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By LilGhxsti

205 9 95

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I: Problems Arise
II: Meeting With The Boss
III: 2 Days of Preparations... Boring (Part 2)

III: 2 Days of Preparations... Boring (Part 1)

28 1 22
By LilGhxsti

A/n: Hello hello dear Readers! Sorry for the long awaited chapter 3, I was busy with school and dealing with my laziness xd

This is a long chapter ahead so I hope this is good! 

Enjoy the chapter :)


Warning(s): Swearing, mentions of disorders, violence, murder, mentions of depression

Extra: I ain't bothered to do that no more y'all know what it will be anyway BUT if anybody wants me to still do so lmk


Next day all the 'pastas start getting ready for their 1-2 week mission.




Well maybe not all of them-

Day 1

With Ben - 11 Am

As always playing games as much as possible before going on the mission.

Does he need to prepare? Nope.

All he has to do is wait for the mission but he can't help but think something is going to happen.

For the better or worse he doesn't know...


Not as worse as his game apparently...

"Why the fuck is this stage so annoying!?" He spoke aloud while groaning at his situation. Currently forgetting about the mission.

I mean, he doesn't need to prepare. Perks of being a ghost. He doesn't have to eat, he only chooses to cause he likes food (same here honestly).

Deciding to forget his game in the meantime he briefly remembered the mission and how they have 2 days left. Technically 1 but you get the point.

Hm, he wonders what the rest are up to. Only the humans have to prepare as they still need all the basics a human needs.

Maybe he could bring one of his games for when they need to rest during missions.

After all.

He is paired up with Jeff and LJ, they were most definitely going to end up goofing off.

'Oh well, what happens happens I guess..' the ghost boy thought.

With EJ - 11:34 Am

With the demon boy who currently collecting a few medical things in case anyone gets injured (somehow) on the mission but he'll only be able to help the 2 he's with.

BUT being the one of the good medics in the mansion packed 3 extra little medkits for the other 3 groups knowing that they won't bring anything to save their asses if they end up injured...

For the humans though- Maybe for the demons too as they aren't ghosts or glitches like Ben, Dark Link and Puppeteer.

'The only ones smart enough to actually pack something useful are Hoodie, Lui and Masky. Jeff would just pack junk last minute and Toby... Well Toby might pack something useful other than his weapons' EJ gruffly thought while finishing up with the medkits.

EJ continued to think what he should do for the rest of the day and what he'd do tomorrow.

'Well I need to pack some clothes and make sure my scalpel is still in good condition' getting lost in his thoughts. 'Then tomorrow I'll collect some kidneys to last me a few days, thank god Slender made a few exceptions to only kill if needed, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat and I'd starve'.

 He had to pause his train of thoughts as heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" 

He turned to look at the person entering to see Bloody Painter.

"Helen, what can I do for you?" replying calmly as the man by the door paused to ask.

"Ah was I disturbing you?" Helen asked unsure since he can see the first aid kits EJ had just packed.

"No you haven't disturbed me, I just finished packing a few first aid kits for a mission Slenderman is sending 12 of us on because of the recent situation that you must of heard was on the news." EJ responded still calm as ever, only sounding a bit bored. "Now what is it that you needed? Someone got injured again?" assuming it was the case.

Helen could only nod as the demon was correct and said "Clockwork had cut herself earlier due to a flying knife from Nina... She accidentally nicked Clockwork who was passing by."

EJ could only sigh mumbling an 'of course' because this happens more than you think, every week people in the mansion end up injuring each other whether on purpose or accident.

You'd think by now that from all the years everyone has known each other things would have calmed down, but noooo.

Everyone still has their complications with each other.

Sometimes Jane still tries to injure Jeff unable to kill him due to Slenderman, she succeeds half the time on injuring Jeff but she still gets injured. Nurse Ann and Judge Angels absolutely hate each other after years. Ben is not fond of Dark Link due to his personality. Many dislike Kagekao for his pranks. 


You get the idea at this point.

But few have managed to get along to a certain degree- at least...

Anyways "Yeah alright I'm coming" EJ made his way out with BP to treat the injured.

With Toby - 12:05 pm

"Since when did I injure my hand..." Toby thought with a confused look, looking at his hand as he just noticed a cut that was bleeding. He currently was out in the forest taking a walk for some fresh air before packing a little bit later, knowing he'll either forget or do it last minute.

