Devil of A Wizard

By Dragonkingblaze

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What If Harry was picked up that night by Lilith Morningstar and brought to hell when the Night James and Lil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 13

896 27 10
By Dragonkingblaze

Chapter 13: Back to Hell

After a visit to Diagon Alley in London, the Morningstar Family returned home from a day of shopping. Lilith and Charlie got some more fabric so that they or their tailors could make them new outfits to wear at future events. Lucifer got some tea that he and Dumbledore liked so much but also obtained a Quidditch rulebook as he was thinking of making a similar event in Hell. While most of the other witches and wizards were fine, a few gave the Morningstars dirty looks until Lucifer simply gave an evil smile to scare those people off.

"That was so much fun! Can we visit again, Dad," Charlie asked as she was holding onto the stuff she was carrying.

"Maybe when Harry's next semester comes up," Lucifer said as he handed his stuff to Razzle and Dazzle, who took the newly purchased items to Lucifer's office or the family's bedrooms. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to running things."

"And I'm going to redecorate my room," Harry said as he headed upstairs with some other servants. Hogwarts was nice, even with all the crazy things he had to deal with, but nothing beats home. Once the last of his stuff was taken up to his room, he bid one of the imp servants farewell before leaving the room. "Thank you, Klaus. Come on, Hedwig. Time to come out now," Harry said as he opened the snowy owl's cage. She hopped out of her cage and onto her master's desk as she stretched out her wings being cramped in there for hours due to the impromptu shopping trip. The 11-year-old boy couldn't blame her and the last thing he needed was to give her a case of claustrophobia. Making her want to feel comfortable, Harry took out his wand and cast a spell that made a small branched stand appear in his room. Hedwig hooted happily as she flew to the branch and sat comfortably on it. "You can come out too, Sam."

Harry's pet snake slithered out of his robes and onto the hardwood floor. The horned snake looked around his master's room. The serpent had to admit it was larger than the boy's dorm room at Hogwarts. "Will I have a place to sleep too, Master?"

"I figured you'd want to roam around the manor, but I'll get a terrarium for you if you like," Harry told his pet snake as he levitated his Gryffindor banners right next to his posters, his books on his shelves, and his Nimbus 2000 hanging on his wall. "Okay, that should do it. And tomorrow, I start my vacation," he told himself while lying on the bed. 'Well, more like some royal duties than a vacation. I'll still enjoy it as much as I can.'

"Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. I'm going out," Harry told his parents as he was now wearing dark blue pants, a black shirt with a red pentagram on it, and a light long-sleeved blue sports jacket.

"Hold it right there, young man. And where do you think you are going," Lilith asked with her arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

"Just out, probably see some of my old friends."

"Without an escort," she asked as Harry could see the fire in her eyes, worried for his safety. "Either your sister comes along or Razzle and Dazzle go with you."

"But Mom-"

"Don't you talk back to me, young man! You know full well how Hell works, Prince or no Prince," the queen told the dark-haired boy with her silvery eyes staring right into his soul.

Harry cowered as he felt like a rat staring into the eyes of a snake. If he learned one thing, never get on the bad side of his parents. "Okay, I'll take Razzle and Dazzle with me. But I'm also arming myself in case of sticky situations."

"That's a good boy. Just don't do anything to get yourself into too much trouble. Otherwise, your father will be putting you into another torture session," the Queen of Hell said to him with a hint of maniacal laughter.

"I'll try not to do something too extreme," Harry laughed sheepishly as he didn't want to think about getting into trouble that would give him attention. "I'll see you later," Harry said as he left with the two goat demons.

After he left Lilith went straight to Lucifer's office as she went there to hand him a drink he enjoyed. "Here you are, my love. Some nice apple vodka."

"Thank you, my dear," Lucifer said as he took the glass, taking small sips. The King of Hell was reading some reports as he glanced at his wife with a worried look. "It's something troubling you, Apple Pie?"

"No, nothing really important. It's just Harry wanted to go out alone and I didn't feel comfortable," she told him.

"Well, he is almost 12, my dear. He must be having those preteen rebellious phases," Lucifer said as he looked at his wife. "Remember when Charlie was going through those phases?"

"How can I not? You two were at each other's throats for days. At least until I separated the both of you," Lilith chuckled at the remembrance. "I guess I'm just worried about him."

