
By CourtesyTrefflin

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In one universe, the Clone Wars happen later, long after Anakin and Padme have married in secret, after their... More

Chapter 1 - Assassination
Chapter 2 - Naboo
Chapter 3 - Geonosis
Chapter 4 - The Clone wars
Chapter 5 - Christophsis
Chapter 6 - Teth to Tatooine
Chapter 7 - Family
Chapter 8 - Malevolence
Chapter 9 - Lasan
Chapter 10 - Queen of Naboo
Chapter 11 - The Blue Shadow Virus
Chapter 12 - Wartorn
Chapter 13 - Geonosis
Chapter 14 - Mystery Weapons
Chapter 15 - Mandalore
Chapter 16 - Kamino
Chapter 17 - Mortis
Chapter 18 - Naboo
Chapter 19 - The Festival of Light
Chapter 20 - Recovering
Chapter 21 - Bombing
Chapter 22 - Framed
Chapter 23 - Attack on Coruscant
Chapter 25 - Downfall
Chapter 26 - Knightfall
Chapter 27 - A New Era
Chapter 28 - The End and The Beginning

Chapter 24 - No End In Sight

21 1 0
By CourtesyTrefflin

Author's Note: Thoughts or predictions anyone? :)

~ Amina Gila

Even on the other side of the galaxy, Merrin feels it when something with her bond with Maul just changes, like it abruptly wrenched apart and went quiet. Merrin didn't know exactly what it was when she felt it. All she knew was that something was wrong, something... terrible happened.

She didn't understand the feeling of loss until now, when her mother finally joined her on Utapau. Her face is grim, ashen. And more than that, she's alone.

Merrin knew it when she felt it, but seeing it is somehow different. She remembers a time before her parents, yes, but it was them who mattered. It was still them who raised her, and she knew it could happen, with them fighting together in the war and all.

That never prepared her for the reality of one of her parents dying.

Maul is gone. Her father is gone. She's never going to see him again. He's never going to be here with them again. It's a blow to the Separatists, to their war effort, but all she cares about is how her father is gone.

She wants to cry, but the pain is too deep and numbing. "Who was it?" she asks, voice rough. "Who took him, Mother?"

"I wasn't there," Asajj tells her. "We were fighting the Jedi, and we got separated. I felt it happen."

She knew it was the Jedi – of course, it was. Who else would it have been? But in the end, it doesn't matter which of them did it. It was Maul's master who demanded they pull something so risky, so dangerous, and anyone would fight to their end with their home threatened.

It was Sidious who led to her father's death, and Merrin will make sure he feels every bit of it. She knows how to, also, even if it's a risky gamble, and something Asajj herself may not like.

It doesn't really matter.

She will not let Sidious get away with killing her father.


Anakin knows something is wrong. He can feel it deep in the Force, the whispering warning that something very, very bad is about to happen.

It feels like there's something going on that he's missing. It started with Luke. It started after the Death Star, roughly, though he can't pinpoint when. At first, Anakin wanted to chalk it up to his son being preoccupied now that they're back on Coruscant and he can finally go home, but he knows better. Something is bothering him, and he's not elaborating. Anakin doesn't want to pressure him for it, because he knows how upsetting that can be – Obi-Wan has done it to him before, and he's done the reverse, too.

It's not normal, though. Luke never holds back from talking about something upsetting him, and he doesn't know why this would be any different. He doesn't want to wait, can't stand the not knowing, but it isn't as though he has another choice.

And then, that sensation that something's off that people aren't telling him spreads to other people.

It's definitely true about Obi-Wan right now, as his master prepares to head to Kashyyyk.

"Well," Anakin says dryly, "Good luck ending the war."

Obi-Wan smiles, but it looks too forced, too fake. He doesn't like it. Something is wrong, and his master isn't telling him. Something's bothering him too, just like Luke, and he's not saying anything. "Don't get in trouble without me here to watch over you," he requests teasingly.

Anakin outright laughs. "Just get it done and come back," he replies, "I don't want to save your skin for the eleventh time."

"Oh, that won't be necessary," Obi-Wan assures, making a move for the ship, and Anakin doesn't know what to make of the sudden desperate longing that crashes over him in that moment.

"Wait," he blurts out, stepping forwards. "Can I – can I ask you something?"

His master pauses, turning back.

"Is something wrong?" Anakin queries. "I know there is something going on you haven't told me about."

And just like that, his expression closes off again. That alone makes it obvious he's hiding something, as does the sudden downwards spiral of his presence. "It's a Council matter," he replies.

