Cosmic Power (Korrasami X Fem...

By PlanetFan13

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After the 100 years old war the world fell into a place of peace and harmony, with Avatar Aang watching over... More

About Mira
Book One: Air 1 - Welcome to Republic City
2 - A Leaf in the Wind
3 - The Revelation
4 - The Voice in the Night
5 - The Spirit of Competition
7 - The Aftermath
8 - When Extremes Meet
9 - Out of the Past
10 - Turning the Tides
11 - Skeletons in the Closet
12 - Endgame

6 - And The Winner Is...

330 19 1
By PlanetFan13

Korra's PoV

Last night semifinals were great, and tonight we would fight against Tahno and the Wolfbats and win. I refuse any other alternative. I will erase that stupid smirk of his stupid face

As we practice, we all send our bending towards three images of Tahno and successfully destroy them

"Yes" I celebrate lowly, triumphantly jumping. I heard Mira snort joyfully at that

"That will show him, Ponytail" she teases as she was sitting on the table petting a sleeping Pabu who was curled on her lap. I laugh and go to her side

"Man, I got a good feeling about tonight. I don't care if we are the underdogs. We can take those pompous Wolfbats" I say excitedly to the guys and then turn to Mira, smiling teasingly wicked. "What is it Sunbeam? You don't think we can take them?"

"I never said that," she fakes an overdramatic pout, then it changes into a devastatingly adorable wicked smirk as she leans slightly closer, as if sharing a secret. "actually, I'm dying to see you put that self-centered jackass in his place" and her smile turns ridiculously beautiful, her turquoise eyes shining brightly against the morning sun. Suddenly I forgot what we were talking about

"It's going to be our toughest match ever, but I think you're right" Mako snaps me out of my thoughts. Taking of his helmet

"Introducing your new champs, the fantastic Fire Ferrets!" Bolin hugs Mako, enthusiastically imitating the announcer. Then suddenly the radio next to Mira cuts off with static and, once again, Amon's voice comes out of it

"Good morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon," Pabu squeaks away from the radio and climbs to Mira's neck. Hiding under her sandy blonde hair. "I hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match, because it will be the last," then we all shared a concern look before glancing back at the radio

"It's time for this city to stop worshiping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the bending arena and cancel the finals, or else there will be severe consequences" then the radio goes static again and the music continues

"That asshole really does love to be the center of attention" Mira mumbles jokingly, but I could hear the concern under her tone

"That guy's got some nerve" Bolin comments

"You think the council will give in?" Mako looks at me. I frown thoughtfully

"I'm not waiting to find out. We need to get to City Hall" I decided and after a few minutes, we were all on our way to City Hall
*Time Skip*
The four of us walk inside the council room as they were about to decide about the arena

"Korra, you shouldn't be here. This is a closed meeting" Tenzin stands up and says sternly as we all stop at the foot of the small stairs

"As the Avatar and a pro-bending player, I have a right to be heard. You can't cancel the finals" I say back

"I know winning the championship means a lot to you. But as far as I'm concerned, we need to shut the arena down" he says calmly and worried. They can't be seriously giving up this easily

"What about the rest of you?" I look at Tarrlok. "There's no way you're backing down from Amon, right?"

"Actually," he sighs heavily and stands too. "Tenzin and I agree for once"

"The council is unanimous. We're closing the arena." Tenzin informs

"No! You can't!" Bolin and Mako disagree

"I-I don't understand. I thought you, of all people, would take a stand against Amon" I try to bring Tarrlok to my side

"While I am still committed to bringing that lunatic to justice, I will not put innocent lives at stake just so you and your friends can play a game" he says sternly

"Pro-bending might only be a game to you, but think of what it means to the city!" Mako steps in. "Right now the arena is the one place where benders and nonbenders gather together ... in-in peace! To watch benders ..." he hesitates

"Beat each other up! In peace!" Bolin finished for him. "It's an inspiration to everyone!"

