KyleBayan द्वारा

41.3K 1.7K 508

Wealth, fame, power, Gol D. Roger the king of the pirates obtained this and everything else the world had to... अधिक

Rubber, Slime and The Straw Hat (edited)
Enter Lougetown
Calm Before Storm
Chaos, Escape to The Storm
Enter The Grand Line, The Whale and Doctor
Resting and Explanations
Secrets at Whiskey Peak
Battle at Whiskey Peak
Contract to Protect The Princess
Scenic Route Through Little Garden
Adventure in The Lost World
Lurking in The Jungle
Wax and Revelation
Jurassic Rumble, Call from a Warlord
Farewell Little Garden, an Emergency Detour
The Island with No King
Search for a Doctor
Snow Warning, Climb to The Castle
Chopper, The Monster of Drum Island
Battle of Monsters, End of Wapol's Tyranny
Cherry Blossoms Bloom, Farewell Chopper
New Crewmember and a New Friend
Alabasta, The Kingdom of Sand
Through The Desert
Vivi's Determination, Evil in The Shadows
Storming Rainbase, Rimuru vs Hinata
Crocodile's Trap
Escape from Crocodile
Race To Alubarna
Gathering In Alubarna
The End of Baroque Works
The Bonds of Friendship
Search for The Next Island
The Island of Pirates

Farewell and Surprise Reunion

726 31 18
KyleBayan द्वारा

After the crew gained a new companion, Eyelash, they continued on their journey to Yuba.

The next day, after hours of traveling the crew decided to stop for lunch, unknown to them they were being observed from a distance.

Usopp: this is all the lunch we get!? come on!

Luffy: seconds! Seconds! 

Luffy and Usopp began protesting for more food, Sanji kicked the two in the face.

Sanji: don't be greedy. You both have enough for one meal

Luffy ignored Sanji and snatched Zoro's meat.

Zoro: hey!!

The four started to bicker amongst themselves.

Vivi: why do they always behave like this whenever we eat?

Nami: don't make eye contact

Rimuru: *eating* and make sure you keep an eye on your food

Vivi and Nami looked at Ace as he was cleaning his utensils and plate.

Vivi: Ace is so calm and orderly. He cleans his fork and plate after each meal

Nami: makes me think there's hope for his gender after all

Rimuru: that's a bit harsh, you know Ace was a serious troublemaker along with Luffy and Sabo when we were kids. I had to help bail them out from time to time, those were fun times

Nami: who's Sabo?

Rimuru: hmm? Oh, he was someone very close to us

Vivi: where is he now?

Rimuru: he... is somewhere else right now

Rimuru stared off into the horizon, reminiscing about her childhood with a somber look on her face.

Nami and Vivi realized what happened and held Rimuru's shoulder.

Vivi: my condolences

Rimuru: thanks guys

After everyone finished eating, Rimuru put out the fire with sand.

Rimuru: it's time to get going. Nami, would you mind?

Nami: sure. Knock it off you two!

Nami walked to the bickering guys and smacked them.

Rimuru: (huh, how can Nami hurt Luffy, could she use armament haki?)

Nami: hurry up and clean this mess, we're leaving for Yuba

Afterwards, the crew got into a scuffle with a bounty hunter named Scorpion who Ace mentioned to have defeated Blackbeard but immediately found out it was all a lie to lure him.

As Ace and Scorpion fought, the crew discovered that Scorpion wasn't even a bounty hunter and only did it to make a point to his sons to never give up on their dreams.

Ace: I guess it's about time for me to leave

Luffy: leaving already?

Ace: yup, since it's confirmed that Blackbeard isn't even in Alabasta, I have no reason to stick around

Rimuru: you sure?

Sanji: any idea on where he might be next?

Ace: Scorpion did mention he heard about a man claiming to be Blackbeard on another island. Before I go, Rimuru

Rimuru: what's up?

Ace: how about one last match, just like old times

Rimuru: sure

The crew sat on some rocks, excitedly watching a fight between the 2nd division commander of the "Whitebeard pirates" and one of the captains of the "Strawhat pirates".

