Celestia's Cruel Thesis [ Zho...

By nuttytani

108 3 0

Oh, if only Childe could turn back time and slap himself, how wrong he was to ignore the wise words of the ol... More

Door to a new world
It's Childe not child

May the odds be ever in your favour

27 1 0
By nuttytani

"Dear Milleliths, you might have the wrong person," Master Liu Siu speaks up at last and tries to walk closer to where Childe was.

He is blocked by the Millelith that crowded around the redhead and gets a polite warning instead. "We indeed have the right person. Please don't be fooled by this innocent looking man, Liu Siu Xiansheng," the commander of the group says as he gives a nasty glare towards Childe.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. I have never used counterfeit mora in my life," Childe counters, feeling confused about this predicament he is currently in.

The commander looks as if he wants to roll his eyes but refrains himself and continues to speak, "Further discussions regarding this matter will be after we take you to Jade Chamber. Stop resisting, and perhaps you might receive a lighter punishment for your blasphemy."

A handful of the teahouse patrons start their murmuring. It's not loud, but enough to make out what they're saying.

"Tsk tsk tsk... See, this is why we should never trust a qigai."

"What do you mean by qigai? He doesn't behave like one. I'm sure you meant to say Snezhnayan. Aiyah...Sometimes I wonder why Dijun and the Qixing let them all trade in the harbour."

"Hush now! Don't be rude. It's the Fatui who are trouble."

"And? Most Fatui are Snezhnayans."

"Oh...I thought the boy was from Fontaine, blue eyes and all."

"Pshhh... I heard the boy talk distinctly in Snezhnayan a few times to himself. I'm not that old to be deaf."

So they've already begun to gossip, huh.

There was no way out of this. The gods must truly hate him. Not only did he get fooled in Liyue, arrive in a strange Liyue, and get called names by the locals, but also got accused of creating counterfeit mora. Well, the gods hated him, since the instant he was born. How could he forget about falling into the abyss at the shy age of 14? Which entirely changed the trajectory of his life.

Childe pauses his self-deprecating thoughts, with a resigned sigh, he holds his hands out, and the Milleliths in charge quickly handcuff him. Meanwhile, Sir Fan Er'ye and Master Liu Siu observed the entire scene play with an unfamiliar look in their eyes. Surely, it must be disgust. He couldn't tell– with the way the two were frowning so hard.

With arrogance, one of the younger Milleliths harrumphs, and tips his head upwards, "Let us leave." He then pointedly scrutinises Childe and resumes his spiel, "Don't think about escaping! It's nearly impossible to. Those handcuffs are made specially by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenzhun."

I wasn't even going to escape, you doofus. How annoying.

"Yes, yes.... Tie me up, bind me, strip me, whatever. I will not run away, lest I want the wrath of the rock," he says in an annoyed voice. Speaking with these haughty Milleliths and nobles rubbed him in all the wrong ways.

The Millelith however looks back at him with scorn, it seems like he said something wrong because the soldier replies with seething venom, "How dare you carelessly speak of his imperial majesty like that! Another word and I might as well chop that tongue off!"

"Youxu– that's enough. There will be consequences if you act without orders," the commander cautions the younger.

"But Ge... I mean... Seargent Fengyan, this lunatic needs to be disciplined!" the one named Youxu says in earnest.

"Indeed, however, we are unqualified to issue such punishments." He reprimands Youxu, before facing his team. "Soldiers, make haste. It will be sundown by the time we make it to Yujing Terrace," Sergeant Fengyan barks out loud enough for the entire teahouse to hear and there is pin drop silence. All the chattering stopped.

Every single Millelith saluted Sergeant Fengyan and in unison, all yelled hooah.


Now, that is how Childe stood, in front of the three Qixing ladies. His hands were still bound by the handcuffs and the Milleliths had blocked his every movement with their spears all around him. They were on guard twice as much. It appeared that his his last encounter with the soldiers in Yiyan Temple was not forgotten.