"I appreciate your naive idealism, but you're ignoring the reality of the situation" Tarrlok disagrees again

"The reality is if you close the arena, you let Amon win!" I snap annoyed

"Korra is right," Mira comes to my side, after being real quite through the conversation. "if you give in into Amon's demands, you'll be proving how much power he has, you might as well be giving him the city. Today is the arena, then tomorrow he's going to demand something else. There has to be a way to fight him and not put innocent people in danger"

"Yes, exactly what they said! Yes!" Bolin shouts excitedly but it was clear we didn't convince them

"I'm sorry, but our decision has been made. This meeting is adjourned" Tarrlok informs and picks up the gavel and was about to hit the wood with it when a metal cable crashed against it. Mira immediately took my shoulders and slightly put me down, reaching to her side where she had a dagger hidden

But as she turns to see who the attacker was, sighs in relief. I look behind us and saw Beifong walking our way, her metal cable retracting

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with the Avatar" she says loudly as she walks to us. Wait what!?

"You do" Tarrlok asks confused

"Yeah, you do?" I was unsure that she said that correctly

"Well, more like I agree with Mira, who also happens to agree with you" she says as she stands next to us. Of course

"I expected this kind of cut-and-run response from Tenzin," she addresses the council. "But the rest of you? Come on, show a little more backbone. It's time that the benders of this city displayed some strength and unity against these Equalists"

"We must prevent the conflict between benders and non-benders from escalating into all-out war!" Tenzin contradicts."The council is not changing its position, Lin"

"Now just a moment, Tenzin. Let us hear what our esteemed Chief of Police has in mind" Tarrlok smiles softly. Tenzin huffs indignantly

"If you keep the arena open, my metalbenders and I will provide extra security during the championship match. There's no better force to deal with the chi-blockers. Our armor is impervious to their attacks" Beifong informs strongly and sure

"Are you saying that you will personally take responsibility for the safety of the spectators in the arena?" Tarrlok asks with a little amusement and I saw Mira frown suspiciously and worry at that

"I guarantee it" Beifong confirmed

"It is hard to argue with Chief Beifong's track record," Tarrlok says with sarcastic tone as he turns to the council. "If she is confident her elite officers can protect the arena, then she has my support. I am changing my vote. Who else is with me?" He raised his hand and the rest joined him. "The arena stays open. Good luck in the finals"

"All right!" Bolin shouts excitedly as Mako and me celebrate but Mira wasn't celebrating with us. She was looking as Tenzin and Beifong leave the room then glanced thoughtfully towards Tarrlok

"Hey," I touch her shoulder gently, drawing her attention. "Are you ok?" I whispered

"Yeah," she gives me a weak worry smile. "Just.." she seems to hesitates and shakes her head. "Just worry about Beifong, that's all" she sighs heavily. And I know that look. That's how I worry about my parents when I know something is wrong

"Why?" I step closer, reaching out my hand to her forearm to comfort her

"She just put her position on the line with this and..." she glanced at Tarrlok once again. "He was all too happy to let her"

"I'm sure she'll be ok Mira. It's Beifong we're talking about" I reassure her. "Now c'mon, I wan to say thank you to her for backing us up" I bump her shoulder playfully, which made her scoff amused

"Fine" she sighs defeated and then we both went out to find her. She was talking to Tenzin when we approach. She didn't look very happy

"Excuse me, Chief Beifong." I say kindly. "I wanted to thank you for your help," I thank her but she completely ignored me and walked away. "it ... really ... means a lot" I look at her annoyed before turning to Tenzin. "What is her deal? Even when she's on my side, she's against me!" I ask him angry

"I've known Lin since we were children, she's always been," he pauses to think the right word

"Stubborn?" Mira asked, I little smile tugging on her lip

"Challenging" Tenzin provided

"What did your father do to make her hate the Avatar so much?" I ask exasperated. That has to be the reason she hates me so much

"My father and Lin got along famously." He admits before looking a little regretful. "I'm afraid her issues ... are with me"

"Why?" Mira asked curiously but then seems to think something, and it was the surprise on her face that lead me to my own realization

"Wait a second," I smile knowingly. "it all makes sense now! You and Beifong, Beifong and you. You two were a couple!"