"You do tend to be a mother hen from time to time. But that's another reason why I love you," Lucifer said as he took his glass and poured it into another one to give his wife. "Now have a drink."

Taking the liquid in front of her, Lilith took a sip with her husband. "How long was it since we had sex in your office, my dear?"

"I can't remember. But I do know it was one of our best sessions," Lucifer grinned seeing where things were going. Quickly, he pointed his finger at the door and it immediately shut closed and locked itself. "How about we relive it for old time's sake," he asked rhetorically before kissing his wife and clothing started to fly around the room.

'Well, things aren't too bad,' Harry thought to himself as he walked the streets of Hell with Razzle and Dazzle, who had blood-soaked teeth while Harry twirled his wand as they were walking away from the dead body of some demon that tried to grab him. Harry was going to make an example of that goon and floated him in the air until he fell several stories into a splattered mess. To make sure that he was dealt with, both of the goat demons feasted on his corpse for good measure.

"Never mess with the Morningstars," Harry said as he continued to walk with the two goat servants until he bumped shoulders with someone.

"Hey! Watch the fuck where you're going you-" Harry and the stranger said in unison as they face one another and paused at the same time.



In front of the Prince of Hell was a tall pink succubus demon that looked to be in her early 20s, had black-tipped pink horns with a black star on them, a barbed tail with a black tip, pink wings, hot pink eyes with yellow sclera, a black heart-shaped beauty mark under her right eye and long white hair that reached down her back with pink undertones. She was wearing knee-high heels with maroon jeans and a black short-sleeve shirt that had two white Xs on the chest area.

"Holy shit, it's really you," Verosika smiled as she approached him. "I haven't seen you since I was your babysitter. You really grew up."

"Yeah, long time no see," Harry said as he looked at the succubus.

"You were gone for most of the year. You could have called me," she pouted with her bottom lip hanging.

Harry couldn't help but smirk at her face. He had to admit that even without doing her job as a succubus and seducing others, Verosika did have charm when it came to getting what she wanted and knew how to use it. Even without being flirty, she could talk somebody into what she wanted. "Alright, but how about somewhere that we can talk more privately? I'd say the two of us, but Mom wanted me to have protection," he asked as he had to take Razzle and Dazzle along with him.

"Ha! That's what my last date said. I think I know of a place, though. Follow me," Verosika said as she took Harry by the arm and dragged him across the street with the two goat demons following behind them.

Entering a bar she knew and winning over the proprietor with some sweet talk, Verosika was able to get Harry in and they were able to have a chat in the mostly quiet establishment. Verosika ordered drinks for herself and Harry while Razzle and Dazzle ordered some food for themselves. "Have you been doing good in this new school? Is it like some private one in another ring?"

"Not exactly. It is a private school, but it's on the surface," Harry said to her, who sat in her chair wide-eyed and surprised.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute! Do you mean to tell me that you actually go to school on Earth?! A private school on top of that," Verosika asked the 11-year-old who nodded in response. "That is some crazy shit. Did your parents make a fucking mess about it?"

"My dad knows the Headmaster. They wanted me to go there when I was about 8. There's also more to it," Harry said as he started to explain to her about Hogwarts and what he did during his first year. "That's it. At first, I wasn't too sure about going, but it turned out to be one hell of a school. One downside is that they prefer it like how the school was founded or something. No technology."

"Yeah, I don't think I can live without my Hellphone. Other than that, it sounds a lot more interesting than doing math and chemistry, even history," she said as their drinks arrived.

"Eh, Potions class is basically magic Chemistry. But the teacher has some kind of grudge against me because of my birth father. As for history, trust me, that class is much more boring. I blame the teacher. Hell's history and even regular Earth history is much more interesting," Harry told her as he took a sip of his water. "Enough about me. What about you? Are you still trying to become a singer like Mom?"

"It's been shitty," Verosikia told him before she drank half of her cup in one gulp, slamming it on the table when she was done. "My fucking agent decided to take all the cash I earned and spent it on hookers and blow."

Harry felt sorry that he asked, especially since he knew Verosika looked up to his mother. Knowing that she was always practicing her singing and dancing, he wondered if he could help with Verosika's troubles. "You know, if you're struggling, I can put in a word to Mom and she can help bring you to her record label."

The succubus thought this over as she finished her drink. She wanted to prove that she didn't want to rely on others to help her and she didn't want to be some backup singer. But she was desperate and her douchebag of an agent screwed her over. "Alright, but only until I'm able to get to another agency and keep doing things myself," Verosika told Harry.

