And Then I Met You (girlxgirl)

By AnonymouslyAGirl

341K 8.9K 2.9K

Jessica Roland is one of the most popular girls in school. Well, actually, she's not the type that is loved b... More

Chapter 1 - Switched Seats
Chapter 2 - I Take It Back
Chapter 3 - Lucas
Chapter 4 - I Don't Hate You
Chapter 5 - You Saved Me... Again
Chapter 6 - Guilty
Chapter 8 - You Can Rest Now
Chapter 9 - Halloween
Chapter 10 - The Amusement Park and the Question
Chapter 11 - The Accident
Chapter 12 - Revelation
Chapter 13 - Part Of The Family
Chapter 14 - Mistletoe
Author's Note
Chapter 15 - Valentine Mall Madness
Chapter 16 - Graduation Party
Chapter 17 - I...
Chapter 18 - Wait for Me
Bonus Chapter - Laura's POV (And Then I Met You)
Thank You!

Chapter 7 - Break The Walls

15.6K 451 150
By AnonymouslyAGirl

[Jessica's POV]

It's the day! Me, mom and dad were now ready to go to school. It's Saturday by he way. 

"Honey, come on!" dad called out to me. 

"Coming!" I ran down the stairs. I was patted on the head by Joshua "Good luck. Have a good day, shorty. I'll tell the Cafe manager that you had a rain check". 

"Thanks, beast. I owe you one" I smiled at my brother. He was so nice, I love him. 


"Alright!!!" I ran out the door seeing mom and dad outside the car. And the best part is, we're all wearing red. How cute is it? 

"Time for school, sweetie" dad opened the car door for me. I gladly went in. We're off!!!


It's nice how the school wants the students to bond with their parents. Why? Because some students neglect their parents. And some parents neglect their children. The school sympathizes them in every single way so they made this event. Speaking of parents problems, I wondered how Laura was doing. Was she going to this event? Is she going to have fun? Or... is she still upset about something that I must have said? Either way, I'll find out later.

Here we are. One of the biggest events a school could ever have. And one of the most special. I smiled when dad hugged me. 

"We have to enjoy ourselves, ok? We can face challenge per challenge together... as a team" dad said. Mom circled her hands on my back 

"As long as we're together, sweetie". I nodded in return. 

Inside, there were lots and lots of balloons, decorations, food and games. A banner that says "Welcome Parents and Students!". Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to enjoy this.

We went to multiple games already. Me and dad were playing table tennis and we're killing it! As our opponent hits the ping pong ball, dad races to it and hits the winning shot. We won! We won, I tell you! I hugged my dad and he hugged back. It's so nice having my dad here. I missed him so much. 

"Hello dearies" mom said holding out 2 ice cream cones. 

"Thanks mom" I took the ice cream and kissed her on the cheek. 

"I heard there's this next challenge that are parents only" I suggested. 

"Are you sure you would be fine here, Jessica?" dad asked. 

"I'll be there, cheering both of you on." I grinned. They both nodded and went to the game. Wait, dad already finished his ice cream? Wow, he's one hungry man.


As I went to the Parents Only Dance Game, I saw Cassie and Abi. "Well, you two didn't invite me" I said. 

"JESSY!!!!" the giddy Cassie hugged me tightly. 

"hey Jess" Abi greeted me as well. 

I also missed this two so much. Even though we just saw each other yesterday. I saw my parents already on their stages. Versus... Cassie's parents!? 

"My parents are sooo going to be better" Cassie said. 

"I doubt that" I replied rolling my eyes but grinning. 

"Both of your parents are amazing, whoever wins, let's just be proud of them, okay?" well said, Abi. We watched as our parents were dancing like a walrus got hit by a fish. Me, Cassie and Abi laughed and cheered for them.

There's this one dance move that dad did. Omg, I can't even. It makes me want to scream 'I DON'T KNOW HIM!!!'. I laughed as he did that go-to dance move. I can't even. 

