Clone Earth: MELVIN

De Regan_12

135 13 0

The first book of the Futuristic Fantasy:, BECKONING. In a time so far into humanity's future that Origin Ear... Mais

Chapter One: ARI
Chapter Two: ARI
Chapter Three: ARI
Chapter Four : ARI
Chapter Five: ARI
Chapter Six: TREVON
Chapter Seven: TREVON
Chapter Nine: TREVON
Chapter Ten: TREVON
Chapter Eleven: TREVON
Chapter Twelve: ARI
Chapter Fourteen: TREVON
Chapter Fifteen: TREVON
Chapter Sixteen: OFFICER INSERT
Chapter Seventeen: ARI
Chapter Eighteen: ARI
Chapter Nineteen: ARI
Chapter Twenty: ARI
Chapter Twenty One: ARI
Chapter Twenty Two: TREVON
Chapter Twenty Three: TREVON
Chapter Twenty Four: TREVON
Chapter Twenty Five: TREVON
Chapter Twenty Six: TREVON
Chapter Twenty Seven: TREVON
Chapter Twenty Eight: ARI
Chapter Twenty Nine: ARI
Chapter Thirty: TREVON
Chapter Thirty One: TREVON
Chapter Thirty Two: ARI
Chapter Thirty Three: ARI
Chapter Thirty-Four: ARI
Chapter Thirty-Five: ARI
Chapter Thirty-Six: ARI
Chapter Thirty-Seven: ARI
Chapter Thirty Eight: ARI
Chapter Thirty Nine: ARI
Chapter Forty: ARI
Chapter Forty One: ARI
Chapter Forty Two: ARI

Chapter Thirteen: TREVON

3 0 0
De Regan_12

"Gilad!" Russ waved across the fenced meadow. The man that waved back was small in size, a bit bony as well. But the skill he used to maneuver the large animal into the narrow stall was anything but weak.

"Come. Come." he called to them. His voice using an accent Trevon had heard on occasion.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Trevon asked looking across the open field. They approached a large and primitively built stables. It still amazed him at how enormous and spacious everything was on the planet. Even the animals. Large hoofed creatures with long flowing hair, which Trevon had only seen through digital representation.

"You agreed after reading the entire University Policy in one night, that this was the most straightforward route." Trevon opened his mouth to respond but the smell suddenly hit him. It caught in low in his throat. His hand flew to cover his mouth, hiding the gag the best he could. Russ started to laugh. "Yeah. Just as much fun as I thought." said Russ. "Good morning Gilad."

The old man stepped out of the dark stables his arms and pants covered in the odor that was now causing Trevon's eyes to water.

"You here to go through the forest?" Gilad asked.

"No." Russ firmly clamped his hand on Trevon's shoulder. "We have someone to fill your vacant assistant spot and get an audit voucher. But he doesn't know any magic, yet."

"That's fine. You magic kids always end up scaring my horses." He looked Trevon over. "You don't look very tough."

"Sorry." Trevon pulled his hand away from his face, "I've lived on a space station most of my life. But I adjust quickly, so I'll get used to it."

"You only get used to it if you've been here too long." Gilad joked. His lips parted into a large grin with several missing teeth. "But I wasn't referring to your sensitive nose." He looked Trevon up and down.

Trevon looked down at his arms, in comparison to the others at the orphanage he had always been fairly defined. But looking from Russ' large stature to his own, perhaps planet gravity did have a different effect on physical growth. "Working for you is clearly what I need to toughen me up."

Gilad raised an eyebrow in what felt like approval. "Come. We'll start with one task for you to do every morning before class, then build from there."

They followed the old man, Russ was more there for the entertainment factor of watching Trevon try something new. And Trevon was surprised when the spry old man handed him gloves, boots, and something he called a shovel. "It's a very simple job. Every morning you shovel that -" He pointed to a very large pile unpleasant smelling mud. Mud covered in rapidly moving insects. "-Into that remote controlled wheelbarrow. They are the only automatic technology allowed in my stables. They keep wanting to update everything and it gets too dangerous for my horses. When it's full you hit the button, it takes it down the magnetic track and puts it into the recycling pump. Understand."

"Easy." Trevon agreed trying not to open his mouth to speak.

"For now." Gilad left this time with a small chuckle. Russ had the same chuckle, but Trevon decided not to question it.

"So Gilad, not a Magic?" Trevon questioned.

"No, not a Mage." Russ said climbing scaling the wood rails of the gate. "You'll notice that even though this University serves Mage across the human space of our universe, most of those that work the grounds are residence of Melvin. They're not magic sensitive nor are they military."

"Neutral parties."


Taking the shovel in both hands Trevon guessed the flat end was supposed to work like a spoon and scoop the mud. Taking a low short thrust the end sunk into the pile of green mud, erupting a fury of flies.

The shovel clanged to the ground as Trevon stumbled back sputtering. Russ laughed from his seat on top of the wooden gate, gradually swinging it back and forth. "Again, are you sure this will work?"

"You have no clan and your family support is military based," Russ said listing with his fingers, "You have to work a little harder to prove you're worth the board member's time. The point is to get them to meet with you. And as long as you're working on a campus facility they can't kick you off.

Plus you're allowed to audit four classes. You're a smart guy, who likes to read quickly. You'll figure out a way to impress the old crooners and get that late admission."

With a weary look Trevon reached out to pick up the shovel again, "Are you sure you can't just adopt me?"

"Grandpa Renji has a strict policy agains picking up strays. But there's a bit of a gray area around housing one. So like I said last night, my roommates fees are taken care of. As long as he doesn't chicken out and come back early, it's your space to use and your food to eat." Trevon succeeded in lifting one scoop full and dropped it into the wheelbarrow then prepared for a second go at it.

"Not to question your generosity but is my presences here a convenient way to disguise your roommate's absence?"

A smile parted Russ's lips, not in humor but with a glint of admiration. "It may be a perk. But hey, if you're not comfortable with that you could always stay here in the stables, and bond with nature."

For the first time in a long while, a dark glare invaded Trevon's face. Russ laughed again, jumping from the gate. "Don't forget to get the audit sheet from Gilad so that you can attend class. See you at home, roomie."

Closing the gate behind him Russ disappeared out into the meadow. Taking a deep breath of very unsanitary oxygen Trevon turned back to his new job.


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