"Great. I'll tell her went I get the chance," Harry said as he got out his Hellphone and remembered he didn't have Verosika's number. "Maybe I should get your number first."

"Right, let me have that for a second," she said as he held her hand out. Passing her the phone, Harry watched her punch in her number into his contacts, then pulled him forward and kissed his scarred forehead so she could take a selfie for the contact photo. "There you go," she told him after she left a lipstick smudge on his face.

Groaning at the way she messed with him, Harry started to wipe the lipstick away after getting his phone handed back. "Ugh, I get enough of that from Mom and Charlie," he muttered.

"Now you got it from me," Verosika laughed. "I swear, if you were 10 years older, you'd be chasing off succubi with that wand ready to blast. And yes, I mean the magic one."

'Good to know she's being mature about it,' the Prince of Hell thought to himself. "It was nice to catch up with you. But I got a lot of other things that I want to do," he said as he got up and paid for the meal.

"Don't be a stranger. And thanks for the hand," Verosika said before she went to hold up her end of the deal she made with the bar owner, adjusting her top as she did so.

After hanging out with his former babysitter, Harry returned home and he made a quick pace through the halls. "Whoa, where's the fire little brother," Charlie asked as she walked beside her brother.

"I need to ask Mom something," Harry told his older sister. "It's something on a favorable level."

"You're not gonna ask if you get your friend's VIP passes to one of her concerts, are you," Charlie asked him.

"No. But it does involve music," Harry said as they started to hear noises. "Huh? What's that noise? Sounds like it's coming from Dad's office." He and Charlie got closer to the office of the King of Hell and cracked open the door.

"OH, LUCI!~" They heard Lilith moan as they figured out what their parents were doing.

"UNHOLY FUCKING PARENTS," both Harry and Charlie yelled out loud as they got a front row of their parents engaging in a primal session of intercourse on their father's large desk.

"Doesn't anyone fucking knock first," their father yelled at them both as he slammed the door shut with just a wave of his hand, unashamed that his own children saw him pleasuring his wife.

"Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross," Charlie screamed as she wanted to get that image out of her head.

"I can't believe they didn't lock the door for something like that," Harry yelled as he needed to get that image out of his mind. "I wish there was a spell that can make me forget that. Wait, that's it! I think I remember reading about one that can erase selected memories," he said as he took Charlie's hand and ran up to his room to find the book. "Come on, where is it!? Where is it!?"

"Harry! Charlie! You two better get out here this instant!" Lucifer shouted from the other side of the door.

"Sorry, Dad! But I'm looking for the memory spell that will make us forget what we saw," Harry told his father from the other side of the doorway as he was looking through the books. "Found it! The Memory Charm," he said happily as he read the instructions and a reversal spell in case it wasn't the memory that wasn't selected. "Okay, Charlie, you first," he said as he aimed his wand at his sister and cast the spell. "Obliviate!" With a green light coming from the wand, a light wisp of smoke drifted toward Charlie, who blinked a few times in confusion. "Did it work? Charlie, do you know who I am?"

"Of course. You're my little brother."

"And what happened about five minutes ago," Harry asked.

"...I dunno," Charlie admitted.

"Yes, the Memory Charm worked," he exclaimed just as Lilith entered the room wearing a robe that barely covered her figure, overhearing what the boy said. "Obliviate," Harry said as he cast the spell on himself, forgetting the primal scene he witnessed.

Seeing what happened, Lilith went to her son. "Harry? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mom. I was just testing out my magic," the wizard replied.

"And you don't remember what you saw in your father's office?"

"What was there," asked Charlie.

"Nothing important," Lilith said, making sure she didn't end up flashing her children. "I'll just go speak to your father about something before getting in the bath," she told her children. "Love you both."

"Love you too, Mom," Harry and Charlie called back.

"Oh, Mom! I ran into Verosika earlier and I was wondering if you could help her with her music career. Apparently, her agent has been taking her money," Harry told the Queen of Hell.

"Your old babysitter? Sure, why not. She did take good care of you. Even if she was half drunk that one time when you were 9," Lilith answered, then remembered when the succubus was called in last-minute to watch Harry. She was at a party and had a few drinks when she was literally summoned into the Morningstar Mansion. "I can pull a few strings to get her started. But the rest is on her," she said as she walked back to where Lucifer was standing with his pants and shirt buttoned. "Harry wiped both of their memories of us in the office. There's nothing to worry about."

