
By omnivertgirl

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A twist in fate. An alternate life. In a different Point of view. Disclaimer Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishi... More



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By omnivertgirl

'Did I black out?'

Hinata thought faintly as her eyes swept tiredly over her surroundings. The forest that she had laid flat on, was replaced by a large, white, immaculate room adorned with silver and gold, as well as purple and jade. Its fragrance was strong, overwhelming and even intimidating.

Though, it matched the room's majestic aesthetic, and even amplified the strong and powerful presence of the entire bedroom. Hinata was laid under the soft, smooth, silky covers of a large double king sized bed which was adorned in Jade.

She laid elegantly on the bed, with her arms close to her chest and her hands holding the edge of her pillow on the sides, almost as if substituting for the lack of security and assurance. The lilac eyed girl slowly got up and out of the covers to find herself adorned in soft, silky pyjamas which gently tingled against her skin and eased her uncertain heart.

She walked to the window and rubbed her tired eyes as her hands moved down to her sides, whilst ignoring the temptation to grasp her newly, clearly exquisite clothes. A shinobi must not show nerves, a shinobi must be calm, and a shinobi must never lose sight.

She was clearly not where she was a few hours ago,.

In addition, she sensed a handful of chakra signatures-which was surprising to say the list- with one she felt was notably familiar, which bringing her a twinge of comfort. She was surrounded by people and she wasn't alone. Yet, she didn't know who these people were and most importantly she didn't know how she got here, or where here was even? It made her uncomfortable yet once again.

But, she knew stressing about how she got here or who those people were, wasn't really important. What was important was the fact that she didn't know where she was.

Hinata looked at the magnificent view throughout the window and released a soft audible wow at the sight. Her eyes sparkled and shimmered in pure  delight at the architecture. The bedroom she currently occupied was at the very top of the entire building, and stuck out to form a tower and a whole wing on its own. The building itself had several different sections and towers around her yet, they were smaller and shorter. The esqusite building extended towards the entire land, monopolizing it. However, directly opposite her was a large open field, with a few plants and flowers, most likely planted for everyone to enjoy the scene. Furthermore what was awe-inspiring was how the entire place was covered in a dark blue almost gray light, from the entire place, reflecting on the ground and on the trees. It was shocking since there was no moon nor sun, or any form of light. Moreover, there was no sky, only a large layer of coverage who's surface looked soft yet hard at the same time.

This only magnified the entire landscape, making her marvel in pure adoration at something she had never once seen before. It was simply too stunning, not to mention that the atmosphere was very good and peaceful, which made everything all the more pleasant and comforting, making more tension flee from her shoulders. Even though slightly.

Because, obviously, even though she had awoken on an incredibly comforting bed, Hinata was still exhausted, both mentally and physically, not to mention emotionally. It also didn't help that she had awoken in a strange place, which was something she was rather getting used to, not to mention the tradition of Indra knocking her out.

Although, her thoughts were jumbled up, Hinata realized how she was not in danger, at least not yet, so she let herself relax and enjoy the beautiful sight of the flowers swaying, and dancing to the  wind. How there was wind, Hinata didn't know but she merely hummed and observed, her eyes glazing and watching, deeply enriched by the sight of both the garden and the layout of this entire village.

Her eyes closed and the wind gently caressed her face. She giggled with pure elation. Then she scanned her surroundings, finding something both surprising and pleasant. Almost everyone's chakra was steady, and calm, meaning their emotions were also as calm and firm. This, of course, brought a gentle smile on Hinata's face as she released a soft breath, it seemed that there were shinobi out there who could handle everything that came at them. She guessed they were shinobi mostly because of the high density of everyone's chakra, but nevertheless that wasn't the point. The point was that she sensed a group of individuals who's entire being and core seemed to be centered at the idea of peace more than anything. Yes she could sense twinges of darkness, and sadness, and yet it was only lingering, not much and not potent as well. This made her smile wider, as her eyes fluttered and she peered over the view once again, most of her nerves melting off.

