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By Verafx

6.1K 149 80

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653 17 3
By Verafx

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「 ✦  "𝙄𝙛 𝙄 𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨
𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙚...𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠
𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙄'𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙣.." ✦ 」

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I HUMMED SILENTLY TO MYSELF as I was sat in my dressing room while humming lyrics to one of my songs. I was putting on some mascara as the door to my dressing room flung open making me smudge the mascara.

Letting out a groan I slammed my hands on the vanity desk as I turned around in my swivel chair "Seriously Dawn, you made me ruin my fucking eye makeup." I grunted as he let out a squeal, mumbling a sorry as he ran up to me like a little girl "I'm so so so sorry...BUT...OH MY GOD GUESS WHAT!!!"

He bounced up and down, I opened my mouth about to say something but was immediately cut off "Scratch that, they moved your concert to today, so girl you HAVE to get ready." He talked fast as I raised an eyebrow while staring at him.

His eyes twinkled and the corners of his mouth flicked up as I sighed while rubbing my temples "you have five seconds to get out Dawn." He peered down at me as he nodded while sprinting out the room, practically laughing like a maniac.

I watched the door slam close as I spun the chair around, facing the mirror as I began removing my eye makeup. My eyes slowly trailed over to a black box that sat upon my vanity. I shook my head looking away as I grabbed the mascara wand applying mascara to my eyelashes.

For the second time I glanced at the box while slowly placing the wand on the vanity. My hand slowly reaching for the box but came to a quick stop as I hesitated for a second. Biting down on my lip I grabbed it and opened it.

I blinked a few times as I let out a small smile before grabbing the items that were in the box. Admiring the photographs that I had with the five brothers when I was young. I stared at the pictures for a few more moments before shaking my head and putting them away.

Not before stopping...wait....I peered in the box and noticed a round object. Slowly grabbing it I placed the pictures on the box before holding the other item...oh...Floyd's earring...I bit down on my lip as I inspected it for a second before putting it back into the box and closing it.

I ran my finger through my hair as I began to add eyeliner on my pale skin. Licking my dry lips I let out a groan as I put my face in my hands. Memories flooding back as I cracked my knuckles before shaking my head.

"Dammit...not now...I have a fucking show...I don't need to think about them...not now." I muttered to myself as I stood up and walked over to the clothing rack as I picked out my outfit. [ You can imagine the outfit ]

[ Disclaimer it has to be
something dark and edgy]

I slowly removed my baggy clothes as I slipped on the outfit. Hearing a knock on the door I looked towards it as I pulled the zippers up on my shoes "come in."

I watched the door slowly creak open as i saw Dawn walk in. Not before stopping as he stared at me with his mouth gaping. "Oh. My. GOD!!" He beamed as he ran up to me and admired my outfit.

I spun around as he circled me "You..look..FABULOUS!!" He cried out in amazement as he hugged me. "Oh." I let out a mutter as my hands outstretched, hesitating to hug him back. He pulled away as he stared at me, biting down on his lip.

"you ready for the best concert of your lifetime?" He bounced up and down on his heel with his lips pursed as he stared at me to which I nodded "Ready as I'll ever be Dawn." I grinned as he smiled, his dimples showing as he tapped his pen on the clipboard.

"Great! I'll go make sure everything is ready." He hurriedly ran out the room "This day is going to be the best!" His voice fading as I let out a small chuckle getting ready to follow him.

But I stopped walking as soon as I took the first step, furrowing my eyebrows I scratched my head "I feel like I'm forgetting something." I stood there for a few seconds before snapping my fingers as I made my way over to my vanity before opening the black box and bringing out the pearl white earring that Floyd had given me.

I hummed to myself as I put the earring on as I admired myself in the mirror "Hm?" I tucked my hair behind my right ear to show off the earring more as I smiled to myself before walking out my dressing room.

