Paw Patrol Unofficial Story B...

By RehanFrontiers

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Paw Patrol Unofficial Story, Episode Idea, Fanfiction That I Make Will Be Here More

OC Information
Pups Save Everest
Rehan Frontiers Become A Pups
Pups Save The Town Hall
Paw Patrol & Blur Rush: Snow Of Alchemy

Mighty Pups: Power Swapped Heroes

100 2 3
By RehanFrontiers

Is winter on adventure bay when mighty pups are lose to copycat

Copycat: *laugh* now that none of you have power anymore it's make me unstoppable as....(thinking) Unstoppable! *Laugh*, Now take this!

Copycat Throw a big rock to the mighty pups

Ryder and the pups try to run when suddenly

EXGotchalibur: Kamantis, Slash!

The rock slice into pieces

Copycat: "confused" What?!

Blur: You forgetting one pup, copycat

All pups: Blur!

Copycat: What how did you do that?, you don't even have a crystal!

Blur: Who say I need a Crystal?

Blur pulled out his chemy card

Gotchard Driver: Hopper1, Steamliner

Blur change his weapon into a attachment then put into his gotchard driver that it become EXGotchard Driver

EXGotchard Driver: Xross On!, Marvelous Occult.

A giant card appeared behind the blur and 3 UFOs emerged from the card

UFO X: Ufoo

Blur: Henshin!

EXGotchard Driver: Gacthako! X!, UFO X! Super! Super! Super!

Blur Turn into his UFO X Form

Blur: My name is Super Blur!, Xross: UFO X!

Copycat: Whatever, You will never catch me!

Copycat fly into the sky

Blur: you think only you can fly?!

Blur follow copycat

Copycat: catch me if you can!

Blur: oh yeah?, Let's finish this quick!

Blur charge his finishing move while still chasing copycat

Finisher Move: UFO X Shining Fever!

Blur fly fast to copycat and the circling around him like a planet orbits while attacking him and make copycat lose all 6 meteor crystal

Copycat: No!

Blur: Gotcha!

Copycat: "Angry"

Copycat fly disappear

Blur came back to the pups

Blur: here you go pups, your crystal is save!

Blur back into his normal form

Ryder: Awesome Blur! (While petting blur)

All pups: We got our power back!

Scene Change
At Lookout Tower

Chase: Blur, the thing that we see before, how do you do that?

Rocky: Yeah you don't have any crystal but can fly?!

Skye: And why there a giant card appear out of nowhere and a ufo just come out of it, what is that?!

Blur: Well it's...

After Blur Explain it to the pups

Rocky: So depends on the card that you choose you get different power?

Blur: Yep!

Marshall: Whoa "amazed"

Blur showoff it's EXGotchalibur

Blur: And this is my weapon that also can give me new power when I changed it to the attachment mode, and there's was another slot for the card

Rocky: more card mean more power right?

Blur: Not really

Suddenly Hopper1 came out of his card

Hopper1: Hoppaa!

All pups is surprised

Zuma: Dude That Hoppew Can Talk?!

Blur: Hopper1 you scare them

Hopper1: Hoppa?

Skye: Aww is so cute

Hopper1: Hoppa!

Hopper1 jump into skye head

Skye: "laugh"

Outside A Snowcat coming and that was Everest!

Everest Go inside the lookout

Everest: Hi pups!

All pups: Hi Everest!

Everest: What you pups doing?

Chase: We just chatting a little bit

Everest: About what?

Rubble: About Blur Chemy!

Everest: Blur?!

After Hearing Blur was here make him blush

Skye: Oh i get it.... "Smile"

Rush Suddenly Appear Behind Skye And Surprised Him

Rush: hey skye

Skye: Wha! Rush?, how did you get here?!

Rush: I sneak in, anyway I come here just a for little visit!

Everest: Hey Why not we play some games!

All pups: Sure

Everest: But where blur? (Looking around the lookout)

Everest: Huh?

Blur: Come on hopper1 go back to you card before.... (looking at Everest) Oh hi Everest

Hopper1: Hoppa!

Everest: Whoa! A talking hopper?

Blur: Yeah it my pal!

Everest: Cool!

Blur: oh right, i hear you want to play some games right?, so why not?

Everest: Well then let's go!

The pups are decided to play tag when suddenly

Marshall: Come here Rush!

Rush: Catch Me if you can!

Marshall slip and bump into rush accidentally make a awkward pose with the female pup

Marshall: "blush" "surprise" Whaa I'm sorry Rush!

Rush: "Blush" that okay... Marshall...

Skye: I think you two will make a great couple!

Marshall & Rush: "Blush" Skye!

Skye: "laugh"

Scene Change

After Copycat get defeat by blur he decided to visit Harold for a team up

Copycat Arrived

Harold: Copycat?!, Let me guess you come for a team up again huh?

Copycat: right!

Harold: I don't have a problem with that as long as there's no bird lady

Copycat: do you already build that badge again?

Harold: Yes, of course

Put the badge on the table and copycat charge it

Harold use it

Harold: Ah ha! My power back! Now what the plan?

