Kim's Life In a Frame ( bangt...

By Jennifer_GB

3.8K 87 31

Some family drama at Kim's mansion, about the Bangtan brothers growing up with their parents. This series wi... More

CHAPTER - One ( Vibrant Cooking😌)
CHAPTER - Two (Secret about me ?πŸ™„)
CHAPTER- Four (From Rivalry to Romance)πŸ₯°

CHAPTER - Three (Beach Fun πŸ–οΈπŸ˜)

250 9 2
By Jennifer_GB

On the morning of  Kim family's  beach trip, Shihyuk loaded their beach gear into two cars. He drove one with his wife,  and their youngest kids, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. Meanwhile,Seokjin, drove the other car with Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon. They were all excited for a day of fun in the sun.

After a few hours on the road, both cars finally arrived at the beach.The family unloaded their belongings and set up camp, ready for a day of relaxation and fun by the sea.

"Alright, everyone, before we hit the beach, make sure to put on sunscreen. Jungkook, come here, let me apply some on you."Ae-Cha said holding the sunscreen.

"Okay, Mom." Jungkook said running towards his mom.

"Remember to apply it generously, especially on your shoulders and face. We don't want anyone getting sunburned." She told them as she applied sunscreen on Jungkook's skin.

"Got it, Mom. Thanks for reminding us." Jimin smiled as he gave some to his twin.

"Do we need to reapply it after swimming?" Taehyung asked  as he applied sunscreen on his chest.

"Yes, Taehyung, that's a good point. After swimming or every couple of hours, it's important to reapply to stay protected."

"I'll make sure we have sunscreen in the car for touch-ups later." Jin said.

"Ready for some beach fun!" Hoseok cheered.

After applying sunscreen to Jungkook AeCha  started to apply it on her skin as Shihyuk approach her.

"Hey, Ae-Cha, could you help me with sunscreen too?"

"Of course, dear." She smiled.

Shihyuk grinned ."Thanks, love. You know, you're even more beautiful in the sunlight."

"Oh, stop it, Shihyuk." She blushed as she hit his arm playfully.

"Dad, you're not trying to get more siblings for us, are you?" Yoongi asked chucking.

"No, Yoongi, definitely not. Your mom and I have our hands full with all of you!"Shihyuk laughed.

" Alright if you say so."

In the middle of their joking around, Jungkook ran up with a big smile. "Yoongi hyungie, come play with us !" he said, pulling on his brother's arm.

Yoongi hesitated as he had planned to sleep but couldn't resist Jungkook's excitement, so he decided to go with him.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," he said, tousling Jungkook's hair before following him to the others.

Jin and Hoseok were in the midst of an intense game of beach volleyball when suddenly, Hoseok's hit the ball hard which smacked Jin right in the face.

"Ouch!" Jin exclaimed, rubbing his cheek. "Hey, why are you aiming for this beautiful face? It's worldwide handsome, you know!"

"Sorry, hyung, I didn't mean to mess up that perfect face of yours! It's just too distracting," Hoseok teased, grinning mischievously.

Jin mock glared at him, "Well, you should be careful next time."

" Yes hyung I will be."

Hoseok nodded as they resumed their game.

In the other hand Namjoon spotted a tiny crab on the beach and gently picked it up with his dimple smile.

"Hello there, little friend," Namjoon cooed in a soft voice, his eyes sparkling with delight. "Aren't you just the cutest thing I've ever seen?"

Namjoon laughed as the crab seemed to listen to him, its tiny pincers clicking in response.

"You know, I bet you have some amazing stories to tell," Namjoon continued, his voice filled with warmth. "I wish I could understand crab language so we could chat all day."

Taehyung skipped over to Namjoon, his eyes wide with excitement. "Namjoon hyung, come with me! I will show you something cool!" he exclaimed, tugging on Namjoon's sleeve.

Namjoon turned to Taehyung, holding up the tiny crab he had found. "Look, Taehyung, I found a crab!"

Taehyung's face lit up with delight as he examined the crab. "Wow, it's so cool! I'm gonna call it Zorblat"

Namjoon stifled a laugh at Taehyung's creative naming. "Zorblat, huh? That's quite the name, Taehyung."

Taehyung kept talking to the crab in funny sounds and moves, pretending they were communicating in some kind of alien language.