If it weren't for the strange Adepti handcuffs on his wrists, he would have escaped this place in record time. Except then he'd be 1) fugitive with a bounty on top of his head for apparently using counterfeit mora 2) his imperial majesty, the almighty Yanwang Dijun and his Adepti friends would capture him in a second. So frankly, there's no point in running away. He just hopes this is all some strange misunderstanding because he has never used fake mora, ever.

"You foreigner, named Childe, speak at once, about how you got hold of counterfeit mora." Tianquan, Lady Ningguang, looked down at him, from the stage she stood, alongside Yuheng and Secretary Ganyu. Her gaze was sharp, her bright umber eyes stared deep into him, examining.

Someone from the Milleliths surrounding him whispered amongst themselves, "I thought it was child– as in haizi."

"Tsk tsk, Yong'an-Ge... It is Childe, as in young nobleman," the other Millelith responded in a hushed tone.

"Oh... Isn't he a qigai? You know...The clothes and all."

"That's the confusing part, is he trying to play the game of opposi–"

"Please, remain silent. We wish to hear what the convict has to say," Keqing ordered, especially at the chattering pair. The hall indeed becomes completely quiet, save for the constant breathing of all and the heavy atmosphere lingering in the air.

Childe cleared his throat and brought the attention of everyone in the Jade Chamber hall, to himself. Ah– he is unsure about what to say. It's not like the Qixing would believe his words, not after their last meeting and specifically after they're convinced that he made fake mora.

With carefully constructing words in his head, Childe raised his voice, "Members of respected Qixing. I'm confused as to why I'm brought here in your office, in such a manner, it might be hard to believe since you all seem to have a biased opinion of me... however– I swear on my life and the Archon of love, that I have never created nor distributed counterfeit mora." He took a deep breath and kneeled on the ground, while the Milleliths adjusted their spears around him. "All I want is to go back to my original world, and there is no reason for me to produce fake mora, especially when I require the help of your Archon to send me back home."

As if tired of hearing him talk, Keqing heaved a loud sigh. She glanced back and forth between Lady Ningguang and Secretary Ganyu. Finally, she beckoned one of the secretary ladies, who stood on the side.

"Baixiao, please bring the pouch over and the records please," Secretary Ganyu addressed the shorter woman.

"Yes, right away." Baixiao bowed, disappeared quickly and appeared just as fast. Her hands held a huge pouch of mora and a stack of documents, she handed them over to Ganyu.

Click-clack of Ganyu's heels echoed in the Jade Chamber hall, as she delicately stepped down the stage and walked towards Childe. Her expression betrayed no emotions, as she opened the pouch of mora (the same pouch he gave to that perverted Lao Guai) in her hands, and proceeded to pull a coin out.

She took a long look at it, flipping the sides over and over until she was satisfied with whatever she saw. "Baiwen, please take a note of serial number LE22300769."

"Yes, Secretary Ganyu."

"This year's minting of mora started with the letter C. The serialisation of mora with the letter L is supposed to happen 9 years from now. The letter E denotes the batch number. The serial number of the mora I have just read, which I shall repeat; LE22300769." Ganyu closed her eyes and muttered something under her breath, before staring him down with cold and unfeeling eyes.

"This originated from you, Mister Childe."

That doesn't sound good... At all. Is he doomed? An ex-harbinger put into jail for the production of counterfeit mora, how funny. Especially when the Qixing couldn't even lift a finger at him after the release of Osial. Funny indeed. He was actually doomed.

He thought all mora was the same. Well, not exactly, but mora is mora. The ones he has or had in possession are in fact, very real and not fake. At least not in the other Liyue. Who knew using it would land him in shit? Childe thinks hysterically. Doomed from the start, he was using his precious mora pouches from day 1 in this Liyue.

"Mister Childe? Will you still claim to not know anything?" Ningguang questioned, sweetly.