Copycat: let's steal their power!

Harold: you already try that

Copycat: how did you know?

Harold: i see it

Copycat: fair enough, where foggy boy anyway?

Harold: he on a vacation with his mother

Copycat: Great not more that useless mayor!

Harold: back to the topic, so you want steal the pups mighty crystal right?

Copycat: yeah but the problem is how gonna supposed to stop pups that use card?!

Harold: you mean "blur" right, for that need something more like this!

With his power harold make device that will take all the power from the crystal and gonna disabled the gotchard driver

Harold: I'm a genius!, with this we gonna defeat mighty Pups like nothing!

Copycat: Great now let's do our evil.... Thing!

Harold and copycat got out of the mayor humdinger lair Going to adventure bay

Copycat: now let's make some trouble!

Copycat kick the Chickeleta statue

Harold Freeze The Townhall door

Mayor Goodway: Why the door doesn't open (see outside) Harold and copycat?! I need to call ryder!

Scene Change

Ryder Puppad Ringing

Ryder: oh hi mayor Goodway

Mayor Goodway: Ryder The Copycat is back again with Harold causing more trouble!, and i'm stuck here!

Ryder: Copycat again?, no worry mayor Goodway no trouble is to big, no pups is to small, Mighty Pups to the lookout

All pups: Ryder Need us!

All pups running toward the Elevator

All pups: Watch out!

Marshall slip on a blank card

Marshall: Whoaa!

Marshall Bumps into pups

Marshall: whoa that card was angry on me!

All pups laugh

The elevator is going up

The mighty meteor split and revealing the mighty crystal

Mighty Pups!

The lookout tower change

The crystal going into the pups badge

All the pups line up

Chase: Mighty Pups Ready For Action Ryder Sir!

Rocky: hey where blur and rush?

Gotchard Driver: Gacthako!, SteamHopper!

Alchemy Driver: Ga Ga Ga Gacthako! Prominace Horse!, Sun Unicon!

Blur turned into his SteamHopper Form while Rush turned into his Sun Unicon Form

Rocky: Oh right i Forgot

Blur and rush line up to

Chase: Now We Ready! Ryder Sir!

Ryder: Alright Pups (Show the Screen) Copycat is back and now he team up with Harold to make more trouble

Zuma: Dude!, Again?!

Marshall: Now two of them!

Ryder: so for this mission i need...., Mighty Rocky, I want you to clean up and fix the problems they cause, and skye your fly power will be very useful to fight copycat and Harold. all of you will help clean up all the trouble they cause to, especially blur and rush you chemy power will be very useful

Rocky: Green Mean Glow!

Skye: This mighty puppy's going for a spin!

Blur: Gotcha And Go!

Rush: It's my duty as Alchemist

Ryder: Alright Mighty Pups is on the roll!

Rocky and Skye slide down into his vehicle


All pups are on their vehicle

Scene Change
The pups Arrived at Town Hall

Ryder: Marshall use your paw to melt that ice, and rocky use your magnet to lift the statue

Marshall went to the town hall door and put his paw on the frozen door and melted the ice, while Rocky use his magnet power to lift the statue back into standing up

Mayor Goodway: Thanks Marshall!

Marshall: No problem Mayor Goodway!

Rocky: I'm done ryder!

Ryder: Good job Rocky, Marshall!, Now let's clear the other mess

Copycat: not so fast mighty pups!

All pups: copycat!

Harold: not to mention me!

Chase: What you guys up to now huh?!

Copycat: oh nothing, other that take all your power!, Harold!

Harold: Take this!

The laser beam hits all the pups but instead of taking their power, it swap their power

Harold: Huh?! "Confused"

Copycat: What wrong?!

Harold: It doesn't get any of the mighty pups power!

Copycat: What?!

Chase: Huh nothing change

Skye try to fly but instead of flying

Skye: Whoaa!

Skye Run like chase

Chase: Wait The Minutes does that mean

Chase try to fly

Chase: What?! I'm flying!

Rocky put his paw up and a water appear

Rocky: No!, I'm Wet!

Zuma: (lifting rubble) Dude I'm Like rubble now!

Rubble: And i have magnet power!

Blur: Wait where my Gotchard driver?

Rush: Yeah!, Me to!

Marshall Look into his back, there was a Alchemist driver attach

Marshall: Wait This Was Rush Alchemist driver!

Everest: (Feel something on his back) Huh?! Wait doesn't this belong to blur?

Blur: Everest!

Rush: Marshall!

Blur & Rush: You got my Driver? Does that mean

Blur Try to shoot snowball on his paw

Rush try to shoot fireball on his paw

Blur & Rush: Whoa!

Ryder: Wait the Minutes doesn't that mean you power been swapped?!, what did you do Harold!

Harold: Man I don't know! This is not supposed to happen, in that case..

Harold make a cage that will catch all the pups

Blur and Rush Realize it

Blur: Everest Watch out! (While Pushing Everest)

Rush: Marshall! Look out! (While Pushing Marshall)

All pups were caught except Everest and Marshall

The pups try to fight back but it's not use

Everest And Marshall immediately hide

Copycat: Good Catch Harold now we need to go back and fix your machine!

