I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm...

By Matr1xey

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This fic is written by JennaS_26 on Ao3!! Harry Potter is not the Boy-Who-Lived, but his name is Boy. That's... More

I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm Kitten: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (Final)
A kitten and a Snake: Chapter 1 - Pt.2
Chapter 2 - Pt.2
Chapter 3 - Pt.2
Chapter 4 - Pt.2
Chapter 5 - Pt.2
Chapter 6 - Pt.2
Chapter 7 - Pt.2
Chapter 8 - Pt.2
Chapter 9 - Pt.2
Chapter 10 - Pt.2
Chapter 11 - Pt.2
Chapter 12 - Pt.2
Chapter 13 - Pt.2
Chapter 14 - Pt.2
Chapter 15 - Pt.2
Chapter 16 - Pt.2
Chapter 17 - Pt.2
Chapter 18 - Pt.2
Chapter 19 - Pt.2
Chapter 21 - Pt.2
Chapter 22 - Pt.2
Chapter 23 - Pt.2
Chapter 24 - Pt.2
Chapter 25 - Pt.2
Chapter 26 - Pt.2
Chapter 27 - pt 2

Chapter 20 - Pt.2

930 41 2
By Matr1xey

"I wouldn't mind Albus," Professor Bathsheda Babbling said slowly. "But I can't accommodate Bear. My rooms aren't big enough."

Koty understood that completely. He hated having to confine Bear when they shared the closet last term.

"I have space for them." Fillius squeaked out. As a Head of House, his rooms were quite a bit larger than the other teachers', and being so small himself, it was more than he required.

Koty's eyes widened in hope. "So you'll take us in? Really?"

"Of course!" He exclaimed happily. "You, Master Malfoy, are already the embodiment of a Ravenclaw, and I would be proud to aid you in your educational journey."

Nose scrunched at the title, Koty cocked his head. "You're not gonna call me that all the time, are you?"

"In public settings, whilst not in our apprenticeship lessons, yes." Filius nodded solemnly. "It is an ultimate form of disrespect to address you otherwise, as you worked hard for the title. If you were to run into Bathsheda, Minerva, or even Hagrid in a non-school setting, you would refer to any of us as Master."

"Hagrid has a mastery?" The Headmaster asked, dumbfounded. "He has no wand, nor a diploma."

Narcissa gaped. "You mean that you hired a man with no legal credentials to teach a class?! Tutoring is one thing, but this? Nevermind, we will sign Koty up for Uagadou. He received an invitation before his birthday, and their classes begin in two weeks. It will be no issue to accept this late."

Koty had gotten an invitation?! What?!

"Lady Malfoy, excuse me," Filius interjected politely. "While he may have believed that to be the truth, it simply isn't. Over the past several years, he and I have left for weeks at a time to have summer lessons, fully sanctioned by the MAP. Hagrid is a graduate through self-study. He has also received his Mastery in CoMC faster than anyone before. Hagrid has been a Master for three years. It is why Wilhelmina finally retired after so many years. She has been training Hagrid to take over. Headmaster, how could you not know this? It was brought up when the switch was made."

"Must have slipped my mind," he spluttered.

Along with your sense, Severus mentally added.

"If you didn't know, Professor," Koty began awkwardly, twisting his fingers. "Then why would you hire someone that you thought was underqualified?" He really liked the gentle giant, but if what the Headmaster believed to be true, he would have never agreed to stay in the class. While Koty wasn't a coward, he could not understand people who put themselves in danger without reason. Having an undereducated teacher in such a potentially dangerous subject was just begging for lawsuits and a possible death toll. Some of the creatures that were on the syllabus were classed as XX, XXX and one or two XXXX. The potential for injury and/or death was too high to risk for grades, no matter how much he adored the creatures.

The Headmaster blinked, shocked for a moment. "Well, my boy, experience is the best teacher in many cases."

Just as Koty opened his mouth to respond, he felt his mother's dainty hand on his shoulder. His mouth quickly closed.