Her words were like the final nail to his coffin, or so he felt. Would he even get a coffin? Perhaps he should have brought Hu Tao's free 2 coffin coupon deal. Although it would be invalid in this Liyue.

Someone snickered, finding this situation entertaining at his expense.

Laugh at me all you want, assholes.

"Mister Childe, if you don't have any evidence to prove yourself to be innocent, then I'm afraid, we have no choice but to sentence you to 3 years of imprisonment, such states the law of Liyue," Ningguang resumed speaking, while also giving the snickering fools a stern look. "I must say, these new Milleliths have no sense of dignity. Sergeant Fengyan, I believe your work is cut out for you."

Sergeant Fengyan felt quite ashamed on behalf of his new unit. It didn't look good for him as their leader; it painted Fengyan as an irresponsible commander. The soldiers of his unit had misbehaved multiple times in front of the Qixing today. He bowed deeply and apologised, "I will make sure to discipline them well, Lady Ningguang."

She simply nodded.

Although the attention from Childe was shortly directed elsewhere, Keqing, the Yuheng, had been staring at him for quite some time. Never straying her gaze from him, observing. When he at last met her unwavering and quite uncomfortable watch, she gave him a mischievous grin.

"So, I've been wondering, and please indulge my genuine question, Mister Childe, how were you able to replicate mora? They feel like the real deal, the only mistake you've made is the serialisation of them." Keqing quirked a brow and took a scroll out of her dress pocket, scribbling something down with her brush pen.

Childe grimaced, he knew she wouldn't believe him, they clearly didn't when he tried to 'explain' himself mere moments ago, opting to completely ignore what he said instead. A million thoughts passed in his mind. What would he do? What should he say? What options were left? He was once again aware of how alone he was in this place, no one he could trust, no one to rely on and certainly no one to pull him out of this mess.

Sure, he may be friendly with Granny Ping, Master Liu Siu and some other elderly people who were kind to him, but do they truly care for him? For Liyuens in this world, he's nothing but a sorry looking miserable qigai and now a criminal. For all he knows, the elderlies might have felt pity about his circumstances and wanted to be generous to score some moral points. Plus, it's not like the people back in the other Liyue liked him.

He breathes in.

He breathes out.

Grounding his emotions right now is the most important task at the moment. If there's one thing he learned from Master Skirk, is that nothing can be done with a tangled heart. Childe, with much hesitation, opens his mouth but the words are stuck in his throat. He has nothing to say nor any evidence to prove his innocence.

"Mister Childe? You don't have to tell me, we will eventually find out ourselves. The Qixing is capable enough for that, so there's no need for the magician to reveal their secrets," she mocked, with her self-assured grin.

There was an abrupt murmur. All the Millelith stood at attention. The golden door to the Jade Chamber hall opened up. The pair of guards by the door clacked their spears against the marble flooring and stood ramrod straight before announcing in unison, "His Imperial Majesty, Yanwang Dijun, arrives!"

"Pay your respects to Dijun."

The heavy ornate door flung open, as the Archon made his entry. Every single person bowed and recited, "Thousands of blessings to our lord!"

Yanwang Dijun, in plain words, looked stunning. He was dressed to the nines, as usual. He wore beige coloured robes with golden iridescent embroidery on the cloth; they were scale like patterns– Childe concluded after a proper look. His silky hair was in a loose braid today, tied at the end with a yellow ribbon. In his hand, he held a foldable fan. A dainty little thing, a white background that had multiple blue glaze lilies painted.

Childe could stare at him with a dumbfounded expression. Not even bothering to rise from his kneeling position. Not for long, though. The Millelith who stood next to him must have witnessed his less than respectful stare. The soldier grabbed him by the arm, yanked him up to his feet and pushed on Childe's back to make him forcefully bow.

This was like deja vu. He swore something like this happened before.