"Your dad's so cool, Jessy!!!" Cassie said while laughing. I smiled "Yeah, well I don't see him like that everyday". I feel a little embarrassed but still proud. 

"GO DAD!!!!!!" I cheered for him. The other students cheered for him too after I shouted. I like how everyone's enjoying this. I can't stop smiling. 

Sooner or later, my parents won. How? Audience impact, baby!!! 

"That was awesome Mr. and Mrs. Roland!" Cassie told them. 

"yeah" Abi joined in.

"Well, we're glad for your support, Cassie and Abi" dad said patting both of their heads. 

"You three should go bond, we would like to get to know your parents too, you know" mom winked. I nodded and went with these two.

"And then mom was like 'are you serious, Abi? you won't get a boyfriend with that!' and I let out a shrug after that" me and Cassie laughed at Abi's story. We were talking about us and our parents. We were also having fun. 

"Look Jessy!!! Cotton candy!!!" Cassie pointed out to the cotton candy stand. Normally I would always disagree on buying stuff for my best buds. But, since I kind of change, I couldn't say no to this adorable one. 

"YAY!!!" she yelled after I gave her one stick. I also bought one for Abi. 

"Thanks Jess". "No problem" I smiled. 

"You know, Jessy, that was some deep conversation last night" thank you Cas for bringing that up again. 

"Yeah, have you talked to Laura about it yet?" Abi asked. Now that I think of it, I never saw Laura recently. And I was looking forward to meet her parents. 

"Ummm... thanks guys but I gotta go find her" I said. 

"Go get your girl, Jessy!!!" I rolled my eyes at Cassie. And ran.

The next challenge is the Family Race. It's going to be like a marathon, they said. I was still loking for Laura. Then, someone hugged behind me. 

"Hey babe"

"LUKE!!!" I turned around and hugged him back tightly. 

"I watched your parents. They were awesome!!!" he said. 

"Thanks. Where are your parents?" I asked. 

"Probably out there enjoying themselves, but I'll get back to them soon." he replied. 

"I see" I nodded. I suddenly turned my head, and looked around. 

"You looking for Laura?" he asked. How did he... 

"She's sitting somewhere near the finish line of the family race."

I kissed Luke on the cheek "Thanks Lucas". 

"No problem. And you have to hurry. One, Laura might have been dealing with some sh*t. Two, the race is about to start" he stated. I nodded in return.

I ran towards the finish line. I looked around, she's still nowhere in sight. 

Why am I even bothering to look for her? She's not that special. But my body says go. My brain says go. My heart says go. Go look for Laura. 

And I did. 

There I witnessed, Laura sitting on a chair. Bawling her eyes out. She looked like she has been crying since yesterday. Her hair was a bit messy. And it's like her soul is nowhere in her. She looked blank. But... where are her parents? 

Of course

"Come on, dear! The race is about to start!"

How come I never thought of it before? I'm so slow until now. This was so stupid of me. I'm so stupid for being insensitive. 

"Don't compare your life to others! Especially to mine"

Of course. 

"GO!" the racers, even mom and dad went ahead. 

I stayed there. I stayed there in a solitary state. I never realized it. I put my head down, dropped one tear. Laura's parents. They were not there. Meaning, they were not there since back then. They were not there when Laura has been achieving. They were not there when Laura taught me a lesson. They were not there when Laura has been smiling all the time. They were not there to support Laura.

And Laura? She has always been there for me. I let out my family complaints through her. Not even thinking about what she felt. "Must be tough. But at least you still have them, though". And you don't? It's unfair, Laura. For me, it's very unfair that I still have my parents but I'm so sad and that you don't have yours yet you're still living! I cried. And cried. For God's sake Laura, it's also unfair that you have helped me in different ways without me owing it all back to you. You're the reason I changed. You changed me, Laura. You even saved my life... twice!!! I can't help but think, after all the stuff you have done for me, after taking me home, what about you? What's your life, Laura?

