Dreaming Alone [Published]

By vanilla-twilights

1.1M 74.2K 2.9K

[Sudah terbit] ❝Is it me that you see when you fall asleep? Cause I know it's you I dream about every night.❞... More

i. who likes monday?
ii. caught in the act
iii. can you stop playing with my feelings?
iv. saturday night
v. some advice
vi. she should let him love her
vii. the pain
viii. punishment
ix. thank god it's friday
x. why did he leave her alone?
xi. plans
xii. but i can't swim!
xiii. puberty hits him like a truck
xiv. fortunately he's here
xv. is he the one?
xvi. you're not good at tidying things up
xvii. can't help but smile
xviii. two hundred problems and a misunderstanding
xix. never been worse
xx. you're so unbelievable
xxi. a thousand miles
xxii. he should've been my mother
xxiii. emergency alert, i have nothing to wear!
xxiv. this dress makes me look like ariana grande
xxv. under a trillion stars
bonus chapter: devan's point of view
another announcement


45.3K 2.6K 236
By vanilla-twilights

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