"They really got lucky this time. But next time, they're going to be tortured severely," Lucifer said with fire in his eyes.

"How about we lock the doors in the bedroom and I be your mistress instead," Lilith asked in a sultry voice, snuffing out the angry flames in his eyes and making him practically melt as she caressed his chin. "Or would you rather join me in the tub," she suggested as she pecked her husband on the lips before going to the bedroom. Lucifer immediately started following after her in a lovesick daze as he was always vulnerable to his wife's seductions.

Several days later, the men of the Morningstar Family went to visit Stolas of the Ars Goetia. "Are you sure it's a good idea to come to Prince Stolas' mansion, Dad," Harry asked his father next to him as they approached the front door with the limo right behind them. "I mean, the last time I talked to him, Lady Stella was screaming at him."

"I'm sure it will be alright," Lucifer said as he rang the doorbell. After a few seconds, as soon as the doors were opened by a servant imp, Stella's ear-piercing scream was heard from inside the manor.

"YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING EMBARRASSMENT TO THIS FAMILY AND TO THE ARS GOETIA," Stella screamed as it made both Harry and Lucifer's ears ring.

"Okay, I'll take it back. It's bad," Lucifer said as he covered his ears as he and his son went into the manor. However, the screaming got louder and louder as they made their way through.

"YOU WANT TO FUCK THIS IMP, TOO," the white avian yelled as she threw one of the servants at the tall owl in robes, who ducked from his wife's attack.

"Stella, calm down," Stolas told his wife as he avoided a potted plant that was the size of a small desk.


"Be sure to use the best cleaner there is in Hell," Lucifer said from behind Stella, not only did she stop screaming, but tensed up as she slowly turned her head to see the fallen angel. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Y-Your Highness, I didn't hear you come in," Stella said in a much lower tone than before and curtsied towards him.

"Well, it was hard to since you were screaming at your husband the entire time we were walking," Lucifer said as Harry was right beside him.

"Oh, Harry, are you here for some of your astrology lessons? Or do you wish to learn about the different plants," Stolas said to the young Prince of Hell.

"You are not allowed to speak," Stella shouted at the tall owl demon. "I'm afraid we can't have any lessons for today, but you're happy to spend time with Octavia."

"That's fine. I pretty much figured that it would happen. Is Via in her room?"

"Yes, she is. I'll get her now," Stella was about to call her daughter, but both Lucifer and Harry stopped her as they didn't want to risk their ears bleeding.

"That's okay, I know where it is," Harry said before leaving the room to find his avian demon friend.

Making his way through the manor while Lucifer spoke to Stolas and Stella, Harry went to Octavia's bedroom and knocked on the door. When he didn't get a reply, he tried to open the door, only to find it locked. "Tavi, it's Harry! I'm here to visit," the wizard exclaimed. Putting his ear to the door, he thought he heard some muffled music playing. "What was that spell Hermione used again," he asked himself as he pulled out his wand. "Oh, right. Alohomora," he remembered and cast the spell, magically unlocking the door. "I'm coming in," he said aloud before opening the door to see Octavia sitting in her chair with her earphones blasting as she was nodding her head to whatever she was listening to.

Going over and tapping her on the shoulder, Harry watched as Octavia was startled and an earbud came loose. "Harry?! How'd you get in here," Octavia questioned before she saw his wand. "Nevermind. Stupid question."

Putting away the wand, Harry spoke with the owl demon. "I can understand why you didn't want to be bothered," he remarked as he referred to her mother's banshee-like screaming.

"So you heard it, too? How much did you hear?"

"Sleeping with an imp, mainly," Harry answered. "Not that I can blame her."

"Neither can I. The dickhead only doing it because he just wants to use my dad's book," Octavia sighed.

"Why am I not surprised," Harry told himself. It was typical of Hellborns and sinners to cheat on one another, except for his parents. If one did, then the Exterminators wouldn't be needed any longer. But for someone like an imp to sleep with someone like Stolas, he had to admit that whoever this imp was, he had balls. All for the Grimore, Stolas' prize book that allows him to go to the human realm. He also uses it at the annual Harvest Moon Festival in the Ring of Wrath to help with the crops in Hell. "So, what song are you listening to?"