"But you've told me about those in the past," Anakin reminds. He understands there are things he can't know about, but after... after the Festival of Light, after everything, he can't stand being in the dark about things. Even if it's something he has to deal with. "If there's something I can do to help..."

"I'll tell you," Obi-Wan assures. He looks away, indecision warring on his face. "I'll explain when I get back," he offers.

The twisting uncertainty picks up again. He doesn't know why, but for some reason, it feels like they won't see each other again for a while. Anakin doesn't want to think about what that might mean – there should be no reason for that if the war's about to end. So, why...?

Anakin does his best to shake that from mind, stepping forwards to hug him. Grandmaster or no, Obi-Wan is still his master, the man who raised and cared for him. That means a lot. To him, it means everything.

Obi-Wan returns his embrace with an almost startling amount of fierceness, which only serves to further his worry. It's strange how being here can still make him feel safe and protected. He might be old enough that he no longer feels like he needs that, but it's still here, and Anakin takes every moment of it he can get.

Probably, he will never stop craving that comfort, because it's natural, and just as much, this is Obi-Wan.

His master.

They pull back at once, and Obi-Wan's hands are on his shoulders still, warm and grounding. He wishes he felt more comfortable with this when they were younger. "Sometimes," he admits, "The... choices we have to make, as Council members, with our role in the war, aren't ideal."

And that immediately sets off a million alarm bells in Anakin's mind. "What did you do?" he asks. He doesn't mean to sound worried, but he can't help it.

"I'm not only talking about the future," he replies. "It is a mistake I made, one that hurt you. It could happen again."

He doesn't want to think about that, even if it's true. Last time, Obi-Wan stabbed him. Accidentally or no, it still hurt. "Then it's something we'll have to deal with," Anakin says at length, because he doesn't know what else to offer.

Obi-Wan nods to him, and it still feels like there's more to say, but his master turns away. Really, there's always an excuse to linger, but they need to move, and there's not time.

The war will be over soon, one way or another, and Anakin doesn't know what that'll mean for the galaxy. What will it mean for the clones, who have had nothing except war for all their lives? Where will they go? What purpose will they serve? They deserve citizenship, a chance to make their own choices, but Anakin doesn't know how easy it'll be to happen.

He wants to give his boys better lives – all of them.

"Something on your mind, Skyguy?" a familiar, soft voice asks as Ahsoka steps up beside him, watching as Obi-Wan's Star Destroyer takes off.

"The war's ending," he replies. "We never much thought about... after. What will happen to the clones? To the people? The Separatist systems won't willingly rejoin the Republic. The collective, organized war effort may be ending, but something else will take its place."

"We'll always have conflicts," Ahsoka reminds, "That's why we're Jedi. It doesn't have to mean war."

Sometimes, Anakin wishes he shared that lightness. He hopes, and he knows the galaxy will get better eventually – even if he senses something almost dark enough to make his skin crawl – but the wait is hard. He's only seen destruction and violence all his life. Once, he hoped he could find more than that, but...

That was a dream. It never happened.

"After the war," Anakin says, because he ought to tell Ahsoka this. He talked to her about it before, back when the twins were born, and she understood, even if she didn't like it. But over time, she's accepted it, and they've... changed. Things have changed. "I don't know, but I don't want Luke to keep living a life like that. Especially now, he needs... more. Better. He deserves to live, and I want to be with my family."

"You're thinking about leaving the Order again?" Ahsoka asks, touching his arm, and he can't help leaning into it, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her closer.

"If I can, if I can find someplace to be, I will. My children deserve to be together."

"Something's coming," his padawan adds, sighing. "Something... dark. I don't know what it is, but Jai feels it, too. I don't like it."

Anakin wasn't expecting Ahsoka to mention it, though he should've. "I know," he agrees, "I don't know what it is, either. I sensed it a while ago, and it's... grown worse since we came to Coruscant." That feels like an understatement. What was once a distant inkling of danger and darkness has escalated into an all-out screaming, and he can feel the dark cloud rapidly approaching the galaxy.

And his family, with it.

And Anakin can't understand what that could mean, because he's somehow certain he and the twins will be together through whatever this is. He just... doesn't like it.

But it's not as though there's anything he can do about it, either.

"I'm leaving for the fronts again," Ahsoka adds unexpectedly, "I didn't know how long we'd be out, so I wanted to come tell you. It's been a while already."

He can't help the flare of disappointment, and strangely, he feels the same towards Ahsoka now that he did towards Obi-Wan earlier. He won't see either of them for a while. "Stay safe, Snips," he requests, squeezing her tightly.