Which a certain idiot most likely will do tomorrow..

Making a quick pause grabbing his bag from his back to look for any bandages (as he packs a few in case he gets an injury he doesn't notice). "Dammit, I'm grateful but not grateful at the same time to have CIPA" (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis - basically numbness to pain, for those who might have forgotten what it means)

"I wonder what pain feels like though. Last time I got stabbed I only felt drowsy due to blood loss" He mumbled finally found the bandage he was looking for and wrapped his hand.

"Lucky that EJ and Dr. Smiley helped me intime otherwise I would have been a goner. I guess people are right when they say 'you can't feel that you got stabbed'".

Packing up his bag and putting it back on his back he started to walk before realising...

"Wait... Where did they get the blood from.." He thought with a perplexed look.


A thought for another time?

With Masky and Hoodie - 1:00 PM

"Have we packed everything?"

"Yes Tim we have"

"Lets double check" Tim spoke as Brain sighed before bringing out a list Tim had written a few hours before.

"Extra clothes?"


"Pistols and ammo?"


"Couple melee weapons?"




"First aid kit?"

"Yes Tim" Brian sighed again, remembering that not long ago EJ quickly stopped by to give a first aid kit to them before leaving. "We have all that we need. Can we go get something to eat now? I'd rather go before Toby comes back and annoys us, I don't wan to deal with his bipolar ass today" He spoke gruffly ruffling his brown fluffy hair while looking at Tim.

The shorter male sighed and agreed as he too did not want to deal with Toby today.

Over the years the two have kinda became friends again but never as it used to be, they learnt to tolerate each other therefore slowly reforming their friendship that was once broken years ago.

Walking out the cabin they shared (as they did not want to live in the cabin) they went past Kate who was watching TV.

She turned her head to look at the on comers as she heard the footsteps.

"Where'ya both heading?" Kate asked as she sees Tim and Brian who went by the door to put their shoes on.

"Gonna get something to eat for lunch, wanna come with?" Tim asked.

These 3 got along due to their silence and the fact that they were introverts when they first met each other even if they used to be extroverted. Mild complications over the year - such as Brian and Tim's once hatred for each other - but other than that they got along fine.

They had another roommate which (unfortunately) was Toby.

Kate didn't have too much of a problem with Toby but Tim and Brian did as sometimes they couldn't handle his personalities as one moment he's happy then the next he's aggressive.

"Hmm, sure I'll come along, but you gotta tell me what mission Slenderman gave you guys, I saw multiple people go in" She stated looking at them before turning back to turn the TV off and go to put her shoes on.

"Yeah yeah we'll tell you about it" Brian said finishing off tying his shoes before standing up waiting for Kate as well as Tim.

As Kate finished she got up and turned the two "Well then, should we get going?"

With Lui - 1:45 Pm

"I'm hungry."

"I know your hungry Sully, I am too" Lui blandly replied back while he was finishing up with his packing.

"Ugh why do we have to pack now? Can't we do that tomorrow?" Sully asked annoyed.

"I don't want to leave this till the last minute, Slender didn't mention a time on when he'd send us to our mission so I'm not taking any chances" Lui explained to the other.

Sully only hummed in thought before agreeing.

Silence filled the room they were in as it was broken with a growl...

Coming from Lui's stomach.

"Argh well we better eat something now, didn't eat much for breakfast" He mentioned before heading down to the kitchen to get something to eat.

While on the way down a sudden thought came to Lui's head "Do you think Jeff had packed yet?" he mumbled out loud. Sully replied saying "I doubt the fucker has packed anything, knowing him he'd pack last minute! Damn idiot."

"Yeah" Agreeing with the other half, "I'll make sure to check up on him later and remind him to pack".

"Do we have to?" Sully groaned as they reached the kitchen and went to the fridge, rummaging through to find something before giving up. "Ugh there is nothing good to eat..."

Another growl came from their stomach while slowly made them more grouchy. Rummaging through cabinets only to find nothing good.

A chuckle was heard behind them as Lui turned to see Puppeteer.

"Can't find anything to eat?" He asked with a small smirk.

"No.." Sully replied instead of Lui sounding very annoyed.

"Hmph, why don't you go to the store or something? Maybe even a fast food place" Pup suggested with that smirk still on his face, enjoying the scene of a grouchy Lui/Sully.

The brown haired boy only looked at him before grumbling in agreement and walked off with Puppeteer following next to them and started a conversation.

