Beneath The Cross

By TheRealBertMccracken

833 40 0

Gerard Way, the son of the richest man in town, faces pressure from his family and community after coming out... More

You Use My Love Against Me
I Can't Keep Pretending Your Love Doesn't Hurt
You Drain My Energy Every Single Day
I Can't Keep Walking On Eggshells To Keep You Happy
I Feel Like I'm Losing Myself Trying To Love You
You Turned Our Love Into A Battlefield
I need To Love Myself Enough To Leave You
I shouldn't Have To Fear The Person I Love
Letting Go Of You Is My Self Care
You Keep Talking Without Ever Giving
It's Not Love If It Hurts
You Make Me Doubt My Own Reality
You Never Appreciate Anything I do For You
You Always Find A Way To Make Me A Villain
I Shouldn't Have Fight For Your Attention
I Need You to Need Me, Even If It Hurts You
I Enjoy The Power I Have Over You
I Don't Want You To Realised Your Worth, Cus Then You'll Leave
I Keep You Guessing So You Won't Leave
I Push Your Buttons Cus I Love Your Reaction
I Love You In The Way That Destroys You
I Break You Down To Keep You Close
Isolation Keeps You Mine
The Ghost Of You
Chaos Within You Becomes My Playground
Cus I Feel Safe In Your Arms
You Can Run Away With Me
Creating Chaos In Your Life Gives Me Peace
My Chemical Romance

You Make Me Feel Guilty For Things I haven't Done

30 1 0
By TheRealBertMccracken

*TW: Smut/ mention of rape*

Gerard stood before the bathroom mirror and he diligently applied toothpaste to his toothbrush. He began brushing his teeth, the bristles scrubbing away.

As Gerard brushed his teeth, he absentmindedly scrolled through the photos on his phone, his thumb swiping up the screen.

Memories flashed before his eyes, each image a snapshot of moments captured in time.

Quickly scrolling past the photo, Gerard's gaze fell on a series of selfies he had taken with Frank during their recent outings.

Gerard's lips curled into a smile as he came across a picture of Frank, his heart warming at the sight of his beloved's familiar face.

Frank had always made an effort to stay connected, sending Gerard selfies whenever they couldn't meet in person.

In the photo, Frank flashed a playful grin and the warmth of his smile seemed to radiate through the screen, filling Gerard with a sense of comfort.

The photo:

Gerard emerged from the bathroom, his freshly brushed teeth leaving a minty freshness in the air.

He quickly slipped into his suit, straightening the collar and Hayley watched from the bed. "You look sharp," she remarked, offering him a warm smile and Gerard returned the smile.

"Thanks," he replied. "Are you feeling better today?" Hayley nodded, her expression brightening.

"Much better, thanks. I think I just needed some rest." Gerard nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm glad you're feeling better."

Hayley nodded, her gaze lingering on him for a moment longer before approaching Gerard with a smile and she reached out to straighten his tie. "Let me fix that for you," she said, her fingers deftly adjusting the fabric until it lay perfectly against his shirt collar.

Gerard tilted his head slightly, allowing her to adjust the tie with ease. "Thanks, Hayley," he said and Hayley chuckled softly.

"It's the least I can do," she replied, her eyes meeting his. "You're always so busy taking care of everyone else."

Gerard smiled gratefully. "Well, we make a good team," he said, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair away from her face and Hayley leaned into his touch. "We do," she agreed.

As Hayley adjusted his tie, Gerard's mind drifted back to that moment when he first met Frank.

He could vividly remember the way Frank's fingers had delicately touched his tie, the warmth of his breath against his skin as he spoke.

It was in that moment that Gerard had felt something stir deep within him, a feeling he couldn't quite explain but knew he couldn't ignore.

It was as if he was transported back to that exact moment.

Despite being with Hayley now, he couldn't shake the lingering feelings he had for Frank.

Hayley noticed the distant look in Gerard's eyes and gently nudged him, bringing him back to the present. "Everything alright?" she asked.

Gerard blinked, returning his focus to Hayley. "Yeah, sorry," he replied, offering her a faint smile. "Just lost in thought for a moment."

Hayley studied him for a moment, her gaze searching. "You seemed a million miles away," she remarked softly as she continued to adjust his tie. Gerard's heart twinged with guilt, but he pushed the feeling aside.

