The Dragon Bride

By CurrentlyWriting0

2.7K 148 37

After a legendary battle with the Lord of the Devils, Asmodeus, the brave commoner turned knight, Lucina, arr... More

A Dragon... Ride?
The First Dinner
First Contact - Part 1
First Contact - Part 2
First Contact - Part 3
First Contact - Part 4
Loose ends

A New Bond

348 19 3
By CurrentlyWriting0

Lucina woke up panting quietly and with cold sweat running down her forehead. She immediately knew the prior day's events had not been a product of her overactive imagination as the bed she had awoken from was far softer and bigger than any she had ever laid upon. She could also feel the weight of someone else under the blankets, who unlike her was still sound asleep. Lucina didn't remember falling asleep, although her exhaustion after returning from slaying a member of the high court of hell was most likely to blame for that. After sitting in silence with her thoughts for a second, she decided to get out of bed slowly without disturbing the slumbering princess.

She tiptoed towards the lavatory which fortunately for her was inside Jade's bedroom. "The height of luxury..." Those words came back to her as she awed at the size of the new room. Adorning one side of the wall was a massive mirror, so large that Lucina's reflection did not even occupy a quarter of it. Staring back at the knight was her own face, the dragon princess' spell seemingly not working while she was unconscious. Accompanying her visage, was an expression of worry. Although Jade had promised to try and keep her alive, she could not shake the feeling that her presence was nothing more than a disaster waiting to happen, she didn't belong in silk sheets and silver sinks. Moreover, she could be risking the princess herself.

She ran a hand through her face, not realizing until right now how unkempt she had become. Lucina reached over to the sink which was conveniently filled with water already, cupping her hands together and splashing it over her face. She repeated the motion a few times, even dampening her hair which made the liquid gain an ashy color. By the time she was finished, the water was completely opaque. Before she could lift the bowl to dispose of the liquid, a rune began glowing inside of it causing the water to disappear and the sink to refill. The knight kept staring at it for a while."Careful now... Wouldn't want you to fall in." Spoke a voice from behind Lucina. Instinctively, every muscle in her body tensed up and she reached for a sword that was currently not on her hip before violently turning around holding nothing but a damp towel. It was princess Jade, whose sight allowed her to catch her breath.

"Sorry!" The princess apologized. "I should've knocked."

"N... No." Lucina let out while she held a hand to her chest, attempting to slow down her heartbeat. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." 

Jade chuckled at her conclusion."Oh my brave knight, you need to learn a lot about dragon physiology." She explained with her velvety voice. "I wasn't actually asleep. After all, I don't rest in the same way you do. But..." She paused, as a flash of red began coloring her face. "You just looked so comfortable and adorable that I had to join in! Pretending to be a couple, sleeping soundly next to each other..." She let out a quiet, joyous shriek. "It was just too enticing!"

Lucina scratched the back of her head. "Just pretending?". At the unexpected response, Jade's eyes shimmered with excitement. "Oh?" The dragon let out. "So does that mean you have accepted my proposal?" Although she tried to keep a confident tone, her excitement reared its head through high pitched cracks in her voice."Well, I have considered it, I wouldn't say it's a definitive yes just now," Lucina explained. "But I'd be lying if I wasn't at least a little excited for it..."

"Lucina, you fainted in my arms after I told you my intentions..."

"A-Alright! Maybe a little more than a little" She interrupted, it was her face's turn to blush. "But, you don't know anything about me, and likewise, I don't know anything about you. Other than you being a beautiful, half-dragon princess." With every word, the knight's tone became softer and softer. "After mulling it over, I think the best idea is..." She added a pause for dramatic effect. "For us to start dating!" Jade leapt in place out of excitement, clapping her hands quietly causing Lucina's heart to melt ever so slightly. "So! That being said." She got down on one knee. "Would you, princess Jade, heir to the throne of Helikor, green lady of the west, first of her name, breaker of-"

"Alright, Lucina, that's enough titles."

The knight cleared her throat "Right. Sorry. Would you do me the honor of going out with me... And also in the process save my life? Maybe?"

"Lucina," She called out, bowing down to meet her eyeline and cupping her face with one hand. "Newly appointed champion of Helikor, hero of the common folk..."

"I thought you didn't like titles."

"I would love to go out with you!" And to seal their newly formed bond, Jade placed her lips upon Lucina's, thus beginning their journey into a future unknown.

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