A Touching Of Lips (BoyxBoy)

נכתב על ידי mossfordgreen

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Why does life come with so many different possible answers to the same question? Which answer is the correct... עוד

Chapter 1. Introductions.
Chapter 2. The Beginning
Chapter 3 Ming.
Chapter 4. Pond.
Chapter 5. Sleeplessness.
Chapter 6. A Date?
Chapter 7. Approval.
Chapter 8. Inner Sanctum.
Chapter 9. Turtle.
Chapter 10. True Potential.
Chapter 11. Karn's Vision.
Chapter 12. Korn's Plan.
Chapter 13. Pang.
Chapter 14. Exposure.
Chapter 15. Damage Limitation.
Chapter 16. Korn and Karn.
Chapter 17. Affection.
Chapter 18. A Proposal.
Chapter 19. Jealousy.
Chapter 20. Ming's Past.
Chapter 21. Pond's Past.
Chapter 22. River.
Chapter 23. Heritage.
Chapter 24. Heart To Heart.
Chapter 25. Admission.
Chapter 26. Birthday Invite.
Chapter 27. Shopping.
Chapter 28. Reconciliation.
Chapter 29. Sponsorship.
Chapter 30. Meditation.
Chapter 31. Mind Reading.
Chapter 32. Aggression.
Chapter 33. Hua Hin! Here We Come.
Chapter 35. Trouble.
Chapter 36. Morning Glory.
Chapter 37. Temper Tantrum.
Chapter 38. Waves To Surf.
Chapter 39. Kla.
Chapter 40. Revelations.
Chapter 41. Klaew.
Chapter 42. Guilty Feelings.
Chapter 43. Good & Best.
Chapter 44. Four Musketeers.
Chapter 45. Outed.
Chapter 46. Roles.
Chapter 47. A Strong Rebuke.
Chapter 48. Check Mate.
Chapter 49. The Glad Game.
Chapter 50. Khon Kaen.
Chapter 51. Rogue Landlord.
Chapter 52. Uncle Film.
Chapter 53. Air of Authority.
Chapter 54. Relief.
Chapter 55. Conflict.
Chapter 56. An Ultimatum.
Chapter 57. Meeting Songpob.
Chapter 58. The Match.
Chapter 59. Reality.
Chapter 60. Rebirth.
Chapter 61. Surprise.

Chapter 34. Settling In.

15 6 1
נכתב על ידי mossfordgreen

"Do you want to stay and have something to eat with us?" I asked the twins, as we followed the porters that were wheeling our luggage to our villas.

"Mum has already prepared something for us, thank you, Earth," Karn answered. "We phoned them earlier to say we wouldn't be long while you were checking in. Appreciate you asking though."

"Dad said he would leave soon to come and pick us up," added Korn. "Our place is only 10 minutes away, if that."

We reached Pond's and Chiang's villa first, and we arranged to meet them in 20 minutes to get something to eat.

Korn and Karn entered our villa ahead of us.

"Wow! Earth," Karn exclaimed as he gave the room a quick once over. "This is quite a place. What a massive bed? We could all sleep on that and still have a space between us."

I waited for a comment from Korn, as I tipped the porter and shut the door as he left. It duly came.

"Not sure there will be much space between them two tonight, despite the bolster cushion!"

I caught him with a well aimed slap to the back of the head.

Korn just laughed at me. "I can just imagine the protestations of innocence that we will hear from the pair of them tomorrow morning, Bro."

I saw the look Karn gave Ming, which, coming from him, did surprise me. I took it that both the twins were still concerned about any nocturnal interests that Ming might be harbouring.

I began to feel a little apprehensive about the sleeping arrangement for later tonight. Were the fears I was harbouring about to become reality?

Karn's phone buzzed with a text. "Dad's here. See you guys tomorrow. We'll text when we are up and about. We can sort out when and what we're doing then. Okay?"

Karn hugged me, and said "be good," and I heard Korn whisper to Ming to behave himself, as they high-fived each other. It was not anything heavy, just a reminder that they cared, and quite truthfully, I was loving them for it.

Well, when Karn said about the bed being big, he wasn't wrong. Without measuring I was sure it could be two queens pushed together. Ming had already looked for, and found, the bolster cushion Korn had alluded to and placed it on the bed.

"No climbing over and checking out the goods while I'm asleep," he jokingly said. "I've heard what you closet gays are like!"

I laughed awkwardly and watched as he continued to look over the room, checking everything out, his eyes alive with different expressions as they landed on the music system, the giant LED TV screen, and the coffee machine.

