Give Me Your Forever

By Ppriyanim

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Have you ever been invested in someone who was once in love with someone else? Have you ever asked yourself... More

Chapter 1: In The Small Town
Chapter 2:Liking You is a Curse
Chapter 3: Spring Day
Chapter 4: Don't Go Too Far
Chapter 5: A Haunting Smile
Chapter 6: Just the Two of Them
Chapter 8: First Rain
Chapter 9: You Were Her
Chapter 10: Heat Chaser
Chapter 11: Help A Friend
Chapter 12: Once Was
Chapter 13: The Queen & Pawn
Chapter 14: To Where You Are
Chapter 15: Nothing More
Chapter 16: Couple Discount
Chapter 17: It's A Nightmare
Chapter 18: Lies After Lies
Chapter 19: It Was Him
Chapter 20: I like you?
Chapter 21: Kiss & Goodbye
Chapter 22: Thousand Fireflies
Chapter 23: Her Surprise
Chapter 24: Stop Calling Me Baby

Chapter 7: Push & Pull

465 35 13
By Ppriyanim

What would you do if you saw someone dealing with nightmares?

Would you ignore them and move on with your life?

Or would you rather wake them up to ease them?

Lisa knows well how bad it is, every time her mind a drift to her mother for one day, she would eventually have nightmares the following nights. She understood how bad her heart would shatter to pieces and her eyes ended up crying for long hours because she can't get the trauma out of her mind. And seeing Jungkook experiences nightmare right in front of her eyes, somehow making her own kind of nightmares going back in.

When he's trying to reach out his hand to something, asking for his father's too reach. She reached out to him without any much thinking, what she wanted was to wake him up from his misery.


But instead, he woke up by himself, accidentally gripping on her wrist that she could feel her muscle ripping and her bone is going to break.

As Jungkook shouted his despair, she was forced to sit on the coffee table after being pulled with him. And even though she hated his teaseful manner and swore her life to hate him forever, his tears on the side of his cheek touch her soft heart.

She sympathizes him.

She understood quite well how painful it is to lose a parent. She was there on his father's funeral, seeing him in his most vulnerable moment of his life. His father is a great man, a man who would apologize in his son's stead.

She remembered quite well what he said on that day he apologized,

"Lisa-ssi, please forgive my son, he's as immature he was since he's a kid," his father chuckled that his eyes is almost closed.

"But he is a good man as you get to know him," His father held her hand and said, "Please get along well so he wouldn't be lonely without me."

That was five years ago, now he is gone, Jungkook changed drastically in a small amount of time. He was still playful but not as much as before. He was full of dreams, now those dreams are gone as he just follow the flow of the current of the water with no direction.

He is lost, he doesn't care if his father's hard work business gone by away from his hands, because of one reason. His mother.

That woman never liked her, she remembered Jungkook's last birthday on his house. His mother glared at her like in disgust, she even once brought up a rumor that Lisa might be seducing Jungkook's father but everything was debunked. She hated her too, Just like Jungkook did. However, she knew Jungkook's hatred is not as shallow as her, she knew it was deeper than any water.

But even if that is the case, his grip is tightening that she flinched so she had to call him out,

"Can you let go of my arm now?"

She watches him as he paused with his eyes wide open staring at his hand gripping on wrist. He turn to her side in seconds before he removed his grip a little harsh, she frowned, "W-What are you doing here?"

Lisa rubbed her arm he gripped on. It feels better on her wrist but his stare is getting uncomfortable for her but she doesn't know how to leave the situation. All she did is to avoid his eyes and relax her rapid heart.

"Y-You're having a nightmare," She stuttered, still in pain but never shows it. She looked at the yakult on the table, avoiding his eyes before unconsciously giving it to him to ease out the awkwardness between them.

"Here," Lisa gave him one of her yakult, "It's still cold, it'll refreshen you up a bit, it's quite hot today,"

"T-Thanks," Jungkook stuttered in response, he took the drink from her nonetheless.

She stood up from the table she sat on and turn around without any looking. Lisa almost slapped herself from getting embarrassed! She hopes that he didn't noticed the redness of her ears or humiliation will kill her to the ground.

That was so close! So close she could feel his breathing on her skin! It was the closest proximity they had afar from other circumstances, especially when he's teasing her with photographs.

"Ahh!!!" And as she went out of the store, she yelled beneath her breath not allowing the man to hear her shame for doing so. What if he thinks she's a creep for staying next to him while he sleeps? What if he thinks she's attracted to him?! Oh no! She even closed the blinds for him!!!

"What am I thinking?!" Lisa held the two sides of her head, "Why did I do that?!"

Lisa panicked, overthinking through her head. Twisting and turning whether she should just get back and turn the blinds off again or should she just let it slide like nothing happened?! What is the best thing she should do right now?!

This is life crisis!

Jungkook might get a wrong idea!!

"Is that Lisa?"

Lisa got startled after a voice of a woman called her name. It wasn't Chaeyoung but thankfully it wasn't Jungkook either. Somehow she felt relaxed that it wasn't him, but then she realizes who the woman was and the girls she's with.