"This song is called 'My World is Burning Down Around Me' by 'Fuck You Dad'," Octavia said as she showed the song's cover. "They are kinda cool, but nothing beats your mum."

"Yeah, she's pretty cool. Some of my friends from school recognized her when she came to pick me up," Harry said.

"How is this Hogwarts place, anyway," Octavia asked, remembering the letter that basically gave them a magic video call.

"Oh right, you missed a lot," Harry said before he started to explain his first year. From making Seeker in his house to the events of the Sorcerer's Stone. "But in the end, I still enjoyed it. Kinda looking forward to going back."

Octavia was rather interested in the story Harry told her. "Mind if I visit once in a while? I'll admit, I haven't been to the human world since I was a kid and I'm kinda curious about it."

"I would be glad to give a tour, but you might need to be with Charlie since she visits once in a while on the weekends," Harry explained.

"Still gives me an excuse to get out of the house," Octavia said.

"No kidding. I suggest keeping away from the kids in Slytherin since they are fucking snobs," Harry stated as he warned her about Slytherin House. "Especially Professor Snape. He kinda looks like an oversized bat at times."

"Wouldn't be surprised if he turns into one once he dies," Octavia chuckled to herself as Harry joined her in the laugh.

"I can't hate the man too much, since he did try to save me one time," Harry added.

"Guess that's a story for another time," Octavia remarked as she looked at the clock. "I bet you and your Dad are ready to leave."

Harry did look at the clock as they talked for a few hours. "Oh shit! I should go. But before I do, want my number?"

"Sure," she said as she punched in the numbers to his phone and then took it to give herself a profile picture with a bored look on her face. "If anything, call me."

"Will do. Thanks, Octavia," Harry said goodbye before walking out the door as the owl girl put her earbuds back in to listen to the next song.

Returning downstairs, Harry found that Stella had either given up on screaming when Lucifer arrived or left entirely to vent when he saw Stolas and his father speaking with each other calmly. "I assume that we've come to an understanding?"

"Of course, Your Highness. I understand," Stolas said to the King of Hell.

"Very good. Now, I have other things to handle," Lucifer said as he got up from his chair, seeing Harry just arrived. "Just in time, Harry. I hope you enjoyed speaking to Octavia?"

"I did. We talked a lot about Hogwarts," the Prince of Hell told his father. "You're finished speaking to Prince Stolas?"

"I am. Now say goodbye," Lucifer said as he walked towards the exit.

"Bye, Mr. Stolas. I hope to see you again," Harry said as he waved goodbye as the owl prince returned the gesture.

"I'm sure we'll start those next lessons soon," Stolas said to Harry as he politely bid farewell to the Morningstar men.

"What did you and Prince Stolas talk about dad," Harry asked his father as they made their way to the limo.

"Oh, just business relations, what you might need to study for, and your upcoming birthday party," Lucifer told his son.

"You're inviting them to my birthday," Harry asked.

"I'm inviting our closest acquaintances. If you think I'm making it kiddish, I'm not. After all, you're nearly a teenager," the King of Hell stated.

"I'm not thinking that. It's just... are you also going to invite the Von Eldrich," Harry asked as he really didn't want Seviathan or Helsa to be there.

"As much as you don't like them, they are close to our family. But I'll tell you what, if they stir any trouble, we'll kick their asses out. Sound fair," The King of Hell asked.

"Yeah, sounds fair," Harry told his dad. They could be there, but he didn't want to get near them and vice-versa. But that was a month away from now, so he didn't want to think about it too much as the car drove away to Morningstar Manor.

After many days of royal duties, Harry visited a music store to help tune and repair his guitar since its strings kept snapping. He would have attempted magic on it but thought that it would be better to do it by hand. Just because he could use magic, he didn't need to become too dependent on it. His mother suggested that he should take it to the place where she and her bandmates go to get their equipment fixed and checked out. With Razzle and Dazzle waiting out by the car, Harry took his guitar to the front desk where the owner looked like a lizard demon with many tattoos across his body and piercings on his frilled neck. "I need the strings changed out and tuned upright," Harry told the owner.

The lizard opened the case and examined the instrument. "Gonna take a month," he told the young boy.

"A month?! For a tune-up and replacement strings," Harry asked as he didn't believe him.