"I'm fine," he assured her, mustering up a smile. "Just reminiscing about old times, I guess."

Gerard's love for Frank ran deep, unwavering even after a year together. He cherished every moment they shared, and his feelings for Frank had only grown stronger with time.

As he stood there, allowing Hayley to adjust his tie, he couldn't help but reflect on just how much Frank meant to him.

In Gerard's eyes, Frank was the embodiment of perfection. His love for Frank consumed him entirely, making him incapable of seeing anyone else in the same light.

The thought of being without Frank was unimaginable, like a world devoid of color and meaning.

When Gerard left, heading to the front door, he found his mother standing by the front door. She was taken aback when she saw Gerard leaving without having breakfast. She couldn't help but voice her concern, questioning why he was leaving so hastily and without eating.

"Gerard, dear, where are you off to in such a rush? You haven't even had your breakfast," Donna said and he quickly fabricated a reason for his departure.

"I just need some fresh air, Mom," he lied, offering a half-hearted smile and Donna nodded. "Alright, dear. Just take your time and clear your head," she replied, her maternal instincts urging her to trust her son.

Gerard nodded, before stepping out. Once outside, he quickened his pace, eager to meet Frank and escape the prying eyes of his family.

Gerard dialed Frank's number as he drove. "Hey, Frank," he greeted eagerly as soon as the call connected. "I'm on my way to the house. Can you meet me there?"

There was a brief pause before Frank's voice came through the line. "Sure thing, Gerard," he replied casually. "I'll be there in no time. Just hold tight."

Gerard hung up the phone and reached for the pack of cigarettes tucked in the glove compartment, fingers fumbling slightly. With ease, he extracted one and brought it to his lips, the cool tip pressing against his mouth.

A flick of his lighter and the end ignited. Taking a deep drag, Gerard closed his eyes momentarily, feeling the familiar rush of nicotine coursing through his veins.

It was a habit he had picked up long before he met Frank.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, Gerard checked for any signs of approaching vehicles. He couldn't afford to be caught smoking, especially not by Frank.

Despite their closeness, Gerard knew that certain habits of his still grated on Frank's nerves. Smoking was one of them.

He rolled down the window slightly, allowing the smoke to escape into the air outside. The rush of wind tousled his hair as he exhaled, the smoke dissipating into the ether.

Upon arriving, Gerard took a moment to compose himself before stepping out of the car with the cigarette stub extinguished in the bushes.

Closing the car door behind him with a soft click, Gerard surveyed the surroundings. The secluded house stood before him.

Quickening his pace, Gerard approached the front door. He fished his keys out of his pocket and inserted one into the lock, the click of tumblers echoing in the stillness of the air.

With a gentle push, the door swung open. Stepping inside, Gerard was greeted by the familiar scent of the house - a mixture of wood, dust, and something uniquely theirs.

It was a scent that filled him with a sense of comfort and belonging. Closing the door behind him, Gerard made his way further into the house, his footsteps echoing softly on the hardwood floors.

Gerard paced around their house, glancing anxiously at the clock. Frank was late again.

Sighing, he decided to distract himself by tidying up. He grabbed a rag and began wiping down the already spotless countertops.

"Just a little bit longer," he muttered to himself, the words a mantra to keep his spirits up. "Just hold on a little longer."

He reached for the vacuum cleaner next, determined to banish any trace of dirt or dust from their sanctuary.

As Gerard straightened the sheets, a sudden thud startled him and he turned to see a book lying on the floor, fallen from the shelf next to the bed.

With a sigh, he knelt down to retrieve it, his fingers tracing the familiar spine. "Must've been loose," he muttered to himself, inspecting the shelf for any other signs of instability.

When Gerard put the book back on the shelf, his fingers brushed against something cold and metallic.

Curiosity piqued, he pulled the book slightly, revealing a strange object attached to its spine. It was a metal latch, intricately designed and seemingly out of place among the other books.

Frowning, Gerard tugged on the latch, expecting it to be nothing more than a decorative addition.

But to his surprise, the wall behind him suddenly shifted, sliding back with a soft rumble.

His eyes widened in astonishment as a hidden doorway was revealed, its existence previously unknown to him.

"Holy..." Gerard gasped and curiosity got the better of him, and with a shaky breath, he stepped forward, his hand trembling as he reached out to push open the door further.

