When Destiny Hesitates [ZARRY]

By Icarussays

1.9K 98 0

Changing schools yet again has never been easy for Harry. As the new quiet kid in town, he expects to keep hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 14

65 3 0
By Icarussays

Zayn's POV

I take a quick steadying breath before opening the door, trying to appear casual leaning against the frame. One look at Harry standing on my doorstep clutching his backpack straps tight, teeth tugging his bottom lip, and my attempt at playing it cool evaporates instantly.

"Hey! Come on in," I gesture maybe a bit too eagerly. Harry's eyes dart around the entryway before landing back on me. He gives an awkward little half wave that makes my heart squeeze painfully. I'm dying to reach out and smooth away the crease dug between his brows but don't want to spook him.

We settle side by side on the couch surrounded by snacks I stress-procured to ensure optimum study fuel. But 30 minutes into theorizing plot devices for our mythology characters, I feel Harry's distracted fidgeting next to me. I glance up and catch him already staring. Holding his gaze, I set my notebook slowly aside giving him my full attention.

Harry clears his throat, cheeks pinking slightly under my intent focus. But he finally powers forward before hesitation creeps back in. "Just um...about that party..." he mumbles, eyes darting down again. "Wanted you to know...I remember what happened. Wasn't that drunk to forget our, uh...kiss...actually felt it for a while after..." he trails off faintly.

My pulse kicks into overdrive hearing this long overdue confession. Harry glances up from under those devastating lashes and I nearly lose all coherent thought. "Me too" I manage, my own voice sounding raspy suddenly. "I just played it off cause you were avoiding me and I thought..."

"That I regretted it" Harry finishes quietly. The unspoken tension hovering between us shifts subtly. He worries his lip again, hesitating. I hold perfectly still, not even breathing, terrified of spooking this beautiful cautious boy I'm inexplicably falling for.

Eventually Harry looks up once more, nerves stripped bare in his vibrant eyes. "Truth is I didn't...regret it, that is." He swallows thickly. "I was scared. But I haven't stopped thinking about that kiss since." The admission hangs suspended between us for a shimmering hopeful moment.

My hand reaches to cradle Harry's jaw seemingly of its own volition. As my thumb strokes over the sharp cut of his cheekbone, I search his face for any reluctance finding only tender vulnerability. Still telegraphing my movements, I slowly lean in brushing my mouth against his plush lips once, twice...

When Harry responds, tentative but unmistakably willing, the entire universe realigns around us. With considerable effort I draw back just enough to meet his now darkened gaze. "Was that...okay?" I rasp out.

The corner of Harry's kiss-swollen mouth hitches up devastatingly. "Yeah" he whispers. And as I lose myself once more in lush strawberry lips softer than clouds...I know we'll be so much more than okay this time around.

I reluctantly withdraw from Harry's soft lips, senses still spinning. As I meet his dazed but content gaze, something clicks into place. We have time now. No need to dive recklessly into the deep end anymore.

Taking his hand tentatively, I gather my swirling thoughts. "Can we just...talk for a bit actually? I'd love to hear more about you when you're up for sharing. We covered a fair bit of academic ground tonight at least," I add with a gentle smile.

Harry blinks slowly, a guardedness washing back over his features momentarily. But seeing no judgement in my patient expression seems to reassure him. "Yeah, alright then," he agrees quietly.

Over the next hour curled together on the couch, halting stories start spilling out as I focus intently. Harry tells me about his mum's accounting job forcing them to constantly uproot. How hard it was always being the standoffish new kid. The loneliness he learned to embrace rather than risk repeated goodbyes.

My heart cracks open wider with every soft admission, affection surging fiercely. When his narrative lands on the photo leak aftermath, I lace our fingers supportively.

"Luke really came through helping me pick up the pieces when everything felt shattered. I'm still not used to people doing that - sticking by my side I mean." Harry's lips quirk ruefully at the corners.

I rub my thumb over his knuckles in a steady rhythm. "Well get used to it Curly, cause I'm not going anywhere either," I promise gently but fiercely.

The responding warmth that floods his winter gaze tells me Harry just might start believing that soon. As I lean my shoulder against his solid one contentedly, I know we have all the time in the world now...

Harry's POV

A comfortable silence blankets the room after I finish catching Zayn up on the chaotic emotional spiral of the last few weeks. His steady hand in mine grounded me through reliving tough memories. But now curiosity tugs my attention to the boy I'm finding myself easily opening up to.

"What about you and Luke?" I ask tentatively. "Can I hear how you two ended up so close over the years?"

Zayn smiles softly, eyes glazing with recollection. "Man, where to start? Our mums were best friends so I've literally known Lukey since diapers..."

Over the next half hour, Zayn strolls leisurely down memory lane recounting key stories sprinkled with equal parts fondness and playful eye rolls directed at Luke. I listen raptly to tales of their explorative young romance, the amicable split, through to present day unshakable best friendship.

Zayn transitions to reminiscing about lighter topics like summer bonfires and university plans. But my brain snags on a passing detail from earlier. One that makes my cheeks flush and stomach swoop thinking about too closely...

"So wait..." I interject during a pause. Zayn glances at me quizzically.

I forge ahead through the sudden awkward lump in my throat. "You said you and Luke were each other's 'first everything' right? Like you both..."

I trail off meaningfully with flaming cheeks, gesturing nebulously. Zayn's eyebrows raise in surprise before he lets out a startled honking laugh. "Oh! Ohhh...."

Now a pretty blush stains his golden cheeks too as understanding dawns. We dissolve into slightly mortified giggles at my boldness. And just like that, the last remaining wisps of lingering hesitation between us burn away.

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