
By DecayingSoul31

363 64 4

Two years into the nightmare humanity has been thrusted into a shimmer of hope dangles over their heads. A tw... More

Florence's Journal
Ai Art for Characters
Side Effects
No Tomorrow

Compound C

74 10 2
By DecayingSoul31

September 6, 2026

I slipped my gray sweatshirt over my head, careful to not wake Ezra. Who was peacefully sleeping beside me, his bare chest lightly rising and falling with each breath. Internally I chastise myself for falling asleep. I have always made a point to not fall asleep next to him after sex, so he doesn't gain false hope that I will change my mind.

I cautiously lifted myself off of the bed, grimacing as it released a loud squeak through the quiet compact, concrete room. With my feet firmly planted against the concrete floor, I gained enough courage to turn around and check if I had woken him.

I won't lie, I found myself very attracted to him. The way his messy chestnut brown hair fell into his face. Those piercing blue eyes that could almost make you feel like you've been transported to the beach staring out into the ocean. How his defined square jawline was enveloped with dark stubble. It's why I agreed to our little arrangement in the first place, to sum it up it is a friends with benefits sort of relationship. I was the one who didn't want more, who couldn't. I can't watch anyone else I care about turn into one of those things. I know it was stupid especially with the vaccine releasing practically tomorrow, but what if it doesn't work? What if he gets infected before then?

I bit my lip as he started to stir, flipping onto his side. One eyelid squinted open, his eye locking on me. "What are you doing," he mumbled in a rough sleepy voice.

I hastily pulled my shin length black boots onto my feet, "Going back to my room." I zipped them up over my tight blue jeans while he leaned up on one elbow, both of his eyes were open now.

"Flo, you can stay," Ezra countered, rubbing his eyes.

As much as I would secretly like to, I can't. I already cared for him more than I would care to admit even to myself. I can't let him know that, because then it would just give him hope. Hope I am not sure I could live up to.

"Goodnight Ezra," I whispered, snatching my belt from the end of his mattress. Not even bothering putting it back on.

He let out a defeated sigh, dropping back onto the mattress. Mumbling back a goodnight.

I slipped out of his room into the vapid, bare concrete hallway. Everything here is built with concrete seeing as it was previously some doomsday preppers bunker. That prepper was Gideon Fenwick's father. The founder of this place, Compound C, and most notably the head scientist who helped manufacture the vaccine.

My footsteps echoed through the spiritless rectangular hallway. The occasional dim light bulb above my head casting enough light for me to see. The best way to describe this place is gray. The only areas to have any color were the recreational center and labs. Compound C is split into six sectors; the living quarters (complete with bathrooms and communal showers), the labs, cafeteria, storage, medical bay, and recreational center (decked out with a basketball court, gym, and a small library).

I sighed internally hearing a pair of footsteps resonating from the hallway I am about to turn into. Knowing my disheveled hair and belt in my hands are an obvious give away for my nightly walk. I took a deep breath before rounding the corner spotting Ethan. His round indigo eyes locked onto mine.

Ethan was a guard just like Ezra. He is a bit taller than Ezra, but only barely. With short dirty blond hair, and suntanned skin from countless hours sitting in the guard tower. With his attire, black jeans and t-shirt, I'd say he just got off the night watch.

"I see you are still toying with Ezra," he huffed, rolling his eyes.

I sent him a quick glare. "I'm not toying with him. We have both agreed to this," I reminded him.

"Yeah, of course he would agree to it. He'd do anything you wanted. He's in love with you bonehead," Ethan snarkily returned.

"No he's not," I shook my head, keeping my voice low to not wake any sleeping residents.

"He's my best friend, I know," he gruffly spoke. "It's not fair to him. If sex is all you want, let him go."

I glanced down at the concrete feeling a twinge of guilt pulsate through my chest. I knew it wasn't fair to him, that he deserved better. I've tried in the past to end things, but I could never completely get it out. What bits I did force out, Ezra always rebuked and lied saying he doesn't mind my inability to be in a relationship.