She stayed in that moment for a long period time and appreciated the momentary peace and serenity. However, her chakra as if immune and addicted to causing her headaches unconsciously bolted and spread throughout her chakra system. Hinata tapped into it unknowingly, and as if a switch turned on, the peace that she had felt a few seconds ago immediately collapsed, and then everything just shattered from there. Her chakra slowly frizzled out as it binded itself towards one chakra signature-very eagerly- and more importantly it was eerily familiar to the one which had healed her. She clung onto that chakra and Hinata tried to reign it back with her might yet it seemed impossible.

Another headache. Hinata thought as she rubbed her temples. Glimpses of pictures started to ring in her head. And Hinata winced at it. 'Here we go again' she thought painfully and slowly tried to claw her chakra back. She pulled with all her might, as she continuously felt a violent struggle and defiance of her chakra, not knowing that she was drawing someone else's chakra, who was slowly trying to reign it back, yet to no avail. Hinata's veins vibrated as floods of chakra started coming back to her system, whilst she continued to grab it forcefully, trying to subdue it into submission.

Her heart continuously felt feint, as she felt the strength in her will slowly dissipate. She groaned mournfully and grunted painfully, as her small amounts of strength kept drawing in her chakra, wondering why it seemed to grow bigger at every moment and why it seemed to battle her system for dominance.

Feeling absolutely wrecked, Hinata kneeled to the ground hitting it hard, as loads and loads of chakra started coming back in without her permission, as if a key had been activated to finally let it all back in her system. Her brain flooded with intangible memories and Hinata felt bitter, as she realized how she could barely keep up with the strings of pictures that flashed and popped in her mind. Her byakugan activated in defence as she held her head in pain whilst thousands of memories forged access into her mind. 

It was painful.

Hinata thought as her hands quaked and chakra covered her entire body. A rough screech forcefully tore through her throat as if echoing exhilaration and insanity. It echoed in the room, as horns started to grow on her forehead, protruding out into the air and causing her endless pain. Something continued to screech in her throat and she barely registered that it was her voice as she felt something try and overwhelm her. Her voice started to overlap and felt her resistance to it was futile, whilst a stranger prodded her mind once again and she couldn't help but try to fight, No, was that man trying to take control of her? He had refused to help her, but would rather turn against her. Was that it? She couldn't help but think anxiously, however, the sheer pressure of her memories clamored against her and left absolutely breathless.

Once again. The world proved it could utterly crush her, and if she didn't choose the Shinobi life. It would all be for naught. Hinata thought desperately as she clutched her chest, trying to hold onto to something. Relief? Ease? Strength? Anything. However, as if against her, the world span in her lilac eyes, twirling twisting and hurting her. Her eyeballs rolled over as rapids of tears whooshed out of her lifeless eyes, making her utterly blind. And unfortunately, it wasn't the first time. She thought as she recalled the memory of how her mother had gasped and had begged for her father to stop this. To stop it because this was too much. Too cruel. And too young. However, just like then and just like now, Hinata only saw white, and just like then and now, she came to terms that truly, that there was no exit to this life. The only thing she could do was move forward with her strength. Even so. Her mind still tried to hold onto her last hope, so she spoke. Like a gentle songbird caged in a prison she could never escape.

"Please for the last time, someone save me"

Hinata begged, pleading as her tears cascaded down her face. She truly wondered, if this was the life she would continue to live. Because truly she was scared, cowardly and afraid, to become less human. Afraid of the monster that could possibly awoken, she didn't believe she was strong enough to resist. However, needless to say, she knew where she was going, but she wondered was it truly possible, to reach peace and fulfillment, was she special enough to reach that? With all this pain, and hurt and

-kami someone save me. Hinata thought desperately. Just this once. Once more and it would done.