Ace handed Rimuru his bag which she stored in her stomach.

Ace got into a fighting stance while Rimuru pulled out a metal pole from her stomach.

Ace: Luffy, wanna give us a signal?

Luffy: shishishi, sure. Ready...

Luffy raised his hand.

Luffy: GO!!

The instant Luffy brought his hand down, Ace and Rimuru charged at each other.

Ace coats his fist in haki and then throws a fiery punch.

Rimuru used observation haki at full blast, observing Ace's moves and counters by coating the pole she was using with armament haki.

The clash caused a massive explosion of haki.

Rimuru leaps into the air and sprouts wings, hovering in place as she scans for Ace's location.

She then delivers a backward roundhouse kick to counter Ace's flaming kick.

Ace backed off, turning his lower half into flames, and hovered in place.

He creates two flaming javelins and then hurls them at Rimuru.

Ace: Saint Elmo's Fire!!

RImuru: Icicle Shotgun!!

Rimuru counters by launching icicle spears.

Both attacks collided creating a steam explosion.

Rimuru: Water Gun!!

Ace: Fire Gun!!

The two flew all over the place, launching fire and water bullets while causing massive destruction below.

Meanwhile, the crew (minus Nami and Usopp) watched in awe in the battle.

Luffy: Awesome!!

Nami:*panicking* What are those two doing, are they trying to destroy this place!?

Usopp: *panicking* Protect me Zoro!!

Zoro: protect yourself

Sani: Nami, Vivi I'll protect you both~♡

Back to the fight, both pirates are still locked in areal combat.

Ace Rushed towards Rimuru.

Ace: Fire Fist!!

Rimuru: Water Blast!!

The two each launched a powerful attack, causing another steam explosion.

Ace moved as fast as he could and managed to deliver a punch to Rimuru's gut, sending her crashing into a rock, sending sand and dust in the air.

Ace: gotcha! Woah!!

Suddenly Ace's hand started pulling him straight down.

He glanced at his hand and saw it was covered in slime and there was a slime trail.

He glanced at the dust cloud and saw a volley of snowballs flying towards him.

Ace: snowballs!?

Confused by the snowballs, Ace felt a sudden pain as the snowballs struck him.

Ace: (she coated these snowballs in haki!?)

Ace explodes into flames, removing the slime on his hand, and lands on the ground.

As the smoke enveloping Rimuru cleared, both of them smiled.

Ace: looks like you've picked up a few tricks

Rimuru: right back at ya

Ace put his fingers to make a cross.

Ace: this time, I'm gonna beat you! FROSS FIRE!!

Ace blasted a beam of fire straight towards Rimuru.

Rimuru held the pole with her right hand and turned her left hand to slime.

Rimuru: you wish

Rimuru rushed forward, using her slime hand as a shield to devour Ace's flames.

She swung her pole but Ace dodged it and attempted to counter by sweeping her legs.

Rimuru leaped over Ace's leg but he quickly followed it with a flip kick.

Ace landed his strike sending Rimuru into the air.

Ace: Flame Commandment: Fire Pillar!!

A circle of flames appeared below Ace's feet before rising into a flaming pillar, enveloping Rimuru in flames.

Rimuru began absorbing the flames and flew straight towards Ace.

She began swinging her pole while. 

Ace intercepts the swings with his fist.

The two are now locked in melee combat inside a flame pillar, each taking damage.

Meanwhile, the crew watched in shock as Rimuru was seemingly incinerated by her elder brother's attack.

Zoro: so this is the power of a commander of the Whitebeard pirates

Usopp: He! He killed her!!

Sanji began bawling because of Usopp's panicked and over exaggerated comment.


Nami: I can't see anything through the flames. What's going on now

While everyone was happening, the flame pillar blew up and both Ace and Rimuru leaped away from each other.

Ace: looks like you're as strong as ever

Rimuru: why don't finish this with one last move

Ace: sounds good to me

Ace coated his fist in haki and flames while Rimuru coated the pole she was using with haki and electricity.