Although it was mostly one-sided.

With X-Virus - 1:50 Pm

Next up with Virus he too was walking around the forest just wandering around for a sense of peace and fresh air before packing later in the evening as he was thinking what he should do.

'Hmm let's see... I need to quickly create a few viruses to take with me in case of an emergency, I already got a message from EJ saying he made a few first aid kits for each group. I also need to pack some clothes as I assume Slender will drop us each off at a safe house in our destinated location.'  he pondered as he ventured deeper into the forest.

Hearing the sounds of a gentle stream nearly he followed to soothing sound of water to see a small river flowing. The calming sounds of nature easing his mind from the mission as he hears snoring near by...




He thought confused.

Looking around him before spotting a sleeping Toby laying against a tree with his mask on and hood up. The bag that he brought also was next to him, untouched.

Virus sighed at Toby's sleeping figure as he approaches him quietly, letting the boy sleep. As he came closer he see's the bandaged hand, knowing that Toby most likely somehow cut himself and never noticed.

Carefully he sits next to the hooded boy's figure and just stared at the water in silence before hearing a small stur next to him.

Virus looks at Toby as he's waking up from his small nap. "Well hello to you sleeping beauty" he starts.

"Hmmph. Good morning to you too" Toby groggily replied, rubbing his before realising whose next to him.

"Wait... when did you get here? Were you always here or did you just get here?" He asks tiredly, trying to wake up from his small nap.

Virus only gave a small amused huff before replying "No I wasn't always here, I just got here a couple minutes ago and found you asleep by the river slumped on a tree." watching as the boy beside him slowly woke up more.

"Hmm. So, what brings you here Cody?" Toby asks curiously. "Did anybody need me again?" asking another question along the way.

"No, nobody needed you this time, and I was just taking an afternoon stroll before stumbling across the river and seeing your sleeping figure" Cody replied easily.

Cody and Toby always had a good friendship as the years went, they'd sometimes go on killings together and hang out doing whatever they wanted. Burning a few houses down? Sure. Creating more viruses? Absolutely. Anything to cure their boredom.


"Wanna go terrorise people...?"


With LJ - 5pm


"Yes Sally?" 

"Don't you have to pack something for the mission in a day or so?" Sally asked curiously with big eyes with Lazari was also looking in curiosity.

LJ who blinked for a moment responded "Well... I wouldn't really need to pack anything, plus EJ made a few small first aid kits for each group to use in case of an emergency if one of us get injured." thinking if he actually needed anything.

"So I don't think I need to pack anything" He concluded.

Sally and Lazari couldn't think if the monochrome clown needed anything so they agreed with him.

"Now, what do you both want to do?" LJ asks looking down at the girls.

Sally didn't know what they could do currently so she was thinking.

"Uhm... I think we could do some colouring. If thats ok?" Lazari mumbled looking down at her plush while Sally looks over at her.

"That's a good ideas Laz! Its a simple and easy thing to you!" Sally praised with a happy aura. Lazari who looked up to Sally with a smile of her own.

Ever since the incident with Zalgo, Lazari has been taken in and has been with them for 3 years. 

She doesn't get along with everybody but to her thats ok as long as she still has people that care for her (as she's already too attached to leave anyway). Sometimes when she's out and about she'll come across her half-sister Stripes as they usually meet up very often, sometimes a couple guests tag along.

"Alright then, colouring it is!" LJ exclaimed getting up to grab the colouring books and all colouring materials.

As LJ gave the girls the colouring materials and book he also decided to colour in a bit. Being careful not to break any because of his strength and claws.

Time had passed as the little group of 3 enjoyed themselves talking about anything they could with the mention of the mission being asked a few times.

As they were conversing a knock on the door was heard. They turned as the door opened to reveal Jane and Nina as they went in to join them for some peaceful time.

"Hey guys!" Nina exclaimed happy as ever with that cut smile in her face.

"Hey/Hi Nina!" Came the response of the 2 little ones.

"What'cha guys doing? Colouring?" Jane asked.

"Yep! We got a little bored so Lazari suggested we do a bit of colouring" LJ explained as the 2 girls carried on with their colouring.

"Well that seems nice and relaxing." Nina inputted walking towards them to join in, the same with Jane.

"Jane do you know when dinner will be? Wait... What is the time anyway?" Sally asked suddenly puzzled as noone had checked the time.