I lost count of the 'Wow's!' and the 'Look at this!' he exclaimed with such amazement and delight. Rooms like this were nothing new to me, in fact I usually stayed in far better ones, but obviously for Ming it was like another world.

He was almost lost for words when he came out of the bathroom. He stood in front of me, holding my shoulders, the joy in his face quite evident. I knew he was dying to hug me but was restraining himself.

"That bathroom is something else!" He finally blurted out. "I have often wondered what places like this were like. I never dreamed I would actually stay in one. Way out of my league."

"Could you get used to it?" I answered.

The brightness of his eyes died and the smile left his face. "Yes. I like to feel that I could rise to any situation...., so yes....! I could easily get used to something like this, as long as I could afford to pay for it, and didn't ponce off anyone else. I'm with Korn and Karn regarding you showering me with rewards, Earth, I want to earn them, not be given them."

I just pulled him into a hug, and felt his resistance slowly ebb away as he hugged me back. I promised myself to try to respect his wishes but knew I would find it hard to conform. It was really in my nature to give.

"We best get unpacked," Ming suggested, pulling out of the hug. "You wanting to shower and change clothes?"

"Do I smell then?" I replied, sniffing my armpits.

"No, but I wondered if we should freshen up."

"So! You're not using it as an excuse to see me naked then?" I gave him a cheeky grin and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Earth! Pleeeeeaase! It was a truly innocent suggestion. Besides, we haven't got time to play games if we are meeting the others. I was just checking on the correct thing to do."

I giggled at his embarrassment and began to unpack my bag. "We don't have time so let's just get ready to meet the others."

"Why did Pond particularly want to stay here?" I asked as Ming began unpacking his bag

"He told me that there is a saltwater soak tub in one of the Executive Suites. That's what the Hotel Manager offered him. Did you understand what that was all about?" Ming asked, as we put his empty bag away in the wardrobe.

"I gather that the Hotel Manager is a Merman. He is, isn't he?"

"Yes. I could tell as soon as he came over."

"How?" I asked, stopping what I was doing and looking at him. "You said you would tell me before, but you still haven't."

"I forgot. Sorry. But you didn't ask again." He paused and looked like he was thinking and then sat on the bed. "The depth of the blackness in their eyes is one thing. Take Khun Chiang's for instance. He has superb looking eyes. You can get lost trying to see to the back of them. Have you noticed how smooth their facial skin is, especially Pond's? Once I see those two things I then look at the hands. Really long slim fingers and some thin extra skin between each one will prove they're from Mer. Have you noticed that?"

I shook my head.

"It's hard to see unless you know what you are looking for. Check it tonight while we are eating, but Earth? Don't make it bloody obvious, will you? Please?"

I gave him what I always thought was my best pissed off look but he just laughed at me then said, "I have already learnt that you can't do subtle! We best go. Pond hates tardy humans."

I checked the time on my phone. "We got two minutes to go. Perfect. I'm ready if you are."

I saw Ming smirk, so I told him straight. "I hate tardy humans too. Glad to see that Pond has you well trained."

I felt the playful slap to the back of my head and logged it in my brain to repay him, with interest, later.

"Would Sirs like to eat in or would Sirs like to sit out on the veranda. It is a pleasant evening and not a strong wind," the Maître D asked us as we entered the restaurant.

Pond looked at me. "I think it is more private outside, knowing the sort of questions you are liable to ask."

"Let's eat outside, and not for the reason you just gave." I answered. "My thoughts are why be near the sea and not enjoy looking at it as much as you can? Besides, won't you feel more at home?"

"Well said Earth," Chiang cheerfully responded as he playfully nudged Pond. "He's quick with the repartee, is he not? I think that I shall enjoy his company even more tonight."

As we sat down I looked around for Chiang's security personnel, but couldn't see them.

Pond noticed, and also read my mind, as one does now, it would seem.

Once we had been handed menus, and the Maître D had left us, he answered my thought. "Chiang sent his driver and security back to Bangkok. They will return on Sunday lunchtime. We want him to be seen here without protection. Part of the plan. Mine are still here so don't worry. They are using the Executive Suite that Thahan, the Hotel Manager, spoke about when we checked in. I know you heard. Nothing passes you, does it?"

Ming and Chiang both snuffed out the makings of a giggle.

"Thahan is part of the added security that we had placed in and around Bangkok almost 6 months ago. He had no idea we would be coming tonight but he can be trusted. He was loyal to my father and is loyal to us both. That I do know, but say nothing of our plans so nothing unintentionally changes here. You must have heard me tell him that both of you, and Korn and Karn, are all trusted. If you need anything while you are here, speak with him first. Do not telephone, but speak face to face. Do not order anything to your room without telling him. This is important for all our safety."