Rimuru: One sword style: Thunder of heaven and earth!!

Just as Ace was about to throw a punch, Rimuru vanished from his sight and reappeared in front of him.

Rimuru swung the pole upwards, redirecting Ace's punch to the sky.

As fire shot out of Ace's arm Rimuru brought the pole down, whacking Ace in the head.

Ace fell flat on the ground and a lump formed on his head.

Rimuru: I win again

Ace got up and rubbed his head in pain.

Ace: I thought I would win this time

Rimuru put the pole in her stomach and approached, giving him a hand.

Rimuru: I noticed you've been relying on your power more than your haki. why don't you work on observation haki

Ace: I'll keep that in mind

Luffy immediately approached his siblings.

Luffy: that was so cool! Ace, fight me next!!

Rimuru handed Ace his back from her stomach.

Ace: sorry Luffy, I really should get going

Luffy: *pout* aw man!

Ace reached into his bag and pulled out a piece of paper with a torn edge.

He then ripped the paper in half and handed it to his brother and sister.

Ace: do yourselves a favor and hold on to that

Luffy: it's just a scrap of paper?

Ace: that scrap of paper will reunite us someday

Rimuru: really?

Ace: of course. you don't want it?

Luffy: I'll keep it

Rimuru: if you're sure it will reunite us again then I'll keep it

Ace then looked at the crew and bowed.

Ace: he might be a bit much for you, but please take care of my brother when my sister isn't looking

Ace straightened up and looked at his siblings.

Ace: Luffy, Rimuru. the next time we meet, all three of us will be top pirates

Luffy: yeah!

Rimuru: of course

Ace: see ya

Ace began walking into the sunset as everyone was waving him goodbye.

Rimuru stored the paper in her stomach while Luffy tucked his in the band of his hat.


Nami: *angry* WE'RE NOT FIGHTING HIM!!

Rimuru: off to Yuba!!

The crew continued making their way to Yuba.

The next day while they were traveling Luffy started acting wild and crazy, yelling, fighting, and running around, even in thin air.


The rest of the crew was confused by Luffy.

Rimuru: What is he doing?

Sanji: how is he running on air?

Usopp: he must've eaten another cactus

Rimuru: that doesn't really explain anything

Chopper: what kind of cactus did he eat?

Usopp pointed at a patch of round half-eaten cactus.

Usopp: those ones over there

Chopper looked at the cactus and started sweating.

Chopper: Oh no! The juices of that cactus have a hallucinogenic effect!!

Luffy stopped running and glared at the crew.

Luffy: which one of you is Crocodile!!? RAAAAAAAAHH!! GUM-GUM GATLING!!

Luffy charged at the crew, launching his fists like a Gatling gun.

Chopper and Usopp screamed in a panic.

Rimuru: KNOCK IT OFF!!

Rimuru coated her fist in haki then launched her fist, stretching her arm like Luffy's.

Rimuru's arm slipped passed the barrage of fists and hit Luffy straight at his face.

Luffy fell face-first into the sand.

Rimuru: *sigh* Sanji

Sanji: on it

Sanji grabbed the feet of the unconscious Luffy and the whole crew continued on their way.

As the sun has set and Luffy woke up, the crew reached a city but it was being ravaged by a sandstorm.

After the sandstorm had passed the crew walked through the deserted city.

Zoro: this doesn't look good. the place looks no different from that Erumalu Town from before 

Luffy: Rimuru, water!

Rimuru: fine. Here

Rimuru hands Luffy a flask full of water.

Sanji: Vivi, I thought this place was supposed to be an oasis

Vivi: it looks like Oasis has been swallowed up by the sand

The crew kept walking until they encountered a man digging in a crater.

The man noticed the group but kept focusing on digging.

???: I'm guessing you must be travelers. you must be exhausted traveling through the heat. I'm sorry but this town is a bit dried up too, with not much relief to offer. We may not have much water but there are plenty of inns in town, you folks are welcome to rest

Vivi: thank you but we came here because we thought the rebel army was in this town

The man stopped digging and glared at the crew.