"He's a good guy, with too big of a heart, especially for you. Quit being selfish and make up your mind," he said in a blunt tone before walking off. I took another deep breath before continuing down the hallway.

My door clicked as I gently pulled it closed behind me. I glanced at the wooden mantle clock on the metal table beside my bed, four fifteen. I plopped down against the lumpy uncomfortable mattress, deciding to try and get more sleep. My heavy eyes didn't give much fight before they remained closed.

I lurched forwards off of the bed hearing a knock at my door. I wiped my eyes, peering over at the clock that read six thirty five. I knew it was Ezra, he insisted on getting me for breakfast every morning in his words to ensure I eat.

I pushed myself off of the bed as the door creaked open. Ezra stood in the doorway with a smile on his face. Ezra was twenty-five so two years older than myself, while he was older the majority of the time he held more of a joyful mood than I did.

"What if I had been naked?" I quipped, while throwing my chocolate brown hair into a high ponytail.

"Well then it wouldn't even remotely be close to the first time I've seen that," he shrugged, sliding his fingers down my black compound bow that hung against the concrete wall. The one my father had gifted me on my eighteenth birthday.

We walked through the long hallway, that was seeing a slow uptick in foot traffic. Drowsy people shuffled out of the doors that lined the hallway heading to the cafeteria before whatever shift they had been assigned to complete today.

"Ezra!" A child-like voice boomed around the concrete from behind us.

We both turned around knowing exactly who it was. Jenna sprinted into Ezra's arms, as he lifted her up. Jenna was a six year old girl who had been orphaned. Her father had been sent out on a scouting mission to Compound B after we lost contact with them, and never returned.

"Look," Jenna cheerfully said, holding a piece of paper in her hands, while Ezra wiped her messy strawberry blonde hair out of her face.

She proudly held out her drawing she had created with crayons, depicting five well drawn people. For a six year old she was very artistically inclined. If the world hadn't collapsed into what it is now, I could have seen her becoming an artist.

"Flo, you look too," She beamed over to me, adjusting the paper so I could see better.

"Wow, that's so good Jenna," I gave her a warm smile.

"There is me," she pointed to herself on the paper. "There are my parents," her small index finger glided to the two people on top of a cloud. "And there is you and Ezra!" She tapped the paper where she had drawn the two of us standing next to her.

"I think I am going to steal this," Ezra playfully swiped the drawing from her hands. "I think this could make me millions of dollars," he smiled at her in his arms.

Jenna giggled, shaking her head, "Money doesn't exist anymore silly."

Ezra teasingly scoffed, "I'm not silly."

"Yes you are," Jenna laughed again. "Tell him Flo."

"He is indeed very silly," I nodded my head, giving her a small smile.

"See, Flo thinks so too," she loudly exclaimed, likely waking anyone who was still asleep in this hallway.

"How about we go get you some breakfast," Ezra suggested to Jenna, probably not wanting to deal with those awoken crankiness. She just adamantly nodded her head, before we continued walking.

This was one of the reasons I agreed to our arrangement. Yes we were always careful, but there is always a slim risk that I get pregnant. So seeing how he is with kids slightly quelled that worry for me, knowing he'd be a great father.

Ezra placed Jenna on one of the wooden bench style tables in the cafeteria before we headed for the growing line of grumpy morning shift workers.

"So tomorrow is the day huh," Ezra announced as we reached the line, standing behind a short woman with shoulder length frizzy brown hair. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafting around the air causing my stomach to grumble.

"Yeah guess it is," I gave him a small smile.

"Then I can officially address you as my savior," he chuckled to himself.

I gave him a playful glare. "No, no you can not. They just used my blood, the scientists here did all the work."

"You are too humble. They wouldn't be able to do it at all without you," Ezra retorted, taking a step forward in line.

The woman snapped backwards, her muddy brown eyes meeting mine accompanied by a warm wrinkled smile, "Florence, sweetheart you can go ahead of me."

I hated everyone treating me like a 'savior' or some sort of hero when in reality I was just an idiot who got bit and didn't die.

