"Of course Uncle, though I still think you are worried for nothing, Uncle Doran will be fine, you'll see," Aegon said with a carefree smile, though when his gaze drifted to Ned it melted away and morphed into a scowl. To him, Ned supported his enemies and was part of the reason he and Rhaenys had to grow up in exile. 'Rhaenys... I miss you sister, keep our child safe,' he thought to himself as he tore his gaze away from the Stark Lord.

"If there are any issues then surely docking at the harbour will not be wise," Ned commented while looking at Oberyn.

"You're right of course, but if I have to infiltrate my own home I'd rather be inside the walls than out," Oberyn replied.

"Whoever has inserted themselves in Sunspear have also gone through great trouble to conceal themselves, I do not think they'd so carelessly reveal themselves and attack a Prince in such a populated place," he added.

"That creature attacked you in your army camp, mayhaps it's not wise to place such expectations on whoever they are," Ned advised.

Aegon's hand went to his sword as he growled "Do not speak of my sister like that, she would never have attacked us, let alone in the way you're suggesting," he growled out as he was moments away from drawing his sword.

"Calm yourself Aegon, we have no time to fight amongst ourselves!" Oberyn shouted at the young man.

"Do you not hear how he mocks my sister, your niece!" He shouted.

Oberyn had to hold his tongue, he was very close to telling this boy how that creature was no niece of his before thrusting his spear into his chest and letting the ocean carry his body away. But he had to be calm, he remembered his real niece's words to him; he knew that his skill with a weapon would not help them, but his mind would. Get this fake Aegon onto their side, use the Golden Company to support the Dornish forces and repel the Stag King. However, this was easier said than done when every time he looked at Aegon he wished to kill him.

"Aegon... I believe Rhaenys is not in her right mind, I hope here we can find answers to what has happened to her," Oberyn said through clenched teeth.

Aegon deflated a little bit as he expected his uncle to support him "Uncle surely you can't mean that?" He replied.

"Can you explain how she chased after us? The weird fog we saw? Something is wrong Aegon and we must find out what," he insisted.

Aegon had no words to refute what his uncle had said; in truth the previous night was strange. He had never seen Rhaenys act in such a way, but there was surely nothing wrong with her. He let his hand fall away from the pommel of his sword and put his hands on the side of the ship.

Oberyn and Ned brought the ship into the harbour with Ned at the wheel and Oberyn bringing up the sails, as he was the only one who had experience with sailing a ship. The first thing they noticed when they docked was the lack of people, it was the middle of the day and yet the harbour was barren. This was especially strange as the harbour had quite a few ships still docked; Oberyn noticed this immediately 'Where are all the people,' he thought to himself as he walked down the wooden walkway.

"Where is everyone?" Aegon vocalised. He had never been to his mother's home before, he did not expect it to be so barren 'Perhaps because of the heat?' He thought to himself as he pulled the collar of his tunic from around his neck. It was hotter here than it was in most places he'd been to in Essos; he had at least thought that his Dornish blood might've made him a bit more immune to the heat.

"Something is wrong..." Ned said in a low voice as he palmed the sword he had taken from the camp.

Oberyn kept walking forward, the worry he had for his paramour and brother overshadowed any other concerns he had at that moment. The two others followed him but were more cautious walking into the city 'How could the city be empty and we get no word of it?' Oberyn thought to himself. He felt his hands tighten around his spear as he inspected the buildings around him, but there was nothing.

"How can everyone be gone, it doesn't make sense!" Aegon shouted, his voice carried through the empty streets and echoed loudly.

Ned turned towards Oberyn "Are you still confident whoever is behind this won't attack you now?"

Oberyn ignored him, he was a prince of Dorne and the people he had a duty to protect were gone. He had to find them, but he needed to find his brother first. Walking at a faster pace we left the harbour and walked into the city proper; In the city, he could see that doors to houses had been flung open, some were even ripped off their hinges and lay flat on the ground. Market stalls had been left unattended and their products lay rotten and spoiled.

Ned approached the rotted food and took some in his hand "This is over a month old," he commented before dropping it to the ground.

