The Last Elements:The Sword O...

By YeahImParzival

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Millions of years ago there were thousands of elements created by the sun it's self in ancient Greece.There w... More

Introduction: Alaric Whiteshadow
Chapter 1:Fireworks almost get me arrested
Chapter 2:I accidentally create a fire tornado
Chapter 3:I basically get kidnapped by elementals
Chapter 4:Midas gives me a tour of Azania
Chapter 5:I get choked by a sand lady
Chapter 6:We find my heritage in a wall
Chapter 7:Jewels Martinez
Chapter 8:I almost die to a water fountain
Chapter 10:McDonalds gives us a Thunder-wopper
Chapter 11:I meet the two brats behind this shit
Chapter 12:Ruby makes a bridge collapse
Chapter 13:We travel in a UPS delivery truck
Chapter 14:Sword Training and Uno (Alaric and Amelia's version)
Chapter 15:I take a morning run in the rain
Chapter 16:I cause a forest fire
Chapter 17:I burn to death
Chapter 18:We find the sword...well sort of
Chapter 19:The Sword of Whiteshadow
Chapter 20:Prison Break anyone?
Chapter 21:I become a walking time bomb
Chapter 22:And we live happily ever after
Chapter 23:The woman with the sapphire eyes

Chapter 9: We steal from Dwarfs

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By YeahImParzival

It has been three days since we left from Azania on our quest, I thought this quest would be fun and exciting with all sorts of action but so far it's been like reading Jason Grace and Piper Mclean's Povs put together.Amelia has been trying to figure out what we need to find the Sword of Whiteshadow, But all we got is that it's some kind of compass we need to find first, whoever this Gabriel Sharphood dude was who wrote the map should have not made it this hard.I swear this quest had the loudest awkward silence I have ever heard, I mean we hear Amelia sometimes getting frustrated over the map but that's become white sound to me now.I caught myself humming California Girls idk why I'm humming it of all songs but I think its because it reminds me of someone, but I can't tell if its Mom or Amelia.

"California Girls?" Kade asks me.

"Yeah, really good song you know?" I say.

"I prefer Poker Face"

"Another good white girl song"

Amelia laughs slightly at us.

"Never knew you would be the kind of person to listen to Katy Perry or Lady gaga" She says to me.

"I'm a man of many mysteries" I reply.

"More like a Dwarf of many mysteries"

"Hey! you're only an inch taller than me"

"Wait Dwarfs" Amelia muttered.

"Ok I get it I'm short Amelia-" I say.

"No Dwarfs, that's were the compass is, its with them"

"What would they need a compass for? To find a step-stool?"

Kade snorted when I said that, Amelia I could tell she was trying to hold back a laugh.

"No Back in the day Dwarfs used to think that when other people bought the stuff they made they were just borrowing them, so the compass was made by dwarfs so they must have taken it from the last person who had it." She says.

"So how do we find the Dwarfs?" I ask.

"It's on the map"

"Dwarf-Topia" Kade reads."What a creative name"

"Well if the map is right then it should be close by" Amelia says.

We started on the hunt for the land of the dwarfs, it took longer than we thought it would but not too long, we eventually found a Abandoned Playground with a Dwarf Whole below the slide.How did we find it under the slide? Apparently Amelia can sense holes and underground stuff and shit being part of the earth element.The hole was small, I mean what did I expect?

"So how are we all supposed to get in there?" Kade asks.

"Not all of us, Kade, you're too tall to go in there, me and Amelia have to go because we are the two shortest and can fit in there." I say.

Amelia after I said that gave me the finger, also her iconic orange eyed glare.

"Love you too" I say.

"Shut it Whiteshadow" she replied.

"But dude come on bros before hoes-" Kade stopped himself after Amelia turned to him with a glare.

"Bros before what?" She asks.

"Great strong, perfect goddesses who can kick are butts anyday"

"That's what I thought"

"So Ladies first?" I say to Amelia, sitting down next to the hole.

Instead she shoved me in immediately then she slid down after me.

"Ow!" I say landing fast first.

Then Amelia slid in and landed on top of me.