Harold: Alright Alright! "Annoyed"

Copycat: Goodbye Ryder! "laugh"

Ryder: No!

Everest & Marshall: Ryder!

Ryder: Wait, Everest, Marshall! You didn't get caught!

Everest: Blur Save me

Marshall: Rush Save me

Ryder: Oh I know why Blur and Rush Save you two because you two have the Gotchard And Alchemist driver! That why

Everest: That right!

Marshall: But how to use this thing

Ryder: don't worry pups I'll teach you how!

Everest: Wait, How did you know ryder?

Ryder: blur taught me incase something like this happen, so did you want to learn how to use it?

Everest: Of course for my Blur "blush" I mean our friends!

Marshall: Of course for my Rush "blush" I mean our friends!

Scene Change
After Ryder Teach Them how to use the driver they visit mayor humdinger lair

Copycat: Wait the Minute where that dalmatian and husky pups!?

Harold: I don't know!

Marshall: Copycat!, Free Our Friends!

Everest: Yeah!

Copycat: There they come, do it if you can!

Insert Song Start

Marshall pulled out his card same for Everest to

(Everest) Gotchard Driver: Gotcha Ingiter!, Turbo On!, Hopper1 Ingite!, Steamliner Ingite!

(Marshall) Alchemy Driver: Alchemist Link, Unicon, The Sun (As Above So below As Above So below)

Marshall & Everest: Henshin!

Hopper1: Hoppaa!

Steamliner: Steaam!

(Everest) Gotchard Driver: Gacthako! FIRE!, SteamHopper! Achi!!

(Marshall) Alchemy Driver: Ga Ga Ga Gacthako! Prominence Horse!, Sun Unicon!

Everest Become Fire Everest SteamHopper From


Marshall Become Marshall Sun Unicon From

Copycat: I take care of Everest, you take care of Marshall

Harold: "annoyed" he think he the boss.

Scene Change outside

Copycat use his wind

Everest Run fast to copycat

Copycat: "surprised" Huh?!

Copycat get hit multiple times

Copycat run fast to

They fighting look like a light moving fast hitting each other for like a minute

Everest Charge his attack

Copycat: "laugh" (he take blur from the cage using his wind and use his as a shield)

Blur: Let me go! "Realize" EVEREST STOP!

Everest can't stop and hit blur hard
Everest Realize it and get angry

Everest: How Dare you!!

Scene Change at Marshall
Inside the lair

Harold: If you want to free your friend, you have to get past me first!

Marshall: I don't need to do it though (use his alchemist ring)

The Cage was open

Harold: "Surprised" How did you?!

Marshall: Alchemist.

Marshall use his alchemist to take the badge from harold

Harold: No!

All pups: We free!

Rocky: wait where blur?

Rush: Yeah? Where is it?

Scene Change
Back at Everest

Everest Charge His Finished attack

Everest: I will not forgive you!!!

A cable holding Everest back and the fire his back getting Louder

Copycat: "Scare" Oh no this is not good!

The fire at the Everest back become blue then white the sound get louder and louder just like a jet engine sound!

Copycat: (Try to run) i'm out off here!!

Everest: Argh!! *Angry*

The cable broke

Everest Run at Amazing Speed targeting copycat

Finisher Move: SteamHopper! Burning Fever!

Copycat: "scream"

Everest hit copycat

Everest: Argh!!!!! *Angry*

Copycat Suit starting to burn

Everest Pushing Copycat so far and make a explosion

All pups: What was That?!

Blur: What is that? "Still in pain"

Everest: "Exhausted"

Copycat: Ouch!!, I should Go!

Copycat Try to Escape

Everest Look behind and realize the trail of fire

Everest: What have i done...

Copycat Successfully Escape

Everest Run Out Of Energy And Fall to the ground

All pups: Everest!

Scene Change
Back at Lookout

Everest Wake up

Everest: huh... What happen

Blur: Are you okay Everest?!

Everest: "Blush" I'm okay... Blur

Blur Relief, knowing that Gotchard Ingiter use a lot of energy

Blur: You shouldn't do that you know, i'm worries "blush"

Skye: See Blur worries about you

Everest Blush Even Harder

Ryder: wait what about copycat?

Blur: He Escape Again, Ryder

Ryder: well them

Everest: "Realize" Ryder!, How about our power!

Ryder: Harold Already Swap your power back

Everest: "Relief"

Rush: You look good using my power Marshall...

Marshall: Thanks "blush"

Rush Whisper To Marshall: I Think I like you

Marshall: "Blush Even Harder"

Rush: "laugh"

Skye: I sure they will be a good couple

Rush: What Skye?

Skye: Nothing!

Blur: By The Way, Ryder why you told Everest to use gotchard Ingiter?

Ryder: Doesn't it the strongest?

Blur: I know, but it's use a lot of energy

Ryder: but you never faint when using it

Blur: well it's because i'm have more energy that Everest, that why.

Ryder: Make sense

Written By Rehan Frontiers

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