A Touching Of Lips (BoyxBoy)

By mossfordgreen

2.3K 473 161

Why does life come with so many different possible answers to the same question? Which answer is the correct... More

Chapter 1. Introductions.
Chapter 2. The Beginning
Chapter 3 Ming.
Chapter 4. Pond.
Chapter 5. Sleeplessness.
Chapter 6. A Date?
Chapter 7. Approval.
Chapter 8. Inner Sanctum.
Chapter 9. Turtle.
Chapter 10. True Potential.
Chapter 11. Karn's Vision.
Chapter 12. Korn's Plan.
Chapter 13. Pang.
Chapter 14. Exposure.
Chapter 15. Damage Limitation.
Chapter 16. Korn and Karn.
Chapter 17. Affection.
Chapter 18. A Proposal.
Chapter 19. Jealousy.
Chapter 20. Ming's Past.
Chapter 21. Pond's Past.
Chapter 22. River.
Chapter 23. Heritage.
Chapter 24. Heart To Heart.
Chapter 25. Admission.
Chapter 26. Birthday Invite.
Chapter 27. Shopping.
Chapter 28. Reconciliation.
Chapter 29. Sponsorship.
Chapter 30. Meditation.
Chapter 31. Mind Reading.
Chapter 32. Aggression.
Chapter 33. Hua Hin! Here We Come.
Chapter 34. Settling In.
Chapter 35. Trouble.
Chapter 36. Morning Glory.
Chapter 37. Temper Tantrum.
Chapter 38. Waves To Surf.
Chapter 39. Kla.
Chapter 40. Revelations.
Chapter 41. Klaew.
Chapter 42. Guilty Feelings.
Chapter 43. Good & Best.
Chapter 44. Four Musketeers.
Chapter 45. Outed.
Chapter 46. Roles.
Chapter 47. A Strong Rebuke.
Chapter 48. Check Mate.
Chapter 49. The Glad Game.
Chapter 50. Khon Kaen.
Chapter 51. Rogue Landlord.
Chapter 53. Air of Authority.
Chapter 54. Relief.
Chapter 55. Conflict.
Chapter 56. An Ultimatum.
Chapter 57. Meeting Songpob.
Chapter 58. The Match.
Chapter 59. Reality.
Chapter 60. Rebirth.
Chapter 61. Surprise.

Chapter 52. Uncle Film.

18 7 3
By mossfordgreen

I sat in a small café with Ming and Cherry waiting for her boyfriend, New, to arrive. I still felt very awkward and in the way despite all the kind words. I needed to understand the reasons why their father had got so upset with me.

"What is the problem that your parents are having with the landlord," I asked Cherry. "Do you know?"

"They increased our rent last month and wouldn't give us a reasonable answer as to why. They said the increase came as a directive from KPIC. There are many problems and faults with the building that have not been addressed yet, despite many people complaining. You have seen the outside of the building..., it is in need of renovation and the lifts....? Well! They break down on a regular basis and are in need of repair. It is not a safe building anymore and then they go and increase the rent. It is not fair."

"I'm sorry, Earth," Ming said, seeing the embarrassment on my face. "I didn't know anything about this. I wouldn't have put you in this situation had I known."

I tried to give him a reassuring smile but I could only manage a weak one. I was out of my depth. I didn't know anything about this side of the business, in fact I didn't know anything in depth about my father's business full stop. I knew the manner in which they talked to employees and how they organised everyone, but other than that I knew very little. I wondered how much my mother knew.

Further discussion was put on hold by the arrival of New. I greeted him traditionally and was rewarded with a broad smile. He was a handsome guy around 24 years old. Ming seemed charmed by him.

"So this is your younger brother and his boyfriend," he said, with a broad grin, after kissing Cherry and sitting down. "My sister goes to the same college as you. Natee Patalung, although she is known as Mint. You may know her?"

"I know of her," I answered as Ming shook his head. "One of my roommates has been trying to date her for some time."

Ming looked at me as if querying who.

"Golf," I told him quietly. "Not sure if he has managed to get a date yet though."