"Promise," she tells him, grinning.

And for all the worry he feels, Anakin can't help smiling back.


Finding leave as a Queen is nigh impossible, but Leia finds the first chance she can to take at least a week's break and head to Coruscant. The entire planet could have been destroyed. Her mother was on there, and Anakin and Luke were in the battle fighting, and – They all could have died. The unclenching fear that knowledge floods her with still hasn't faded, and she's not going to wait another entire year to see them again.

Nubian Queens are allowed to take breaks sometimes, so she thinks taking one now is entirely justified, though she might have to go back to Naboo immediately if a crisis arises that her handmaids can't deal with.

But at least the Death Star is gone now, and they've found Jyn's father. They haven't had the chance to reunite yet, but the fact that that's finally imminent has certainly helped Jyn a lot.

It's freeing to finally come to Coruscant as a civilian and for her family, instead of a political issue. She hasn't been at Padme's apartment – home – in so long.

"Father," Leia breathes, practically teleporting into his arms, letting him hold her close. "I missed you. You've been gone so long." And yes, they were able to talk by holocall the same as always, but sometimes it wasn't nearly as frequently, if they couldn't get any transmissions through.

"I missed you too, little one."

"I'm not so little anymore, am I?" she asks, teasingly, twisting her head back to look up at him. Well, she'll certainly always be tiny compared to him.

"You always will be to me," he replies, smiling faintly, "I'm... glad you were able to find time to come."

"I wasn't gonna wait a whole year," she answers, "Sometimes, I wish the war and all of this could be over, so we could just be together."

"So do I," he murmurs, something distant in his gaze. "Perhaps, once this is over, we will be able to."

"Will we?" she asks, "Even before it was always..." She shouldn't be implying this, because she knows how important Anakin's duty is, and even her own, but... she just wants everyone to be together. And especially with the news of the Death Star, she's shaken up right now with how close she could've come to losing everyone. They could have died, and there would've been nothing Leia could do about it.

"I've been thinking about finding a way," Anakin admits, "But I don't know anything with certainty right now. We won't, until the war ends."

She doesn't know if he's implying what she thinks, but she almost feels selfish for so desperately hoping that he would just leave the Order and everything. "What's left to win the war? I thought Maul was gone."

"But Ventress is officially the leader," Anakin reminds, "Until they find her, the war will not end. Though I have heard whispers that it may continue going until all the Sith have been found."

Leia frowns. "Why? I mean, even if they aren't causing problems?"

"I don't know," he confesses, "There's talk at the Temple about it. Just rumors, mostly. But if they're serious, I don't know what that will mean."

"The Jedi can't keep the war going if the Senate doesn't want it. Why would they want to do that?!" That doesn't make any sense.

"The Senate is far more likely to want to continue the war," he points out, bluntly, "But the Sith aren't nearly as much a concern for them."

Whatever this means, Leia really hopes it's just rumors, because it's long past time for this to be over and the galaxy to finally find peace. Keeping hostilities going would only play into a Sith's hand, if such a mastermind even exists.


Leia knows something's wrong when she sees Luke again, though it's a bit before she can actually ask him about it privately. They're at their apartment together, curled up in the living room together the way they used to years ago, back before the war. "Is it the Death Star?" she guesses because she knows why that would have been incredibly nerve-wracking. She was panicking when she first heard about it. She'd practically dropped everything and rushed to Coruscant the moment she heard the battle was over, just to make sure everything was really okay.

Luke shifts a little next to her, not outright denying it, but not really admitting anything, either. "It..."

"Something that happened on the Death Star?" Leia guesses, uncertainly. If this was just about how afraid he was that he could've lost everyone, he wouldn't be so hesitant to say so.

"Yeah," he confesses after a few moments, though he doesn't volunteer to explain anything more.

She doesn't doubt that he'll talk about it when he's ready, but sometimes prompting can make it easier if it's something difficult. And if he doesn't want to, she'll just... wait. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asks, "I know it's upsetting you."

Luke hesitates, wavering uncertainly. Whatever this is, it must be something... bad.

"I – I killed Maul," he blurts, finally.

She'd heard rumors of that already, and she was admittedly just grateful that the war was almost over. It was war, after all, so she hadn't really given much thought to it. "Is... that all?" Leia queries, because while she knows why that would somewhat bother her brother, this seems extreme for that. Too extreme for there not to be more to it.