"Given what you have admitted," she said conversationally. "Then I have to wonder about the qualifications of the other professors you've employed. Master Flitwick has already provided the names of those with Masteries, which is rather alarming, as all professors are meant to have Masteries in the fields they teach."

"That is one of the reasons that Uagadou, along with nearly all other schools, allow students to leave every month. The Masters' Guild holds meetings, only two or three specialties at a time, so that not all of the staff would be away at any given time. I know that Severus and Master Flitwick attend a few of them every year, as they are always held in tandem." Lucius' brow raised in disdain.

"Potions and Charms are held together, every six months," Severus supplied helpfully. "The second weekend of June and December. Defence and Healing are in January and July. Sp-"

"Of course," Dumbledore said, cutting off the man he was meant to be wooing into maintaining his post. "And that is-"

"Koty has already been issued an invitation for the February gathering of Arithmancy and Runic Masters."

He could only blink at his mother. Why didn't he know about this? "Mum?"

Leaning forward slightly, she began whispering in his ear. "We were going to bring it up at Yule. As you are still a minor, the invitation was addressed to your father and I, asking our consent."

"Ohhhhhh," Koty said slowly. "That makes sense."

"Enough dawdling," Lucius said abruptly, glaring at Dumbledore. "What is your choice? Do you keep Koty and Severus, or lose them both?"

While he really did want to spend his time with his friends, a tiny part of him, miniscule really, wanted to hear more about the Academy of Magic in Uagadou. None of his friends were going to share any of his classes, and he would likely be too busy to see them as much as he had last term. Hogwarts would always hold a special place in his heart, as it was the catalyst to leaving his old 'family' and getting a new one, full of love and people willing to care for him and were always up for a cuddle. But with this other school, he would be able to see them much more often.

The Headmaster cleared his throat, clearly trying (and failing miserably) to stall for time. Eventually, the man sighed. "It appears as though my initial decision may have been a bit... hasty. And with the housing situation cleared up, I believe it would be in the best interest of all parties if you would both remain."

"How generous of you," Lucius scoffed. "To allow your best student to continue his education."

As soon as they entered the portrait guarded passage, Koty stopped, causing Severus and Narcissa to bump into him. He took a steadying step forward and looked at them. "Can we talk for a minute before you leave?"

Severus offered them seats and tea, having a close connection with one of the elves that always appeared in his rooms when he had company.

As expected, Nommy popped in and took their drink orders, then popped out once more.

"Why didn't you tell me about Uagadou before?" Koty asked suddenly, hiding behind his teacup.

Before Lucius could ask about his friends, he continued.

"That school sounds incredible!" Koty huffed, sinking into the sofa. "Why wasn't I given the option until he kicked me out? Is it because of the monthly visits? Do... do you not want-"

Horrified at her son's train of thought, Narcissa was quick to cut him off. "Of course we would love to see you! Oh, darling, we simply thought you would want to remain with your brother and your friends. Sending you to another continent, as the Headmaster said, would be difficult for your father and I, even with the monthly weekends home. Even so, I fear we may have withheld the information out of selfishness. While you're here, you're only a floo away. If you go to Uagadou, you won't be quite as easy to reach. Even with magic, we cannot floo or apparate halfway around the world. The permits alone would take weeks, if not months to acquire."

Despite the situation, Koty could only feel his parents' love. Abandoning his cup, he got up and hugged them both. "It's okay, I understand. I love you too."

"Why don't we talk more about this at Yule?" Lucius suggested. "We could use this time to sort out our thoughts on the subject, as well as gathering information to make an informed decision. If our findings are favourable, we might be willing to consider a transfer after this school year."

"So..." Koty bit his lip. "It would be okay if I were to write to them? To ask about the school and stuff?"

Lucius smiled and took his son's hands in his own. "So long as you do not promise to transfer before our discussions in December. Do we have a bargain?"

"Thank you!" Koty squeaked out, falling happily onto his daddy's lap. Sighing contentedly, he looked up at his mate. "I should really send a thank you note to the Potter's."

"I beg your pardon?!" Severus half-shouted.