We made small talk while we ate. I say we ate, but I ate very little. I wasn't hungry and picked at the food on my plate.

When they wanted to return to the hospital I asked Ming if he minded if I didn't return with him. I said I wanted to stay here for a while and check with Karn if there was any more news on Pond. I said I would call him when I was finished.

He looked at me with the saddest expression I had ever seen on him. His eyes were dull and almost tearful, yet he nodded his approval and left with Cherry and New.

The first call I made was to my mother. I was lucky to catch her on her lunch break. I explained I was ringing about the complex rentals in Khon Kaen and asked who was responsible for them. I told her about the state of the building that Ming's parents lived in. She said she knew nothing about that side of the business and advised me to call Virote Sivaraksa, the Managing Director of KPIC and tell him that we both wanted full details of the property in question, and any directives issued regarding its upkeep immediately. She also told me to speak to our family lawyer, and ask him to make enquiries. She said she would message me his mobile number and email address.

I then sent a text to Karn asking him if he was free.

He called me immediately.

I told him I was wanting to come back tomorrow. He asked me if everything was alright between us and I answered truthfully and said 'Yes.. although Ming's father had issues with who my father was'. He said again that Book needed Ming back as soon as possible and was this still likely. I told him I still wasn't sure but would find out shortly.

There was still no news about Pond. At least if there was, Karn wasn't saying.

The text from my mother with our lawyer's details had arrived while I was talking with Karn. I called and asked very formally to speak with Khakanang Chaiprasit, just giving my name and nothing more.

"Good afternoon Naai Earth," a cheerful voice suddenly sounded. "I've been expecting a call from you but understood you were away in Khon Kaen for a few days."

"Yes, Uncle Film. I am with a friend visiting his sick father. Can I ask who told you?"

"Of course. I spoke yesterday morning with the Bangkok Marine World Aquarium's owner's nephew, Chiang Charanachitta and also to a Pond Jurangkool. They said that you are wanting to rent out to them, on a temporary basis, properties in the city centre that are lying empty. I spoke to your mother afterwards yesterday and she is in full agreement and is wanting us to arrange this for them."

"Yes Uncle, that's correct. That will not be a problem, will it?"

"Absolutely not. However they did request that one of my most capable junior partners, Songpob Sangsorn, be allocated to look after them and not me. Is this okay with you?"

"Yes Uncle. I think he is already known to them and it was my suggestion for them to use him," I lied, "as I am aware that my mother will be wanting your services more than my father did."

"I understand, and thank you. I was concerned I had lost favour with your family."

"No Uncle. I will be wanting a lot of private information and ask that Khun Songpob be allocated to me as well. In the meantime I need to know more about KPIC and the personnel within it. I am 18 soon and I will take my place on the board of directors alongside my mother shortly after, just as my father has instructed in his will. I want to be reliably informed before I have my first meeting. Our discussions will remain private between us and you will only tell my mother any information on my instructions. I need you to always be frank and honest with me. I need to learn and learn quickly. Is this acceptable?"

"Yes. How can I help?"

"I need your opinion on Virote Sivaraksa and any background information that you have on him. I also want any information you have regarding the company that looks after Naimuang Apartment Complex on Amphoe Mueang in Khon Kaen and who the manager is."

"Are you able to send me your email address and I can send what information I can later today. Regarding Khun Virote. He was well respected and well liked by your father. He is most capable and runs the company well. However I am of the opinion that without your father's instructions he lacks the direction and the purpose that is required to hold everything together. I have already heard that some on the board, and elsewhere within the group, are not following company policy. I have already mentioned this to your mother, when I spoke with her yesterday, as I feel that you will both need to reassert your position as your father's chosen successors."

"Thank you Uncle. I really appreciate your candidness. It is now my intention to take an internship with one of the companies within the group so when I come of age I can take full responsibility for my father's legacy and relieve the pressure on my mother."

"I am pleased to hear it, Naai Earth. Your father would have been so proud to have heard you say that."

"I will still need your guidance and help to achieve this Uncle, and ask that you be patient with me and advise me well. I would like you to suggest which company would be best to do my internship with and arrange everything for the day after I am 18."