I still feel like there's this one great wall between me and Laura. In a way, she knows a lot of stuff about me, yet I don't know much about her, her life, her past. And that's what I needed. 

I ran the race. I ran as fast as I can. I ran for the sake of Laura. Laura's there on the other side, bawling her eyes out. And the least that I could do is just be there for her. Comfort her. 

I ran past some families already. I already went passed my parents! 

'Laura, you're still hiding something from me. It's unfair Laura. I'm coming for you. I'm almost to the finish line, I don't even care if I'm first already. I already saw a glimpse of Laura, still sitting with a blank expression. I want to stop cause my legs are hurting as hell! But I can't I'm doing this for Laura. Here you go again with your great effect on me. It hurts Laura. But it's all going to be worth it.'

"Go Laura" I whispered to myself. "Break the walls, already".

I went through the finish line and immediately went to Laura and hugged her. Making both of us fall to the ground. I kept the hug. Not breaking it. 

"Let it out, Laura..." I said to her ear, "And remember..." I paused a bit and hugged her tighter. 

"You were never alone in the first place". 

Laura suddenly hugged me back. She's now crying. Crying like a baby. She even screamed and continued crying on my shoulders. I didn't break the hug. You did it, Laura. You broke down the walls. My parent were looking at me curiously. I gestured them to go home. I might be here for a while.


It was already about 6:30pm, good thing the guard let me stay here with Laura for a while until she's all better. I think Laura fell asleep, or maybe she was just in deep thought that she haven't said anything. I felt her rustling in front of me. She lift herself up and rubbed her eyes. 

"Sorry, if I kind of... stained your shoulders there" she pointed to my shoulders. 

I let out a chuckle, she laughed as well. We stayed there in silence for a while. She broke the silence 

"It was just 4 years ago. I already started high school and everything..." I looked at her surprisingly. She was going to tell me something that she haven't told anyone else. "Don't worry. I trust you my whole life" she smirked. I blushed a bit.

"I went on the first day pretty well. When it was the end of the school day, it was just like your situation. My driver quit that day and my dad told me that he and mom was going to be there soon. I waited for hours and hours and hours. Suddenly, my phone rang. Dad's name was on the screen so I picked it up. Sadly, it was from St. Luke's Hospital. They told me, both of my parents passed away. Of course I cried. I went to the funeral and everything. Friends wishing me all condolences. It was so hard for me. After all of that lonely sh*t, I live by myself in an apartment. It was nice and cozy. But still not the same. I even attempted to do suicide once, but couldn't..."

She started crying again, so I patted her back, letting her know I'm still here. She nodded. 

"Good thing you're still staying strong. I mean, what kept you like that? What kept you going? What kept you living free?" I asked, I knew I shouldn't have asked that, but I wanted to know. 

She looked at me and leaned closer. She leaned closer until we're like centimeters apart. I could feel her breath. 


That one statement practically let my entire body be red. She moved back and chuckled. "2 years ago, I knew that I should become friends with you. Seeing you, being all rude to others. So, I never gave up life. Because I knew that I was going to change someone's world. And I would be happy to know that" she said. Okay, this girl must have been reading my mind! 

"You did" I said back looking embarrassed. 

"Oh" she chuckled again and smiled at me. "How?"

"Well you're one heck of a girl, Laura". She laughed and I laughed. 

"Let's go home" she suggested. 

"Okay" I said in return.

I guess it's safe to say, me and Laura are super close friends now. My heart still keeps on beating fast. "By the way, Ica, thank you". 

I smiled "You're welcome, Laura".

'I'm in a relationship with Lucas, one of the most popular guys in school. He makes my stomachs feel all tingly whenever he looks at me. My face becomes red and hot whenever he laughs. He just makes me feel so loved.'  I thought again. 

'...but Laura's quite different.'


Longest I have ever done so far!!! This chapter is my favorite. :))) I hope you enjoyed it as I did. See ya guys around (;

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