"What! How-?" He yells shocked and nervous and it was all the answer we needed

"How didn't I know this?" Mira's eyes widen in surprise

"Where'd you get that idea?" He glanced around the room

"Ha! Your wife" I laugh victoriously, pointing a finger at him

"Criminy!" He muttered angrily, looking away. "I'll have to have a word with her"

"So," my smile widen smugly. "Pema stole you from Beifong. I'm surprised our esteemed Chief of Police didn't throw her in jail" I comment amusingly and Mira snorted joyfully at that, standing next to me

"Oh, she tried," he admits with a somewhat amused expression. "Anyway, Pema didn't steal me, Lin and I had been growing apart for some time. We both had different goals in li-" he stops when he realizes what he was saying. "Why am I even telling you two this? It all happened a long time ago and we've moved passed it" he snaps back indignantly

"Hm, apparently Beifong hasn't" I muttered as Mira leans her elbow over my shoulder. Smiling wickedly amused by this whole conversation

"What do you," he stammers confused. Lost of words. "Of course she has! Anyway, this is none of your business!" Then he walks away, annoyed and angry

"See you at home, Mr. Heartbreaker!" I wave me hand, my tone teasing and I see Tenzin sigh tiredly. Mira laugh loudly at that

Mira's PoV

"Knock them out, ponytail" I say to Korra as she ties up her forearm protector

"Oh, I will Mira" she scoffed happily, then glanced to the arena from the locker room. A worry frown on her face

"Nervous?" I bumped her shoulder, teasing. Trying to ease that worry I can see on her expression

"A little" she admits lowly

"You'll do amazing" I reassure her, smiling gently

"How do you know" she raised her eyebrow suspiciously teasing

"You're an extraordinary bender. You've got this" I grab her arms and shake her a little. She laughs happily before suddenly frowning thoughtfully. And I knew what she was thinking. "and I don't you to worry about Amon tonight. Beifong and I got this, your only worry should be how you're going to beat up that arrogant asshole, alright"

"Yes, ma'am" she snorted amusingly, shaking her head as the door of the locker room opens

"Gook luck guys" Asami walks in, smiling softly at all of us

"Hey sweetie. What are you doing here?" Mako asked curiously. Walking to her and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek

"I wanted to watch the match from here" she answered happily as the bell rings. Calling the two teams

"That's our call," Bolin shouts excitedly. "let's get them"

"The anticipation is palpable as we are just moments away from the championship match." The narrator says dramatically excited. "Will the Wolfbats' ferocity help them repeat as champs? Or will the underdog Fire Ferrets serve up a surprising bowl of smackdown soup?"

"Yeah, go Ferrets!" I encourage enthusiastically, watching them go to the arena. This has to end well, if Amon tries to do something tonight a lot of people could get hurt. What if he tries to take Korra's bending away? Tonight would be perfect for that. Everyone's eyes are on the finals after that announcement he did

"Hey, are you ok?" Asami's concern voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "You seem upset" she frowns worriedly

"It's just this whole Amon's threat," I sigh heavily. Rubbing my fingers over my temple. "I'm worry he will try to hurt someone tonight. I'm worry he'll hurt Korra" I joined Beifong's team to search the place. I looked at every place I could think of where someone could use to sneak inside. Thankfully there was nothing

"Everything will be alright," she reassures me, holding both my shoulders and smiling comforting. "Beifong has this place secured" and she was right, of course. I was just worrying for nothing

"You're right" I sigh tiredly but I felt better. She was really good at comforting people

"Of course I am, Darling" she teases, bumping my shoulder with a heart stopping smile on her face. "Now let's enjoy the finals alright?" She says excitedly as Pabu returned from his little performance and climbed up around my neck

The fight was about to start and both the teams were ready in the middle of the arena

