Star-Crossed 2 (Completed)

By undisputedchick

1.4K 151 0

"Family don't end in blood." Nadia Roussell life continues. Dean and Nadia welcomed their first child to the... More

additional cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 21

17 3 0
By undisputedchick

Nadia's pov

We are outside of the Bunker. Dean's knee is bandaged up.

Sam's got Bevell cuffed on the door handle. I grabbed my other phone, calling my mom.

"Lisle Carmine," my mom said. "Mom, it's me," I said.

"Oh god, Nadia. I tried calling you. Are you okay?" she asked. "Mom, I'm fine," I said.

"Good. How about Dean and Sam?" she asked. "We're safe now. Did Daddy tell you about the Brits?" I asked.

"He did. Deanna and I are at Colt Sigerson's parents' safe house," she said.

"Okay. Stay safe, don't answer the door and call me on this phone. I had to break my old phone to prevent the Brits tracing my texts," I said.

"Okay, I'm glad you three are okay," she said. "I will call you later," I said, ending the call.

Dean's calling Garth. I called Colt. I hear him answer quickly.

"Nadia?" Colt said. "Hey, are you and Dani safe?" I asked.

"We are, where are you?" he asked. I told Colt what happened.

"Dean, Nadia, we have to get to Jody's house," Sam said. "Colt, can you find a way to Sioux Falls, South Dakota?" I asked.

"I can," he said. "Okay. I'll text the address when I get there," I said.

"Okay, see you soon," he said, ending the call. I got in the car as we headed to Sioux Falls.

Couple Days Later

We made it to Jody's house. Her house's a mess. Mary's tied up in a chair after trying to attack Jody and Alex helped her out.

"Hello, boys and Nadia," Mary said, sarcastically. Alex walks over, helping me out with Dean to sit down in the recliner.

"Thanks, Nadia and Alex," Dean said, groaning. "So you must be Nadia Roussell," Jody said, walking to me.

"Nadia Roussell Winchester. Nice to meet you finally. Dean and Sam told me so much about you," I said.

"You too. By the way, this is Alex," Jody said. "Nice to meet you, Nadia," Alex said.

"You as well," I said, sitting next to Dean. "Here you go," Alex said, giving Dean a glass of whiskey.

"Thank you," Dean said. Alex starts taking the bandage off Dean's knee.

She starts cleaning up Dean's knee. Jody talks about what happened before we got here.

I held Dean's hand. "Jody.. she's.. I'm so sorry," Dean said.

"It's not your fault. Fortunately, Alex came home," Jody said. "All I did was buy you time, you knocked her out," Alex said.

Dean hisses in pain, squeezing my hand and groans. "It hurts," he said.

"I know but it will sting for a bit," I said. "I'll get you something for the pain," Alex said, getting up.

Dean finishes his glass. "Make it a double," Dean said, holding his glass.

Alex grabs Dean's glass, heading to the kitchen. Dean looked at his mom.

Jody grabs Dean's arm then hand. "Aww, want to play mother to my son? He's all yours," Mary said.

I held his arm, giving Mary daggers. "Dean, that's not your mother," Jody said.

"What's the matter, Dean? Am I too different from the Mary you know? Or too much for me?" Mary asked.
Sam brings in Bevell.

"Here she is. Do your thing," Sam said. "Alright, you said you could fix her, so fix her," Dean said.

Bevell stammered. "She lied," Mary said. "What?" Sam asked.

"Mary's programming.. it's permanent," Bevell said. "You said..," Dean paused.

"You were gonna kill me. The Mary you know the good Mary, she's hiding behind impenetrable psychic walls. I'm afraid these walls can't be torn down by grenades. Your mother can't be saved," Bevell said.

My phone vibrates, it's Colt texting me. 'I made it to Sioux Falls, where are you?' I texted Jody's address.

'I will be there shortly.' Colt replied. I nodded. "Who was that?" Dean asked.

"My friend Colt Sigerson. He's safe and is on his way," I said. "Is Dani safe too?" Dean asked.

"Dani's safe," I said. "That's good. Did you call your mom?" Dean asked.

"Yes, my mom and Deanna are safe. Colt's parents are keeping them safe at their safe house," I said.

Dean sighed in relief. "I'm glad to hear that our sweet girl's safe with your mom," Dean said, then looked at his mom.

"Want a beer, Nadia?" Jody asked, holding a beer for me. "Sure, thank you," I said, taking it. I quickly chugged it down.

Minutes Later

More hunters started to arrive at Jody's house to help. There's a knock on the door.

Alex opens the door. "Colt Sigerson?" Alex asked.

"Yes," Colt said, walking inside. I got up walking to Colt, hugging him.

"Hey, Nadia. You guys okay?" Colt asked. "We had better days. Are you and Dani doing okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Dani's staying with her parents to be safe," Colt said. "Nadia, who's this?" Sam asked.

"Sam, this is Colt Sigerson, he's my high school classmate, he's a hunter as well," I said. "Nice to meet you," Sam said, shaking Colt's hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Sam," Colt said. "Hey, Colt, how's it going?" Dean asked.

"Good. Had better days. Good to see you again, Dean," Colt said. "You too," Dean said.

Jody brings in beers for everyone. There's another knock, Alex answers the door.

The last two came in, I recognized them from a dream vision.