Namjoon laughed as he  imitate Taehyung.

"Ahh...hyung...Don't make fun of me, Zorblat understands me!"Taehyung pouted.

Namjoon make a serious face as he  tried to stop laughing "Sorry, Taehyung-ah. I didn't mean to laugh. Zorblat is lucky to have such a creative friend like you."

"Yes " Taehyung proudly nodded. " Now let's go."

"Yes let's go."

With a smile, Namjoon gently placed Zorblat back on the sand and followed Taehyung.

As Namjoon reached the place where Taehyung was taking him,he got curious as  other family members were also there.

Yoongi was lay buried in the sand, only his head poking out. As TaeMinKook had sculpted the sand around him, molding it into the shape of a mermaid's body.

( LIKE THIS - Imagine him as Yoongi 😅)

" Aww my cutie baby." His mother cooed.

" God he is sleeping." His father Shake his head.

Other boys giggles as Yoongi wake up.

" What's going on ?" He asked lazily.

"You make a pretty convincing mermaid! "
Jin s exclaimed, earning a chorus of laughter from the rest of the family.

Yoongi blinked, finally realizing that the maknae line had buried him in the sand and crafted him into a mermaid.

"You guys are too much," Yoongi teased the maknae line.

Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook exchanged delighted glances before chiming in unison, "But hyung, you look so cute as a mermaid!"

Yoongi couldn't help but blush at their adorable compliment, "Oh, stop it, you guys," he replied, trying to hide his growing grin.

Namjoon and Hoseok joined in on the teasing, their eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Yoongi hyung don't let that smile disappear too quickly," Namjoon joked.

Hoseok nodded in agreement, a playful smirk on his face. "That's right, hyung. We need to capture this moment forever!"

Yoongi couldn't help but laugh at their antics, shaking his head in mock exasperation.

Ae-Cha interjected with a gentle but firm tone, "Alright, everyone, let's stop messing around with Yoongi. We need to pull him out from the sand now."

The family nodded in understanding.

As Yoongi struggled to untangle himself from the sand. Jin couldn't resist seizing the opportunity for a classic dad joke:

"Yoongi, why don't we ever see elephants hiding in trees?"

Yoongi, raised his brows asked, "Why?"

"Because they're really good at it!" Jin exclaimed with a grin and started to laugh his windshield wiper laugh.

The rest of the family exchanged amused glances but didn't laugh.

With an exaggerated eye-roll, Yoongi couldn't help but tease, "Ah, Jin hyung and his dad jokes. Someone's gotta laugh at them, I guess!"

Jin simply grinned, unfazed by the lack of response from the others. "Hey, someone's gotta appreciate my humor," he quipped, his laughter still echoing around him.

The family members just shook their head and with their coordinated effort, they carefully began to pull Yoongi out from the sand.

After a few minutes of laughter and funny moments, Ae-Cha called out to her children, "Alright, everyone, it's time to eat!"

The family gathered around eagerly, their appetites whetted by the excitement of the day.

As the family enjoyed their meal Hoseok asked his father"Dad can we ride water scooters after we finish eating?"

" Sure Hobi you can."Shihyuk smiled.

"That sounds like a blast! Count me in!" Jin grinned.

"Yeah, I'm game for some water fun!" Namjoon cheers.

"Hmm, I think I'll pass this time. I just want to relax after eating." Yoongi said lazy.

"Come on, Yoongi, you sure you don't want to join? It'll be a blast!" Hoseok nag  him.

" Nah~ I'll just chill here and watch you guys have fun."

"That's okay Hobi let your brother rest." Ae-Cha said softly." Yoongi dear. You can rest while the others enjoy."


" Alright fine." Hoseok said

"But I can't wait! It's gonna be epic!"Taehyung cheers.

"Me too! It sounds like so much fun!" Jimin said.

"Yeah, let's do it!" Jungkook jumped.

However, their father, concerned about the safety of the younger ones, hesitated. "I think it might be too dangerous for the maknae line," he said, his tone cautious.

"Dad, please? We promise to be super careful!" Jimin pleaded.

"Yeah, Dad, please." Jimin said

"Please, Dad? It'll be so much fun, please." Jungkook claim in.

Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook turned on the charm, flashing their best puppy eyes at their father, hoping to sway his decision.

"Okay, okay, you win! But remember, safety first! You'll ride with your brothers and listen to them, understood?" He said.

