Too Far Gone (Don't Save Me B...

By AccioTherapists

7.9K 488 149

It's finally time for Y/n to reunite with her family but is she ready for everything that comes with being a... More

Chapter One: The Source
Chapter 2: Holding my Breath
Chapter 3: Affection and Hate
Chapter 4: Laughing
Chapter 5: The Escape
Chapter 6: The Quibbler
Chapter 7: The Room of Requirement
Chapter 8: Discovery
Chapter 9: Dumbledore's Army
Chapter 10: Home
Chapter 11: What Do You Want?
Chapter 12: Macnair
Chapter 13: Neville
Chapter 14: The Pensieve
Chapter 15: Veritaserum
Chapter 16: Voldemort's Daughter
Chapter 17: Department of Mysteries
Chapter 18: Kreacher's Betrayal
Chapter 19: Regulus Black
Chapter 20: Failure
Chapter 21: Wormtail's Punishment
Chapter 22: Eavesdropping
Chapter 23: Eager
Chapter 24: Just a Few Days
Chapter 25: Reunion
Chapter 26: For Both of You
Chapter 27: Another Boggart
Chapter 28: Let the Lessons Begin
Chapter 29: Welcome Home, Y/n Riddle
Chapter 30: The Prophecy
Chapter 31: What Happened?
Chapter 32: A Sign of Life
Chapter 33: If Only...
Chapter 34: Returning to Hogwarts
Chapter 35: Who Died?
Chapter 36: The Start of Term
Chapter 37: Malfoy Manor
Chapter 38: I Knew You Had it in You
Chapter 39: Ask Away
Chapter 40: Questions
Chapter 41: Draco
Chapter 42: Suspicions
Chapter 43: The Attack on the Burrow
Chapter 44: The Full Moon
Chapter 46: Visitors
Chapter 47: Crookshanks
Chapter 48: Anger
Chapter 49: Old Memories
Chapter 50: Quidditch Accident
Chapter 51: Potions Class
Chapter 52: The Memory
Chapter 53: The Astronomy Tower
Chapter 54: The Hospital Wing
Chapter 55: The Letter
Chapter 56: Breakfast
Chapter 57: Another Reunion
Chapter 58: Two Days Later
Chapter 59: Seven Potters
Chapter 60: The Attack
Chapter 61: Sectumsempra
Chapter 62: The Minister's Visit
Chapter 63: The Wedding Crashers
Chapter 64: Macnair's Betrayal
Chapter 65: 10 Minutes
Chapter 66: The Sword of Gryffindor
Chapter 67: In the Face of War

Chapter 45: Confrontation

94 8 5
By AccioTherapists

The next few days we seemed to settle into a routine and finally I left for Malfoy Manor. I knew I needed to make an appearance there at least once over the two week break. Severus had left the Burrow after making sure I was okay and after assuring him that I would see him at the Manor shortly.

I arrived at the Manor and Mippy answered the door, seeming jumpy as she let me in. I looked down at her. "Cover your ears." 

She nodded and placed her hands over her small ears after shutting the door behind us.

"Tom Marvolo fucking Riddle! Severus Tobias Snape! Bellatrix bitch Lestrange! Get your asses down here!" I yelled.

I heard the shuffling of feet before Bella, Severus, and Tom glided down the stairs and looked around the room. Their eyes landed on me and Bella was the first to speak.

"What's wrong?"

I scoffed. "You know damn well what's wrong!" I turned to Tom. "I take it this was your idea?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to be a bit more clear."

"Don't play dumb with me, Tom. You know damn well what I'm talking about. You attacked the Weasley's house! While I was staying there!"

"You seem to have escaped alright."

"Yeah, only because they knew how to heal me," I hissed, carefully avoiding the fact that Severus was there but he surprised me when he spoke.

"It's alright, love. He knows I was there."

"You told them?"

"I have no secrets from the Dark Lord."

I nodded. "Of course not." I turned to Tom. "Would you like to see the memory?" I hissed. "The memory of what you did to your daughter?" I spat the word as if it might mean something to him and he flinched slightly but quickly regained his composure.

"You would allow me inside your head?"

"Only enough to know what you did," I shot back.

He nodded and I allowed him into my mind, pushing forth the memory of the fire, removing the part with Remus and showing him Severus healing me, focusing carefully on the burned skin slowly mending itself and the pain I was in, before closing off my mind and pushing him out.

He turned to Bella, his eyes flashing dangerously. "She wasn't supposed to be in the house." His voice was low as he spoke. Dangerous.

"M-My Lord... we thought she was out of the house. We saw-."

"Enough!" he shouted. "Who was the first to attack the house?"

She opened her mouth to speak, fear in her eyes, but I stopped her. "Greyback."

Tom turned to me. "Greyback was the first to attack the house?"

I nodded.

"How can you be sure?"

"Because Bella was still in the reeds, taking on most of the Order by herself."

He nodded and Bella seemed relieved. She mouthed a silent thank you to me as my father questioned me. "But you escaped? And you're alright?"

I nodded.

"Though not without great suffering," he growled. "I can assure you Greyback will pay for his actions."

Severus cautiously approached me and took my hand, leaning to whisper in my ear. "Thank you for trying to protect me, sweet girl."

I will always protect you.

He smiled at this and squeezed my hand as my father spoke. "I assume the Order has been relocated. Where have they been moved?"

"I'm unsure. I was blindfolded on the way to the safe house and after that there was a Fidelius charm in place. After your little stunt they are starting to question whether or not they can trust me," I lied. There was no Fidelius charm in place yet but he didn't need to know that.

"And why's that?"

I scoffed. "They know who you are to me, Tom. They aren't fools and with me spending time here they began to question things. It wasn't hard to figure out once they looked into my history."

"But they're willing to let you remain in the Order?"

I nodded. "They are willing to let me stay but they are watching me closely. I was only able to escape because I told them you would be expecting me after the incident and I had to maintain my cover."

"Be careful with that situation, Y/n. I don't want you getting hurt."

"I know. Thanks f-." I cleared my throat. "Thanks Tom."

His lips pressed together into a thin line and his eyes softened as he nodded and I left the room, Severus following closely behind.

When we were far enough away from the Manor he took my hand and apparated us to an empty field.

"Darling... what was that?"

I tilted my head curiously. "What was what?"

"You almost called him father... and the bit about the Order. Was that true?"

"I didn't call him father, Sev and as for the Order, no that wasn't true. It was a ploy to make him feel guiltier... to make him feel in general."

He smiled softly. "That was smart, love."

I chuckled. "Don't sound too surprised, Sev."

He laughed, kissing my forehead. "I suppose I should expect nothing less." He paused briefly, searching my eyes carefully before continuing. "Darling... are you beginning to care for him?"

I pulled away, my hand slipping from his grasp as he struggled to explain. "I just mean... are you beginning to have sympathy for him? To... to see him as a father?"

"No," I hissed. "Don't ever ask me that again." With that I apparated to my old home and went to sleep, ignoring the pain in my chest as I thought of home and all the people I would have to betray as this war came to an end.

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