Gerard reached for the light switch and he flicked it on. The room was bathed in a dim glow, revealing walls painted a deep, ominous black.

His heart pounded in his chest as he took in the eerie sight before him. His gaze swept over the room, taking in the strange assortment of items scattered about.

A chill ran down his spine as he noticed peculiar artifacts lining the shelves. But what caught Gerard's attention the most was a shelf in the corner of the room, lined with thick, ancient-looking books.

He approached it cautiously, his fingers trembling as he reached out to pick one up. The leather-bound tome felt heavy in his hands, its pages yellowed with age. He ran his fingers over the intricate designs carved into the cover.

"What is all this?" he murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper and Gerard's hands trembled as he blew the dust off the cover of the book, revealing the title in faded gold lettering.

With a hesitant breath, he opened it, the pages crackling with age beneath his touch.

His eyes widened in shock as he realized what he was holding - Frank's diary.

His heart raced as he scanned the pages, his stomach churning at the disturbing contents within.

The entries were filled with Frank's declarations of love, each word dripping with possessiveness and obsession. Gerard's name appeared again and again, each mention more unsettling than the last.

"He's mine," one passage read, the words scrawled in a shaky hand.

"No one else can have him. He belongs to me."

A chill ran down Gerard's spine as he read on, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.

The diary painted a dark and disturbing picture of Frank, one that Gerard had never seen before.

He closed the book with trembling hands, his mind reeling with shock and disbelief.

Gerard's hands shook as he reached for another book on the shelf, his heart pounding in his chest. With a sense of dread, he opened it, revealing pages filled with Frank's handwriting.

His eyes widened in horror as he read Frank's twisted plan - a step-by-step tutorial on how to cut their hearts in half and swap them, so they could be together forever.

The words leaped off the page, each line more chilling than the last. "This can't be real," Gerard muttered to himself as he scanned the pages in disbelief. But the meticulous detail of Frank's plan left no room for doubt.

With trembling hands, Gerard turned the pages, his stomach churning at the gruesome instructions laid out before him.

He knew Frank's handwriting all too well, and there was no mistaking the sinister intent behind his words.

"He's lost his mind," Gerard whispered and he looked around again.

Gerard's breath caught in his throat as he stumbled upon a board covered in his own pictures. His heart raced as he examined them closely, his blood running cold at what he saw.

The pictures showed him going about his daily life - walking down the street, chatting with friends, even at home. But there was something off about them, something deeply unsettling.

His eyes widened in horror as he realized that in each photo, someone else's face had been crudely pinned over his own, the edges of the pictures punctured by sharp pins.

"What the hell?" Gerard muttered, his voice trembling. He recognize the people in the pictures, his parents, Hayley, his friends and even his coworkers.

A sense of dread washed over him as he realized that these photos must have been taken without his knowledge, capturing moments of his life that he thought were private.

As he tore his gaze away from the board, a sickening feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.

Whoever had taken these pictures had been watching him.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Gerard finally pieced together the horrifying truth.

This wasn't just any hidden room - this was Frank's secret chamber.

The realization hit Gerard like a sledgehammer.

As he looked around the room, everything fell into place - the disturbing diary, the gruesome plan, the unsettling photographs.

They were all pieces of a puzzle that Gerard had been blind to until now.

"What are you doing in here, Gee?"

Startled, Gerard spun around, his heart pounding in his chest and in his panic, he stumbled backward, his foot catching on a stray object on the floor.

With a cry of alarm, he lost his balance and tumbled backward, his head connecting with the edge of the table with a sickening thud.

Pain exploded behind Gerard's eyes as he crumpled to the ground, stars dancing in his vision. He groaned, clutching his head as waves of nausea washed over him and Frank rushed forward.

"Baby, are you okay?" he asked, dropping to his knees beside Gerard and Gerard tried to respond, but the words caught in his throat, his head swimming with dizziness.

He reached out a shaky hand towards Frank, his vision blurring at the edges but before he could say anything, darkness swallowed him whole, and he slipped into unconsciousness, the echoes of Frank's voice fading into oblivion.


When Gerard slowly blinked his eyes open, the dull ache in his head reminding him of what had happened.

He found himself lying on the bed, the soft sheets beneath him a welcome comfort. Beside him, Frank lay sound asleep, his face nestled in the crook of Gerard's neck.

