That Southern Boy

By JetTheBet

105 10 0

All his life he has lived in Memphis, all he had ever known was rodeo and family. Till he gained his mutant p... More

The Genesis To The Madness
Standing Out
Dirt On My Boots
Friday Night Fights

Ice Breaker...? Maybe Not.

22 2 0
By JetTheBet

As Jace walked around the institute he was walking down a corridor when all of the sudden a brunette girl fazed through a wall and ran straight into Jace, crashing into him. He was irritated that not only he was taken from his home but now he was stuck with a bunch of city kids that he knew would find some way to irritate him. Jace falls back on his rear end onto the floor he glared at the girl who crashed into him, his dark brown eyes bore into the girls skull as he stood up and gave a gruff scoff underneath his breath. The brunette, blue eyed girl was taken aback by the boy's harsh reaction and immediately felt guilty. She rushed up and put a hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him that it was all just an unfortunate accident. "I'm sorry, I totally wasn't paying attention. Are you alright?" He shrugged her hand off him begrudgingly as he huffed. "Watch where yer goin'." He sneered in his thick southern accent as he stood up and brushed himself off. He walked past the girl to meet with Logan and Professor X since he was the newest student at Xavier School Of Gifted Youngsters. The girl felt hurt by the boy's dismissive attitude, but she had to brush aside her feelings in order to keep up with him. She jogged a little faster to keep up with his pace, and when she finally caught up to him she tried explaining herself once again. "Look, I promise it was an accident. I'd never mean to run into you on purpose... I'm really, really sorry. My name is Kitty, by the way."

The brunette country boy merely side eyed her, he responded in a gruff, bored tone. "Jace." He said his name and only his name, maybe he wasn't one for talking? Kitty was starting to feel discouraged by the boy's blunt, curt attitude. However, she had a feeling that there must be more to him than this surly exterior he was presenting. She decided to try one more attempt at conversation. "Jace is a nice name. How long have you been at Xavier's?" "Two hours." Jace still was in a bored mood as well as an agitated mood. Clearly he didn't like the sort of position he was in at Xavier's. Kitty couldn't help but chuckle at his response. At least he had a sense of humor. She also caught a glimpse of the bags he was holding, which made her think he was new to the school. "Oh, did you just get here? It's nice to meet a fellow newbie. Where did you come from?" Jace started to grow more and more irritated as the conversation continued, he didn't care for pleasantries at that moment. "Memphis Tennessee." Jace stepped into the room with Logan and Charles. He sat across from Charles while Logan stood behind him. He seemed like a miniature version of Logan, gruff, hostile and angry all the time. Kitty followed him into the room and took a seat beside him. She tried to ignore how brooding and sullen he seemed, instead focusing on the opportunity to learn more about him. "Oh, so you must be from the South like Rouge! You guys would get along great. Do you have any special skills that brought you here to Xavier's? You know, any mutant powers or anything like that." Jace clenched his jaw, he wanted to be under the radar, unseen, unnoticed.

"He does actually Kitty, Mr. Myers here has a special ability that he is able to transform into a monstrous beast. For now, he is keeping it under wraps as it can be very destructive and aggressive. Right Mr. Myers?" Charles asked Jace as he nodded and stared at his boots. He seemed tired and wanted to get some rest. After all he had been flying and traveling all day from his home so he was mentally and emotionally exhausted from his travels. Kitty's eyes lit up and she was visibly thrilled by the sound of this mysterious and powerful new mutant power. She turned her attention back to Jace and noticed his weariness. "Well, that's certainly an interesting ability. But it sounds quite taxing on the mind and body. Are you okay, Jace? It can be difficult when you have to control something so powerful, especially when it comes at such a cost." Suddenly Logan cut in, clearly sensing Jace's discomfort and irritation. "There will be time for questions kid. Let him go get some rest." Logan said as he picked up one of Jace's duffle bags and led the male out of the room to his own bedroom where he could get comfortable. He didn't have a roommate as his power was unpredictable and could be dangerous to other students if they were subjected to his presence and aggressive behavior.

"Okay..." Kitty watched as Logan led Jace down the hallway towards his bedroom. She was a bit disappointed that she wasn't able to learn more about him, but she understood that his power and ability were not something to be taken lightly. As she sat in the room alone with Charles, she realized she could still take advantage of this opportunity to ask some questions about the academy and what being a student here entails. She turned to Charles with a confident, eager look on her face. After Jace got settled in he locked his bedroom door and threw his t-shirt over his desk chair before kicking off his cowboy boots and plopping down on his stomach onto the bed. Wrapping his arms around the pillow as his head felt some solidarity in his resting position. He started to close his eyes and began to drift off to sleep. Jace slept for two whole days unbothered. He didn't come out of his room much unless he was eating or cleaning himself up. Kitty had spent the past few days since Jace's arrival just kind of hanging out and exploring the school, becoming familiar with the place and learning its layouts. On this particular day, she decided to go visit Jace's room for a little bit and say hi. She knocked on the door and waited patiently for an answer. Sadly no answer but the soft snores that came from Jace could be barely heard as he continued to be in a deep state of sleep. He was clearly exhausted mind, body and soul.