Dijun's amber eyes briefly looked at every person, before eventually stopping at the young man with copper hair. It lingered there for a moment before he finally cleared his throat.

"Rise." Yanwang Dijun's voice reverberated in the hall.

All stood straight once more, and the soldier let go of Childe's back.

"Pray tell, what is going on here?" Dijun asked quizzically while fanning himself. His people were stunned at their Archon's arrival, they did not imagine he would show up at the Jade Chamber, not at this hour. Besides, he rarely ever visited the Jade Chamber, unless the Qixing required his help. Dijun mostly spent his time in Yiyan Temple, busy with his own set of responsibilities.

Everyone stood in silence for a minute or two. That is until Ningguang broke the awkward air by finally speaking, "Greetings, my lord. As you can see, we're all fulfilling our duties as the Qixing. Rest assured."

"Qixing duties that include accusing innocent foreigners," Childe muttered softly. He could hardly hold himself back from rolling his eyes. Though at the moment he had no proof or evidence to prove his innocence, it didn't change the fact that he didn't commit any crime. Well... no crimes in this Liyue, yet.

Unknown to Childe, Yanwang Dijun heard him mumble, every single word. Possibly thanks to his extraordinary hearing from being an Adeptus. He snapped his white fan closed and slowly stepped towards Childe.

"Innocent foreigner, you say?" Dijun placed his fan underneath Childe's chin and tipped his face to meet the god's gaze. Golden slitted eyes stared deep into his own, seeking something. Seeking what? Childe did not know. But he felt a wave of goosebumps rise on his skin from the sudden act. He was caught off guard, and that wasn't good. It meant his mask of calm had slipped.

"Hmm? Tell me. Do you consider yourself to be innocent?" Dijun questioned again.

Childe was silent as he pondered. Would answering the question make the man step away and give him some personal space? Would it make his fake mora predicament better? He doubted, but even so, it was worth a shot.

"Yes," he replied with furrowed brows.

Dijun kept staring into his eyes, unblinking. Eventually, the fan under his chin lifted away and with a sunny smile, the Archon moved away at last, turning his back. The fan in his hands snapped open and Dijun sighed, "You all heard him. He's innocent."

At that moment, the entire Jade Chamber hall erupted in chaos. Millelith and the respected members of the Qixing were crying and shouting at poor ol' Yanwang Dijun to rethink his choice.

"Your majesty, he is a foreigner qigai who committed blasphemy! How can you let him off so easily?" someone from the honourable Qixing, raised their voice.

"My lord, you know nothing of his deeds. He basically scammed the old and used his young and pretty face to get into their hearts!" one of the Milleliths yelled.

"Are you enchanted by him too, your majesty? Is that why you're letting this... man named Childe, off the hook?" Keqing joined in.

Baishi, who had been quiet this entire time, speaks up, "Dear Yuheng, how could you accuse our lord like that! Our esteemed lord is not one to be charmed by a pretty face,"

"I agree!" The other two Tianquan secretaries; Baiwen and Baixiao, also jumped onto the bandwagon.

Amidst the chaos of constant arguing and protests between the members of Qixing and the Millelith, Yanwang Dijun stood in the middle, looking slightly amused. The corner of his lips had a slight curl. For some reason, he seemed to find the state of his government humorous.

Childe did not find this funny at all. Not a single bit. He wanted to pry open the Archon's head to know what was going on inside that head. Was he off the rockers? Did he take something? His entire government was fighting and the old man wasn't even doing anything? Even the ever quiet Ganyu was taking part in this.

At last, Dijun seemed to have enough kick from the crisis. He raised his hand halfway, motioning all to keep quiet.

"Now, I do find all of your theories and assumptions to be interesting, to say the least." Dijun smiled in such a way that his eyes crinkled around the corners and formed crescents. He continued, "Even so, this is getting out of hand. Please refrain yourselves, you are all members of the Qixing and Millelith... Maintain some semblance of professionalism."