Gerard's heart skipped a beat at the sight and he carefully shifted, trying not to disturb Frank as he sat up, his head still throbbing with pain.

But as he looked down at Frank's sleeping form, a pang of guilt washed over him. Despite everything, he couldn't bear the thought of hurting Frank, of betraying the love they shared.

With a heavy sigh, Gerard reached out to gently brush a strand of hair away from Frank's face and Frank stirred slightly, his eyelids fluttering as he mumbled something incoherent.

"Sorry, Frankie," Gerard whispered. "I didn't mean to wake you."

Frank's eyes slowly fluttered open, his gaze hazy with sleep and he blinked in confusion for a moment before his expression cleared, a warm smile spreading across his face as he looked up at Gerard.

"It's okay, Baby," he murmured. "I'm just glad you're alright."

With a small smile, Gerard leaned down to press a gentle kiss to Frank's forehead.

"Frank, we need to talk about the room," Gerard began and Frank's eyes met Gerard's, a calmness in his gaze that sent a shiver down Gerard's spine.

"I knew this day would come, Baby," he replied and Gerard's heart pounded in his chest as he searched Frank's face for any sign of deceit.

"What is that room, Frank?" he asked and Frank sighed, sitting up and running a hand through his hair.

"It's my... sanctuary, I guess you could call it," he admitted, his gaze dropping to his hands and Gerard's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Your sanctuary? What do you mean?" he pressed, his curiosity getting the better of him and Frank looked up, meeting Gerard's eyes.

"It's where I keep my darkest thoughts, my deepest desires," he confessed and Gerard's heart sank.

"But why, Frank? Why keep something like that hidden from me?" he asked and Frank reached out to take Gerard's hand in his own. "I was afraid, Gee," he admitted. "Afraid of what you would think of me if you knew the truth."

Gerard's brows furrowed as he looked back at Frank. "What about the pictures with the pinned faces?" he asked, his voice trembling and Frank's expression grew solemn as he met Gerard's gaze.

"Those were faces I... feared could take you away from me," he admitted and Gerard's heart clenched at Frank's confession.

"But Frank, why would you think that?" he questioned and Frank looked away, unable to meet Gerard's eyes.

"I've always been afraid of losing you, Gerard," he confessed. "I let my insecurities get the best of me, and I did things I'm not proud of."

Gerard reached out, gently lifting Frank's chin so their eyes met once again. "You don't have to be afraid, Frank," he murmured. "I'm not going anywhere."

Tears welled in Frank's eyes as he leaned into Gerard's touch. "I love you, Gerard," he whispered and Gerard pulled Frank into a hug, holding him close.

Frank pulled back slightly, his eyes pleading with Gerard. "Promise me, Gerard," he said. "Promise me you won't tell anyone about this."

Gerard hesitated, torn between his loyalty to Frank and the desire to share his burden with someone else but as he looked into Frank's eyes, he saw the fear there, and he knew what he had to do.

"I promise, Frank," he replied. "I won't tell anyone."

Relief flooded Frank's features as he pulled Gerard close once again, holding him tight as if afraid he might slip away.

"Thank you, Baby," he murmured and Gerard held Frank just as tightly, he knew that Frank was right - not everyone would understand their love, and telling people could jeopardize everything they had worked so hard to build.

Gerard made a silent vow to protect their love at all costs, even if it meant keeping it hidden from the rest of the world.

Gerard fell under Frank's spell once again. It was a familiar pattern, one that he had fallen victim to time and time again.

Frank knew him all too well, knew where to pull the strings to keep him tethered to his side.

Frank leaned in, his lips seeking Gerard's with a desperate hunger and Gerard responded eagerly, their kiss growing more urgent with each passing moment.

Their bodies pressed close together, hands roaming feverishly as they clung to each other.

Frank gently pushed Gerard back onto the bed, their lips still locked and Gerard gasped as he felt Frank's weight pressing against him.

Their hands fumbled with each other's clothing, fingers working to shed the barriers between them. Fabric fell away in a flurry of motion, revealing heated skin beneath.

Gerard moaned softly as Frank's lips trailed down his neck and Frank positioned himself between Gerard's legs, he leaned in close, his breath hot against Gerard's skin. "I want to watch you, Gee," he murmured. "Fuck yourself for me."

