
By Miyareeves

4K 147 9

Harry James Black is a Healer who specializes in many things. He had hoped to move on and live a peaceful lif... More

The beginning of it all
Mistake made. But too late.
Whats left of my dignity
Truth serum
Under Imperio
You dont deserve my forgiveness
Oh god I cant
Bonus chapter

Murderous intent

392 17 1
By Miyareeves


Little do you know Harry. It is no longer an infatuation. I now have affection for you I can not yet explain even to myself. I know what you have done for me. Yet I cannot sit here and imagine you as a virgin. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Just come back to me. Stop avoiding me. Please... I send out a letter just to get some type of reaction from him. Good or bad. Just something.


I'm getting fat. I feel heavy and bloated. I'm standing in the bathroom mirror poking at my stomach when Draco comes through. "Why are you poking at your stomach like that? It's weird. Even for you." I sigh and turn to the side. "I feel and look fat and bloated. Can't you see it?" Draco come to me and turns my hips in different angles trying to see what I see. Then he gasps. "Do you think?" I immediately shake my head. "No it can't be." I see Draco staring at me. "What? I've done the tests myself. I know I can't have kids. Even if this is a new method." I sigh as Draco keeps staring at me and walk out of the bathroom away from him. He pulls me back with wide eyes. "At least go get tested by Poppy. Please Harry."

I look at him and sigh finally giving in. I grab my invisibility cloak and shove Draco under it. Who for once is speechless. If he is speechless then that definitely means something. I walk beside Draco and quietly in my thoughts. Every test I have taken has shown that I wouldn't not be able to conceive. And shouldn't I be having certain symptoms by now? Well I have been more sensitive to bacon. And to Draco's cologne. I also have been peeing a lot more than normal.

My eyes widen. The signs were right in front of our eyes. I start to walk faster and Draco keeps the pace. I burst in the wing and toss the cloak on a bed walking away to Poppy's chambers. I knock twice and she answers. I tell her my thoughts and she sends me into the bathroom to change into the gown. I lay on the bed and let her start the testing. I hear a noise by the bed in front of me and lift my head. Seeing nothing I relax. I look at Draco who just shrugs. As soon as Poppy starts to speak I put up a silencing charm just as a precaution.

"Well dear. You are indeed pregnant. And the results are clear as day." My jaw drops. I look at Draco who is crying silently beside me with a smile on his face. "Madam. This cannot be true. I have done the tests myself. I have never been wrong Madam! I'm infertile! I can't get pregnant nor have any kids by another vassal! This doesn't make any sense!" She looks at me with sympathy before handing me a moving picture of my baby. "I should hope this is enough proof Mr.Black." She dismantles the charm and walks back to her office. I turn to Draco with my lip wobbling.

"Draco..." Just saying his name was enough for him to understand everything that I was thinking. I feel a prod in my head and I put my mental shields up. Any other time I wouldn't care. But this is unacceptable. I lean onto Draco crying. I sob and wail, releasing every one of my emotions. I lean onto Draco as I wrap my hands around my stomach. I rub the small bulge protruding from my abdomen and smile slightly. "I will protect you little one. I promise. And mama loves you okay?"

I lean my head back and release a heart wrenching sob. And I think to myself even if papa doesn't. With the help of Draco I end up back in my bed. He owls the headmistress and Madam Poppy letting them know we would not be in classes for a couple days. I don't leave the bed for a week unless it is to pee. Draco finds food and gives it to me and keeps me hydrated. That is until next Monday. When Snape decides to burst into our room getting cursed out by Draco. I had finally had the mind to get out of bed and shower. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist, my popped belly hanging over the towel. I rub another towel through my hair before calling out to Draco. "Hey Draco? Have you seen my stretch mark salve? I need it. This child is growing a little too fast for my liking and I'm getting marks."

That's when I realized that the room is silent. I finally look up and see Severus staring at my stomach and Draco frowning looking at me sympathizing with my emotions. My breathing picks up and my heart starts beating fast. That is when Draco jumps into action. "Severus you need to leave. Now." My vision starts swimming as I start to feel lightheaded. "Fine! Just stay in the living area. Do not wander Snape. I know just as many curses as you. Don't make me combine some and make me even more dangerous. Godfather or not. You hurt the only person who ever cared about me and had my back. You hurt this man, you hurt me."

After Draco's speech he grabs me and lays me on the carpet. I hear him muttering spells to get me to slowly start to calm down. When my breathing and heartbeat return to normal I slowly sit up and transfigure my towel into a nightgown. I turn myself to Severus waiting for him to say something. But all he says is: get rid of it. And then I finally snap once and for all. I summon my wand and send curse after hexes at him with tears streaming down my face. When I feel my stomach clench I stop.