The entire crowd looked like children who were scolded by parents. Shuffling their feet and unable to face their lord. They all kept their heads down in embarrassment. Baiwen, on the other hand, seemed to be looking serious by the second as she whispered into Lady Ningguang's ear. As if agreeing, Ningguang nodded with a severe look on her face. She glanced towards Childe, with a distrust.

He wondered what she was plotting; it was difficult to tell. This entire scene felt like a part of a comedy from the theatre plays back in Snezhnaya and he held himself back from laughing his head off, which was becoming tough as each moment passed. Except, he was the source of comedy, the clown, and that wasn't something to laugh at.

"I beg your forgiveness, on behalf of the members of Qixing and Millelith, my lord. We're all expressing genuine concern, as you do not know the severity of the crimes, Mister Childe, has committed," said Ningguang, as she motioned for Ganyu to pass over the documents to Dijun; to which, he received with a thanks and proceeded to look over them with a cursory glance.

"Mister Childe has produced and distributed counterfeit mora in huge amounts. We found out after a thorough investigation, that the employees of Bubu Pharmacy received a suspicious amount of mora from one of their customers. Out of the blue too, I might add," Ningguang carried on.

To which, Dijun responded with a soft chuckle, "I am well aware, Lady Ningguang."

"I believe you do not. Ganyu, please bring in the pouch of mora," she ordered. Not a minute too late, Ganyu arrived with the pouch of mora. Once again, Ganyu presented it to Dijun. He didn't even bother to take it.

"Please, I implore you to check them, my lord."

"Hmm...But I can already tell that these mora coins are not fake, Lady Ningguang. The geo energy within the pouch of mora you have shown me is undoubtedly the same as any other mora coin in the Golden House–"

Keqing frowned and opened her mouth, "But–"

Dijun raised his hand halfway. "Let me continue. I know of your concerns. I am well aware that the serial codes on these mora coins do not match with what we have available amongst the common folk, also the fact that these should have been distributed at least 9 years later," he paused, and gave a short look at Childe. "However, this does not mean that the mora Mister Childe has distributed is fake. It's very real. Now we may all be wondering, then why is it that the codes differ so much?"

The emperor positively glowed when he said, "Simple! The mora he has used is not from this world."

"Your majesty, that is absurd! Do you really believe the words of a nobody?" It seems Keqing had enough of Yanwang Dijun's speech and couldn't help but intervene at last.

"Ah yes, a nobody indeed. Don't you find it strange that there is no record of a person named 'Childe'? After our brief encounter with him in the temple, I contacted Devi Kusanali. She confirmed that there is no one such as Childe nor Tartaglia in Teyvat." The god hands the documents and the pouch over to Ganyu and steps closer towards where Childe stood. "No record of him in the world tree at all, which is impossible. His claims about being from another world are true. It explains why his 'mora' feels real yet the codes are different."

The entire hall stares with uncertainty at Childe. They couldn't believe their ears. Even their lord confirmed that this so-called qigai, was in fact from another world, how could it be?

"Now, now. No need to be surprised. First, let us release Mister Childe from his handcuffs." Dijun calls for one of the younger Milleliths, named Yong'an, who held the keys.

Childe felt his body tense as the god strode towards him, a bit too close for comfort. Childe could smell the mild scent of silk flowers wafting from his robes, as he slipped the key into the hole of the cuffs and twisted it back and forth. The key made squeaky noises while the god struggled to unlock the handcuffs.

The key made a weird click sound, and the esteemed Yanwang Dijun paused in his ministrations. Blinking slowly at the handcuffs.

Dijun peeked from beneath his eyelashes and smiled apologetically. "Ah. It seems the key is stuck."

"What?" asked Childe, feeling wary.

"The key which unlocks your handcuffs. It is stuck," the esteemed Yanwang Dijun repeated himself.

