Old Hopes & New Boots (Kelsea...

By UnnervedXD

1.1K 51 31

Y/N L/N is a 26 year old, small-time country musician from Tennessee, who's just trying to make it big doing... More

Obsession with Music
Crash Into me
At War With Myself
Risk Takin'
Mystery Woman and Record Labels?
Dive Bar Romance
The Fair and Fallin' Hearts
Mornin' Afters
Deals and Divorces?!
Dates and Secrets
Layin' It All Out
First Ex/ First Single
Anger, Hurt, and Deceit

Who to Trust...

44 2 1
By UnnervedXD


It's been a few days since my psycho ex decided to show up at my house high and uninvited. It's also been a few days since Kelsea's and I's song was released, it's doing good. I can't wait to hear it on the radio, I feel that's when you've known you are blowing up. Speaking of radios... I have to get my fuckin truck fixed. I wish Steph would have just left when I asked her, I know I have some nosey-ass neighbors and they would do anything to make a quick buck.

I haven't seen Kels much after all the chaos as she's busy with all the interviews and her album, addressing her marriage and other things. I'm excited to hear it when it's released. Every time I ask to hear a snippet, she says I have to wait like everyone else, which to me isn't fair... Which brings y'all up to speed.

I climbed out of bed and stretched, allowing my old bones and joints to crack and pop into place. "God I'm getting old," I said out loud. "It's kinda unfair that I crack like a glow stick but don't glow, I feel robbed," I said laughing. As I walked to my bathroom, I connected my phone to my bathroom speakers, and pressed shuffle on Spotify, hoping a good song came on as I went to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day.

(Y/N's Outfit)

As I re-entered the bathroom, one of my favorite songs was on, "Knockin' Boots" by Luke Bryan. I took my clothes off and climbed in the shower, singin' and dancing along to the song, makin' up my own lil' line dance as I washed my hair. By the time my hair was washed, the song was over, so I waited for the next song which was "Tennessee Whiskey" by Chris Stapleton. I swear music makes showering go by so fast.

Once I finished my shower, I dried off my body and got dressed. I opened my bathroom door and watched the steam leave the bathroom. "Damn, it wasn't even that hot..." I mumbled to myself. I disconnected my phone and headed downstairs, to see Sobek chewing on his bone. "Goodmornin' bud!," I said as I petted him, making his tail wag. I called him over to the back door and let him out so he could go to the bathroom and burn off some energy.

I made a cup of coffee and sat out on the back porch enjoying the silence while scrolling through my phone. The only noises that could be heard, were the birds chirping occasionally, the wind blowing through the trees, and the neighbors' kids laughing while playing with Sobek through the fence. I texted Chance, to see if he wanted to come to help me work on the truck, to at least fix what I could. I didn't even wanna go out to see the damn thing. She was beating the shit out of my truck when I closed the door. As I went to put my phone down, I got a notification that caught my attention, because this is what I was worried about...


New Music Artist Y/N L/N is seen arguing with a mystery woman!

Last week, we were sent footage of the latest signee to Black River Entertainment, arguing with a mystery woman. The conversation seemed very heated as Y/N can be seen waving his arms frantically and the woman putting her finger in his chest. The woman looked crazed or under the influence. Is this a sign that Y/N is involved with another woman?! Does Kelsea know about this woman?


"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled as I tossed my phone on the table. "Y/N!" I heard from inside the house, it sounded like Chance. I pocketed my phone, grabbed my coffee, and walked into the house. "What's up Chance?" I said, placing my cup on the counter. "Not much bud, you know she did some severe damage to your truck right?" He said. "No shit dude," I said, fed up with the entire situation. "Damn dude what crawled up your ass," he said sounding offended. "Bro today is just not a good day, ok, I just read some stupid ass article by TMZ that pissed me off," I said, running my hands over my face. "What article?" He asked and I slid him my phone.

"How the hell did they get that video?" he asked. "My nosey ass neighbors I think, that's why I wish she would've just left like an adult," I said, instantly getting more annoyed. He handed me my phone back, avoiding eye contact, and said, "I'm sorry you have to deal with her crazy ass bro." "I just wish she would get out of my life, I'm tired of picking up the pieces when she crashes or runs out of money for drugs..." I said, confiding in Chance like I always have. "Why don't we get your mind off this thing and go look at this mess of a truck," He said. "Yeah, I guess so..." I said. Why didn't he look at me earlier when he handed me my phone back...