"The champs and challengers face off at the center-line and here we go!" The narrator cheers excitedly as the bell rings

Immediately Tahno moves forward and attempts a closer attack on Korra with a water fist. Korra was barely able to dodge it in time, backflipping but then gets hit by a water blast just as she lands

"That little.." I snap angrily. "That was a cheap dirty move. It has to be illegal"

"Yet the referee didn't called it out" Asami says with equal angry and a hint of suspicion

The earthbender of the other team had it out for Mako. Sending multiple disks at him and sending him to zone two but Bolin steps in and send a disk of his own. It bounced against the side ropes and hits the earthbender and I hear the crowd go wild because of it

"Yes" Asami celebrates enthusiastically

I saw Tahno frown angrily and used a, too forced and long, water blast that caused Bolin to end in zone three

"That move was illegal!" I shout at the stupid referee. Then Mako echo my words but the referee ignored him and signals them to continue

"The referee was paid off" Asami comments thoughtfully and furious

"Those pieces of.."

As the fight continues I see the earthbender bend one of the disks under Mako's feet and then send one from his zone, knocking him backwards into zone three. Tahno then sent a water blast at Bolin's feet then froze it and when Bolin slipped in it and fell to the water, the firebender from their team melted it so no one could see

A blast of fire knocked Korra in to zone three with Mako but as she evades a disk, Mako stood in front of her when the three of the Wolfbats attacked her at the same time, knocking them both of the arena. The winning bell rings

"It's a knockout! The Wolfbats win the championship for the fourth year in a.." but there, at the edge. Korra was still holding on and had Mako grabbed with her other hand. With a swift move she launches him back to the arena and he attacks. Saving them to get to the next round

"Yes!" Asami and I yells hysterically happy, jumping around the locker room. Soon the second round started, again the Wolfbats started cheating stupidly obvious but the ref was paid off and ignore everything, which left our team having to deal with it with only legal moves

They were holding their own pretty good. The firebender of the Wolfbats sent three illegal head shot at Mako but he was able to dodge them. Asami sighing in relief next to me. The round went on until the bell rang and it was time to decide who won by a tie-breaker, and like I thought Korra took it

She stands in the circle with Tahno, and prepares to fight. I see him saying something to her, probably something to provoke her but she didn't fall for it. She shots a water blast to his head, which he dodges with ease and tries to retaliate but as he was mid attack she surprised him with a blast right from under his chin, knocking him of the circle. Winning ridiculously easy

"Yes!" Both Asami and me yell enthusiastically as the crowd goes wild. "Ha ha!"

"Round two goes to the Fire Ferrets!" The narrator cheers excitedly

The bell rings for the third and final round and it started with the same energy as the others, sadly the Wolfbats seem to be desperate and cheating more. By freezing Korra's foot and the knocking her back, to using very dangerous very illegal water shots with rocks in them. The blasts crashed against their faces and they fall into the water

"Knockout!" The referee calls out, as if it was a clean fair match

"What!?" I shout indignantly. "What a piece of.." I grunted annoyedly "urgh! What a bunch of.." I turn to Asami but a flash of lights behind her caught my attention. It was coming from the crowd. "What the..?" I walk past her and lean over the railing to see better

"Shit!" I cursed when I saw the Equalists shocking Beifong's metalbenders

"What is that?" Asami steps next to me

"Amon is here" I say in panic. "I have to get to Korra" I look down at the water and see the three of them surface and at the edge of the pool Amon's lieutenant, holding those electrical shocking sticks

"Korra get out of the water" I scream at her but it was too late, she noticed the man just when he shocked the water, electrocuting them

"Mira" Asami holds my arm when I was about to get down to Korra but as I look at her she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at the door, and the six chi-blockers who entered the room

"C'mon with us willingly and this can end up good for all of us" one of them says sternly, making his gauntlet spark threateningly. His eyes locked on me

"She's not going anywhere with you" Asami immediately tries to step in front of me but I don't let her. I hold her forearm and took a step closer to them. Keeping her safely behind me

