When Destiny Hesitates [ZARRY]

By Icarussays

1.9K 98 0

Changing schools yet again has never been easy for Harry. As the new quiet kid in town, he expects to keep hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 18

63 3 0
By Icarussays

Zayn's POV

As we finally emerge from the Ferris wheel embrace, reality comes swooping back in. Harry worries his swollen lip between his teeth and it takes actual willpower not to chase that pout with my own mouth again immediately.

I clear my throat, pulse still pounding wildly. Taking his hand, I guide us towards a semi-secluded picnic table away from the crowds. We sit sideways facing each other, the emotional shift palpable between us.

Now that fiercely addictive lust fueled by weeks of longing simmers just below my skin instead of suffusing every cell. In its place settles anticipation - of what though still unclear. I search Harry's flickering gaze trying to read the vulnerability swirling there as he avoids eye contact.

Reaching slowly across the table, I cover his restless hand gently with mine until troubled emerald meets my stare. "Hey, it's alright..." I soothe. Harry's lips twist, unconvinced.

I take a steadying breath, thumb feathering over his knuckles. Time to lay my intentions bare no matter how overwhelming. "Look Harry, m'not very good talking feelings like this. But that kiss wasn't just messing around for me or whatever."

I pause marshaling my swirling emotions into coherence. Harry glances up finally through sooty lashes threaded with nervosa hope.

"Being with you these past weeks has made me start to think we could have something special growing between us." I squeeze his hand. "But I know you aren't used to letting people in and I respect needing to go slow."

Harry drinks in my searching gaze for a weighted moment before exhaling shakily. His broad shoulders uncurl slightly from their guarded hunch.

"I-I want that too Zayn," he admits hesitantly. "With you. This is all pretty new and scary if I'm honest. But kissing you just now felt righteously perfect." Dimples flash as Harry attempts a timid smile. "Nobody's made me feel this inexplicable pull before...it's equal parts terrifying and captivating trying to lean into it."

My heart kicks into overdrive hearing him echo my own tangled emotions. Lifting our joined hands, I brush my lips tenderly to his knuckles sealing this confessional new beginning unfolding under glittering bulbs strung just for us...

Harry's POV

Walking hand in hand with Zayn through the carnival afterward feels dangerously perfect - like I could get addicted to this brand-new intimacy. The warmth of his sturdy palm engulfing mine sparks flares of heat low in my belly.

But underneath the electrifying newness, my old doubts persist. Is someone like Zayn worth endangering my safeguarded heart for? He captivates me effortlessly yes, but everyone gets bored eventually moving onto the next temptation. Where will that leave me when he inevitably loses interest I wonder?

I must zone out during my brooding spiral because suddenly Zayn tugs me sideways gently. I blink startled to find us tucked away off the main path leaning against a trailer wall. Zayn brackets me in close, eyes serious but tender studying my face. His hand comes up automatically smoothing my worried brow with a featherlight thumb.

"Talk to me love, where'd you disappear to in that head of yours just now?"

My breath catches at the casual endearment falling from his unfairly kissable lips. But Zayn just continues trailing one calloused fingertip along my hairline patiently, coaxing the words from my knotted tongue.

"I just..." I swallow thickly, lean into his steady touch. "Everyone leaves eventually. What happens when you get bored of me or someone else catches your eye down the road?" I force the plaguing insecurity out in a miserable whisper.

Zayn's eyes blaze intense gold but his touch remains infinitely gentle where his hands bracket my hips now. "Not possible sweetheart. You're it for me...think you have been since our first accidental collision at Michael's party. Just took me too long to embrace fate's magnetic pull between us."

I cling to his unwavering gaze like a lifeline, scared to believe but craving the safety of this boy who sees me stripped bare. As Zayn leans in brushing the softest kiss to my forehead in promise I dare start imagining a future written in the stars that finally belongs to me.

Zayn's POV

Harry clings to my hand as we explore the rest of the colorful carnival rows together. His mood lifted considerably after our heart-to-heart. I catch his eyes tracking me all starry-eyed now when he thinks I don't notice. Can't blame him really - I'm equally unable to dim my own smitten staring.

We stop to play more silly games, giggling together. When I win a massive unicorn plushie at the basketball hoop, Harry lights up grinning. "My knight in shining armor!" He teases, happily lugging the giant stuffed animal around afterward.

I shake my head fondly, pulling him under my arm as we walk. He fits there perfectly like destiny carved this nook just for Harry. I place a smacking kiss to his temple earning a delighted crinkle-nosed smile. Yeah, I'm already a goner for this captivating boy it seems.

Eventually we end up in line for the Fried Twinkie stand, craving something sweet. I keep Harry tucked close, arms looped loosely around his hips as we wait. Humming nonsense under my breath, I sway us gently side to side revelling in finally, FINALLY getting to just exist openly together like this.

After polishing off our treats, Harry pulls out his phone. "Wanna let Luke know we're ready to head out? It's getting late..." he says through a yawn. As if on cue, my own exhausted contentment crashes over me.

I grin squeezing Harry impossibly closer, my precious sleepy angel. Can't wait to recreate this blissed out feeling falling asleep and waking up beside him someday...Soon I hope, if I get my way.

Luke picks us up with a knowing glint in his eyes. He graciously keeps any smug comments to himself for now. On the drive home though, he meets my lovesick staring in the visor mirror with a discreet thumbs up and giant wink.

I just grin helplessly back, allowing myself be as openly smitten as my overflowing heart demands. No point hiding when this intoxicating boy cuddled up under my admiring arm in the backseat feels like the missing piece that's made me whole all along...

Harry's POV

The next evening after school, Zayn invites me along to the local diner with his teammate. I hesitate briefly, old awkwardness around groups creeping up. But Zayn slings a comforting arm around my waist ushering me towards his flashy sports car with an encouraging smile. Powerless to deny him, I let the warmth of Zayn's proximity soothe my lingering social anxiety.

We slide into the red leather booth already buzzing loudly with Zayn's jock friends. Across from us, Calum has his letterman jacket draped casually behind one of the footballers. Something tense flickers in his dark gaze taking me in tucked under Zayn's sturdy arm. I shift self-consciously at the attention.

Just then Luke appears bearing two heaping milkshake glasses. "Here ya go lads! On me tonight," he chirps brightly. Zayn bumps his shoulder fondly in thanks as Luke plops down pressed snugly to my other side. The easy physical affection from them both keeps me anchored in the boisterous group dynamic.

Eventually Calum wanders over, leaning against our table with crossed arms. I peek up at him timidly through my lashes unsure what vibe to expect tonight. But his expression gives nothing away beyond sharp calculation glancing between me and Zayn's linked hands on the table top.

"So..." he drawls slowly. "Guess you weren't kidding getting cozy with my team's striker now huh?" His weighty stare bores into me until I shrink involuntarily closer into Zayn's side.

Zayn sits up straighter, spine stiffening. "Back off Cal," he warns evenly. "Harry doesn't owe you any explanations. We're together now, so either respect that or keep distance bro." Underneath the table his hand squeezes my knee in subtle reassurance.

Calum's face flashes surprise at Zayn's protective tone before smoothing back into nonchalance. He holds up both palms stepping away from our booth slowly.

"Chill Malik, just a question between friends. No drama here," he deflects lightly. But his dark eyes glint sharply once more at me leaning into Zayn's warmth before wandering back to his rowdy footballer posse. Something about his pinched mouth implies this conversation might not be fully over yet...

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