When we walked outside, I couldn't believe the state of my truck. The windshield was smashed in, three tires were deflated, the headlights smashed, the doors dented and there was a hole in my damn hood... "The fuck did she hit my truck with?! That's a steel body truck?!" I said as I looked it over. "Who knows bro you know she's fucking crazy," Chance said, as he took pictures of the truck. "What's the pictures for?" I asked, curiosity laced in my voice. "Oh you know for the post you'll make when it's finished, like you did with your Bronco..." He said, again avoiding eye contact. Why does he keep doing that shit! "I wasn't even gonna post this though, especially now with the article. No need to fan the flames or feed the vultures..." I said, getting in the driver's side, to try to start the truck, which it did start.

"At least it starts? I don't know about driving it like this though," Chance said. "I just wanna drive it into the garage, I got tires in there for this truck," I said to him. "Oh you do?" he asked. "Yeah, you've seen them before dude. Why are you acting so weird? Did you not sleep right or somethin'?" I asked, as I slowly rolled the truck into my garage. "Yeah. I didn't get enough sleep, that's what it is." He said strangely. "You sure you don't wanna go nap on the couch or something?" I asked. "Yeah imma go nap for like 30 minutes, thanks bro," He said, running to my house. "Why the hell is he acting like that..." I said out loud as I connected my phone to my speaker system and began working on the truck.

(A/N: I genuinely can't do anything without music...)

Chance's POV

I hate lying to Y/N... I just think it's easier than telling him the truth. But God do I suck at lying. How do you lie to someone you've known as long as I have known Y/N?

Once I made it into the house, I went to his office where his security system is, and accessed the footage from the day of Y/Ns argument with Steph and downloaded it to a flash drive. "Sorry bro," I said quietly, as I set everything back to how Y/N had it. I shoved the flash drive into my pocket, went to the living room, and laid on the couch to take a "nap".

Before I could fall asleep my phone went off, with a text from "S💗". The text read "Hey babe did you get it🤨?". I simply replied "Yes 😑" and put my phone on the table before falling asleep.


As I was in the process of taking the tires off, my phone began to ring, causing me to stop what I was doing and answer the phone.



"Hey handsome"

"Hey gorgeous, how are you?"

"I'm good, just wanted to check on you, I saw the article. Don't let TMZ get a rise out of you, okay?"

"It definitely pissed me off for a bit, but then Chance came over to help me with the truck, he's been acting very strange though."

"What do you mean "Acting strange"?"

"He won't make eye contact with me, he took pictures of my damaged truck, said they were for like a before/after post that I was gonna make, mind you I never even said those words and why would I do that, after the article released. Yeah, I've done it before with my Bronco, but I ain't about to feed the vultures or flames of the paparazzi. Then I asked him why he was being so weird and if he didn't get enough sleep, and his exact response was "Yeah, I didn't get enough sleep, that's it." While avoiding eye contact with me again!"

"You don't think he's the one to leak the video do you?"

"No that's my best friend, he wouldn't do that, would he?"

"I have no clue handsome that's why I asked you."

"Enough about my problems, maybe he is just tired, I don't know. How's the interviews been?"

"Well most of them are good, some are a little intrusive, like asking if you were the reason for me and Morgan's divorce, which is crazy considering, I never even knew you then."

"Wait they think I'm the reason for your divorce? Ooo I get to play the homewrecker! That's a good headline. "Y/N L/N the true reason behind Kelsea Ballerini's divorce, He wanted her to himself," I said laughing.

"Babe! That's not funny!" she said laughing

"Oh yeah then why are you laughing?"

"Cause the view I have is hilarious, there's this handsome man, shirtless, holding a phone between his ear and shoulder, bent over in a pair of Wranglers, fighting with a lug nut on his truck tire..."

"Wait a second..." I said out loud and turned around, seeing Kels standing behind me. I dropped my phone and ran over to her, "I'd hug you but my hands are greasy!" "Hi handsome, I liked the view I had sir," she said wrapping her arms around my sweaty waist. "You are gonna get dirty babe!" I said holding my arms up. "Would you just hug me already?!" she shouted. "I dropped the wrench in my hand and placed my hands on her thighs, lifting her and hugging her. "My handprints are definitely on your blue jeans, that's what you get for dating a grease monkey," I said laughing.

"Have you eaten yet?" Kels asked. "No ma'am, I had my mornin' coffee and then Chance came over and was supposed to help me, but his lazy ass is still sleeping, I've been at this for like an hour," I said, kissing her softly. "I can tell you had coffee, you have too much energy for me," She said, kissing me back. "Wanna go wake Chance up?" I asked, in a hushed tone. "Whatcha have in mind?" she asked. "I wanna jump on him..." I said. "Y/N you could hurt him!" she said. "I guess your right.. Fine you jump on him," I said. "No! I will not jump on Chance!" She said. "Ugh! No fun!" I said stomping my feet.