"Yeah... What is the time?" Lazari interjected wondering the same thing.

Jane could only chuckle at this as she assumed they have been so into colouring that they forget to check up on the time.

"Well its currently 5:47 pm so dinner should be ready by around 6 or a bit longer." The masked woman explained with a gentle voice.

Since not everyone lives in the mansion its more manageable, as some just cook themselves dinner whenever. Not everybody has to eat anyway but some choose to eat when they don't even need to.

"Alrighty, thank you Jane!" Sally exclaimed happy with her answer as Jane walks over to draw with the rest for some time.

With Puppeteer - 7:59 Pm

With the manipulator he was out messing with his next victim to feast on (yk what i mean, he feasts on peoples loneliness and depression for those who might not remember or know).

Whilst stalking this individual who was already heavily depressed about life, he noticed a computer with rather interesting looking information. Pup looked at his victim who was on their bed knees tucked while face first into a pillow while sobbing, he decided he should kill his victim now and snoop through the computer to see what this person was interested about that seems intriguing to read.

Hoping that he won't regret his decision, he decided to work faster on getting the miserable human to end their life.

Appearing in front of his of his victim who was unaware he spoke smoothly to the person.

"Hey Kid" He started, looking at the person as they jumped at the sound of someone's voice and fell to the floor, heavily caught of guard as no-one should be home except for them. Looking up with their puffy face they gasp at the appearance of the ghost in front of them who has a big but charming smile on their face.

"I'll give you two options... Get killed by me, or... Carry on with your self-loathing and eventually kill yourself" Being the smooth talker he is, his victim ponders for a moment before responding.

"Kill me.. Please! I can't take this anymore!" They said desperately, wanting to get out of their misery as soon as possible. The manipulator chuckles with a grin and says "Very well... Good choice".

Just as he said that string appeared on his fingertips leaving the human baffled that this but quickly was chocking as Puppeteer strangled them with strings. The victim could only claw at his throat trying to get rid of the strings, natural reaction really - for most of his victims he strangles tend to do this. Eventually the person dies as the light from their eyes faded and tears streaming down their face.

Pup could only grin as his energy was replenished, he was stalking around this victim for a couple weeks and now that this one was dead he had enough energy to last him 2-3 weeks due to the heavy depression.

'Now... To see what he was doing that was so interesting. Usually I never pay much attention to what they do other than make them miserable, I've been busy enough with Slenderman now on everyones asses about the new situation. This mission better be entertaining...' Quickly going to the computer that was still left on.

Normally he'd kill his victim much later but his curiosity grew too much that he wanted to know.

'Lets see here...'

Sitting down on the chair he checked the time to see it now was 8:09 pm, definitely much earlier than he would normally kill, usually it would be 10pm and over he'd kill someone. 'Special case I guess', he thought whilst shrugging his shoulders.

News as this killer or killers have yet to be found and identified, police are very worried about this sudden increase as an additional 30 people have been killed in the matter of a few days...

"Holy shit... This is more than I initially thought. No wonder Slenderman was getting on everyones asses about this" He mumbled surprised. 

"What else is here?" He pondered wanting to know more before the mission.

But before he could do that...

"So what'cha doing out here on someones computer?" Said a voice with a cheerful yet mischievous voice.

Suddenly becoming annoyed due to the interruption, Pup turned around to see the one and only Kagekao, laying on his side with his arm propping his head up.

"Ugh, why are you here? Shouldn't you be messing with your victims?" Puppeteer asked annoyed as Kagekao only laughs at his actions and response.

"Welllllll" The demon started, dragging out his letters to further annoy Pup - which worked.

"Spit it out already" Pup growled venomously at the masked bitch, having no time and patience for his antics.

"Alright alright, yeesh... Someone is in a pissy mood~ Kekeke!" Kage laughed at the annoyed ghost, filled with amusement.

The other only growled at this as Kagekao finally got on.

"Well I was actually a few houses down when I noticed an open window so I let myself in and saw you snooping on a dead person's computer so I thought I should say hi! Keke"

"Ah I might as well tell you what I was doing before coming here! And then you can tell me afterwards what you were up to!" Kage spoke with a cheerful voice, the smile on his mask never wavering.

"Ugh... If it gets you to shut up then fine" Puppeteer gave in with a growl still present in his voice clearly upset he has to listen to this dude.