─── ───

  { Branch's POV }

I WAS STANDING IN MY OLD HOUSE Vines growing everywhere, the furniture scattered all over the room. I watched the vinyl spin around as the music lightly played in the background. Bringing up the packet the vinyl was placed in I swiped away the glitter that resided on top.

I sadly looked at it, not noticing that Poppy had walked in. "Branch?" I heard a voice called out as I jumped looking up "what...oh hey." I turned around with a worried expression as I turned the vinyl player off and placed the cover slip beside it before turning around and facing her.

"You're smiling and crying at the same time, it kind of looks like it's hurting your face?" She asked as she slowly walked over to me. I forced a smile on my face as I stood there "it does hurt my face." I brought my hands up and touched my face.

"I guess I'm just missing my um..grandma." I crossed my arms as I turned around grabbing the vinyl "I was just listening to some of her old records." I placed it inside the cover "Brozone? No way, I LOVE Brozone!!"

She grabbed the vinyl out of my hands as my eyes widened, turning around to look at her "Really?" I smiled before clearing my throat "I mean....really?"

She smiled as she bit down on her lip "I didn't know you liked them too." She threw it back at me as I gulped before catching it. "I don't..I'm actually hate..listening. It's a new thing." She looked at me with a confused expression.

"My Grandma had VERY questionable taste, I mean just look at how she decorated this place." I looked around "I'm sorry but there are some things that just shouldn't be macraméd. Am I right?"

I watched her look around as I look away, frowning sadly as I looked at the vinyl. I placed the vinyl down again "Uh..kinda seems like there's something you're not telling me?"

I let out a small gasp as I turned around "what?" I smiled "pfft...don't be silly, no." I got stopped "Hey, I need you to be real with me." She spoke softly as she grabbed my hands "It seems more like a macramé issue."

She chuckled "if you're having feelings, you can talk about them with me." I let out a sigh "Okay! Alright.." I muttered while nodding before looking into her eyes.

Her smile increased as she waited for me to speak, I quickly removed my hands from hers and tapped my imaginary watch "Oh hey, look at the time. We're going to be late for the royal wedding." I stressed as i nervously looked at her before grabbing her hand.

"Let's go get married." I ran to the door "Branch!" She yelled as I stopped turning to face her "What?" I confusedly asked before realising what I had just said "I mean..let's get Bridget and Gristle married."

I smiled awkwardly as she let out a nervous smile "Yeah, Oh..cause it would be weird if we got married." She nervously laughed "Yeah..." I looked away "weird." Poppy spoke.

"It's like weird..how we're still talking about how weird it was." I nodded as I gulped "Like fifteen seconds later." She smiled awkwardly as we made throwing up sounds before she squeezed her nose as we ran out jumping on different glowflies before singing.

─── ───

  { Poppy's POV }

I THREW THE CURTAINS OPEN as Bridget stretched her arms and rolled off the bed "I do my hair toss, check my nails." I smiled "Baby how you feeling?"  I sang in the same key as I jumped on the palm of her hand as I climbed on her shoulder.

"I do my hair toss, check my nails." She did a motion where she pretended to flip her hair "Baby how you feeling?" I smiled as she looked at me "Feeling good as hee-"

She glided to the mirror as she stared at it. A picture of Gristle covered one side of the mirror "Hello....it's me he's looking for." I nodded "Yeah it is!!" I jumped off her shoulder and onto the ground.

"I can see it in his eyes." She twirled before standing a few feet away from me as I lightly bounced up and down as I refrained myself from squealing "Now let's get this dress right."

I put my hand up to my chin as I observed her different wedding dresses, I shook my head "uh uh....no.....next." I paused as I looked behind her seeing Todd carry balloons as he walked past the room.

I gasped, instantly getting an idea as I looked over to the twins "Satin, Chenille!!" The twins looked to each other as they smirked "Fashion." Satin started "Emergency." Chenille finished as they grabbed a bunch of things before running over to us.