All the officials and soldiers wanted to laugh, but they resisted the temptation. Biting on their lips to keep their giggles in. But a few of them couldn't help but snort like pigs at how things were progressing. Childe too, wanted to join in and laugh hysterically. Not at Dijun, not at himself, but at his luck. His terrible luck.

"I heard you fine the first time," he replied. "Are you doing this on purpose?"

Youxu, the young Millelith harshly pointed at Childe in anger. "How dare you accuse our lord like that! Apologise immediately, you–"

"Youxu-Ge, please... Calm down!" Yong'an covered his friend's mouth, as Sergeant Fengyan glared at the two. They were given a final warning by the Sergeant, and if they didn't behave themselves, the two would be escorted out and be barred from joining in cases for a month. The two young Milleliths immediately paled and profusely apologised and bowed multiple times. The rest of the soldiers were also given a warning, and all seemed pretty mortified for their actions.

"My apologies, Mister Childe... Please, hold still for a moment." Dijun grabs Childe's hands to extend the arms out. He placed his palm, in a spearhand position, between the handcuffs and swiftly struck it. The cuffs split in half and fell with a clang onto the marble floor.

Lady Keqing was not impressed as she folded her arms. "You'd have to replace that, my lord."

"Of course, I shall ask Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun to provide you with another." He then shifted to face Childe. "Well then! You are free to go, but before that, I would like to apologise to you for the disrespect."

Childe tilted his head and pinched his chin as if contemplating, before he immediately replied, "No, why should I? What will I receive in turn if I do accept your apology? Nothing– exactly. No, thank you."

Hundreds of eyes were glaring at his back, if they stared any longer, Childe would be burnt to a crisp, like the one time Anthon left the fire on and accidentally charred the rice. Of course, his brother was scolded by Tonia, who put him in charge of making rice. She pulled him by the ear and stood next to him to watch as Anthon started to cook a new batch of rice.

Dijun made a blank face as if he didn't expect it, but he instantly changed it back into his polite smile. If Childe wasn't staring so intently at the Archon, he might have missed it.

"Well then, how about a tour of Liyue? You haven't been long in this world, I assume. There's a lot to see and shop in the land of commerce," Dijun quickly regained himself and countered. His officials did not like the idea as they started to grumble and chatter again but stopped as their lord gave them an exasperated look. "What do you say?" he asked, sweetly, with that blinding smile and warm amber eyes.

Wait– why is he even thinking like that? Childe scolds himself in his mind.

"Fine. On one condition though," he sighed. "You, Yanwang Dijun, the Lord of Geo, shall pay for everything."

"It's a contract." Dijun looked pleased as he lightly nodded.


Cicadas hummed and a pleasant summer breeze passed by. Bubu Pharmacy was quiet and serene. Most of the employees were on a lunch break. Well, most being Qiqi. Herbalist Gui had to stay behind as Dr Baizhu was away from the harbour.

Someone pushed the door, causing the wind chime next to it to ring. An old man with his walking stick slowly shuffled towards the counter.

"Oh... Guai Yeye! Welcome!" Herbalist Gui greeted the old man with a wide smile.

"Long time no see, here again for your joints?" the youth asked, whilst placing measured doses of medicine into paper pouches and labelling them neatly with his inky brush pen.

"Good afternoon, young man, ahh yes yes. The usual please," Lao Guai rasped. He coughed into his fist as his body shook. He looked around the pharmacy with keen eyes. Particularly at the herbal blends that had tags such as 'great for stamina!' or 'no more back pain'.

Herbalist Gui nodded at the old man and twisted to face the wooden drawers, opening a few. He flips through the paper pouches with the names of the customers who'd receive them.

"Hmm...Not here.. Just a moment, Yeye." The young man glanced back and promised to return soon, as he went into one of the staff-only rooms, and in a brief moment came out with a bright smile.

"Here you go, and that will be 850 mora." He hands the medicine over to Lao Guai.