Gerard's heart raced at Frank's words, a flush spreading across his cheeks as he hesitated for a moment.

With a shaky breath, he reached down between his own legs and his fingers trembled slightly as he trailed them down his body, lingering at the heat pooling between his thighs.

With Frank's eyes fixed on him, Gerard pressed his fingertips against his entrance, his breath catching in his throat at the sensation.

Slowly, he began to push his fingers inside, the slickness of his own arousal making the movement easier.

Frank watched intently as Gerard worked himself open. Gerard's body responded eagerly to his touch, a low moan escaping his lips as he buried his fingers deeper inside himself.

Gerard continued to fingered himself and he glanced up to see Frank watching him with rapt attention. A low growl escaped Frank's throat as he licked his lips hungrily.

Gerard's breath caught in his throat at the sight, a flush spreading across his skin as he felt a surge of arousal course through him.

Frank's hunger was palpable, his gaze devouring every inch of Gerard's exposed body with an intensity that left Gerard trembling with need.

With a shaky breath, Gerard quickened his pace, his fingers moving faster and more urgently as he sought to satisfy both his own desires and Frank's insatiable appetite.

The slick sound of his movements filled the air, mingling with the soft moans that escaped his lips with each thrust of his fingers.

Frank's eyes were glued to Gerard's every movement, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he watched Gerard pleasure himself.

A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his skin as he leaned in closer, unable to tear his gaze away from the erotic spectacle unfolding before him.

With a hungry look in his eyes, Frank reached for the cross necklace hanging around his neck, his fingers deftly unclasping it.

Without a word, Frank leaned in close to Gerard, his breath hot against Gerard's skin as he gently parted Gerard's lips.

He placed the cross necklace inside Gerard's mouth, the cool metal pressing against his tongue. Gerard's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected sensation, his heart racing as he tasted the familiar metal against his lips.

Frank's gaze never wavered as he watched Gerard, his own arousal evident and he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against Gerard's ear as he whispered, "You're mine, Gerard. All mine."

Gerard's breath hitched at Frank's words, a shiver running down his spine at the possessive tone in his voice.

With the cross necklace still in his mouth, he nodded.

With a firm grip, Frank lifted Gerard's arms above his head, pinning them against the mattress and Gerard felt a surge of arousal at the feeling of being so thoroughly controlled by his lover.

Without warning, he thrust into Gerard, his entire length entering Gerard in one swift motion and Gerard's eyes widened in shock as he felt Frank fill him completely, his breath catching in his throat as a cry escaped his lips.

Frank groaned as he buried himself deep inside Gerard, the tightness of Gerard's body enveloping him.

When Frank's movements grew rougher, Gerard's cries turned into screams and whines. His body arching and writhing beneath Frank's relentless assault.

Frank's grip on Gerard's wrists tightened, his fingers digging into the flesh as he drove himself deeper and harder into Gerard's welcoming heat.

His own moans mingled with Gerard's cries. "Frank, please!" Gerard whimpered, his voice a desperate plea for release and Frank only intensified his movements.

Frank suddenly pulled back as he looked down at Gerard. "Suck," he commanded and Gerard's breath caught in his throat at the unexpected request.

But the look in Frank's eyes left no room for hesitation, and with a shaky breath, Gerard obeyed. He closed his lips around the metal cross necklace, his tongue swirling around it as he sucked on it with fervor.

Frank groaned at the sight, his hips moving in time with Gerard's sucking motions. "That's it, baby," he murmured. "You look so fucking hot."

Gerard's cheeks flushed at Frank's words, and he continued to suck on the cross with renewed fervor.

With Gerard's mouth still wrapped around the metal cross, Frank leaned in close, their lips meeting in a searing kiss. Their tongues tangled together, the taste of metal mingling with their saliva.

Gerard moaned into Frank's mouth, his own arousal reaching a fever pitch.

Frank's hands roamed eagerly over Gerard's body and Gerard clung to him desperately, his nails digging into Frank's skin. With each thrust, Frank drove himself deeper and harder into Gerard.

With a hungry look in his eyes, he reached down to spread Gerard's legs wider, exposing him completely.

Gerard gasped at the sudden movement, his body arching instinctively towards Frank's touch.

Frank's hands moved as he explored every inch of Gerard's exposed skin and Gerard moaned softly, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

Their cries of pleasure filled the room, echoing off the walls.