"If it wasn't for them being so terrible, I would never have gotten the best parents in the world." Koty laughed at their faces. "I think that warrants my thanks, doesn't it?"

Severus snorted, his shoulders relaxing. "I was sorely tempted to have you scanned at St. Mungo's for that statement."

Koty woke to a gentle hand on his shoulder, then a massive doggy tongue dragging across his face. "Ew! Bear, quit it!" The tongue stopped, and even though his eyes were closed, he knew that the sudden weight on his stomach was Bear's head. As one hand wiped away the drool, the other patted his doggy. "Don't pout, Bear. You're still my best friend. Just don't tell Penny I said that, okay?"

"As endearing as this is," Severus said, conjuring a damp rag and giving it to Koty. "I wished to inform you that the train has already arrived, and the students are gathering in the Great Hall as we speak."

Now fully awake, Koty sat up quickly, and hurried to stand. "We'd better go then! Why are you lollygagging?"

"You, my dear little mate, are insufferable."

"But you love me anyway!" Koty grinned as they headed for the Great Hall. He was, predictably, picked up and carried up to the first floor.

"What in Merlin's name is going on?" Sev asked, putting Koty down. Even from the stairs to the dungeons, they could hear a lot of voices, talking and shouting over one another.

Bear took a defensive stance in front of his human and moved cautiously forward.

Koty let Sev and Bear lead the way, just as concerned. It almost sounded like the beginnings of a riot, or what he could imagine such a thing to sound like.

As they peeked around the corner, they were shocked and confused to find more than a hundred students shouting at various staff members, who could only stare.

Taking out his wand, Severus strode purposefully into the chaos, but kept Koty back. He shouted out a powerful silencio and waited for the students to realise where the spell had come from.

Eventually, the students stopped trying to talk, as they could not be heard anyway.

Koty, while staying back as requested, poked his head around the corner once more. He wanted to see what was happening, but he was still safe back here.

The students in shades of blue, yellow and green were wearing their non-regulation adornments. Kitty ears, padlock collars and even some fake wings, horns and fangs decorated the crowd.

"One of you," Severus snapped. "And only one of you will come forward and calmly explain what is happening. If I hear so much as a peep from anyone but your chosen speaker, I will assign detention en masse." He released the spell, and all remained quiet.

A pale hand was raised amongst the mass of bodies, and the owner of said hand was struggling to force their way through the throng. It was Penny, flocked by the rest of Koty's friends, Draco, and confusingly, Crabbe and Goyle. What in Merlin's name was going on?

"The students of Hogwarts are protesting the unreasonable removal of Koty Malfoy from this institution." Penny's back was straight, and her tone, commanding. "Until he is brought back, none of us will attend class."

While no one else spoke, the crowd was nodding along enthusiastically. The anger emanating from them was palpable.

"He is the finest student to have ever walked these halls and-"

Severus held his hand up. "Thank you, prefect Clearwater. I believe I understand." He masked his pride at the display behind a mask of indifference. "As it so happens, we are alike in our efforts. Just this afternoon, after threatening to abandon my post, the Headmaster was forced to re-enroll Master Malfoy in his pre-selected courses."

There was a few seconds of quiet chattering amongst the students, then noise seemed to explode around the hall, even louder than before. Cheers, yells, whooping and clapping echoed off the walls, and Koty wouldn't be surprised if the noise level woke the Merfolk in the Black Lake.

Draco rushed past his brother's friends and lunged forward to hug the Potion's Master.

Deciding the danger had passed, Koty emerged from his hiding place, cautiously walking toward the slowly calming crowd.

A cry of 'Kitten!' was enough to capture everyone's attention.

"Hi," he said awkwardly. Giving a tiny wave, he joined Severus and Draco. "Anyone ready to go to the Great Hall? The firsties are probably off the boats by now."

"Onward, ho!" Penny called out, marching toward the Great Hall, the students following in her wake. She snagged Koty up and carried him.

Without even noticing, Koty's wings wrapped around them both, leaving Penny with a slightly blocked view, but she never even changed pace. Had he truly considered leaving his friends? Was he daft?! He had the greatest family and friends ever!