Lao Guai opened his mouth only to erupt in a coughing fit, once he calmed down he thanked Gui and paid him. Gui, however, looked at the old man with concern. He knew that the elderly had developed a nasty cough because of the ever changing weather recently, but instead of improving, whenever he met the old man, he seemed to get worse.

"Would you like me to pack you some expectorants for your cough? On the house, since you're a regular."

"Aiyah... I'd feel too bad for that, young lad... But who am I to deny free medicine?" Lao Guai's eyes crinkled as he chuckled heartily. "That reminds me, would you mind packing a few of those back pain and stamina blends? Maybe it'll help me a bit, my wife's been complaining that I'm always crying about my back and lack of energy... If you know what I mean"

Gui hummed and grabbed the blends from the display shelves. "That will be 5000 mora in total."

Lao Guai just drops a big pouch of mora on the counter. "Take this entire thing. Recently landed jackpot, you see. Think of it as advanced payment."

The young man quirked his brow but he kept quiet and took the heavy pouch without complaint. He had seen plenty of things in this pharmacy, and this didn't even make him bat a lash. He just hopes that this elderly hasn't taken an interest in gambling, otherwise he will make sure to inform his wife promptly.

He sends the man off with a wave and resumes work. Lunch break was probably over as Qiqi came back and placed her basket, filled with herbs, on the counter.

"Did you have your lunch, Qiqi?" Gui asked while grabbing the basket from where it was placed and carrying it back into the storeroom. He came back and sighed, plopping down on the chair in front of the little girl.

"Qiqi...ate..." she replied, in a slow manner; to which she received a soft pinch on the cheek.

"Gui is sad now– I thought we would eat lunch together," he makes a comically sad face at her.

Now, Qiqi also frowns looking at Gui and gives him a pat on the shoulder. "Qiqi... Eat lunch with Gui... Tomorrow... Don't cry."

While Herbalist Gui and Qiqi were having a sweet moment, a lady in dark blue clothing sneaked in and rummaged through the cash counter. After finding whatever she was looking for, she grabbed the heavy pouch of mora and replaced it with the one hanging on her waist. Effortlessly, she tiptoed out of the pharmacy, unnoticed.


Author's Notes for Chapter 3

I did not expect this chapter to be so dialogue heavy... I kind of feel that this was a bit crack and maybe a bit exaggerated? But I'm not sure. Sorry in advance if it is TT

[1] Handcuffs - With Fontaine's release and all, I thought having proper metal handcuffs would be much better. Though I thought about the Millelith binding Childe's arms with rope! But he's too strong for that, so magic-strengthened metal handcuffs it is!

[2] Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun - Cloud Retainer's CN name. The zhenjun part is a title, it means lord. Sorry, I won't be using CR's human/mortal name; Xianyun, even though it's tempting and probably much easier, gotta keep the names consistent, since Rex Lapis goes by Yanwang Dijun.

[3] Ge - Short for Gege which stands for elder brother / big bro. Used for family members and close friends.

[4] Hooah - A type of greeting that soldiers use, it means everything and anything, except no. I always thought it was spelled as 'hah'. You learn new things everyday.

[5] three Qixing ladies - Found out that Ganyu was not actually a Liyue Qixing member, as in the bigshot members who do the important work. She is their secretary :"D omg and I've been playing the game for the past 2 years now... I'm disappointed in myself, not that it's a new thing.

[6] NPC Milleliths - They are actually in the game! Nope I didn't make them up. The only made up characters were Luo Xiansheng and Lao Guai from the first chapter. Again, any names you'll see in this fic are most likely in the game, unless I state otherwise in the A/N

[7] Devi Kusanali - Nahida's title. I hate to use the "lesser lord lord Kusanali" thing so I just went with Devi (which means goddess).

[8] Spearhand - image below

[9] Yeye - Grandfather/grandpa

[10] Expectorant - A type of cough medicine that loosens up the mucus in your airway and helps the secretions to come out more easily through coughs. 

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