Kitty waited for a few seconds in case he answered her knocking, but after hearing nothing, she decided to try jiggling the handle of his door to see if he had actually locked it. Meanwhile, Jace tossed and turned in his sleep, now instead of jeans he wore a pair of sage green Nike sweatpants and white socks. His muscular chest on full display as he slept. His muscular arm draped over his eyes to conceal them from the peaking sunlight as he continued to sleep. Kitty was able to phase through Jace's door and slowly walk farther into the room. She carefully stepped inside and looked around, making sure to keep things as quiet as she possibly could. Jace looked peaceful and comfortable in his sleep, which gave Kitty a warm, fuzzy feeling. She smiled to herself as she approached Jace's bed and quietly sat down beside him. She sat cross-legged on the floor next to him and studied his sleeping form, noticing his muscular physique and feeling her heart flutter a little bit. Suddenly it was like fight or flight. Jace sat up with a hellish growl as his left arm slightly transformed into a beasts paw, long shaggy brown hair, paw pads and razor sharp claws. He was inches from Kitty's face as he retracted his hand and transformed his arm back to normal. He glared at her and stood up. "There's this thing called a lock on a door. That means Stay. Out. y 'understand? Or are you city girls not that good at listening." Jace walked over to his door and ripped it open. Motioning for Kitty to get out. As he opened it Jean Grey and Rouge were walking past and couldn't help but stare at the brunette males physique.

Kitty was taken aback by Jace's sudden aggression, as she hadn't expected him to react to her like this. She rose to her feet and stepped out of the room without a word said, feeling embarrassed that Jean and Rogue had witnessed her intrusion. She felt her cheeks flush, her face now burning with a deep crimson color. She could feel their eyes on her as she shut the door behind her, and she quickly retreated out of sight in a nearby hallway. Once Kitty was in the hallway Jace slammed his door and locked it loudly again. Basically announcing to the people in the hall STAY OUT. Jace walked back to his bed and laid back down before huffing as he couldn't fall back asleep. He was pissed now, Kitty ruined his sleep pattern and now he was hungry. Jace grabbed a white muscle shirt and walked downstairs to grab some water before heading back to his room. He wanted to avoid everyone. Including Nightcrawler. All the while Kitty walked back to her room feeling utterly defeated. She was disappointed that Jace was clearly not interested in speaking or interacting with her. She felt the humiliation of having been scolded sink into her veins, and she also didn't feel so warm and fuzzy after his harsh reaction to her. When she reached her own room, she slumped in a chair and pulled a book into her lap, trying to distract herself from the embarrassment and negativity she was feeling.

Jace took a deep breath as he stepped back into the room and locked it once more, he walked out onto his balcony overlooking the lake as he sipped his water. The wind blew slightly through his mid-length curly/wavy brunette hair. He yawned and set the glass cup down onto his nightstand before starting to unpack his things and put his stuff around the room. His football gear sat in his practice bag in the corner, his Rodeo Chaps hung up nicely on the wall next to his multiple rodeo buckle's, awards, and other memorabilia from his time at the rodeo, his cowboy hats hung on the wall along with his bow hunting achievements for state record Bull Elk, Deer, Turkey and Rams. He looked around his room as Marley was still sound asleep, Jace shook his head and knelt down next his dog with a smile as he pet her. He was surprised she wasn't awoken by Kitty basically breaking into his room and him yelling at her to stay out of his room. Jace after a while got bored so he decided to lay on his floor and start to work out, doing pushups and sit ups before doing breathing exercises to expand his body and lungs so he could stay in shape for when he started football at Bayville High School.

Meantime, Kitty sat on her bed scrolling on her laptop, clearly aggravated about how Jace was acting towards her. She was only trying to be friendly and yet he was acting just like Logan. She felt restless and bored, having gotten herself too invested in a romanticized version of Jace in her head. She decided to try and get a new perspective on him by researching his rodeo background and trying to be interested in the things he was passionate about. After an hour of web surfing, she came across several images of Jace at rodeos, doing rodeo things. She was surprised to realize how different he looked in his actual environment; he was a lot less brooding and angry, and a lot more playful and relaxed. This gave her hope. As Kitty continued to watch videos about Jace, she came across a very interesting interview he was having about his rodeo life and how he was on the bucking bulls he rode. How much balance training he did etc. he talks in depth about how he hasn't been healthy or slept good since he started bull riding but he always loves getting back on the bull just for the fun of it. That was the only time Kitty had ever seen Jace smile was in a video where he talked about his love and passion for football, the rodeo and hunting. Seeing Jace so enthusiastic and animated about his passions was a side of him Kitty hadn't seen before. She began to reconsider how she perceived him, realizing that there was more to him than the angry, brooding exterior he usually presented to her. She was determined to understand what kind of person Jace really was and hopefully figure out how to bridge the divide between them without overstepping her boundaries or interfering in his personal life too much.

Suddenly the video got a little dark where Jace talked about his injuries and his home life. "Everybody asks me, 'Are you healthy?' Shit no I haven't been healthy since the first time I got on a bull. First one I got on he stomped the piss out of me. Lacerated my liver, and broke all my ribs on my right side. They told me it shoulda killed me. I thought at first... 'Why the hell am I doing this to myself?' but the next day I wanted to do it again." Jace's smiling face was something Kitty wished she was able to draw out of him but it was like she was trying to interact with a worse version of Logan, but with ten times more walls and boundaries up. As the interview continued Jace spoke vaguely about his home life, how his momma left him and his dad when he was a kid and how his dad was always putting ridiculous expectations on him to be a great rodeo and football athlete and how his dad was a drunk and rarely ever showed up for him. Kitty's heart ached for Jace as she heard his words and took in the bleak reality of his upbringing. She realized that he had dealt with a lot of grief and trauma in his life, and she could tell that he was trying to mask his pain with his rough exterior. She understood why he was so defensive and standoffish, and she felt a new surge of empathy for him.

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