─── ───

WE WERE NOW OUTSIDE singing and doing the usual. Bridget was now on the pathway leading up to where her soon to be husband was. AHH SO CUTE i internally screamed in my mind as I watched the two ogle each other.

I jumped on Bridget's dress as I made my way up "Bridget!" I exclaimed as she looked at me. I gasped bringing my hands up too my face "You look so beautiful." I gushed.

"Thank you so much for being my maid of honour." She sniffed "I couldn't have done this without you." I shook my head while smiling "Oh of course Bridget. I love you like a sister, probably." I pursed my lips as I thought.

I shrugged but still kept the smile on my face "I don't have a sister, so I wouldn't know, which is fine. It's something I'm still coming into terms with slowly." I rambled on as Bridget spoke up "Uh Poppy."

I looked towards my best friend who wore a slight confused expression "Can we maybe..unpack the sister thing after the vows?" I let out a small cackle as I turned my head away "Ah!"

I looked towards her awkwardly "oh no yeah of course, you go get him girl." I smiled "before I do!" I put my hands near my mouth as I yelled before using the end of a pin and popping the balloons which erupted in a cloud of glitter revealing a jumpsuit underneath the outfit of balloons.

I was standing by Branch as I watched Bridget while squealing to myself. Bridget than began to use her roller skates as she skated down the pathway elegantly.

I wrapped my arm around Branch's arm, placing my head on his shoulder as I watched with a smile. Bridget coming to a stop as she carefully went up the stairs letting out a few grunts before skating around and stopping in front of Gristle who was still holding her hands.

"Hey Bridget, you still have time to run for it!" A green Bergan yelled as she stood up to which Gristle chuckled awkwardly "Very funny aunt Smeed." What a weird..weird woman....haha.

"I'm uh..so glad you could make it." He followed on after before looking away from his aunt and to Bridget. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to celebrate the sweet sweet love of Bridget." Miss Maxine stopped as she looked at Bridget "Hey girl."

She made her way over to Gristle "And mister yummy tummy himself, King Gristle!" She stepped away "Now falling in love is easy, we've all done it." She let out a laugh "I've done it a hundred times. Thousands even, if you count the time I spent abroad."

I smiled as beside me Branch furrowed his eyebrows. She was about to say something else but was cut off by a booming voice "STOP THE DAMN WEDDING." I jumped slightly looking really confused as Branch went onto panic mode as he looked around for the source where the voice came from.

I turned around, as did everyone else as we saw a figure on top of a building "Uh Bridget..do you know this guy?" Gristle asked as Bridget shrugged "I can't remember all my suitors Grissy."

She smiled as the figure on the building let out a yell as he jumped off, sliding on a wire before using his hair to flip him as he then grabbed ahold of a balloon.

─── ───

  { Branch's POV }

I SQUINTED MY EYES AS I STARED at the figure as I watched him roll on the ground before dusting himself off. Lifting his goggles u-

Wait....those goggles...is....no....something in my brain automatically clicked as I recognised him. I felt myself tense up as the random troll before us was none other that my older brother....well....person..who left me when I was just a baby.

"Sorry is this bad timing?" He turned around making me get a good look at his face as I let out a gasp "I'm just trying to find a troll named.." he paused, turning around as he stopped as I watched him look right at me "BABY BRANCH."

He yelled out as he ran over, climbing onto the table where we were as I stood there awkwardly "uh." I pointed towards him with an angry expression "you're making a mistake, stranger that looks similar to me..there's no Branch here."

I crossed my arms as he stared at me in awe "You got so big, you're not a branch anymore, You're more like a trunk." He made his way over to me "Junk in the trunk." I turned around to face Poppy but let out a gasp as I felt my ass get slapped "Ow!"

I turned around as I watched him laugh "I bet you, I can still pick you up." He grinned as he grabbed me and threw me into the air making me scream "Aah, there goes my back." He groaned as I tried to get down.

"Oh Charley horse." I let out a few screams as I was in the air "oh god AAH." He screamed as I fell on his face "Two Charley horses." He complained.