"You have five seconds to remove yourself from my chambers Severus Snape. Or I swear on Merlin and Morgana you will see me do some things you would have never thought I would do. This is my baby Snape. And guess what? I think it is quite ironic that I was completely barren before I had sex with you. And on the first try I am with child. Remove yourself Mr.Snape from my premises. If you dare darken my doorstep again I will kill you." I look up at him green eyes dark and glowing with murderous intent and promises. He looks at me with a blank expression and leaves without another word. "Harry?"

I turn to Draco and smile. It hurts, yes. But now with him saying this it will make a world of difference. Because it doesn't hurt as bad anymore. "I'm okay. I promise." I smile my dazzling smile and keep it moving. I find my salve and start to get ready for the day. Draco watches me refit my shirt and trousers before sliding them on. "Where are you going Black?" I smile after slipping on my green robes. "I'm going to go to the great hall. No more hiding from the world. I have classes and patients I need to take care of. What is happening happened. And there is no going back. Even if I wanted to. I'm having a baby Dragon. This is not anytime to be ashamed or upset.

Snape doesn't want the baby. But I do. And as its mother I will protect it and give it the best life possible. Nobody will make me feel ashamed of bringing a life of my own DNA into this world. Now we have to go. Or we will be the last of the staff down there." I smile and pull my hair up into a messy bun. I button the top of my robes and look in the mirror. I make a quick decision and change into a white tee shirt and black robes. It is not protocol for Healers at Hogwarts to wear their green robes.

Once I feel comfortable and confident I walk out of our chambers with my head held high. I enter the great hall with my robes swishing and my belly showing. All of the professors show a shocked reaction except Snape and Poppy. But it was mcgonagall who reacted first. She ran forward and gushed as she stopped me midway through the tables. "Oh my dear Harry! You look wonderful! Come, breakfast will start soon and you must eat well!" I look at Draco and he looks back just as shocked. Then Draco speaks up. "Pardon me Minerva. I would like Harry to be placed between me and Filius from now on. You know to keep an eye on him?"

She nods and resets the seating arrangement before sitting down to greet the students. I push my robes back and rub my stomach smiling to myself. Even if you don't love this child Severus they will know what it feels like to be loved. I will love this child. I whisper I love you to the child out loud before starting to fill my plate. I feel another prod in my mind. A very familiar prod. I stand from my seat and walk to Snape. "If you don't mind, professor. I would appreciate it if you stopped using legentimens on me. If I do not speak to you about something, don't try going in there and finding it out." I step closer and whisper to him. "And maybe don't stalk me to the hospital wing and try and use it either. I'm glad I put up the silencing charm. Because you're quite the bugger aren't you?" I stand and turn to mcgonagall.

"If I may excuse myself headmistress I believe I have lost my appetite. I will prepare for the classes I have been appointed." I walk away from the table before walking over to the Slytherin table. I stand behind a student that I know has been struggling with certain things. "Hey your name is Molly Zambini right? Blaise Zambini's daughter?" She nods and turns to me with a smile. "I heard you have been struggling with a few subjects. Why don't you come to the old charms classroom on the third floor tonight. And bring who you think needs help. And I can tutor you in my free time alright?"

She smiles at me and hugs my stomach. When she falters I hug her back and smile. I bend down and whisper to her before leaving the hall. Did you know I was supposed to be sorted in Slytherin but I asked the hat not to? But keep that between me and you." I wink at the 3rd year as I walk away. I turn to the table and smile at Draco and smirk at Snape who has a look of complete enragement. I turn with a swish and leave with my robes in the wind.

I stand outside the old charms classroom and smile as I see kids from all the houses join inside the classroom. A total of a little over 2 hundred. I walk in and immediately expand the room. "I'm glad you can all make it here today. Now there will be different days where we will do different subjects. So I want whoever needs help with charms to stand to the left side." Around 60 people moved the other way. "So there is a piece of paper over there. Sign your name where you need help the most and I will arrange scheduling with your head of house in case you're out past curfew. Now once you have signed, right side, you may take your leave." I plop on my bed and slide off my shirt. Today has gone through the way I needed it to be. Then my door slammed open to reveal Severus Snape. He strides to me and grabs my face and kisses me. "You and that child are mine." He slides his tongue down my throat and growls. I sit there confused and turned on. He just told me to get rid of it. What is he babbling about at this moment? And why is he in my room? Let alone kissing me?!

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