"I will give this some thought and send my recommendation to you and your mother. Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"I would like it to be made known that I am to be addressed by everyone formally as Khun Atthaphan, without exception. When we talk privately I would like to continue to address you as Uncle and you to call me Earth. I would like you to be as good a friend to my mother and me as you were to my father."

"That is my wish too, Earth, but I would suggest that you look to have your own confidant rather than me in the future. Someone closer to your age and with some experience. I will be looking to retire in a year or so time so the sooner you build up a working relationship with someone the better."

"You will still advise me though Uncle, won't you?" There was a hint of panic in my voice.

"Of course, Earth. You know that your father employed me not only as his solicitor but as an advisor and general all round organiser. Nothing happened without it passing over my desk. That is the sort of person that you need."

"Can you recommend anyone, Uncle. I have friends who would give me advice but I value your opinion more than anyone else's at this moment in time."

"Thank you, Earth. Your potential clients who insisted on dealing with Songpob have already chosen well. Despite his age and inexperience he is already known for his discretion and the links he has to some of the most distinguished business people. I have not been able to find too much negative information about him which is ideal. I, once you have met him and are happy to engage his services, will willingly help and advise him in any private work he takes on for you for the next 6 months. He can ask me for access to my contacts while he builds up his own. Do not be over familiar with him until you are sure that you are confident with the way he works. You need to remember that with all your employees, Earth. You need to be able to say jump, and they ask how high, straight away. You must be firm and yet fair."

"That I do remember Dad saying many times. Not just to me, but to Sun and Moon also. I am finding that I am remembering many things Dad said. It is as if he is looking over my shoulder."

"If that is so then you will do fine. I am sure your father would be proud that you have taken your responsibilities so seriously very quickly. Don't forget I am here for you anytime. If you need someone to confide in about personal issues then call me. Your mother was upset that you had words when you last met. She accepts that she handled it badly and is anxious that you and your boyfriend visit again soon so that the air can be refreshed between you."

"Are you okay with me being gay, Uncle?"

"Yes. Just as your father would have been. The only concern that I would have is if you become promiscuous like so many gay people and had a different boyfriend every few weeks. I know that your father would have thought the same."

"I've only just found out I was gay, Uncle. I don't know anything other than I like Ming at this stage."

"The thing is, Earth, you will be subject to so many temptations. You have a position that people look up to. Many will want to knock you down. You must not give anyone ammunition to do this. Be discreet if you cannot be loyal and faithful, but choose any partner carefully and be sure of what you are doing before you give yourself to them. You can't turn back time."

"Thank you, Uncle. Ming is patient with me and is making no demands. We are friends first and foremost."

"I'm relieved to hear it and I'm sorry if that sounded like a lecture."

I laughed. "No Uncle. It didn't. It is the sort of thing that I hoped my father would have said. Guidance and advice without telling me I was wrong. I can't help liking Ming. I am only just coming to terms with being gay."

"Don't be ashamed of it, Earth. Be open and don't hide it. If you're secretive then someone is bound to try and exploit that. If anyone is homophobic within the group..., they either keep quiet or find another job. It's as simple as that. Surround yourself with those who judge on performance and not on lifestyle and you won't go far wrong."

"I will remember that, Uncle. Thank you once again."

"How long are you in Khon Kaen for?"

"I'm hoping to leave tomorrow. I am visiting Ming's parents. He has just introduced me as his boyfriend and my name has not gone down well. It's their home I am wanting you to investigate. There seems to be something not right and KPIC is getting the blame."

"Leave it with me. Don't forget to send me your email address. Your mobile number is on my phone now, and I will get back to you as soon as I can."

"Oh! One last thing, Uncle... Would you pass on my details to Khun Songpob and ask him to call me? It's nothing important so there is no rush. I just want to make contact with him in advance of any meeting Khun Chiang and Khun Pond have arranged."

I immediately sent him my email address and prepared to phone KPIC's managing director Virote Sivaraksa.

Pond's and Uncle Film's words of advice were ringing in my ears. 'They work for you. Be forceful and direct'.

I felt empowered and made the call.

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