"HEY! Stop right there. You put my friend down, tell us who you are and what you want!" Poppy demanded as we both fell to the ground with a thud.

I stood up as did he. He let out a chuckle as i huffed "You're right! Totally rude of me. Didn't introduce myself." I watched him put his hand out "I'm Branch's brother." He held his back before smiling.

"What!" Poppy gasped as did everyone around us "Correction. Used to be my brother." I popped out from behind Poppy "Not anymore." I crossed my arms and turned around.

"Hey um..r-remember earlier when I said you should open up and be real to me?" I tilted my head slightly "Well.." I got cut off "Well you could've started by telling me you had a secret brother." I rolled my eyes as I looked towards her "Former brother." She then yelled "That's not how DNA works."

She then turned towards her dad with her hands on her hips "Dad, did you know about this?" He jumped slightly "What? What would I know about secret family members."

He didn't know where to put his hands before he finally placed them behind his back as he let out a nervous chuckle "Oh my gosh, I've never met anyone from Branch's family before, I'm Poppy! Branch's friend."

I didn't even turn around once as I kept my hands crossed. I was mad...and upset..shocked...why did he only fucking decide to show up now.

"Wait I know you, your the guy..from Brozone. We were just listening to them." Poppy smiled as she looked to everyone while pointing towards him "Yeahhhh, Brozone!!" Cooper excitedly yelled out.

"Wait wait wait wait, don't tell me." She paused as she thought for a moment "uh okay..we'll you're not the heartthrob." John gulped as he smiled nervously "well that's your opinion."

Poppy tilted her head "The fun one? No your kinda uptight." John frowned "uptight?" Poppy moved her hands up and down "Not the sensitive one either." John raised an eyebrow as he looked really hurt "Okay, a lot of assumptions for a guy you just met thirty seconds ago."

Poppy's eyes widened as she turned around to face John "oh oh oh I got it. Your John Dory, the old one." She exclaimed as he nodded going to tell her "The leader." He said at the exact same time.

He frowned even more as he heard what she had just said. He sighed as he awkwardly stood there "So...if..if you're Branch's bro. Then that means that all the other Brozone Bros....are Branch's bros too."

She let out a gasp of excitement and shock as she turned around to face me, but I didn't even turn "Branch?! How come you never told me." I shrugged "because it's complicated."

She frowned as she hissed slightly "aw sweetie...because you weren't in the band." She pat my back as I rolled my eyes "Branch was in the band all right." John let out a chuckle as Poppy faced him "What? No way! Which one was he?" She asked as John placed his hands on his hips "Bitty B."

Poppy's smile increased in size "Bitty B? No that's impossible, Bitty B had glasses." She denied it as John shook his head "And a diaper too."

I shook my head as I began to sing "And..." I stopped "a falsetto made of gold...not that anyone ever cared....apart from Y/N..but that's all in the past." Poppy raised an eyebrow "who's Y-"

She was cut off by me turning around "Because they all stopped being my brothers the day they walked out on me and never came back." I crossed my arms and turned away "woah woah woah Branch..that's not fair. I did come back..but no one was there."

He paused before continuing as he mad his way over to me "It wasn't until I heard about you saving the world from the rock apocalypse, that I realised you were even still alive."

I scoffed "Oh that's-that's so sweet." I put my hand over my chest as I smiled "He realised I was still alive." I sarcastically spoke as I turned to face him "TWENTY YEARS TOO FUCKING LATE."

I was pushed back by Poppy as she got in between us "Hi, sorry. He gets angry if he skips breakfast." She placed her hands on my chest as she pushed me back "I HAD breakfast, it was avocado toast with two poached eggs and some cayenne for a little kick."

I explained as I glared at him "And you know what it WAS delightful." I was finally pushed back by Poppy as she looked at me with concern "Branch..what's going on with you?"