I was about to say something when Ming gently kicked me under the table. A waiter appeared by my side, and asked us if we wanted drinks. Pond ordered a large jug of pomegranate juice with ice.

I mouthed a silent thank you to Ming and checked around me before I spoke this time. "Does River know you are here?"

"Once Khun Chiang's people get back to Bangkok, he will know we are in Hua Hin," Pond answered, "but not everyone will know exactly where we are as we were dropped off at the Majestic next door to help confuse everyone. Yacht knows where we are and can contact us if necessary. He is loyal to us, in case you are wondering."

"I wasn't, because I had already worked it out," I replied.

Pond raised an eyebrow as if querying what he had just heard. "When did you figure that out?"

"The other night when you said you didn't trust Top or River. You never mentioned Yacht, and it confirmed it when you used his place to 'entertain' Pang and Sky. Ming told me he was usually closed on a Monday. There were no other staff and he did the cooking and you were the waiter. Top and River never turned up and it was all hush hush. As you rightly said .... nothing passes me, not even the name of the restaurant. Plaa Plaa Plaa. That is your sister's name, isn't it? Does Yacht have a thing for your sister?"

"Ouch!" Chiang called out not too loudly, smiling broadly at me. "Your boy is sharp Pond. So sharp he could easily cut himself if he's not careful. How very interesting. I can see I must be careful what I say and do around you."

"I will be discreet, as Ming is teaching me well. So any of your secrets will be safe with me." I gave him my cheekiest smile.

We checked the menus and I saw Ming's eyes widen. "Don't even look at the prices, Ming. The twins would have had a pink fit if they had stayed to eat with us. Just order anything you fancy."

Our drinks arrived and we ordered a variety of food. Ming ordered a couple of interesting sounding dishes even if he probably didn't realise exactly what they were. We ate and talked quite leisurely. Chiang, in particular, asked me lots of questions, some personal, but mainly general everyday getting to know you type of ones. Pond sat there, beaming as I answered, and so I knew I was saying the right things.

I really warmed to Chiang, and could see why Pond liked him. He was warm and funny. He had a teasing sense of humour, something Ming had said Merman lacked.

I remembered what he had said about the depth of his eyes. You know what I think about Ming's, I've mentioned it more than once, so it wouldn't surprise you that I looked at Chiang's to compare. Ming was not wrong. They were fathomless and dark, and absolutely captivating but they were not seductive like Mings. Light reflected easily from Ming's, where from Chiang's it did not. I still thought Chiang was the most beautiful person I had ever seen but Ming was the one who had a hold of me.

Just looking at Ming made me feel good, and I didn't feel that with Chiang. Beauty is one thing and attraction is another.

I checked out his and Pond's hands as discreetly as possible, and Ming's way of describing them was spot on. They were bordering on starting to look webbed.

I learnt quickly to talk about inconsequential things whenever a member of staff was around so that there was not a total silence. Ming was looking out for me, he kicked me gently as he could see behind me, from where the waiters always seemed to approach.

The food was good, even though Ming thought it was too fussy. We all agreed that the food in Plaa Plaa Plaa was better, whether Yacht cooked it, or his chef.

"Fancy a walk along the beach Ming?" I asked as the waiter cleared away the last of our dessert. "I loved walking along the beach here with my mother and sister after a meal while dad and my brothers played pool."

Ming looked at me strangely. "You enjoyed walking with your mother and sister and not playing pool with your brothers? And still thought you were not gay? Hello? That is such a gay thing to do Earth. You are so in denial."

"I've always been close to my mother..... and to my sister Star. I've always talked more with them than with my father and brothers. I could relax with them and not have to try to be the clever and bright boy my father wanted me to be. I felt under pressure with Sun and Moon, to be someone I wasn't. Mum and Star made me feel good about just being me."

"We shall all walk together," Chiang declared, as he signed the bill for the meal. It wasn't up for discussion, it was definitely an order. "I like to experience what you say you enjoyed."

"Is it safe for you both?" I said quietly, after the waiter had gone.

"This week it will be fine" Pond answered, "but not another time so easily. As Elvis Presley once sang 'It's now or never,' or something like that."

Ming buried his face in his hands trying to hide his desperation to giggle.

Chiang looked like he didn't have a clue what it meant.

I just sat there poker faced, not quite knowing how to react.

"That was a good joke, was it not?" Pond nonchalantly asked.

"Almost," I replied and joined Ming who was now laughing uncontrollably.

המשך קריאה

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