???: what business do you have with the rebel army!!?

The man began throwing junk at the crew.


After running out of things to throw the man went back to digging.

???: if you're looking for those fools then look elsewhere. they're no longer in this town

the whole crew is shocked, that their journey to the town is a waste.


Vivi: They left!?

???: I'm sure you noticed that the town was hit by a sandstorm. It certainly wasn't the first

Rimuru: really!? then how many sandstorms was that?

???: hard to say. other than three years with no rain, the sandstorms have become a regular occurrence. I'd say once every three days or so. little by little the oasis has been swallowed by the desert

Rimuru found the frequency of sandstorms and began to ponder.

???: with the flow of supplies to the town ended, the rebel army cant maintain the struggle. so they packed up and moved to Katorea

Rimuru: Eh!?

Vivi: Katorea!?

Luffy: where's that? Is it close by Vivi?

The man suddenly stopped digging upon hearing Vivi's name.

Vivi: it's near Nanohara, back the way we came from

Eyelash: Vwo, Vwo, Vwo, Vwo...

Chopper: Eyelash was saying he remembered carrying rebel army supplies to Katorea before he was chased by the Sandora dragon

Usopp, Sanji, and Luffy got angry and started beating up Eyelash.




Eyelash: Vwo

Chopper: "Whatever"

The three got annoyed by Eyelash even more and beat him up again.

After beating up Eyelash, the three stopped to catch their breath.

Rimuru: okay, leave the poor guy alone. it's not like we asked him if he knew about the rebel army

Zoro rubbed the back of his head in frustration.

Zoro: coming all the way out here is just a waste of time

The man who was digging approached the crew

???: is your name truly Vivi?

Everyone flinched, remembering that the guy was still there.

Luffy panicked and stood in front of Vivi.

Luffy: now hold on! Vivi is definitely not a princess!

Rimuru punched Luffy at the back of his head.

Rimuru: shut up you idiot!

The man walked closer and held Vivi's shoulder.

???: Princess Vivi, is that really you? You're alive, thank goodness

Rimuru: who are you?

???: oh, I apologize for the late introduction. My name is Toto

Vivi's eyes widen in surprise.

Vivi: you're mr Toto?

Toto: that's right. it's me. Vivi, please listen... I have faith in you and the king... I firmly believe that your father would never betray this country

The man named Toto fell to his knees, crying for many reasons.

With tears in his eyes, Toto began talking about how there are still people who believe in Vivi's father, that he tried to stop the rebellion but he couldn't, and that the rebel army is planning to make one last attack, ready to die for the kingdom. 

Toto's words shook Vivi to her core.

Toto: Princess Vivi, please stop those fools from tearing each other apart!

Vivi calmed down and handed Toto a hankerchief.

Vivi: mr Toto, don't worry. We will stop this, we will succeed

Toto: princess... *crying* thank you Vivi

Elsewhere in the desert of alabasta was a small restaurant called the "Spider's Cafe".

Inside the empty cafe, there was an employee, reading a book when suddenly a short woman with an annoyed expression and a fat man carrying a bazooka walked inside.

Woman: well, well, Merry Christmas!! Merry Christmas!! That was an exhausting trip! my back is really killing me!! This is all your fault mr 4, your so slow!! I we had gotten here much sooner my back wouldn't hurt right now!!

Mr 4: ooooooooooohhhhh i'mmmmm ssssooooooo soooooorrrrryyyy miiiisssssss meeerrrrrryyyy chriiiissstttmmmaaassss

The woman known as Miss Merry Christmas got annoyed by Mr's slow speech and sat at the counter.

Miss Merry Christmas: yes! yes! yes! how's business today Miss Paula? This place is empty today! empty place! empty place! empty place! place! place!

Paula: *chuckles* it is good to see you again, Miss Merry Christmas, you too Mr 4. You both have the shop all to yourself today, I can brew some tea for you if you don't mind waiting for a few minutes?

Miss Merry Christmas is hopping in her seat while slamming her hand on the counter.

Miss Merry Christmas: No, I don't wanna wait for tea! I wanna drink something now! now! now! right away! right way! got it!