I raised a finger "the question we should be asking is what is going on with HIM." I pointed to John in an angry manner "I bet he's only here because he needs something." I crossed my arms

"That's not true, he's your brother." She spoke with a smile "Branch I'm gonna be straight with you, I need something." I rolled my eyes throwing my hands up "and there it is."

Poppy sighed looking at him "Come on man I'm trying here." She slouched down slightly in defeat as I began walking away "wait wait wait Branch...it's about Floyd."

My ears perked up at the mention of Floyd's name as I stopped in my tracks. I frowned as I looked towards my older brother "What do you mean?"

He frowned "He's in danger man...I hadn't heard from him since the band broke up." He paused taking a deep breath in as I started to get worried.

"I got a letter..." he then began to "read." Out what it had said "dear John Dory,  I'm being held against my will by superstars Velvet and Veneer come to mount rageous at once and bring our brothers, love Floyd."

"I didn't know where any of you guys were...so..I went to mount rageous alone. Velvet and Veneer were preforming that night."

─── ───

I FROWNED AS I LOOKED DOWN "Floyd." I was thinking about my older brother....the only one who was kind enough to actually say goodbye "So you came here to get the band back together?" Poppy asked with slight confusion as John nodded "And sing the perfect family harmony."

She added on as she smiled "Yeah!" I scoffed at this as I looked up and turned my head towards him "Oh, yeah, so we can attempt to sing something we've only tried once, and failed so miserably we broke up and never talked to each other again."

I sarcastically spoke as I glared at John "We are so in!" Poppy yelled in excitement as she jumped up "What?!" I turned my head to face the perky pink head.

"Uh....could you uh." I looked towards John nervously "give us a second." I pushed Poppy back and away from John as i turned to face her "Okay, what are you doing?" She batted her eyelashes while grinning "This is your second chance with your brothers, Branch."

I let out a deep sigh as I closed my eyes for a moment "You don't get it, you don't have any siblings." She threw her hands up slightly as she stared at me with a little smile "That's my point. Branch you are so lucky to have a brother to fight for...I mean if I had a sister.."

She paused before gasping "it would be so perfect, we'd be best friends and we'd teach each other things and we'd never fight." She rambled as I crossed my arms "Poppy." I called.

"And we'd always have each others back, and we wouldn't even have to talk cause we'd think the same thoughts." She spoke slightly faster as I stared at her with a bored expression "Poppy." I called once again waving my hand in front of her face.

"And everyone would ask us if we're twins and we'd laugh, and we'd be like 'not technically'." I sighed as I bit the inner corner of my cheek in slight frustration fuck "Poppy." I called once more but a little bit louder making her turn to me.

"But.." she paused "If she were ever in trouble, I would do everything I could to help her...I would show up." I let out a small sigh as I glanced away "Okay...listen." I faced her "If there was someone that I might do this for."

I paused as I watched her bite down on her lip with a grin "and I'm not saying there is." I explained before looking away for a moment "It would be for Floyd and Y/N." She smiled as she poked me "I'm not hearing no."

I smiled slightly as John screamed behind me in excitement as did Poppy "Yeah!! Works for me." John hopped backwards as Poppy's eyes glistened in anticipation "Brozone 2.0, Brozone reunion." I smiled as I watched her.

"Brozone, here we bro again. Brozone, where'd they bro? I don't know. We're gonna find them!" I felt the ground shaking as i furrowed my eyebrows and looked down.

I felt Poppy grab ahold of me as I looked around while everyone around us was gasping "Hey looks like our ride is here." John grinned as we saw him rising from the ground as it....rose up?

"Whoo!" He yelled before he got shot up in the air by something as it roared "Here she is!" He yelled as it landed on the ground in front of us.

"Ohh that's coming out of the deposit" Gristle hissed as Bridget glanced at him with a blank expression "Meet Rhonda y'all, ain't she a beaut." We looked at the Armadillo bus in front of us as it had its tongue out panting.