"It really is her.." The girl smirked at her sight, "I'm Min Seo Jin you remember me?" "You finally went out of your hiding place, thought we couldn't find you anywhere,"

Scratch that, she preferred Jungkook over these girls.

They're a handful and headache for years because their "oppa" likes her. These girls are the presidents of Jimin's fan girls, Min Seo Jin, Kang Mun Hyung, and Lee So Ri,

"Of course I know you, Seojin," She said nonchalantly.

Seojin scoffed as they , "So you finally broke up with Jimin huh?"

"Jimin and I never dated," She coldly answered straightforwardly, seemingly relaxed even though she's being cornered.

"So you never dated but you're playing with his heart?" Mun Hyung crossed her arms. "I didn't know such a woman like you would be a play girl,"

Lisa chuckled lightly with the stupid rumor, "Look, I have no plan on entertaining you girls any further, if it's because his outburst.. you got it all wrong, it's a misunderstanding,"

"Outburst?! He is mad because you played him!" So Ri yelled, "All he did was be good to you but all you did was to hurt his feelings over and over! You bitch!"

"Right! And because of that he left so soon!" "He should have been here for more than two weeks but he already left because of you!" Min Seo Jin said.

"I hate you, you bitch!" "You should be the one leaving not him!" Mun Hyung yelled.

Lisa's cold and ruthlessly sharp eyes glared at them. She wanted to pardon their stupid lies but to be honest it's been four days since Jimin's commotion. She thought it should have died down by now but still, these girls waits for this time.

"You know if you want to spread rumors around, get things more factual than lies," "Jimin isn't my type to play along with,"

"Mw-Mwo?! Play along?!"

"Are we a joke to you?!" Min Seo Jin yelled.

"Do you want to die?!"

Lisa smirked at the sight of them, they are just weak girls who probably don't even know basic self defense, so why would she fear them?

"Why? do you think I'm joking?" "I don't like Jimin, he's not my type, we never dated, so what's not clicking?" Lisa sarcastically said, not minding the threats she got.

"You really want to die huh?" They scoffed at her as they narrowed space between them. Acting like a thug on the street.

"You deserve a good beating, you fucking bi—

"Lisa what are you doing there?"

The bell rang on the store, that caught their attention at the same time Jungkook went out of the convenience store, lightning the his cigarette on his finger. The girls who were about to smack her face with their hands back down seeing Jungkook looking at them in seriousness.

His glare sent tremble down to their spine that they all felt terrified of him.

Lisa got intimidated by him too, but she was ready for their attack. Thankfully she doesn't need to lay hands. Not wanting to escalate things, she decided to cover up the girls' intention, "Nothing, they're just asking for directions I guess,"

"Direction? I don't think so," Jungkook raise one of his brows, seeing Mun hyung's hand still lifted on the air.

He looked at her straight into the eyes, Mun Hyung can feel the coldness of his stare, "Why is your hand looks like you're about to slap her then?"

"Ah.. Jungkook oppa.." Mun hyung moved further away from Lisa, but instead with going with Lisa's initial plan to cover them up, they decided to say the truth, "We-we're just disciplining her for hurting Jimin oppa!"

"Oh god, these stupid girls," Lisa face palmed herself.

"Disciplining someone older than you? That's insane," Jungkook hit on his cigarette chuckling sarcastically, "It's either you're full of yourself or you three have no manner for coming here to hurt someone innocent,"

"Are you a bully?" Jungkook asked them while the noise of the girls made other neighbor gather from afar, including Chaeyoung who heard Jungkook defending Lisa since the beginning. She couldn't believe it in her eyes, she was dumbfounded and silently watching him.

"She's the bully! She hurt Jimin! She should leave this place not him!" "She's just an outside here anyway!" Seo Jin yelled, "Because of her we saw Jimin cried!"

"You did?" Jungkook looked at her, she looked nervous, "Did you ever know what really happened that night?" "Because as far as I can remember I was there entirely,"

Lisa creased her brows, listening to him disciplining the young ones. He was there? How much did he heard? She thought to herself.


"Jimin misunderstood her," Jungkook dropped his half burnt cigarette and kill it with his shoes. Turning to the neighbors that gathered near them.

"For all your brains to understand, she met up with her father in Seoul, it's not a boyfriend you all thought she has!" Jungkook yelled loud for everyone can here. Even the gossiping neighbor who can't keep their mouth shut for a week. It's so stupid.

"But does it matter if she has a boyfriend or not? Jimin is the one who keeps pushing himself to her and she kept telling him no for years," "How did I know? I've been friends with her for five years while all of you have no idea who she was,"

Jungkook sent them a glare, that may have been a threat on their point of view, "So if you don't have anything good to say, just keep your mouth shut and leave her alone,"

"I'm the only one who can bother her,
"don't you dare try to ruin my mood,"

"Or you'll see how badly I can do to this neighborhood," Jungkook's voice resonated right through her ears, she couldn't believe everything he just said. Her mind goes blank as she stare at his back, backing away from the commotion towards the parking lot.

