Dragons Nine Realms: Alex the...

By Titanium300

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Throughout and After the events of "Alex not Found" Alex has a major fight with all of the riders, and leaves... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2: Meeting Buzzsaw
Chapter 3: Into the Crystal Maze

Chapter 1: Alex not Found

14 0 0
By Titanium300

In the ICARUS housing area, Alex is seen in her room quietly playing chess against her AI bestie Wendy.

Wendy: I'll move my knight to B9, Alex I have just taken your pawn, it is your move now.

Alex: OK then I guess I'll move my-

*Loud banging is heard outside Alex's room*

D: Alex! I need your help, one of the fire dragons short circuited the main frame

Alex (rolls her eyes): yeah sure whatever

*30 minutes later*

Alex: Ugh finally now that that's over I can-

*more banging is heard*

Eugene: Yo gonzo I heard my phone has a filter that makes someone hot even hotter; but my phone won't do it, would you

Alex: *grumbles* I just want to be alone

Eugene: What was that?

Alex (sarcastically): Oh yeah sure

Eugene: SWEET!!!

*20 minutes later In the Visitor's Center*

Alex: Finally I'm all al-

Tom: Yo Alex

*Tom and Jun walk in*

Tom: we were taking pictures by the lake, when all of a sudden by phone shut down, you're gonna fix it right

Alex: well actually I'm-

Jun: Well you're not busy are you? It looks like your not doing anything to begin with

Alex: *grinds her teeth into a smile* What did you have in mind

*1 hour later in the Dragon keep*

Alex: Now I can-

"Everyone barges in"

Alex: *grumbles* why do I even bother

Jun: wow Alex you look worse than usual

Tom: Yeah you barely even helped earlier

Alex: Well maybe it was because I was actually doing something

Tom: Yeah right all you were doing was playing brain numbing games

Alex: Oh yeah! Than why don't you try cleaning up after a fire breathing dragon *points back at D*, or help an obnoxious jerk look half as better than he already does *flicks her finger off of Eugene's chest*. Or I don't know, how about trying to fix a phone that broke because an obnoxious couple took about a million horrible pictures.

Tom: Yeah well at least I have real friends, instead of a pathetic AI, and loser dragon

Alex (in tears): Fine then I don't need any of you, I don't even want to be a rider any more

"Flies away on feathers"

(Everyone but Tom and Jun): ALEX!!!

I Hope you like the first chapter, sorry I don't know much about chess. This is my first time writing so sorry if it doesn't make much sense. The next chapter should be out soon.

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