It then let out a roar as a gush of air blew us while glitter sprayed. "She's uh." I watched as Poppy got licked by her "something." I spoke.

"Uh...I guess she likes me?" Poppy said with uncertainty as she glanced at the glitter all over her "Yeah she does!" John exclaimed. "Or she's marking you as prey." He trailed off as he walked up to Rhonda "Can never quite tell with Rhonda." He spoke with a grin.

John laughed as Poppy nervously looked around before she let out a small laugh "uh guys..if you don't mind..I really can't wait another minute." Gristle spoke up before grabbing his lovers hand "To marry this gorgeous specimen." He gazed at her before kissing her hand.

Miss Maxine cleared her throat "I now pronounce you, husband and wife." She spoke as Bridget yelled happily before jumping on her husband as they kissed. Everyone cheering on in the background as Poppy smiled and awed whereas I smiled...with slight......disgust.

"Okay, all aboard, who's going aboard?" John stepped on Rhonda as we looked inside "Bye everybody!!" Poppy yelled, waving at everyone as she walked up the stairs "we're getting the band back together!!!" She exclaimed as I made my way up the steps.

"Have fun you crazy kids!" Aunt smeed spoke as she bent down "Have an awesome honeymoon!" Poppy waved at Bridget and Gristle "Thanks Poppy." Bridget looked over at Poppy before continuing her make out session.

I was now inside the bus as I sat down, hearing a muffled "I love you guys." Before she closed the door and making her way over as she explored.

"So where we going?" I asked as John looked at me before crossing his arms "We're going to get the others." He clicked his fingers while grinning. I blankly stared at him "What?" He spoke as he shrugged "I'm sure they miss us..and once they know Floyd's been captured they would definitely come with us."

He bounced up and down slightly as I glanced over at Poppy who was inspecting everything "So who are we getting first?" I asked as I continued to watch Poppy "Y/N." He spoke softly as I snapped my head towards him
"Y/N!!" I yelled out as he nodded "That's what I said."

He smiled as Poppy popped out from behind John "Who's Y/N? I always here you guys say her name but won't actually say who she is." Poppy stood beside me as she looked over at us.

I was about to say something but John cut me off before I could even say anything "Y/N? Oh she was our....friend...yeah..friend." He nervously said as I raised an eyebrow "Yeah she used to "work" for us...well more so her father." I used air quotations marks.

Poppy nodded "Well where is she now?" She raised an eyebrow looking over to John as did I waiting for the same answer "oh you'll see." He spoke before walking off to go drive.

✘ ✘ ✘



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"๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚ ๐—ธ๐—ป๐—ผ๐˜„, ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚ ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—น๐˜† ๐˜€๐˜‚๐—ฐ๐—ธ" "๐˜€๐—ฎ๐˜†๐˜€ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ด๐˜‚๐˜† ๐˜„๐—ต๐—ผ ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐—ป'๐˜ ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—บ๐˜† ๐—ฝ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฏ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—น ๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ต ๐˜€๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ" ...
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แดกสœแด€แด› ษช๊œฐ ส™ษชสŸสŸส แด€ษดแด… ๊œฑแด›แดœแด€ส€แด› แดกแด‡ส€แด‡ษด'แด› แด›สœแด‡ แดษดสŸส แดษดแด‡๊œฑ ส™แด‡สœษชษดแด… แด›สœแด‡ แด‹ษชสŸสŸษชษดษข๊œฑ? แดกสœแด€แด› ษช๊œฐ แด›สœแด‡ส€แด‡ แดกแด€๊œฑ แด€ แดแด€๊œฑแด›แด‡ส€แดษชษดแด… ส™แด‡สœษชษดแด… แด€สŸสŸ แด›สœษช๊œฑ? แด€ษดแด… แด›สœแด€แด› แดแด€๊œฑแด›แด‡ส€แดษชษดแด… ษช๊œฑ แด€ ษขษชส€สŸ. ส™ษช...
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