"I want you to act like a girl for me, Gee," Frank murmured and Gerard knew all too well the particular roleplay Frank was suggesting - the one where Frank took on the role of a rapist, and Gerard played the part of the helpless victim.

It was a sick fantasy, one that they had indulged in before, but despite its taboo nature, there was an undeniable thrill.

With a shaky breath, Gerard nodded, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to slip into the role that Frank desired.

"Okay, Master," he whispered and Frank's eyes gleamed with excitement as he moved closer to Gerard. "Good boy," he murmured.

"Please, no," Gerard whimpered as Frank's hands roamed eagerly over his body.

"Please, sir, stop," Gerard whimpered, his eyes wide. "It hurts, I don't want this."

Frank leaned in close, his lips brushing against Gerard's ear. "You're mine, little girl," Frank growled. "And I'll do whatever I want with you."

Gerard's heart raced as he continued to play his part, his body responding eagerly to Frank's every touch. "Please, sir," Gerard begged. "My father would be so upset if you got me pregnant."

Frank only smirked in response, his eyes gleaming with arousal as he continued to ravish Gerard without mercy.

As the roleplay reached its climax, Gerard's instincts kicked in, and with a sudden burst of adrenaline, he managed to break free from Frank's grasp.

With a cry of feigned terror, he scrambled off the bed and made a dash for the door, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Sir, please, no more!" Gerard cried out, his voice echoing through the room as he fled from his pursuer.

But even as he ran, a thrill of excitement coursed through him, knowing that Frank would be even more turned on by his desperate attempts to escape.

It was all part of their twisted game, a game that both terrified and exhilarated him in equal measure.

Frank's laughter echoed behind him as he gave chase, his footsteps thundering on the floorboards as he closed in on Gerard.

"You can't run from me, Girl," he called out.

Gerard's heart raced as he darted through the door and into the hallway, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he pushed himself to run faster.

He could feel Frank's presence hot on his heels but even as he ran, a part of him couldn't help but revel in the danger of it all, knowing that Frank's arousal only grew stronger with each step he took.

With a burst of speed, Frank closed the gap between them and caught Gerard just as he reached the living room. With a fierce grip, he spun Gerard around and pushed him down onto the couch.

Gerard gasped as he landed on the soft cushions. He could feel Frank's heat radiating against him, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he awaited Frank's next move.

Without a word, Frank positioned himself behind Gerard, his hands gripping Gerard's hips.

With a low growl, he thrust into Gerard from behind, his movements rough and urgent. Gerard cried out at the sudden intrusion, his body arching instinctively towards Frank's touch.

Feeling Frank's hands lift his leg into the air, Gerard's heart raced and as Frank's thrusts intensified, Gerard's cries grew louder. "Please, sir, don't," Gerard whimpered, his eyes filling with tears. "I don't want to get pregnant."

But Frank paid no heed to Gerard's protests, he drove himself deeper into Gerard, his movements rough.

With a final thrust, Frank cried out Gerard's name as he emptied himself inside Gerard, his essence spilling deep within him.

Gerard's breath caught in his throat as he felt Frank's warmth flooding him, his body pulsating and he could feel Frank's liquid dripping from him, pooling on the floor beneath them.

As their breathing slowed, Gerard turned to Frank. "I love you, Frank Way," he whispered and Frank leaned in close, pressing a tender kiss to Gerard's lips. "I love you too, Gerard Iero," he murmured.

With a tender touch, Frank lifted Gerard from the couch and seated him on the armchair, their eyes locked. Gerard's legs instinctively wrapped around Frank's waist, pulling him closer and Frank's hands roamed eagerly over Gerard's body.

With a growl, he began to thrust into Gerard, their bodies moving together in perfect rhythm and Gerard moaned softly as pleasure washed over him. With each thrust, he felt himself edging closer and closer.

"You're so beautiful, Gee," Frank murmured. "cum for me, baby. I want to see you come apart in my arms."

As Frank continued to thrust into him, Gerard's body quivered and he whimpered and cried out.

Tears streamed down Gerard's cheeks as he reached the peak, his body trembling with the intensity of his release. "f- fuck, Master, I'm gonna- CUM!!!"

It was the longest and most intense orgasm he had ever experienced.

Frank held him close, his arms wrapped tightly around Gerard as they rode out the orgasm.