"I'm not sure, Shihyuk. Maybe we should consider other activities for them."Ae-Cha said.

"But Mom, we really want to try it! Please?" Jimin show his puppy eyes.

"Yeah, mom we'll make sure they're safe. We won't go too fast." Jin assured his mom.

"And we'll keep an eye on them the whole time." Namjoon said.

Taehyung and Jungkook chimed in with hopeful expressions, adding, "Yeah, please, Mon ? We promise we'll be careful!"

Kim Shihyuk looked at his wife and put a hand on her shoulder silently saying it's going to be alright.

Ae-Cha sighed and said "Alright, but do as your father said you guys will ride with your older brothers and follow their instructions closely. Safety comes first."

" Yes mama" The maknae line cheers.They rushed over to hug their mother, who wrapped them in a warm embrace. Ae-Cha planted gentle kisses on each of their foreheads, her love and concern evident in the tender gesture.

The brothers eagerly hopped onto the water scooters, each pairing up with their older sibling.

"Hold on tight, Jungkook! We're gonna ride the waves like pros!"Jin said

" Yah Let's get it !! Let's go faster!"Jungkook said excited as his grip tighten around Jun's waist.

Meanwhile, Namjoon skillfully maneuvered the water scooter, feeling Jimin's arms wrapped securely around him."Ready for some thrills, Jimin?"

"Absolutely, hyung! Let's show them how it's done!" Jimin cheers.

Hoseok grinned mischievously. "Hang on, Taehyung! We're about to make some waves!" 

"Woo! Let's make a splash, hyung!" Taehyung's cheers behind Hoseok.

" Hyung, Namjoon-ah let's race." Hoseok excitedly suggested .

"Yup, let's go!" They agreed with a grin.

As the water scooter race heated up, the brothers couldn't resist getting competitive.

"Catch us if you can, Jimin-shi and Namjoon hyung! We're gonna leave you in our wake!" Jungkook playfully taunted.

"That's right, little bro! We've got this in the bag!" Jin chimed in with confidence.

"Oh, it's on, Jin hyung and Jungkook-ah! We'll show you what we're made of!" Jimin responded with determination.

"You all are going to lose! Hoseok hyung, hurry!" Taehyung egged on.

"Yah, Taehyung! We've got speed and style on our side!" Hoseok shouted back, revving up his water scooter.

The brothers laughed and shouted as they raced across the water to claim victory.

But in the end, it was Jin and Jungkook who crossed the finish line first

"We did it, Jungkook! We're the champions!" Jin cheers.

"Yeah, we're unstoppable, hyung!" Jungkook cheers to as they did High five.

"Well done, Jin hyung and Jungkook-ah! But just you wait, next time Team Minjoon will take the lead!" Namjoon  teased.

" Yup hyung we will show them our power!" Jimin said.

"Haha, nice one, hyungs! But Team Taehope will show you how it's done next time!" Taehyung claim in.

"You guys may have won today, but we are  gearing up for victory next time! Just you wait!" Hoseok said.

" Ofcourse guys try your best but Team 'Kim Seok Jin'  is  always champion."

" We will see that."

" Ofcourse !" Jin wink."And now maybe we should head back to the shore."  He said.

The rest of the siblings nodded in agreement.

As the siblings reached the shore, they spotted their parents and Yoongi in the distance, already in the process of packing up their beach gear.

"Hey, guys, we're all packed up," Shihyuk called out with a smile. "It's time to head back home."

"Yeah, it's getting late. Let's go home and rest."Ae-Cha  nodded in agreement, a gentle smile on her face.

"Yeah, I'm ready to relax at home."Yoongi joined in.

"Yoongi hyung, are you sure you're not secretly a grandpa?" Jungkook joked with a mischievous grin, earning a chorus of laughter from the rest of the siblings.

"Yeah, grandpa Yoongi, always needing his rest," Taehyung chimed in, adding to the teasing.

"Hey, I just like to take it easy, okay? Nothing wrong with that."Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Alright, that's enough teasing for now," AeChan said with a gentle but firm tone. "Let's save the banter for another time. Everyone, please get in the car."

The siblings quickly obeyed, knowing not to argue with their mom. With a few final giggles, they all got into the car, ready to head home and enjoy each other's company in a calmer atmosphere.


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