The girls who felt embarrassed by the crowd run for their lives while Chaeyoung gets close to her. Both of them look at each other, confused.

What happened to Jeon Jungkook? Did he really lost his mind after the nightmare?!

Nonetheless the commotion died after Jungkook's statement. No! It was definitely a threat! A threat for the gossiping town of Cheon Seon!

He is known for his brutal words in this place but peoole knew he would never mention any lies. Particularly if he's talking to many people at once, he has a good reputation because of that. And people fear to get on his nerves.

But whatever it is, Lisa is convinced that he really loosen up some screw after he woke up, there's no better explanation than that.

"Wh-What the hell was that.." Her jaw dropped as she followed his figure with her eyes before he left on his car.


Jungkook arrived at his apartment with the sky turned gray as soon as he arrived. After parking his car on his garage, he hops out of his car to be surprised by a sudden visitor. He thought his day wouldn't be dramatic after he defended Lisa from the girls but this woman who's more stubborn than him followed him to his house.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked her, closing the door of his car.

"Can't I visit you now? I'm going to leave tomorrow, I just want to clear the air between us," Min Hee answered him.

Jungkook lips twitched from this wicked woman. How can she be so naive to be wholly fooled by his mom? She would do anything just to get to his mom's side even if she knew it would piss him off.

Jungkook didn't answered her as he started walking towards the house. Min Hee got frustrated by his action that the next thing she does is to pull him strong enough to look at her.

"Why are you avoiding me?" "Why did you left me there even if you knew what really your mother wants!?" Min Hee asked, angrily.

"Can't you read the mood?" "The graysky is as depressing as my mood right now Min Hee, don't ruin it," Jungkook asked her back, "Can't you see that I don't want to talk about it anymore?"

"No Jungkook, you're being stubborn and childish all over again!" "What will you do if Kang family knows about this?!" "What will you do if your Uncle knows about this?!" Min Hee yelled.

"I don't care Min Hee, I don't fucking care!" "Can you not understand that?!" "Can we not have this conversation?!" Jungkook yelled.

"You should care because I care!!" "I care about your reputation, I care about your relationship with your family!" Min Hee yelled back.

"Then what about me?!" Jungkook burst out his anger, "Have you ever thought for one second, that I might be angry when you pulled out those schemes," "When you clearly! Clearly knows I don't want to see her!"

"That is your mom for goodness sake! Your own mother who wanted nothing but good things to you!" Min Hee argued.

"Good thing?!" "Is her affair a good thing that made my father became miserable?!" "To do nothing when he is on a brick of death, and decided to change her name back as soon as his funeral ended like nothing happened?!" "Like my father's death is nothing to her! And after that what?! She even let her fucking paramour live in my house! MY OWN FUCKING HOUSE GODDAMN IT!" "Is that a good thing to you?!" Jungkook asked.

"I thought you would be a good lawyer Min Hee, I thought you're built different, you see that woman did a crime," "She had an adultery even before my father's death, she was caught having an affair! Even threatened my father with divorce to take the business away from him," "But you're siding with her even though I gave you clear boundaries between us,"

"I.." Jungkook pointed at himself, his eyes felt tearing just like the sky about to rain, "I don't want anything to do with her, nor anything to dealt what her life after she killed my father,"

"Do you know what Kang Family are saying about her? They say she finally found her happiness after being trapped from my outdated father!" "But to me, she's nothing but a murderer, so don't blame me if I left you there for siding a criminal," Jungkook chases his breath, turning his back on her but what she said made him stop.

"She just wanted to be family with you ag—

"I SAID STOP!!" "STOP INTERFERING WITH MY LIFE!" Jungkook yelled, "Whatever your reason is, you have no right to push me off to my limits!" "Who are you to tell me what to do?!"

"Who are you to— *slap!*

Jungkook felt a slap on his face, it wasn't painful but he is shocked. This is the first time he had been slapped by someone, it angered him so much.

"I'm your girlfriend!"

"I'm doing this for your future and our future! because I don't want you to regret things!" "I don't want you to live miserable Jungkook," "And the only thing I know what's best for you is to reconcile with your mom that's all!"

"How can you shout at me like that as if I'm doing this for myself—

"Aren't you?" Jungkook questioned her, "If you really doing this for me, did you ever think i'm okay with what you did?"

"I've been acting civil to them for more than a year for you!" "Im doing my best as a boyfriend who supports you! even if you've been pushing and pulling me more than a hundred times! Even if i'm on the verge of giving up on you!"

"But you.. you can easily feed me to my enemy Min Hee," Jungkook gritted his teeth.

"I don't even know who you are anymore," "You're not the person I fell in love with before," "You are not my girlfriend,"

"Just who are you, to ruin me like this?" Jungkook scoffed as he backs away to the person he once knew as the first rain of spring started to pour.

"Don't act like you care anymore, cause I don't feel you're helping at all,"

"Let's just stop this for real,
Kim Min Hee,"

"Let's break up,"

A/N: see you again next weekend!

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