"Thanks for breaking my fall," She says.

"Oh it was definitely my pleasure," I replied.

We started down the whole and it was oddly not complicated at all, like it felt way too easy.Me and Amelia were quiet most of the time on the way down.

"So your Dad gave you your Mom's Katana?" I ask, trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah, I trained years for it" She replies.

"So on the topic about your Mom, what happened to her?"

I wished those words never came out of my mouth because by the look in Amelia's eye the way it pleaded immediately I could tell it was a sensitive subject.

"Oh, I'm sorry I mentioned it. I didn't know it was a sensitive subject" I say with guilt.

"Its ok, my mom-"

"Amelia, you don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable about it."

"N-No it's fine, my mom died when I was nine." she says.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I don't know, my dad told me she died in the house when it was on fire, but the thing is I know he's lying he won't tell me the truth."
"That's why you helped me and Kade break into Midas's storage place, you were trying to find the truth"

"Yeah" She says."Alaric, I think were here"

We saw a light in some kind of room, I realized we were about to walk into a arena looking thing, so me and Amelia hid behind some kind of box while slightly watching them.

"Dwarf Kind!" one of them called.

The dude walked up to the platform above the arena looking area, he appeared to be the king dwarf, had some kind of gem circle has a pendant on his necklace.

"That's the compass." Amelia said, pointing to the pendant.

"That's the Compass? Damn wonder who wasted that precious gemstone on a compass." I said.

"Look to get it, we need a plan, you got any ideas?"

You know, bold of Amelia to assume I was good at making plans but I had an idea.

"So what if one tries to take the compass while the other distracts them." I say.

"So what's the distraction?" Amelia asked.

"Don't worry you will find out."

"You have no idea what you're doing do you?"

"Of course I know what I'm doing." I say.

I have no idea what I'm doing. I literally just started walking into the arena looking area and did the very first thing that came to my head.

"What's up, pookie nation?" I say.

All the dwarfs turn to me.

"Am I your roman empire Pookie?" I say."You think about me twenty four seven pookie?"

I looked at Amelia, she palmed her hand to her face.

"It the way you act, it's the way you act" I say doing a little hand gesture.

I looked at Amelia again, she mouthed the words "Your such a Idiot" I gave her a gesture to go get the compass.

"Chuck, is that your uncle reggie?" One of the dwarfs said.

"Yep has his height," the other one says.

I decided to go along.

"Oh! Hey Chuck! My Favorite Nephew, how have you been buddy?" I say, in a country accent sounding like a high version of Morgan Wallen.

I spotted Amelia up there on the platform getting ready to take the compass, she pulled the king dwarf's chain from behind pulling off the compass, she threw it to me.

"Catch!" She yelled.

I caught it, and now your probably thinking "Oh you guys succeed!" well thanks for the confidence in me but the Dwarfs immediately started attacking us.Amelia fought them off well by knocking them out with rocks like bullets.

"Alaric lets get to the door we need to get out of here!" She told me.

I followed her orders and went to the door, Amelia ran up it.

"Come on!" She called.

I wanted to continue to fight the Dwarfs (No Amelia this was not a Family reunion gone wrong), but I listened to her and follow her.Amelia controlled the rocks to tumble over the entrance so the dwarfs could not get through, we made it up there out of breath.

"Alaric, you are the biggest idiot I have ever seen." She tells me immediately.

"But it worked.'" I say.

"Your right but it was still dumb." She says.

"Well sometimes you go to improvise"

"Shut up Alaric" She smiles, punching my arm playfully."I'm just glad your ok, can't have you die on me like that"

Kade comes running up to us looking concerned.

"What happened?" Kade asks.

"Alaric was being an idiot and almost got us killed." Amelia says

"So the usual?"

"I'm right here you know." I say.

"So did you get the compass at least?"

"Yeah, its right here"
I pull it out, and hand it to Kade.

"Its pointing North." Kade notices.

The gem had a red crystal which looked like a hologram pointing to a "N."

"So that's where we go?" I ask.

"Yes, which means The Sword of Whiteshadow is in Tennessee," Amelia announces. 

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