None of this made any sense, how could an entire city be empty and no one in Dorne be aware of it.


All three of them whipped their heads around and saw a shadow turning a corner. Oberyn immediately ran after him with Ned and Aegon not far behind; he followed the figure through the streets —though he couldn't get a clear look at him. Eventually, the figure disappeared into a building shutting the door behind it; this did not stop Oberyn who kept his momentum and slammed his foot into the door kicking it off its hinges. "Show yourself!" He commanded as he got his spear at the ready, behind him, Aegon and Ned drew their swords.

The building in front of them was empty, Oberyn pushed open each of the doors trying to find where the person could've gone and yet he found nothing "Where did they go?!" Aegon shouted as he looked around.

Oberyn brushed his hand through his hair "We should get to the keep, whatever is happening here can wait." He said ignoring Aegon's question.

"And if there's no one in the keep, what do we do then?" Ned asked.

Oberyn looked up at him and gave him a defeated sigh "I don't know..."

(Demon Road)

Two large wheelhouses and a large supply cart travelled along the demon road. The wheelhouses had reinforced wheels and an axel that they were assured the gods themselves couldn't break; inside was more than enough to fit the Targaryen and Dayne family with some space to spare. The servants and guards were more than happy to take the other wheelhouse —they sang praises of Daeron's generosity. Considering where they are heading, at a certain point camping outside will be too dangerous. Daeron had also bought horses for the guards to use. They rode at the back of the party, at the sides and the front with Daeron, Arthur and Viserys.

Daeron looked down at the wounds that were still bandaged and pulled the top of them open. The cuts had still not healed —they hadn't even scabbed over— it made him suspect that perhaps his natural healing was gone as his body was mostly dead. Daeron sighed which caught Viserys attention "Is everything okay Nephew?" He asked.

Daeron gave him a small smile and nodded "I just hope our journey is not in vain, there is much I need to do before I can leave this world," he replied.

"Do not fear nephew, even if our journey is fruitless, we will find a way to make you better," Viserys said with a reassuring smile.

"From what you've told me of the things you've seen, there are truly wondrous things in this world and I am almost certain we could find something that'll help," he added.

Daeron's smile widened, and his respect for his uncle rose a bit more —something he didn't think possible. He had been through much all to keep Daenerys and Rhaella safe and yet he still retains an optimistic attitude despite that. "Thank you, uncle, I just hope that I'm not leading you all into danger for nothing," Daeron replied.

"If you were we would follow you anyway, you are important to all of us Daeron and not because you are the rightful King," Arthur chimed in.

Daeron smiled and looked back down at his horse as he trotted down the road. It was nice to have such good friends.


That evening the party had gone off the road and set up camp. For the whole night Daeron had watched Ashara though not once had the older woman looked back at him, it was hurtful, to say the least. Daeron relied on Ashara for a long time, she had helped him get through the death of his brother and they had a close connection.

"If you'll excuse me I think I drank too much wine," Ashara said with a humourless laugh as she stood up and went into the trees that surrounded the forest. Arthur was on guard duty and Daenerys and Rhaella had gone to bed so it was just Daeron, Viserys and a few others by the fire. "I think I'll retire for the evening, goodnight uncle," Daeron said as he clapped him on the back.

"Sleep well nephew I'll join you soon," he said before going back to polishing his sword.

However Daeron didn't go to bed, he followed Ashara into the surrounding trees —Though he waited a moment as he did not want to catch her in the act of relieving herself. He kept his footsteps light as he followed the small indentations in the ground until he came across Ashara looking out at a small pond that reflected the moonlight. "You shouldn't stay out here by yourself, we don't know if we are alone," Daeron said as he approached her.

Ashara jumped slightly at his voice but when she turned and saw it was Daeron she calmed down "I'll come back soon... I just needed a moment to myself," She said as she rubbed her arms to stave off the cold night.

"Ashara... you can't keep avoiding me like this, I know that it hurts you as much as it does me," Daeron said as he put his hand on her shoulder.

Ashara shivered under his touch, she had missed sleeping with him and had had many sleepless nights because of it —including this one. "It is difficult for me Daeron... I find myself wanting more than what our relationship allows," she said in a low voice.