"You're doing so good, baby," Frank murmured, his lips brushing against Gerard's ear. "Let it all out, I've got you."

Gerard clung to Frank desperately, his nails digging into Frank's skin as he rode out the last waves of his orgasm.


Gerard stirred from his slumber and the buzzing sound from his phone jolted him awake. He cursed under his breath, realizing he had forgotten to inform his mother of his plans with Frank.

Gerard reached for his phone, quickly checking the time and he glanced around the room as he realized Frank was still asleep beside him, naked.

"Frank, wake up," Gerard whispered urgently, gently shaking Frank's shoulder. "I forgot to let mother know."

Frank stirred at the sound of Gerard's voice, blinking sleepily as he slowly came to consciousness. "Huh? What's going on?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he sat up in bed.

"I forgot to tell my mom I was staying over," Gerard explained. "I need to call her before she freaks out." Frank nodded in understanding, his movements still sluggish from sleep. "Sorry, Gee," he murmured.

Gerard quickly dialed his mother's number, his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for her to pick up.

"Mother?" he said when she answered. "Yeah, Mom, sorry about that," he said, his words coming out in a rush. "I, uh, fell asleep in my car. Totally lost track of time."

He glanced nervously at Frank, silently hoping his lover would play along with the story and Frank nodded subtly as he listened to Gerard's half of the conversation.

Donna's voice crackled through the phone. "Are you okay, honey?" she asked.

"Yeah, Mother, I'm fine," Gerard assured her. "Just tired, you know? I'll be home soon."

After a few more minutes of reassurances and promises to be more responsible in the future, Gerard finally hung up the phone, a heavy sigh escaping his lips.

"Thanks for playing along," he said to Frank. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Frank smiled softly, reaching out to squeeze Gerard's hand. "Hey, we're in this together, remember?" he said.

Gerard quickly gathered his clothes from the floor as he dressed himself. He could feel Frank's eyes on him, watching intently from the bed as he pulled on his clothes.

"Sorry for the rush," Gerard muttered, avoiding Frank's gaze as he hastily buttoned up his shirt. "I just don't want to keep my Mother waiting."

Frank nodded in understanding as he watched Gerard. "It's okay, Baby," he said softly. "I'll see you later, yeah?"

Gerard forced a smile, though his heart ached at the thought of leaving Frank behind. "Yeah, definitely," he replied. "I'll text you when I'm home."

As Gerard finished dressing, he glanced back at Frank one last time and Gerard couldn't resist the pull of Frank's presence any longer.

He crossed the room and climbed onto the bed, straddling Frank's hips. Their eyes met as Gerard leaned in close and their lips met in a passionate kiss.

Frank's hands roamed eagerly over Gerard's body, pulling him closer as if trying to erase the distance between them.

When they finally broke apart, Frank gazed up at Gerard. "Who's your husband, Gee?" he asked softly and Gerard's heart clenched at the question, knowing the painful truth that awaited them both.

"You are," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. Gerard reluctantly tore himself away from Frank and climbed off the bed. "Sorry, Frank," Gerard murmured. "I have to go."

Frank nodded silently, his eyes following Gerard's every move as he made his way to the door. "I understand," he replied softly.

As Gerard slipped out of the room, he couldn't help but steal one last glance back at Frank, his heart aching at the thought of leaving him behind.

But he knew he had to go, if only to spare them both from further pain and heartache.

And as he made his way out the door, Gerard couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that settled over him.

But he knew that no matter where life took him, Frank would always hold a special place in his heart.

As Gerard hurried away, Frank remained on the bed, he couldn't shake the feeling of doubt that gnawed at him, the suspicion that Donna, wasn't the one calling after all.

A surge of jealousy coursed through Frank as he considered the possibility that it was Hayley, who had interrupted their intimate moment.

The thought of her intruding on their private time together filled him with a sense of unease.

Unable to shake the feeling of unease, Frank reached for his phone as he scrolled through his contacts. He dialed Gerard's number, hoping for some reassurance that everything was as it seemed.

But as the call went unanswered, Frank's doubts only grew stronger, his jealousy simmering beneath the surface.

He knew he needed to confront Gerard about his suspicions. With a heavy sigh, Frank set his phone aside and sank back into the pillows, his mind filled with thoughts of Gerard.


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