"Your problem is with me," I nod towards Asami next to me. "Let her go first and then we can beat each other up properly" I offer calmly but in the inside I was freaking out. I needed to make sure Asami was safe, she doesn't deserve to be caught up in this mess

"She's a non-bender, she's one of us. She's Asami Sato" a female chi-blockers comments to the one who spoke first. I needed to deal with them so I could go get Korra

"What is she doing with the anomaly?" Another man questioned, and I frowned at the name they called me. So did Asami

"Get out," The first man commands to Asami and I sigh in relief that she was going to be alright. "It's alright, we'll deal with her. We're here to help a fellow member"

"I am not part of you," she snapped back furiously and if she kept talking they would also hurt her. "and you're not getting her"

"Asami" I whispered and she looked at me. And in her eyes I saw the fury and rage. Her defiance against this people and her friendship to me. She would fight these assholes with me if I asked her to. And I was immensely grateful for that, but I couldn't let her

"I need you to trust me, please go and.." I pleaded, and she gives me a concern look at my hesitation. "Please don't hate me. I promise I'll explain this afterwards" she frowns confused

"What do you.." but before she could finish that sentence I lash out my bending, sending a blast of cosmic energy at the chi-blockers and successfully knocking them away and clearing the way to the door for her. There was no use in hiding my bending now after they called me that

"Run!" I tell a very surprised Asami. She glances my way, and then at the door and runs, but instead of getting out of the room and leave, she takes one of the chi-blockers gauntlet and shocks them, starting to fight another chi-blocker that jumped to attack her

"Shit" I cursed and join the fight. Three of them attack me at the same time. Throwing those chi-blocking punches and the others trying to shock me with those gauntlets. I dodge and evade and bend my power at best I could, even when it felt like I could barely bend a spark of it. And I immensely regret not having learned how to bend it

Asami had another chi-blocker knocked out and was fighting with her third. One of the ones I was fighting throws a punch and I dodge, crashing against the wall as the other two jump to attack. I roll away and try to send a wave of cosmic energy at them but nothing came out, my hands barely even shining with my bending, and they took that opportunity to try to electricute me with their gauntlet but I dodge and punch the closest man, then with the second I kicked his knee and then pushed him over the railing, sending him to the water below

Yet, as I turn to the third chi-blocker, Asami's painful scream made me immediately look at her. She was on the ground, the man she had knocked out first was standing over her, with his gauntlet shocking her shoulder

"Asami!" Yet before I could go and help her I felt a set of hand on me before the electricity spread through my body. I fell to the ground hissing painfully, maybe screaming, and barely being able to move as two chi-blockers force me to kneel in front of them

"Freak" one of them spits out disgusted before punching me in the face a few times, and I couldn't do anything to stop him. The shocking temporarily disabling my bending and energy to fight back

"Stop it!" I think I heard Asami scream horrified but my head was hurting to much to think

"Easy brother," Another chi-blocker stopped the one hitting me. "Amon will deal with her tonight" he says with a sense of wicked pride, before forcing me to my feet and to walk towards the platform to the arena. And the only thing that brought me comfort was that we left Asami in the locker room. Hopefully she will recover and leave before she gets hurt. Although I didn't miss the distressed and terrified look she sent me as she tried, and failed, to stand up

As we make it to the arena I saw other Equalists around Amon, who I realized, in cold panic, was taking away the bending of the Wolfbats and then throwing them off the arena and into the water below, before going to the microphone in the middle of the place

"I believe I have your attention, benders of Republic City." He says strongly. "So once again, the Wolfbats are your pro-bending champions. It seems fitting that you celebrate three bullies who cheated their way to victory because every day," he points at the crowd accusingly. "you threaten and abuse your fellow non-bending citizens just like the Wolfbats did to their opponents tonight"

I try to fight the hold the chi-blockers have on me but they didn't let go. They instead punch my stomach harshly enough that I had to fight back the nausea as they forced me to my knees. This was it. Amon will take away my bending tonight