Ezra nudged my side as more people let us cut in front of them. "Maybe this is why I like why I like you, special privileges," he teased, with a slight grin.

I rolled my eyes at him, before grabbing the plastic tray off of the warm metal. He grabbed two plates, increasing his pace to catch up with me.

The entire breakfast I was bombarded by people coming to our table thanking me, giving me spiels about how I was saving their children or spouses or some sort of relative. I hated the attention, hated the admiration they were flooding me with. Anyone else in this position would have done the same exact thing.

"Do you have guard duty today?" I turned to Ezra.

"Yep until four thirty," he placed my empty tray on top of his own.

"Miss Morrigan," A voice cracked from behind me.

I twisted back to see Sullivan Delaney fumbling with his lab coat. He was a very awkward, apprehensive man, but also a very intelligent man. He was practically Fenwick's right hand man, on the science aspect of things of course. I think he had to regularly interact with residents he'd spontaneously combust.

"Mr. Fenwick has requested you give more blood today," he sheepishly spoke, adjusting his circular glasses.

"I thought the vaccines were already made?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Uh... Yes they are," his brown almost black eyes floating around at the residents eating. "We are synthesizing more vaccines for future residents, and eventually enough to dispatch to Compound A."

There were three compounds; A,B, and C. I know super creative names. They are located throughout the states. Compound A is somewhere in Southern Nebraska, Compound B is in Eastern Utah, and finally Compound C where we reside is in Northern Arkansas. They've all kept in communication through a network of intricate radio systems. That is until a couple months ago when both A and C lost all contact with B. We sent scouts out to figure out what happened, but not a soul from the six person team returned.

"I'll be in the medical bay... whenever you are ready," he scratched at the dark mustache above his lip, before awkwardly nodding and turning away.

Ezra leaned over to me, "Is he always that..."

I nodded my head, "Last time I had blood drawn, he almost dropped the vials because the nurse was speaking to him."

"Do we all have to get shots tomorrow," Jenna whined from beside Ezra.

"Yes it will keep you safe," Ezra answered, focusing his attention on her.

"I don't like shots," she huffed, letting her fork fall onto the plastic tray.

"Don't worry, I hate them too," Ezra returned. "But it will prevent you from... getting sick."

Sadness twinkled in Jenna's eyes, "Sick like my mommy was?" Ezra just softly nodded his head.

I placed my hand on Ezra's shoulder as I stood, "I'm going to head to the med bay."

"Okay I'll see you later," he tenderly smiled up at me.

"Bye Flo," Jenna frantically waved her hand at me. I smiled admiring her childness. How despite everything she's been through, she still has her bubbly child-like innocence.

As I walked down one of the hallways, aggravated shouting resonated around the concrete walls. I halted at a four way intersection of the hallway, gazing at an enraged Leah berating one of the scientists.

"For the millionth fucking time, I'm not taking that damn vaccine," her typically pale face was engrossed with a red hue, her finger in the short man's face.

Leah, like most here, had a depressing backstory. A couple days before our scouters found her held up in a hardware store, her two children and husband had been ripped apart right in front of her. I felt for her, knowing how it feels to watch the people you love be torn apart in front of your eyes.

"Mrs. Smith, please calm down. The vaccine is for the benefit of all humanity," The man raised a hand, trying to deescalate her temper.

She pushed her wavy curly blonde hair out of her face, revealing her extremely clenched jaw. "Calm down? Fuck you. If any of you try to inject me with that shit, I will put the needle through your fucking eye," Leah spat, her cold blue eyes narrowed in disgust towards the man.

Her head snapped to me, aware of my presence. "What the fuck are you looking at," she thundered, before being restrained by the man as she tried to walk towards me.

My attention retreated towards the concrete before I continued walking. I knew why she was against the vaccine, she's stated her reasoning before. That if her family couldn't have it she doesn't want it either. A dull pain festered in my chest, knowing if my parents and I had just found this place sooner they'd still be alive. Not mangled corpses haunting the Earth.