Moments before with Kagekao - 7:50 Pm

Moments before Kagekao found and went to bother Puppeteer literally a few houses down he went into a house meeting a random drunkard who was stumbling everywhere while mumbling incoherent things with half-lidded eyes. Kage chuckled clearly amused at the scene of this drunk man.

"ケケケ!あなたは遊びたいですか" (Kekeke! Do you want to play?)

He laughed as the drunk man stumbled in surprise, nearly faceplanting the floor with how much he stumbled as he looked up at the demon who is sitting on his kitchen counter.


Drinking wine?...

"Who-" The drunkard starts as he hiccups while continuing to talk with his slurred speech as he finally stood up straight, trying to see who was in his house talking to him.

"-Who are you? And are you drinking my wine?" He emphasises on the 'my' while swaying to the demon who was stull amused as ever.

Kage grinned under his mask and spoke once again, this time introducing himself to the man "ああ、なんと失礼なことでしょう!私はカゲカオです、一緒に遊んでほしいです!" (Oh how rude of me! I am Kagekao, and I want you to play with me!) The man could only look in confusion at the thing sitting on his counter thats speaking to him in a language he doesn't know/understand.

Getting annoyed at the thing the drunkard raised his voice - influenced by the alcohol in his system - "Look- I don't know what your fuggin' sayin' righ' neow but leave my proper'y immediat- ely!" he slurred in a rage whilst hiccupping.

"I don't have time for this!" continuing his rage as the demon in front of him was silent for a moment.

"それで、私と一緒に遊びたくないのですか?" (So you don't want to play with me?) Kagekao asked with what could only be described as a frown or pout on his mask, he wanted to play with this individual due to this entertaining sight as the human was heavily unaware of the demon's capabilities nor his situation.

"Fine" This surprised the man as the being in front of him just spoke perfect english in the matter of seconds. The sound of his voice help no amusement nor mischief anymore, just a dead bored voice that sounded a bit deep.

"I'll force you to play my game. You want to know what its called?" He asked the man, masking his eagerness. The now dizzy man only responded with a mere nod.

Now happy with his decision of wanting to know the game he replied in a sinister voice "Life or death!" lunging at the man but not going on top of him as he watch the man flinch so hard he fell and crawled backwards. Quickly turning to get up and run up the stairs for safety as Kagekao laughs at their misfortune as he stalks towards them at a normal pace.

Enjoying his fear he continues to stalk to the man while laughing. The man now upstairs stumbled into his room as he barged through the door, scrambling for his gun that he hid somewhere but quickly found it and loaded it clumsily.

"ああ、どこへ逃げるの?あなたには行くところがありません..." (Awwww, where you running to? You have nowhere to go...) He spoke darkly, enjoying the moment of terrorising this man as he hears him barge through a door.

Heading to where the noise came from, he heads to the open door where he can see the shadow of the man, wondering what he was up to.

He only peaked through the open door before quickly taking cover as the sound of a shotgun was fired.

'That was close...' He quickly thought before rushing to the man before he could cock the shotgun to attempt to shoot him again and quickly stabbed his abdomen.

The man gasps recoiling in pain as he accidentally drops the shotgun to the floor...

And onto his foot.

Doubling the pain.

"AAAAAGH!" The drunkard screams in pain as not only he got stabbed by sharp claws, he also dropped the heavy shotgun on his foot increasing the pain.

Kagekao saw this and started laughing hysterically as its the funniest thing he's seen today. "I knew you'd be funny! Ha! I chose the right house to come to at a great time!" Laughing at this poor man's heavy misfortune before toning down the laughter a bit and walked threateningly to the man now on the floor, bleeding out.

"You poor poor thing... Look at you, so helpless and defenceless. I should put you out of your misery shouldn't I?" He mocked while rhetorically asking the man, not caring for his opinion if he speaks anyway.

Quickly giving the man no time to react Kage started ripping his flesh to pieces as the man screams in agony and pain before slowly coming to a stop as the man now lays dead with eyes wide open in horror and terror.

Kagekao now satisfied, wondered how none of the neighbours had heard him... Must of been lucky that they all were out.

Deciding to look at the dead masterpiece of a body one last time before opening the window with his now bloodied hands and checked the next few houses to see if anybody was home and heard the commotion.

While looking around he faintly saw through an opened window the glow of yellow strings, knowing who it was he took his time walking towards the house and making his way to the open window on the next floor.