"Look, you little turd, you're not the only one who brought their equipment here. I'm pretty booked," the owner spat as his neck frill fanned out. "What makes you think you should be first in line?" After he said that, Harry pulled out the family seal that he kept with him just in case somebody didn't recognize him. The lizard demon's jaw dropped and his frilled neck folded quickly as soon as he saw the seal. "My apologies, Your Highness. I take back everything I said. I'll get this fixed up right away. In the meantime, please look at the collection we currently own. We have a good music selection as well."

The lizard took the case from Harry as he went to the back to fix it up. Soon enough, the young wizard started to look around the store and maybe get an album or two. "Junk... junk...terrible... already have that one... Mom's CD... ugh, really nothing new or good out."

"Tell me about it," a voice said beside him that started the boy wizard. Turning to see who it was, Harry saw the owner of that voice was a fourteen-year-old female Hellhound with silver hair on one side and wearing a torn tank top and shorts. "Just complete wannabe musicians that are complete garbage."

"Yeah. But who knows? Maybe someone new will intrigue me," Harry said while looking through album after album. "Name's Harry, by the way."

"Loona," the hellhound introduced herself before she got a better look at him. "You're human? Why are you down here and not a sinner?"

"Would you believe me if I said I was adopted into a demon family," the boy wizard asked the hellhound rhetorically.

"First off, you don't ask a question with another question. Second, who the fuck would adopt a human that's still alive," she asked. "You armed at least?"

"Always," Harry said flashing his wand and miniature sword in his jacket. "And to answer your question, maybe the Morningstar Family."

As soon as the name dropped, Loona's ears pointed upward. "Wait, did you say 'Morningstar'? As in the Royal Family?"

"The very same," the Prince of Hell told her. "But it's a long story if you don't believe me."

"No, I believe you. I mean, you know their last name, so that's proof enough around here," Loona said as she didn't mean no offense. "So... how did that come to be? Abusive parents? The odd kid in an orphanage no one got along with? Kidnapped?"

"Birth parents murdered by an evil wizard for no apparent reason," Harry admitted.

'Good thing it wasn't Blitz and the M&M's. Otherwise, we would be in some deep shit,' the hellhound thought to herself. "That's fucked up."

"But turned out okay. Could have been worse, could be living with an abusive relative that hates you for no good reason," Harry told her.

"Or in an orphanage that puts you through torture after torture and before you know it, you spend adoption day after adoption day being left behind as the only kid that doesn't get to have parents at all," Loona snarled.

Harry blinked owlishly at the hellhound in silence for a few seconds before he spoke. "I get the feeling you have some issues," he remarked in a deadpan tone.

"It's personal," Loona admitted as she couldn't believe she gave a hint of her past away. Especially to the son of the devil himself and the mother of monsters. "I never opened up that much since I got adopted."

"You're adopted too," Harry asked her.

"Yeah... Guess we have that and a love of rock music in common," she said looking away with her tail tucked between her legs. "Don't get me wrong. The guy who adopted me is better than that fucking orphanage, but it could be better."

"Like what, he treats you like trash or something," Harry asked.

"Worse. He babies me so much that's it's hard to get a breather from him," Loona told him. "Luckily, I was able to get some space."

"Not too bad. But I get your point. I'm not allowed to be out unless I have an escort with me or close by," Harry said as he can feel a similar situation. "So you wanna exchange numbers?"

"Wait, really? You want to hang out with me," Loona asked as she wasn't expecting this of all things.

"Why not," Harry questioned as he got out his phone. He and Loona exchanged contacts and took a photo of one another to put on their profile. "And if you want I'm having a birthday party around late July. You're more than welcome to come. It would be nice to have somebody else to talk with besides my sister and two other friends," Harry said.

"I'll think about it," Loona said in a neutral tone but failed to hide her tail wagging, giving away she was excited to have an actual friend. "But maybe we can hang out before that," she said as she walked off looking through her phone.

"Yeah, maybe," Harry said as he was about to continue looking through new CDs, but the owner of the store came up to him.

"Here you are, Your Highness. The guitar is all fixed and tuned to your favor," the owner handed the Young Prince of Hell his instrument. "Test it out before playing. We wanna be sure it's to your liking."

Harry took his guitar and plugged it into a nearby amp. Strumming a few of the strings to see if they were properly tuned, Harry began to jam out a heavy metal guitar solo that made the windows of the building shattered. Harry stopped playing as he turned to the lizard with a satisfied smirk on his face. "It's perfect," he said pulling out many bills. "For the repairs and the windows."