I knocked against the glass window outside of med bay, resulting in Sullivan jumping three inches backwards from the equipment he was organizing on the metal table.

"Miss Morrigan," he stiffly laughed, adding to the discomforting atmosphere. "If you would... have a seat," he gestured to the chair nestled against the far concrete wall.

I passed a line of hospital cots making my way to the spot I've sat in countless times before. I leaned back into the blue chair, as Sullivan pulled the armrest out in front front of me. Sweat was beading against his wrinkled forehead, which I found odd seeing as it was always freezing down here.

Sullivan trembled standing over the white counter, where they kept all the supplies. Tugging out two pairs of dull yellow gloves. The latex gloves released a light snap, as he pulled them over his hands. He ripped open an alcohol pad. A shiver ran up my spine, as he rubbed the cool pad over the inside of my elbow. "I would uh get comfortable," he moused, shakily prepping the needle.

I slightly tilted my head at him, "Why?"

"Mr. Fenwick has requested a larger withdrawal today," he sniffed, avoiding eye contact.

"Why?" I couldn't snuff the screwy sensation building in my stomach. Especially with how peculiar, or should I say more peculiar Sullivan has been acting.

"He wants to get a shipment to Compound A, as soon as humanly possible," he pushed his glasses up, taking a seat on the circular rolling chair beside me. Sullivan cleared his throat, "Every second could be a life lost to E.C.O.H.S." I slowly nodded, trying to exile the weird feeling brewing throughout me.

E.C.O.H.S. A term that has floated around since the beginning of this all. That gained traction before all the broadcasts ceased. Extinction Catalyst of Homo Sapiens. Interchangeable with human species also I suppose.

I grimaced as he jabbed the needle into my flesh, he muttered a weak apology, moving the needle under my skin. "There," he whispered, his eyes drifting to the ten ml glass vial slowly filling with a thick crimson liquid.

I lost count of how many vials were filled after thirty six had been completely filled. Sullivan continued on, with what looked to be thirty or more empty vials in his cardboard box. I closed my eyes, hoping that would make this all pass by quicker.

"Only two more," he murmured, causing my eyes to flutter open.

I glanced over at the metal table that held seventy if not more vials full of my blood. A light dizziness swirled throughout my head. A ball of anxiety pitted in my chest making my breathing more rapid. I squeezed my eyes closed while he pulled the needle out of my flesh.

Sullivan wordlessly placed a small package of chocolate chip cookies and a water bottle in front of me. A vague weakness swam throughout my arm, as I grabbed the water bottle. I uncapped it, bringing it to my lips in hopes it would quell my dull headache. Sullivan's lips parted, as if he were about to say something, but nothing escaped before his they were firmly sealed again.

"Well if it isn't the woman of the hour," a thick voice beamed from the med bay door.

I glanced up to see Gideon Fenwick himself. I had only spoken with him a handful of times, so seeing him here was surprising. Gideon Fenwick was a stout man. Age and stress living in his peppered dark gray hair. Rumor had it Fenwick was a single father before the world changed, losing his daughter to the infection early on.

His eyes that reminded me of a mixture of cherries and coffee glided over my body, then to the filled vials next to me. "I think we could take more vials," he addressed Sullivan, running his hand over the dark stubble that encapsulated his lower face.

"Sir... respectfully we already have taken well over the recommended safe limit," Sullivan shrank himself down as he replied.

Fenwick sent him a quick ominous glare, before replacing his expression with a smile. "Okay, well you are free to go Miss Morrigan, but not before I thank you. Thank you for changing everything," Fenwick beamed at me, a light I had not seen before twinkled in his eyes. I shakily lifted myself from the chair meeting his eyes, giving him a slight nod. I exited the room, but not before sliding the package of cookies into my back pocket.

I made my way to the bathroom before heading to my room. I splashed cold water over my face, hoping to subdue the anxiety I felt. I glanced up in the mirror, my face was paler than it typically was. I stared into my hazel eyes feeling unease blooming throughout every fiber of my body.

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