Kels slid out of my grasp and pulled me into the house. "Let's get some food in you, sir," she said. "Yes ma'am," I said as I followed behind her. As we approached the living room, I saw Chance asleep and his phone was going crazy. I walked over to him and crouched down by his ear and yelled, "WAKE UP FUCKER!" Chance stood up and swung connecting with my nose. "Ow! Son of a bitch! Cock sucking motherfucker!" I yelled as I held my nose. "Babe you.. Oh! Jesus what happened!" Kels asked while looking at my broken nose. "Ouch! I may have yelled in his ear, but his phone was going off like crazy, so I woke him up..." I said, wincing in pain.

Chance finally woke up fully and realized what happened, "Oh shit! I'm so sorry Y/N," "It's okay bud, I shouldn't have yelled in your ear, it was just a reaction." I said, holding my hand under my nose, catching the blood running down my face. "Oh hey Kels!" Chance said, giving her a hug. "Hey Chance, let's get this one to the hospital," Kels said. "But my food," I said pouting. "It will be here when we get back," Kels said, grabbing my non bloody hand, leading me to her car. I grabbed an old shirt and wiped my hand off on it and held it under my nose. "I don't wanna bleed in your car," I said smiling slightly. Chance climbed into the backseat and we headed off to the hospital.

Kelsea, Chance and I walked into the hospital and I gave the woman the reason for the visit and all my information. She told us to have a seat and that someone would be with us shortly. I groaned in pain as I accidentally bumped my nose, causing it to bleed even more, "This fucking sucks," I said to Kels who was looking at me with concern. "I wish you would think before you act, you should've seen it coming," She said as she ran her hand through my hair. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I genuinely didn't mean to punch you so hard, you scared the shit out of me," Chance said, not looking up from his texts. "It's all good bud, we used to beat the shit out of each other when we were younger, this is just payback for when I broke yours," I said, laughing.

30 minutes had passed and I was finally called back to see the doctor, "So Mr. Y/LN, you mind telling me how this happened?" "Well doc, I scared my friend while he was sleeping and he hit me with a mean right cross," I said. "Ah the good ole yell and get punched situation, huh?" He said. "Yessir," I said. "So you know we are gonna have to push it back into place, right?" The doctor asked. "Yeah I know, this is gonna fucking suck, pardon my language," I said. Another nurse, walked in to assist him, not without eye-fucking me first. The doctor placed his thumbs on each side of the break, causing me to grip the bed i was in tightly. "You can hold my hand if you need to," The female nurse, Casey, said. "Uh Casey you know that very- FUCK- very pretty lady I was with, out in the waiting room?" I asked, gritting my teeth because of the pain. "Of course I know who Kelsea Ballerini is, who doesn't?" she asked with attitude. "That wonder-FUCKING AYE- ful woman, is my girlfriend, so with all due respect I'm okay," I said as the doctor snapped my nose back into place, making my eyes water and my ears ring. "Ow! No countdown doc? Shit!" I said. "No sir cause you would have tensed before I could do it," he said. "Makes sense," I said. Casey placed a nasal splint, so that my nose wouldn't shift.

Once the splint was on, I walked out to Kels and Chance. "Oh my baby.." Kels said with a pout. "I'm okay darlin', Imma have 2 black eyes while this heals, so if you wanna earn some street cred here's your moment," I said as we looked out the doors and saw paparazzi. "They never quit!" She said. We walked out hand in hand and I guided us through the crowd of paparazzi.

Y/N who beat you up?!

Are you okay?!

Did Morgan do this?!

Who's the lady you were arguing with?!

Does Kelsea know about your mistress?!

"Listen guys! My head hurts, can we chill with the flashes and the yelling? Please." I asked, nicely as I opened Kels door for her.

I can't believe you would cheat on Kelsea!

Did you know Chance was seen with your mistress!

I ignored them and got in the passenger seat, "Chance was seen with Steph... Speaking of Chance where is he?" I asked, once we pulled off. "He rushed out of the hospital after you went back to get seen, said he had something to do," Kels said while holding my hand. "I think he's dating Steph..."

Uh-oh cliffhanger.

Will Y/N confront Chance or will he confront Steph..

Will he find out about the security system?

What should Y/N do?

Much love y'all- G

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