"Those men were supposedly the best in the bending world and yet it only took a few moments for me to cleanse them of their impurity. Let this be a warning to all of you benders out there," He gives a pause before continuing. "if any of you stand in my way, you will meet the same fate. As the Avatar will tonight" and as he says those words, from the opposite side of the arena six chi-blockers were dragging Korra into the arena

"Korra!" A terrifying cold panic slammed against me. I started fighting to stand back up and make my way to her. Just like she was doing when she saw me, but they didn't let us. My chi-blockers forced me to the ground, shocking me again. My vision becoming blurry for a few seconds

"Mira!" She shouts out desperately as I grunt in pain. But her fighting against their grip was as fruitless as mine was, and her bending clearly was chi-blocked. It wouldn't be until a few minutes that she will be able to use it back, and I had to get her away from here before Amon took this opportunity to take her bending. I didn't care if I had to show everyone mine. Amon and the Equalists already knew, it was a matter of time before the rest of the city found out

"Now, to my followers," Amon continued, a hint of amusement as he saw Korra's and my reaction to each other. "for years the Equalists have been forced to hide in the shadows, but now we have the numbers and the strength to create a new Republic City. I'm happy to tell you that the time for change has finally come. Very soon, the current tyrannical bending regime will be replaced by a fair-minded Equalist government. You and your children will no longer have to walk the streets afraid! It's time to take back our city"

"For centuries, benders have possessed an unnatural advantage over ordinary people. But thankfully, modern technology has provided us with a way to even out the playing field. Now anyone can hold the power of a chi-blocker in their hand," he then gestures at Korra and me

"Which is how we captured not only the Avatar but her bodyguard, who to our imminent danger, possess an even bigger threat than the Avatar. While she bends the four elements, the woman right there can bend something far more dangerous as it is cosmic energy," the crowd went wild with gasps and whispers of panic at that. "and who knows how that unfair power could be used against our friends and families" Korra and I shared a panicked horrified look

He.. he just revealed my secret to the world. I mean, I was ready to do it if it meant keeping Korra safe but this is entirely different. He was painting me as a threat, as the villain here. And counting I would have to fight my way to Korra, in the eyes of the crowd he will be right. I would be the threat and monster he was painting me to be

"My followers and I will not rest until the entire city achieves equality, and once that goal is achieved, we will equalize the rest of the world. The revolution has begun!" He shouts loudly, strong and commanding before he turns to Korra

"And our first achievement will be to rid the world of the Avatar" he steps closer to Korra, calmly and victoriously as he sees the terror in her eyes widening. And I fought against the people restraining me

He wanted to paint me as the monster who will use her unique bending to "hurt" people, so be it. I'll be the most despicable and enrage villain he will see. But he wasn't getting her

I bend the cosmic energy around my hand and use it to punch the chi-blockers away from me and then blast them against the side ropes of the arena. The crowd gasps horrified and surprised at my bending but I didn't let it distract me as I saw Amon about to get to Korra. She tried to fight off the chi-blockers but there were too many

Focusing my bending, I summoned a string and blast it toward the chi-blockers to spooked them away as I run to Amon. I try to attack but he dodged my punch with ease, yet it still gave me the chance I needed to place myself between him and Korra

Preparing myself to bring this place to the ground if he so much as take a step closer to Korra, I surround us with my bending, but hesitate when I saw him take a step back, as if giving up. Glancing behind me at Korra, I saw the chi-blockers, who were holding her not a second ago, running back inside and retracting the platform, leaving Korra to stand freely

What in the..!?