"I already defeated him," Luke mumbles, turning away. "I... Grandfather told me to kill him, and I did."


That – would definitely explain it. She can't even imagine Luke doing something like that, but he's changed a lot throughout the war.

She can't imagine Palpatine ordering something like that, either. He's always been so kind to her family. He's their grandfather.

"He... ordered that even though Maul was unarmed?" Leia clarifies.

Luke nods, miserably. "I knew I shouldn't, but he's done so much to the galaxy, and I..."

Leia reaches up, squeezing his shoulder, even if that isn't half the comfort he needs right now. It's still the most she can offer. "I don't blame you for doing it," she admits, which is the truth. She doesn't, but that doesn't make it right, either. "He... I understand why he would've wanted you to, also," Leia adds, "Even if I don't think it was right."

And how couldn't he want Maul dead, even if it's not the way he normally is? It's the Sith who's been hurting everyone, tearing the galaxy and Republic apart. He certainly wouldn't be the only one.

"I know it wasn't," Luke replies, "And I knew that even at the time, but I still did it."

"After everything Maul did, I can... see why," she admits. "You can't undo it now. "

Luke nods, though she thinks it'll probably take a while before he's actually feeling better.

"Have you talked to anyone about it?"

"No. I – I don't want to."

She'd certainly never want her parents to know if she'd done something that... like that either. "You don't have to," she assures, even if it might be better if he did because her parents might have something more to say to help him. But she would never push him to do that, knowing how hard it could be. "But... I have to say, I doubt Grandfather was thinking clearly when he told you to do that. Maybe you should talk to him about that. Or I can if you'd prefer."

"I... I don't know," he mumbles, "I should probably talk to him, but I don't want to think about it. And I know pretending it didn't happen won't make it go away."

"I get wanting to do that. Maybe... wait a few days until it's easier. You don't need to do anything right now."

"I'll think about it," he concedes, glumly.

Leia takes his hand, holding it tightly, and they just... sit there together.


Leia wasn't really expecting Padme to tell her that she's holding an important, classified meeting between Senators in her apartment late that afternoon. She'd been slightly hesitant when Leia asked if she could come, but agreed with the warning that she couldn't tell anyone outside the room what they were going to be discussing.

And that's... weird. What could be so important that they'd want to come somewhere so private to talk about it?

Of course, there's classified matters going on in the Senate all the time, but that Padme was able to invite her at all presumably means it's something a little more personal.

Most of the Senators who show up are all ones Leia's familiar with.

"It's good to see you again, Leia," Bail says, pausing next to her.

She nods, smiling up at him. They know each other well. "You too. Is Kier around?"

"Not here, but I'm sure he'd be eager to see you again."

Bail had always wanted a daughter, he told Padme once, and apparently, Leia's much like what he always imagined his daughter as being like. Leia was admittedly touched to hear that.

The purpose of the meeting becomes clear within minutes, though.

"The Jedi Council is reporting directly to the Chancellor now?" Leia asks, surprised when the others start commenting on their concerns about that.

"Yes," Mothma replies, "And these constant changes are becoming concerning."

She can see why Palpatine would want that, because it would make things a lot cleaner given how complicated the political process in the main part of the Republic can be, but it is a drastic change that isn't necessarily for the best long-term. "I get why everyone's worried, but aren't these changes only for the duration of the war? The war's almost over."

"Yet, he keeps pushing for more changes, some that don't even influence the war," objects Bail, "Now that he has control of the Jedi Council, the Chancellor has appointed Governors to oversee all star systems in the Republic."

"When did this happen?" one of the others demands.

"The decree was posted this morning."

"Do you think he will dismantle the Senate?" Padme asks, lips pursed.

What? Why would she think that? The more Leia looks into the politics, the more she can see that some of what Palpatine is asking for doesn't seem necessary, but she can't believe he's doing it without reason or for personal gain. He's like her grandfather. He's looked out for them for years.

For a moment, she thinks about what happened with Maul, and... As uncomfortable as she is to admit it, it's possible that with how long he's been Chancellor and how much he's had to deal with throughout the war, he's going further than necessary, to make sure nothing gets worse. And when people are under so much stress and desperate, they don't always make the best decisions.

"Why bother?" asks Mothma, a touch bitterly, "As a practical matter, the Senate no longer exists."

"The constitution is in shreds. Amendment after amendment... executive directives, sometimes a dozen in one day."