With his stealth he peaked through the window seeing Puppeteer snooping on the computer, whatever he was looking at was intriguing him?

Deciding to enter (as he wanted to annoy the ghost), sat on the bed while noticing a dead body on the ground right beside the bed.

Present time with both Puppeteer and Kagekao - 8:16 Pm

"And there you have it, my story of what I did and how I got here" Kage stated proudly, as he thought his story explanation was good and entertaining. Pup could care less though.

"Now you tell me your story!" The demon said using a tone where he can't argue cause Pup will know that Kagekao won't stop till he gets his side of the story.

"Ugh... Fine" and so Puppeteer quickly explained what he had done minutes prior and explained what he was looking at on the computer.

"Ohhhh makes sense, I see why now you were interested on whats on the screen" Kage said looking closer to the screen purposefully making Puppeteer even more annoyed.

Pushing the demon away he retorts "Yeah yeah, let me just look around for longer to see what else I can find..."

With Dark Link - 10 Pm

"So thats your mission?" Asked Glitchy Red.

Dark Link sighs "Yeah thats my mission alright"

"Damn... Seems a bit boring though don't it?" Red asks, curious for Link's answer.

"I mean, yeah it does seem boring but its not like I have a choice on this, none of us do with the way he's been acting so far" Dark explains as Red thinks about it.

"Yeah.. Slenderman has been telling us for the past few weeks to not to go so many killings as the number of murders this past month has been crazy and very quick. Quicker than us and kills in ways we haven't" Red thinks further as to explain his thinking.

"I have checked into a couple police stations in those specific states mentioned yesterday to see if they have any information about this." This caught Dark's attention as his head snaps to Red.

"What did you find!?" He asks eagerly, wanting to know what he'd be up against seeing as it could be good and make the mission less boring and more interesting.

"Hold on thats what im getting to! Sheesh be patient..." Red responds to his eagerness with a deadpan.

"Eherm. Now as I was about to say-" He started but got RUDELY interrupted.

"HEY you guys talking about the mission?"

"What the fu-" Now Red was angry, having not being able to get the chance to explain what he saw.

They turn to the voice that had startled them and see Ben who is grinning as he successfully make them jump (a little).

"Hey Link reject, yeah we are talking about the mission. Red was actually about to explain something he saw from one of the police stations in one of the mentioned states." Dark quickly explained, enjoying the angry look on Red's face from being interrupted 2 times already.

"LINK REJECT!? SPEAK FOR YOURSELF BITCH!" Ben retorted angrily from being called a Link reject, it ain't his fault that he was obsessed with Link when he was younger. Dark who merely stuck a finger in his ear to clear the opening as Ben screeched.

"Quiet down pipsqueak and listen to what Red has to say already" Dark dismisses Ben's angry comment with a smug grin.

"Then shut the fuck up you dark bitch you're a Link reject too, your nothing but the OPPOSITE of him" Ben replied snarkily, also successfully pissing off Dark who looked like he was about to summon a weapon to slice Ben's head in half... Ben feeling the same way too.

(A/N: I feel like its kinda racist 😭, if it does seem so i apologise-)

"Ladies ladies, I get that you have a cat fight scheduled but don't get injured before your mission. Don't want to piss off Slender now do we?" Red simply defuses the situation in mere seconds as both Link rejects just grumble while looking away from each other, still pissed as they choose to listen to Red so he can finally explain what he saw.

"So you'll both listen now?" He asks with a raised brow.

Both Links nodded while still looking away from each other. "Good... Now, what I was trying to say was that I only managed to uncover 2 images with the limited time I had." Red glad that he's finally able to explain what he was trying to say.

"The first image I had uncovered was a body- presumable a male - that looked like it was literally mauled by a grizzly bear with how many claw marks it had on the victim but also took out chunks of flesh." Explaining the first image the best he could, the other 2 listened in as much as they could as this was important to somewhat know what they are up against.

"Sheesh... That would be terrible to deal with, so we have a monster running around mauling people." Ben spoke up as Red was catching his breath from explaining.

Dark agreed and asked, "Do you know what state and town this took place in?" wanting to hopefully know where it happened so they could look.

"Unfortunately I didn't get enough time to look at everything as I said- my time was limited." That make both Link's deflate a little for a second.