Daeron frowned "Ashara you are too important to me to let go, I would take you as a friend, as a lover... as a wife, but I will not allow you to distance yourself from me," he said as he turned her around.

Ashara felt her heart beating fast as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her "You are sweet Daeron, but I am far older than you," she said with a sad smile.

Daeron barked out a laugh "If that was supposed to discourage me then you do not know me as well as you thought you do," Daeron said as he stepped closer to her.

"You are conflicted and indecisive, so I will take this decision out of your hands and make it for you," Daeron said before sliding his hand around her waist and kissing her. Ashara sighed in contentment as Daeron's tongue invaded her mouth and rubbed against her own; Ashara had always been very sensitive when it came to carnal matters but as soon as Daeron slipped his tongue in her mouth she felt her sex explode with pleasure.

Ashara held herself against him as her mind started to fog and she gave herself over to the pleasure she was feeling. Her nipples started to ache as they pushed through her dress 'He feels so cold,' she thought to herself as her hands cupped his face. Ashara felt another explosive burst of pleasure when Daeron's hands reached down and squeezed her rear; her moaning echoed through the night as Daeron detached his lips from her own and started kissing her neck "Daeron," she whispered. Daeron felt her tense in his arms as she had another orgasm; he hadn't even touched between her legs and yet she was already rubbing herself against him.

Daeron laid Ashara down on the grass putting the cloak he wore down to stop her from getting dirty. Ashara ran her fingers across Daeron's back as she dragged him closer to her body. Daeron couldn't wait longer and he pulled her dress down from her shoulders letting her huge breasts spill out; Ashara breathed heavily as the night air tickled her hardened nipples "Mnnnnnn," she moaned as her nipple was soon engulfed by Daeron's mouth, as he sucked and licked it.

Ashara whipped her head back and moaned loudly as she felt herself soaking her undergarments for the fourth time that night "Inside... inside... please," she said through laboured breaths as she spread her legs widely and hiked up her dress. Daeron went onto his knees, his cock was already painfully hard, but was made worse by the sight of Ashara's sex which was dripping with fluid, even the dark forest of pubic hair surrounding her sex looked wet.

Wasting no more time Daeron pulled down his trousers and fished his cock out with his hand and lined it up with her sex; he ended up rubbing his shaft against her nub as he did which earned another deep moan from her. He could feel how wet she was as he pressed the tip of his cock against her hole, a sputter of juices left her sex as he started to push inside her. With a long thrust, he was inside her and Ashara was once again moaning loudly as he stretched out her insides. She had never taken a lover or been with a man ever since she lost her child so taking someone with Daeron's length and girth was an overwhelming experience. She found herself in a constant state of sexual bliss as Daeron pumped inside her.

This was only made worse when he started attacking her nipples again —nibbling and sucking on them. Daeron had never had sex with someone who was as wet as Ashara, he could feel her love juices pouring onto his balls and thighs, it only spurred him on more and he started fucking her as hard as he could. With how wet Ashara was any pain she might have felt from Daeron's constant powerful thrusting was reduced to nothing, and instead, all she was left with was unbelievable amounts of pleasure.

Daeron felt himself approaching his limit as he had not relieved himself in quite some time. Taking her legs on his shoulders he started thrusting faster, the sounds of his skin slapping against her cheeks echoed throughout the forest. Ashara had to bite her fist as her moans were becoming too loud, her constant orgasms had reached the point where it left her in a constant high. This made her sex feel like a hand as it was constantly expanding and contracting around Daeron's cock; he groaned as he felt himself start to shoot his seed inside of Ashara. He didn't know how long that went on for but it seemed that it started spilling out of her before he had even removed his cock. He let himself fall on top of Ashara who leaned her head back and closed her eyes in content.

Ashara and Daeron hadn't slept well ever since they had started sleeping separately, but now they would both sleep well.

(AN: So we are approaching the Mid part of that arc? I think? Idk, this arc is gonna be long as it'll include Daeron getting his powers back and the subsequent actions that follow. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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