Paula started boiling water, unfazed by the woman's nagging.

Paula: you seem to be in good spirits? Is work going well?

Paula served the two baroque works officers cups of tea.

Miss Merry Christmas: in our line of work, if you don't do your job you die! So of course I'm doing well you stupid woman! stupid woman! stupid! stupid!

Paula: of course, how forgetful of me

As Miss Merry Christmas and Mr 4 Drank the tea, Miss Merry Christmas heard a strange song.

Miss Merry Christmas: what kind of noise is that?! What kind of crazy song are you playing?!

Paula: song? I'm not playing any music?

Suddenly the cafe's doors swung open, revealing Bon Clay or also known as "Mr 2", along with his crew.

Mr 2: *bow* Hello to all, how do you do today?

Mr 2 struck a pose, weirding out the barkeeper.

Mr 2 approached the counter and sat down.

Mr 2: you guys can go now. make sure to practice those dance moves like we talked about

Crew: yes sir Mr 2, Mr Bon Clay sir!

Mr 2's crew saluted then started dancing off.

Mr 2 then noticed Mr 4 was giving Miss Merry Christmas a back massage.

Mr 2: oh great, it's the fatty and the old hag

Miss Merry Christmas: why don't you shut your mouth! you weirdo ballerina, swan-wearing freak of nature!

Mr 2 ignored Miss Merry Christmas' insult and chatted with the bartender.

Mr 2: I heard that Mr 1 and his partner are coming. though I never actually got the chance to meet them. I'm getting excited ahahahaha!

Unknown to the agents a cloaked figure was watching from a distance.

Hours went by and Mr 2 and 4 were entertaining themselves to pass the time.

Miss Merry Christmas: *annoyed* would you quit dancing! You're giving me a headache!

Mr 2: *annoyed* what's your problem you old hag!!? Do you wanna fight!!?

Miss Merry Christmas: do you really think you can handle me!!?

Just when the two were getting ready to fight, the clock stuck at 8:00 and suddenly something crashed in the saloon.

Everyone got ready to fight only to find out that it was Mr 2's crew.

Mr 2 was shocked that his men were bloodied and injured.

Mr 2: hey what happened to you guys!!? Why are you guys lying on the ground instead of practicing!?

Man: we were until-

The man looked behind him and flinched.

Suddenly a man walked through the hole.

???: so these men are acquaintances of yours. I found them acting suspiciously in the desert, don't worry I doubt they'll die

Mr 2 looked at the man in fury.

Mr 2: *angry* you must be mr 1?

???: you seem unnecessarily concerned about them. fostering friendships will only make you weaker

Mr 2: you bastard!!

Miss Merry Christmas: Mr 2 wait!!

Mr 2 and 1 began fighting.

Mr 2 is unable to land a strike due to his opponent's speed and reflexes while Mr 1 is unable to land a hit because of Mr 2's flexibility and unusual movements.

they continued to fight until Mr 2 managed to land a kick on mr 1 and sent him flying through the wall as if it were butter.

Mr 1 quickly recovered and glared at Mr 2.

Mr 1: do you wish to die that badly?

Before things could escalate any further mr 4 pounced on mr 2 while Paula stopped mr 1.

Mr 2: come on!! get off me fatty!! Ow!! OW!! OW!!

Paula: that's enough playing around Mr 1

Mr 1: I'm not done. Move Miss Double Finger, I still haven't killed him yet

Paula or rather Miss Double Finger removed her disguise.

Miss Double Finger: Mr 2, it's time for you to calm down as well, it's 8:00. all agents that should be here, are here. What's more, a letter containing our next order has arrived at the Spider's cafe. We are to head for Rainbase, the city of dreams. In that city, we'll meet someone, a man we know whose face we've never seen. we're going to meet the boss

Everyone was stunned speechless, surprised that they were finally allowed to meet their boss.

A tortoise-drawn carriage showed up and all agents present climbed aboard and headed straight for Rainbase.

Eventually, they reached the city where head straight for a casino.

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