"Buuuuut, I can go back to further investigate. Slenderman didn't even ask me to do this either, I'm doing this for my own curiosity, hehe" Red chuckled at the end, amused by the faces the 2 made giving him odd looks for his reasoning.

"Don't worry, I will tell Slenderman of my findings and make sure to show everyone going on the mission on what I managed to uncover" This made the 2 perk up, happy to know they won't have a shit time searching for what towns were targeted.

"I'll help you tomorrow to uncover things faster" Ben stated as he also was curious and needed to know what they were up against if it was more than one killer out there.

"So, whats the second image you were going to show us?" Reminding Red before he forgets to show.

"Oh right, I nearly forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder Dark" Dark replied with an 'No problem' before Red continued with his second image description.

"So the second image was a female this time who was impaled by something completely, leaving holes in her body and you can clearly see through them.

"Now that looks cool but also whoever done this is highly dangerous" Dark responded.

"Y'know... we could just not tell anyone and just let the fuckers find out the hard way...." Dark said mischievously. Ben and Red looked at each other before grinning and simultaneously said "Let them fuck around and find out" suddenly having devious looks on all of their faces.

Then they heard a small voice call out, uncertain.


They all quickly turned heads to the newcomer and the new comer flinched.

"Was this a bad time to come around?" Lost Silver asked unsure as when he entered the technology realm he saw all 3 with devious looks as if plotting something evil (they are).

"...No its fine" Red responded coolly as to not startle Silver anymore than they had with their devious smiles.

"Ok..." Silver responded still unsure.

"*sigh* I'll only tell Slender about the locations and thats all" Red said turning back to the two.

"Yep/Sounds good to me"

With Jeff - 11:31 Pm


Jeff being Jeff.... Went out on a killing spree as he'd end up bored for 1-2 weeks not being able to kill anyone.

Using this as a great opportunity he decided to go killing.

Lui had found him earlier in the day and told him to pack a few things (which he did). Although he didn't show, he appreciated that his older brother had reminded him- because he totally would forget and then pack last minute.

"HAHAHAHAHHA!" Laughing like the maniac he already is repeatedly stabbing a man in his late 30s over and over again. This was his 5th kill of the night as he goes from neighbourhood to neighbourhood finding different victims to kill.

Thinking this should be enough for tonight (although he wants to kill more) as if he didn't stop, Slender would be on his ass trying to get him back as he restricted many from going out on frequent kills.

Finishing his stabbings, still grinning. Jeff decided to steal some money that was left on the side and left the victim's home and into the forest where he took a nice stroll (seems like everybody went out tonight).

Walking through the forest he suddenly stopped and listened to his surrounding.

Rustling was heard from behind him as he quickly spun and asked "Whose there?!" pointing a knife at the bush he heard sounds from. Not hearing a response he slowly crept up to the bush, knife still in front of him ready to strike anything.

He leaned over only to see a rabbit who was munching on a carrot it stole from someone's garden. Jeff sighed in relief as his tensed shoulders dropped along with him lowering his knife.

"Huh, it was just a dumb bunny" He spoke unamused that it was a bunny that made him cautious. I mean, these days you have to stay alert as anything can pop up. Even the rake.

Giving one last huff, he turned to the right and suddenly screamed as a face was right in front of him as soon as he turned.

"AHHHHHHH" Made him jump so bad he fell backwards. (HA YA BITCH)

"HA! YOU SHOULD OF SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Someone laughed like a maniac, absolutely hysterical at the sight.

"AAAAGH SHUT UP BEN! EJ WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" Jeff yelled in a rage as not only he was pissed, but also a bit embarrassed that he was so caught off guard he screamed like a girl and fell on his ass.

"Pff- That was funny though you have to admit!" EJ agreeing with Ben as he held up an arm to his mouth to cover his laughters as Ben was still dying of laughter.

"Both of you are pricks for that!" He responded angrily, getting up and started stomping like an angry child to a marked tree with Slenderman's symbol on it to warp him back to the Slender mansion with EJ and Ben following behind still laughing.

"I'm going to kill you both for that!...." Jeff grumbled as they warped through and headed to the doors of the mansion.

"Yeah sure you are!" Ben said as he carried on with his laughter with blooded tears coming out from the corner of his eyes as they all went through the door as it shut.



Man this took ages. Again, apologies for the very late chapter! Been busy with school and some other problems.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter tho!

Have a good day/night!


Finished: 31/01/24

Published: 31/01/24

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