And as if hearing her last thoughts, Hinata felt someone move beside her. A hand stretched out and placed itself on her shoulder. Her system immediately lapped onto his chakra, like an animal on heat, and surrounded her body. It streamed through her veins and  calmed Hinata's chakra system. She sighed in almost relief, not knowing that her chakra was consciously feeding on the same very man who was now freely giving away his chakra and trying to help her. All she knew was that, this chakra, felt different, yet familiar, like the time she was rescued from Indra and healed, like the very chakra that had flooded her system and gave her trouble and just like the familiar chakra she had sensed before.

Even so, the difference of what she felt back then and now when exposed, was incredibly different, almost as if she adjusted, or like she was taking back what was stolen from her. It was odd. Strange even. But that latter thought, it seemed to fit. For some odd reason.  She thought as her heart started to slowly simmer down, reducing her to tiny shivers and small trembles that felt like cold needles seeping into her skin. Her vision slowly returned with a flood of tears making her feel utter relief.

Hinata instinctively wiped them from her face then looked up at the ceiling, trying to find a fixed point and calming point. The world seemed to sit still for a few minutes, as her eyes finally met light blue eyes that stared at her.

It was him. That man. That same man, who had mercilessly destroyed Indra to the point of memory loss-or was that part of the plan too- but regardless, it was still him. Same powdered blue hair. Same glowing eyes, they were full of a chakra. Maybe a dojutsu, maybe not, she didn't know. But, she also noticed how his face was paler and how he seemed weaker. Or maybe he was always like that? She didn't know. However, she knew that what just happened was too...odd. Because how did his chakra calm her? she questioned in thought.

It should have been impossible, she had no relationship or familiarity with him whatsoever,  and yet here they were. Furthermore, his eyes. They seemed like the same one that stalked her in every mirror. The same man who had whispered something in her ear. That same man who had lied to her family, who had possessed her body.... They seemed like him. And maybe it was him? For some reason, she couldn't even tell now, the man seemed blurred in her head, furthermore, his voice had also disappeared. Had she gone crazy because of the relapses? Had the pain and intangible memories finally caught up to her? Because, she really couldn't even remember what she had seen in these states of frenzies?

She couldn't remember nor figure or picture. All Hinata could vividly remember, was pain, then blood curling screams that made her hair stand on end, nothing more and nothing less. Clenching her fists, Hinata's heart bled, It wasn't supposed to be like this. She thought, as she inhaled and exhaled.

It took her minutes but she finally calmed down. On the other hand, the man infront of her stood up and looked down on her. His gaze was calm, serene even, and almost transparent. She had never seen someone like him before. He looked like someone who could vanish within a second. Moreover his heart, was just as his face, in an even calmer state of emotions and peace. It was as if nothing could shake the man's foundation. It was odd and yet so pleasing.

Hinata didn't realize it, but she long wished to find someone so fulfilled and so complete.

Furthermore, she wanted nothing more than to train and be exactly like him...full of peace and yet full of strength. She thought as she stared unblinking at the tall figure before her.

"Stand up"

The man said calmly and Hinata realized she was still kneeling-how embarrassing-she though as she immediately stood up and stared at the towering figure, full reverence at the man's internal and external being. Then again who could blame her, it was the first time, the young girl found someone who was on another level, in strength of both body and mind. It assured her and for a moment, she almost felt the unease of the past days emotional turmoil loosen.

'It's so nice' Hinata thought as the five year old, smiled whilst eyes shimmered and shone, showing absolute childish awe and joy, which could be found when a child finally realized that something impossible could be possible, because in her mind. She never thought that peace was possible, for shinobi, it always seemed like death was the only way out. Furthermore, she never thought that she could find someone with both fulfillment and peace. It assured her that such a feat she thought she couldn't reach, was possible, because as much as Hinata was concerned, fulfillment and strength were only things that could make her free, from the world she was about to dive in, a world of death.

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