Korra seems to be thinking the same as she glances behind her and then at me. But we couldn't discuss it as the glass dome on the roof of the arena breaks, multiple ropes going down toward the center for the arena where Amon and his Equalists were climbing on, and the ropes pulling them to the airship above us

"He's getting away" Korra shouts, taking only one step before the middle of the arena exploded right at our faces. And the last thing I remember was pushing Korra behind me as the blast hits us

Then I was falling

Korra's PoV

I felt Mira push me behind her as the arena exploded, but it still blasts us away, sending us over the arena and into the water. Under it, everything was so dark and blurry, or maybe that was in my head. I try to focus through the dizziness, but I was too disoriented by the blast, yet I still saw Mira's silhouette ahead of me, but she wasn't moving, she was unconscious and sinking. A string of bubbles coming out of her mouth

With a new wave of panic I bend the water around me and swim rapidly to her, then bend a current to get her out of the water before she drowned

As we break the surface and step on the ground under the arena I place Mira on the floor. Panicking when she still wasn't moving, when she wasn't breathing

"C'mon Mira, please" I plead desperately, applying pressure on her chest a few time to try to get the water out. "C'mon Mira!" I begged, pushing her chest again and again but it wasn't working. Korra, she's.. Do something! I wasn't going to lose her. I refuse to lose her

Closing my eyes and breathing deeply, I place my hands over her chest, searching for the water filling her lungs, then bending it out through her mouth. Immediately she started coughing out, moving to the side to spit out what was left. I embrace her tightly from her back, laughing joyfully between a broken sob. Feeling my body tremble in fear and relief. She was alright

"You're ok. You're alright" I whispered against her hair. She coughs a few more times before relaxing in my embrace. Holding tightly on to my arms, and I held her close

"Korra! Mira!" Bolin and Mako shouts behind me. Apparently they were taken here after they electrocuted us. Amon did this

"The three of you need to get out of here," I tell them. Helping Mira to stand up and reluctantly letting go of her as I go to the edge. This ends today. I won't let him hurt anyone else. "and guys," I pause and glance back at them and Mira between them. She revealed her bending to safe me tonight, again. And now Amon told everyone that she was a danger to them all. "don't let anyone hurt her" I say seriously and I was immensely grateful when they nod determined and I knew they would keep her safe and out of harm's way

And with one last look at them, I jump into the water and bend a massive water cyclone to raise me up enough to get to Amon, but as I was halfway to the roof, the distance was to great and I wouldn't be able to make it. My water cyclone breaks and I started to fall. Then a metal rope wraps around my waist and I see Beifong about to pull me up. With a quick move she sends me up and all the way to take one of the ropes the Equalists were using to get to the airship

I see Amon just a few ropes from me about to step inside the airship so I send a massive fire blast his way, yet he steps inside just in time. I look down and see Beifong fighting three chi-blockers and stopping one as he tries to attack me

From the airship, two Equalists slide down my cable and kicked me off the supporting platform and I fall to the roof of the arena where Beifong is. We both fight them as they try to shock us but we were able to fight them off. Beifong taking the chance, shots one of her metal ropes and starts to climb to the airship to get Amon and I stay here fighting the lieutenant, he swings his electrical sticks at me and I jump backwards, away from him

But he surges forward and tries once again to strike me, I dodge his swing and retaliate by grabbing his wrist and kneeling his stomach. He swings round and fell hardly on the glass, cracking it a little. And while he was down I attack with a flaming half-moon kick but he rolls away and manages to swing another one of his sticks at my head, which I evaded barely. I attempt to punch him but he was fast and attacks back just as I finish with the second punch, but I move away. Swinging my leg underneath him and knocking him of the roof and he fell to the side. but before I could go after him, the glass under me cracks and breaks, and I started to fall back inside the arena

Then I saw Beifong reaching her cables to the side and using them to gain speed and shoot her way to me. She grabs me and then attached her cable to one of the Equalists banner and swing us to the stands as we both landed safely

"You all right?" She asked, helping me up

"I'm fine, thanks to you" I tell her gratefully

"Don't mention it, kid" she says calmly but reassuring then looks towards the arena. "Looks like we lost this one"

"Korra!" Mira shouts relief, running my way. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" She hugs me tightly. I can't help but hug her back. Sighing relief that she was alright. Blocking out the pure terror that I almost lost her today

"I'm ok" I chuckle softly as she pulls away. She smiles gratefully at that then frowns angrily. Punching my shoulder harshly. "Argh! What was that for?"