They're all upset, and Leia doesn't know what to make of this. She never realized the Senate was getting so upset by what was happening – in truth, she hasn't been keeping up with it nearly enough. And yes, it is concerning, technically speaking, that someone has that much control, but on Naboo, she has that kind of power too. It is easy to misuse. That doesn't mean it's intentional or for selfish interests.

"I know he's probably made questionable decisions, but I can't believe he doesn't want the war to end as much as any of us," Leia argues, "And the Senate hasn't been doing anything to fix the problems in the Republic all these years. If he has the power now, I can understand why he might use it, even if he's going... far. Think about what happened to my brother. If things had gone any further when he was on trial, he could have been executed. And without this power, the Chancellor couldn't have done anything to stop it. This way, at least emergencies can be dealt with immediately. Not that I'm saying the Senate shouldn't have more power than they do now. I don't know the details of everything that's been happening, but I don't think we should condemn him like this without considering his side."

There's a long moment of tensed silence as the others look at each other. "I understand what you're saying," Mothma replies, "But he already is misusing his powers."

"I think you underestimate the amount of corruption that has taken hold in the Senate," someone else agrees.

"We are simply trying to preserve democracy in the Republic," Mothma adds.

"I can't believe it has come to this," Padme sighs.

"We can't sit around debating any longer," Bail asserts, determinedly.

"Have you taken your concerns directly to him yet?" Leia queries, frowning. She gets what they're saying, but she doesn't like hearing it. And yes, she's emotionally involved, but she just... can't believe what they're saying.

"We've brought it up to him on occasion. He's never paid much attention to our concerns," Mothma replies.

"What about as a group?" If they actually brought it to him collectively, she can't imagine he wouldn't listen.

"We are hoping to form an alliance in the Senate to stop any further subversion of the constitution," Mothma replies.

"Then... I think you should start with that before worrying any further, right?"

Bail exchanges a silent glance with Mothma, and Leia has the feeling that they might've already gone further. What that means, she doesn't know. They're loyal to the Republic, though, so she isn't worried exactly, but...

"I know a Jedi it would be wise to consult," Padme asserts.

"We don't know where the Jedi stand in all this," Mothma objects.

"I've heard some of them are pushing for the war to continue, until all the Sith are found," adds another.

"That, I don't understand either," Leia says, "If they're afraid of the Sith playing on the war, it would make more sense for them to end the war faster. And it's not illegal to be a Sith. That they have a different religion than the Jedi doesn't mean there's something inherently evil about them." She's always heard otherwise, but it's never really seemed right to her. "But I do know one Jedi who might have valuable input. He... agrees with us."

"Let us what we can accomplish in the Senate first," Bail decides, "For now, no one must be told."


Luke is feeling a little better after his talk with Leia, or maybe it's just that someone else knows about it. He couldn't imagine telling anyone else, though. He doesn't want to disappoint Anakin like that, no matter how understanding about it he knows his father would be. The same is true for his mother.

And Palpatine... Leia's right he should talk to him, but he's not ready. He's been carefully avoiding him entirely actually, which is a little hard when he's been spending a lot of time with Padme at the Senate, but he's working it out. He's missed her, after all.

"Luke?" Padme asks.

He blinks. Right. He didn't mean to get lost brooding when with someone. "Yeah?"

She studies him, obvious concern in her eyes. "Are you alright?"


He should've known she'd figure something's wrong. Maybe that's the other reason he's been avoiding the Temple because he knows Anakin will know, and he just... doesn't want to explain. "I..."

"You've been distracted. And moody. I thought you'd be... happier."

He can't think of a good enough excuse, and he doesn't want to outright lie, either. "I did something on a mission," he blurts, "I didn't want to do, but I did. And I..."

She frowns. "What?"

"I don't want to... talk about it."

"If it's upsetting you this much..."

"I'll be fine. I just... keep thinking about it right now." He probably shouldn't have mentioned anything. And it makes him almost feel bad now that he hasn't said a word to Anakin about it, but he just... doesn't want to. Not now, anyway.

"Alright," Padme sighs, "I know you can't discuss some of the missions you go on, but whatever it is, it may be easier if you did tell someone. And I know that when you're fighting in a war, you sometimes have to make choices you'll always regret. I... did when the Trade Federation was attacking Naboo. So many of my people were lost when I went to war, yet if I did it sooner, many more would probably have lived."

Sometimes, it's hard to remember that his mother led a planet and war at the age he and Leia were barely starting their... higher education. "Yeah, I know," he offers. Maybe the guilt will get easier in time. He can hope, even if hoping for that almost makes him feel worse.

Final Notes: Reviews are always appreciated! ^-^

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