By nine o'clock, the students were being guided to their common rooms. Koty, however, waited patiently for Professor Flitwick. He was finally about to see where he was going to live for the school year!

"Ready to go?" Professor Flitwick asked, sneaking up behind his apprentice.

Letting out a surprised yelp, Koty spun around and laughed. "Ready as ever, Master Flitwick!"

As it turned out, the Charms Professor's rooms were just down the corridor from his classroom. Koty was staring around, trying to figure out where they were supposed to be going. There were no doors, and neither of the two tapestries were big enough to hide a door. The portraits were all too high off the ground to be accessible to 'average height' people, much less a half goblin.

"Er," Koty said, looking around in confusion. "I don't mean to be rude, but... where exactly are we going?"

Professor Flitwick grinned mischievously and thumbed toward a blank stretch of wall at the end of the corridor. "Quiz number one, Koty. You've been brought to an empty corridor, and must figure out how to find our chambers. You may only use charms and common sense, and I shan't be aiding you. You have..." he checked his pocket watch. "Four minutes." The amused man exited the corridor with a chuckle.

Now alone in the corridor, Koty looked around in bewilderment. Okay, okay, calm down. He had to use charms to figure it out. So, what sort of charms? Wait, back up.

Koty went halfway down the corridor and studied the area closely. Two tapestries hung on either side, and would have been an ideal place for a hidden door, but they were more than a metre of the floor. There was also a stack of six small, wooden crates, haphazardly stacked near the tapestry of flitting hummingbirds.

Three and a half minutes left. Koty took a calming breath and approached the wall, tapping his knuckles in seemingly random areas, including beneath the tapestries and behind the crates. So far, he had nothing. He thought there might have been a disillusionment charm up, but that only affected sight, not touch.

Just to be on the safe side, Koty pulled both tapestries away from the walls, just to make sure there wasn't just a high door. He also moved the crates, but neither move prompted anything shocking. Just walls and floors. Why was this so tricky? Not having known this housing situation would take place, the door couldn't have been rigged for secrecy (or a test) beforehand. He had to be missing something.

He had just under three minutes left. Groaning, he leaned back on Bear's flank, who had just trotted down the corridor. With his head back, he noticed something. A little over half way up the ten metre high walls, there was a door. How had he never noticed that door before?!

Okay, the door has been located, but how was he supposed to get up to it? "Master Flitwick?" He called out, his eyes never leaving the door.

"Yes?" Master Flitwick asked, poking his head around the corner.

"You said I have to use charms to get to your rooms. Does that mean I can't fly up?"

"While I had not considered your wings," he said, feeling silly. How had he forgotten the boy's wings? "You may not use them. It is a charms test, rather than a flying test."

Letting out a long sigh, Koty looked around once more. The crates would be perfect for stacking, but the door was too high for the crates to reach. All that was left were the two tapestries, which he examined closely.

Two minutes left.

The first tapestry told him nothing, but the second... there were no distinct dust lines around it like the other had, lending to the assumption that this was used somehow, to get up to the door. Also, rather than the sticking charms across the top of the first one, the second was simply hanging on a hook. It was meant to be removed.

It would obviously be too heavy to try to move on his own, so magic would have to come into play. Biting his lip, he eyes the tapestry. Then it hit him. "Of course!" He groaned, feeling foolish, and pointed his wand at the tapestry. "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The tapestry lifted itself from the wall and floated down gracefully. The only problem he noticed was that even while hovering, it was still too flexible to properly hold anything, much less Koty and Bear. He pointed his wand at it once more. "Duro!"

Snapping completely flat, the tapestry was turned to stone. Perfect! He and Bear stepped on the stone, and Koty cast the levitation charm again, this time, floating up toward the door. Keeping his focus on the levitation charm, he used his free hand to open the door and stepped inside.

He quickly fixed the tapestry and levitated it back to its spot on the wall. "Master Flitwick! I've done it!"

"And with a full minute remaining!" The half-goblin cheered, pumping his fist in the air. "Good show!"

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