"What the hell were you thinking?" She asked exasperated. And I could've sworn Beifong snorted amused at that. "Going after him when he just threatened to take your bending"

"I had it under control" I tell her. Slightly indignantly

"You say it like I didn't see you falling to your death a minute ago" she narrows her eyes, pointing at the hole on the roof where I fell through. "We'll face him together, and we'll beat him together, you got it?" She demands, half angrily and half worried. Ready to fight at my side against any enemy that crosses our way

And the only thing I could see at that moment was her bruised face. I saw her, beating and hurt. On her knees at the other side of the arena. With Amon separating us. Then the memory of my nightmare comes back, and that same wave of terror and panic from before washes over me again. And I couldn't, for the life of me, allow anyone to hurt her again

"I won't let him hurt you again," I whispered, softly. Raising me fingers to her purple eye and brush my thumb under it carefully. "I promise" I swore. I wouldn't allow him to hurt her again. I refuse to let him take her from me

"I'm the bodyguard here remember?" She says back, slightly breathless, smiling teasingly and adorably feigning confidence

"Can't have you doing all the work, now can I?" I return the teasing smile

"I'm alright too. Thanks for asking" Beifong coughs annoyed and we both laughed at that before we saw the boys running our way

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Mako embrace me in a tight hug

"Me too!" Bolin joins the hug and sighs relief. Then pulls away. "Now, can we talk about what the whole bringing Mira and Korra to the arena? He said you were a bender" he looks at her while she frowns worriedly. Clearly not ready for everyone to know the truth

"Uhm, he's a mad man," I try to keep her secret. "he doesn't know what he's talking about"

"Thanks Korra but after tonight everybody knows," She says gratefully but sighs heavily. "I might as well tell them"

"You used your bending?" Beifong asked worriedly. Mira only shrugs indifferently. Feigning confidence when she was clearly concern about the city knowing about her now

"He brought me to the arena and was about to take my bending. She had no choice" I explain to Beifong

"I think that's what he wanted" Mira comments thoughtfully. We all frown worriedly towards her

"What do you mean?" Beifong asked

"The chi-blockers never let us to get free. And it wasn't until after I showed my bending and proved his words right that they just... left. He wanted me to show my bending to the crowd. He wanted them to watch me attack him with it" she points out. I also found it weird that they just left me there and ran

"He's not right" I counter her comment. She wasn't anything of what he said

"I am in the eyes of the crowd, and his followers." She says calmly yet I saw the worry deep in her eyes. "They saw me attack him to get to you. In their eyes he was right" and I wanted to fight that but Tenzin spoke

"He wanted the city to know about your bending, but why?" Tenzin steps into the conversation, rubbing his beard thoughtfully

"My best guess," she thinks out loud. "so he can get more support from the frightened non-benders when he, ultimately, takes my bending away" she was right, one thing was to be the Avatar, who everyone knew and were used to, and another was a complete unique type of bending, that nobody knew how dangerous it could be

"He won't have you" I grunt under my breath. Refusing to even think of it. Amon can come for me for all I care, but he wasn't touching Mira

"Ditto" she gives me a look that told me she knew what I was thinking and the sentiment was mutual

"What element do you bend? Oh I bet it's earth" Bolin cuts in, excitedly

"Well," Mira hesitates. "It's a little more complicated than that"

"Don't tell me there's another Avatar" Mako asks surprised but Mira only creates a small ball of light, much like the one she created for me that night after the island. The black of night contrasting the bright colors dancing around it. The physical representation of cosmic energy

"Whaaat!?" Bolin's mouths opens wide in surprise. So did Mako's

"I can't believe Amon did this. I played right into his hand" Beifong sighs, disappointed. Ashamed.

"He played us all" Tenzin places his hand on her shoulder. "Republic City is at war" he informed as we all look a the destroyed arena

Thanks for choosing this fanfic♥️ I hope you like it and as always please take care of yourself. Until next chapter

"If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see."


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