Nodding in approval, the demon accepted the bills as it was more than enough to cover the guitar and the window repairs. "Tell your mom Jim says hi when you get the chance." Harry nodded as he would be sure to send the message as he turned around and walked off with a two-finger salute out of the store and into the car.

As soon as Harry got back, he was greeted by his father who had a smile on his face. "Enjoy your little trip to the music store, son?"

"I actually did. Made a new friend today while getting the ax fixed," He told his father as he showed him the instrument. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh no, nothing of the sort. I actually have a little gift for you. Think of it as an early present from your dear old father," Lucifer told his son as he walked in front of him with his hand over Harry's shoulder. "You'll enjoy it very much."

"You didn't have to give to me now, Dad. I can wait," Harry assured him as he didn't want it to be that troublesome.

"I thought something like this would be a waste to wait upon. After all, I went through a lot of trouble," Lucifer said to Harry as his eyes changed to red.

"Well since you went through a lot, might as well," Harry chose his words more carefully as he didn't want to decline his father's generosity. "Are you going to hand it to me or is it too big to hand over?"

"The latter. Follow me to my office," Lucifer told his son as he lead the way to his office with Harry following right behind him. "Trust me, Harry. You're going to enjoy this a lot," he said as he opened the doors to his office to reveal something in the room. Or more accurately, someone. In an armchair sat a bald, skinny, green-looking demon that was bound to it and gagged with snake-like chains.

Upon closer inspection, Harry began to recognize the captured demon. He may have looked different, but his body shape and facial features were the same as the man he faced off in the dungeons of Hogwarts. "Is that... Quirrell?"

"I told you, it couldn't wait," Lucifer smiled as he lead the Prince of Hell to a small table with many different tools and sharp implements. "Would you like to get some payback the fun way or the personal way," Lucifer asked while holding up a sharp hooked blade.

Seeing Quirrell's eyes filled with terror and fear, Harry shook his head. "Let's go personal," Harry said just before Charlie arrived.

"Dad, Harry? What's going on," the princess asked.

"Oh, we're just about to inflict some long-due punishment on the man who nearly killed your brother twice," Lucifer explained. "Harry wants to do it the personal way rather than ripping him apart with a blade."

Hearing her father's explanation, Charlie looked at Quirrell and glared at him as she cracked her knuckles. "Let your big sis show you how to throw a punch," Charlie told Harry. "From what I read, wizards are more of distance fighters. Bet they can't take a punch," she said before slugging Quirrell in the jaw. "That one was for nearly knocking my brother off a broom during his first game of Quiddich!" She punched him again, hitting his other side. "That one was for nearly killing him in the forest!"

"Okay, Charlie. Let your brother have his fun. After all, this is my gift to him," Lucifer pulled Charlie away from the former Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher so that Harry can throw his punches.

Harry looked at his hand before starting to turn it into a fist and stared at Quirrell with a lot of hatred. Harry swung at him, hitting Quirrell in the gut hard enough to make him cough. Harry then proceeded to send out a few jabs across his face and then sent a powerful haymaker at his nose, breaking it badly. Letting loose some heavy breaths, Harry looked at his fist and saw how bloody his knuckles became. He looked at Quirrell as he wailed from his bloody nose becoming flattened and crooked. The Prince of Hell approached him and bent down right in front of him. "I'll tell you what. You tell me where your master is, and I'll make your punishment less painless. Fail to do so and... I'll bring it up a notch," he offered as he pulled down his gag.

"Fuck You, Magne!"

"Not the answer I was looking for. Oh well," Harry said turning to his father. "He's all yours, Dad. Enjoy what you love."

The Devil grinned and twirled the hooked blade around as Harry and Charlie left the room. The blade soon sank into Quirrell's leg, making him howl in pain before Lucifer began to interrogate him. "Where is Voldemort? His soul didn't end up here after what Harry did to you."

"I don't know," Quirrell cried as his leg started to bleed heavily.

"Liar," Lucifer said as he pulled the blade out of Quirrell's injured leg and stabbed him in the other leg. "Where is that shitty wannabe dark lord!"

"I don't know," Quirrell cried again, as the King stabbed him in the hand with the blade. "I swear, I don't know!"

"You have got to do better than that," Lucifer said as he pulled out the blade, ready to stab him in the other hand, only to be stopped by Harry, who entered the room again after hearing the screams. "Son, what are you doing? He tried to kill you and you're showing mercy?"