{Walt and Roy killed Sam and Dean in their hotel room.}

"Are they?" I asked. "Walt and Roy," Sam said. "Ones that killed us," Dean whispers.

"What's up with those four?" Colt asked. "They killed Dean and Sam for the apocalypse thanks to Ruby making Sam kill Lilith to break Lucifer free," I whispered.

"I remember you telling me the dream visions you had back then," Colt whispered. They make amends and get comfortable.

Sam starts explaining why all of the hunters with us and about our people are being hunted by the Brits.

After finished his talk, everyone started getting geared up. Jody gives Sam her keys. I helped Colt get geared up.

I can hear Dean and Sam talking about Dean not going to kill the British Men of Letters because of his bad knee with Sam.

"No way. I'll take a jacked up Dean Winchester, over any of these hunters. No offense Colt," Sam said.

"None taken," Colt said. Colt checks his gun and bullets.

"Does Dean make you happy?" Colt asked. "Yes, he does. We do argue like a couple. I am very happy with him," I said, smiling.

"That's good. I'm glad you found someone that'll protect you," Colt said.
"Same with you. I believed you and Dani would be a great couple," I said.

Colt nodded. "By the way, I knew Dean would change you," he said.

"He didn't just change me, he saved me," I said. Colt nodded, finishing up.

"Let's go. Are you coming with Nadia?" Sam asked. "No, I'm gonna stay with Dean and keep an eye on Mary and that skank that brainwashed your mom," I said, giving Bevell and Mary daggers.

"Okay, just stay low," Sam said. Everyone started to leave, I walked over to Dean.

"Good thing your friend Colt's okay," Dean said, smiling. "I'm glad he's okay. He's not just my best friend, he's my brother from another mother. All he wants me to be is happy," I said.

"That's good. Now, we need to save my mom," Dean said. I nodded.

Dean gave me his keys as we headed to the car.

Back at The Bunker

Dean and I are back to the Bunker with Mary and Bevell. Bevell's hooking up the monitor.

Mary and Dean do a psychic link to each other. She puts a sedative in Mary's neck then goes towards Dean.

Mary closes her eyes. Bevell puts more sedative in the needle.

She put it down as I quickly cuffed her arm to the legs on the table. She scoffed.

"Really?" she asked. "Insurance, you understand," Dean said.

"Suck it up, skank," I said. "This will hurt, understand," she said.

"I'll be here," I whispered to Dean, holding his hand. Bevell put the sedative in Dean's neck, he groaned and exhaled.


It's been going on for five minutes. I waited for Mary and Dean to wake up.

I looked over at Mary, she's shedding tears. I smiled softly then I looked at Dean.

I touched his temple, rolling my eyes to see. "I hate you but I love you," he thought.

I moved my hand, seeing Dean's tears. I shed mine as well. I dried my eyes off, sniffling.

I opened my eyes. I see Bevell dead with her neck cut. I raised my eyebrow, getting up.

I hear a gun cocking at my head, hearing Ketch's thoughts. "Son of a bitch," I mouthed.

I slowly got up, with my hand up. I felt him hitting me in my neck, knocking me out.


My eyes started to blur a little. I see Dean and Ketch fighting each other.

I groaned softly, grabbing my head and neck. I hear Dean groaning in pain.

I slowly got up. Ketch turns around, kicking me in the stomach. I cried out in pain.

I spit out blood. They continue to fight each other. Ketch going after Dean's knee.

Dean yells in pain. Ketch gets up, with a table leg, pressing Dean's back against the wall.

I rushed over to Ketch, jumping on his back. I growled and roared as I biting his neck, drawing blood.

Ketch yelled, grabbing my hair. He flings me off him.

Dean growls as he fights back. "That's for my wife, you son of a bitch!" he yelled, hitting Ketch in the guts with the table leg.

Then in the face with it, repeating blows. Ketch groans in pain, slowly getting up.

Dean uses the table leg to help himself up. "When you left us alone in the Bunker, I knew you were psycho, but I didn't think you were stupid," Dean said.

Ketch gets up, "I may be many things," he said, cocking his gun, "but I'm not stupid." He points the gun at Dean.

Dean sees the gun. I limp over to Dean, getting in front of him.

"If you kill him, you have to kill me too," I said, to Ketch. "So be it," Ketch said, holding the gun at us.

I hear a gunshot, hitting Ketch. I gasped as I thought he shot me. I look over, seeing Mary holding the gun.

"Mom?!" Dean said. "Mary?" Ketch asked as he's down on one knee.

I picked up his gun, pointing at him. Dean and I walked towards Mary.

"I knew you were a killer, you three are," Ketch said. "You're right we are but I'm gonna let them kill you," Dean said, looking at us.

"Go to fucking hell," I whispered. Mary and I shoot Ketch in the head, falling dead.

I spit my blood out of my mouth. I turned to Dean, went to hug him.

He held me close, placing my hand on his chest. "It's okay, it's over," he whispers.

I nodded, sniffling softly. Dean lifting my chin, checking my mouth.

I hissed softly, spitting more blood. "God, he hit you good," he said.

"Ketch hits like a little bitch," I said. Dean smiles. "Nadia?" Mary asked.

"I'm sorry for calling you an abomination. That wasn't me. You're family," she said, smiling.

"It's okay. It's over now," I said, smiling. Dean hugs the both of us.

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