everything has changed

By gibsiesgal

3.3K 41 9

Aofie Kavanagh was an angel. No one had a bad word to say about her, because it was quite frankly impossible... More

First Day Back
Stalkerish - Maybe?

Mystery Girls

599 7 1
By gibsiesgal


Plastering a smile on my face i stride over to claire, lizzie and mystery girl. "Claire!" I exclaim rushing over to her, enveloping her into a tight hug. "Oh my god!" she shrieks "Aofie I've missed you so much girl!" Lizzie winces and complains "God i can't deal with two of you screaming all day."
"oh come on you know you love me Liz" I tease booping her nose as she replies with a roll of her eyes. Shifting my focus to the tiny girl stood next to them. "Hey! How are you?" I ask because despite not knowing her, it was the polite thing to do. She opens her mouth as if going to speak but backpedaled on herself. "Aoif- this is Shannon, she's just moved! and shannon this is Aofie!" Claire says answering for her, noticing her uncomfort. I smile softly to her and her shoulders sag in relief returning my smile. i don't know what she expected but i'm not that. "You look gorgeous shan- can i call you Shan?" I ask making conversation, in attempt to become friends because that is my mission. I absolutely want her i feel welcome. "ah- thank you." She says quietly her cheeks reddening slightly. For some reason i feel like she doesn't believe me, but it's 100 percent the truth. This girl is drop dead gorgeous. Interrupting me from my thoughts I remember i have to go to my locker so after telling the three of them to go without me i walk to my locker.


This school was weird as fuck. Everyone was walking around in a blazer. The amount of times a teacher has told me to get mine on is ridiculous. I am not wearing that thing. That's not the only weird ass thing either, the people were weird. Outside the lockers, i had bumped into a blonde lad who started off apologising but ended up ranting about fuck knows i stopped listening because a girl walked past. A sickeningly gorgeous girl. One who i couldn't tear my eyes away from her. She was far away so i couldn't see her face but her curly hair fell effortlessly down her shoulders as she walked with such- elegance? fuck i don't know but it was a good walk. Her legs were long, like that girl was tall and her legs were perfect. Everything else about her was too, she had curves in all the right places and fuck- i can't stop thinking about her.
I wanna see that girl again.
Interrupting me from my thoughts the blonde fucker snaps me back to reality still ranting about whatever until another lad strides over confidently saying, "Gibs? What the fuck are ya doing?" My head snaps up to look at him and jaysus is he huge. He's tall as fuck at least 6"3. "I was only talking!" The blonde argues, the other snaps his head towards me, "Ah i'm so sorry about him, he's got issues, gibs come on you big dope,"
"I don't do anything Johnny! i was only chatting to the lad!" The brunette, who i guess was johnny, slapped him on the back, guiding his friend away as i stood there dumbfounded at what just happened. 
Weird as fuck.

I went about the rest of my day feeling like a fucking stalker. That girl was in every single one of my classes, i couldn't help myself getting a closer look, and guess what. She was still absolutely gorgeous. I didn't get close enough to see every small detail on her face but i will. I'm sure of it. However, my head snapped up as my boring-as-fuck maths teacher asked me if i was paying attention. Obviously i wasn't. I was busy with looking at mystery girl, and lucky for me because the teacher drew attention to me, she turned her head around and looked at me with the most beautiful smile. Smirking, i nodded to her and she laughed slightly before turning back around. "Mister Lynch! I have asked you a question! But if you're too busy looking at Miss Kavanagh then you can exit my classroom!" Giggles and wolf whistles echoed the classroom as i made my way out the door, looking back at her for a split second to gauge her reaction. She was in a hushed conversation with another blonde all laughing and smiling. Realisation dawned on me as i wandered the corridors. Shannon was supposed to be in that class. I didn't see her? As if reading my mind i see my ma storming into school and straight to the office.
Oh for fucks sake!

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