"No. I was just thinking that if he won't talk from you cutting him up, I say we introduce him to Sebastian," Harry suggested, surprising his father and sister while Quirrell was confused.

"Harry, that has got to be the most devilish thing you have ever thought of. I'm so proud of you," Lucifer grinned as he patted his son on the shoulders. Snapping his fingers, the snake-like chains repositioned themselves to pull Quirrell out of the chair. The King of Hell then dragged the former professor out of the room and through the halls of the mansion with both children following behind them

"W-where are we going," Quirrell stuttered feeling himself turn paler with each step he took.

"Your worst torture yet," Lucifer laughed as he continue to drag the sinner down the halls and outside to the east garden with a large field. The King of Hell brought his lips together and whistled as if to call upon a dog. "Sebastian, come!" Seconds later, a loud roar was heard in the distance before the ominous beating sound of large wings echoed. In the distance, everyone watched as a dark spec was seen in the sky that grew bigger and bigger in size until it was revealed to be a gargantuan dragon.

The beast landed in the large empty field as it took up the entire courtyard. It was so massive in size that if it was standing beside Hogwarts castle, it would have made it look like a playset made of plastic bricks. The dragon's scales were mostly pitch black while its eyes were orange and red like an inferno. Metallic horns encircled his head resembling a crown of platinum while scales around his chest seemed to resemble armor in the same color as the horns. The red wings that slowed its descent resembled blades with a big ring floating behind its back that looked like a large halo. The dragon snorted as it let loose smoke from its nostrils, looking down at the four beneath its imposing figure.

Quirrell was shaking in pure terror as he was looking at the fangs of this gigantic being. Lucifer then pulled him forward and he pushed him to the ground in front of the beast. "Allow me to introduce you to Sebastian, king of the Black Bahamuts. And he's feeling a little hungry."

Sebastian opened his jaws as he licked his teeth at the scared demon. Quirrell panicking was pulling on the king's coat a begging him. "Please, don't let that thing eat me! I'll tell you anything! Anything you want to know. Just don't feed me to your pet!"

"Then tell me and my son, where that piece of shit Voldemort is," Lucifer asked him as the man loosen his grip crying.

"I don't know. I seriously don't know," Quirrell cried as he was on his knees.

"Hmm. Pity, oh well. Dinner time, Sebastian," Lucifer ordered the dragon as he drew closer with his claws to the former Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

"No! Wait! Please have mercy! I tell you anything else! His spies, his followers, what else he's planning," Quirrell begged, but it was falling on deaf ears as the dragon picked him up on the ground and flung him in the air, ready to be eaten whole. "I'll tell you where I found him!" With that, Lucifer snapped his finger as the dragon bit into the bald demon's leg instead.

"Speak up before I change my mind," Lucifer told the sinner with his eyes turning blood red.

"Albania. I met him in a dark forest in Albania," Quirrell said telling the three Morningstars. "That's all I know I swear."

"Is that all," Lucifer asked the bald sinner as he looked at the dragon.

"You literally had him in your head. Any thoughts he had at all that you remember," Charlie questioned.

Thinking about it for a moment, Quirrell tried to focus on a hazy memory and remembered something from Voldemort's mind. "A book... a diary, maybe?"

Raising an eyebrow in interest, Lucifer looked at Sebastian. "You can't eat him," he told the dragon, who responded with a low grunt. "But you do need a new chew toy. Have fun."

"Wait! I told you what I know ple- Noooo," Quirrell screams the dragon was chewing on his leg before he flew away with the former professor.

Lucifer walked back inside as he stopped beside his children and looked at his son. "Did you enjoy your gift, Harry?"

"Very much, Dad. Thank you," the boy prince said.

"I'm glad. Enjoy the rest of your evening," the Devil said as he walked back into the mansion.

Feeling exhausted from seeing that display, Harry went up to his room and started to write two letters.

"Dear Ron/Hermione,

I hope things are going well with your families and are keeping up with your studies. As for me, I'm doing pretty well and working hard while finding some free time in my life. Helped out my dad with some of his work, Mom's on tour and will be returning home soon, and Charlie is helping me out as best as possible. I hope to see you again before school starts.

Sincerely, Harry."

He looked over his two letters and folded them up as he handed them to Hedwig who took them and flew off to deliver them to his two friends in the human world. Little did Hary know that he would not be getting letters back.

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