The Color Of You

By Stuieee

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Falling in love is never easy, but what if your heart pulls you towards the two people you should never fall... More

Chapter 1 (Prologue)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

1.8K 59 17
By Stuieee

If you thought you couldn't be more amazed, it all paled in comparison to the moment Natasha noticed your arrival. When her eyes found yours, her lips stretched into a beautiful smile that kick-started your heart into hyperdrive. Always the smooth one, she languidly stretched before getting up, moving towards you and Wanda, who was currently standing close enough for you to feel the warmth radiating from her.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Natasha said smoothly, her voice carrying that inviting rasp that awakened butterflies in your stomach.

You could feel them flapping their wings as her warm hand cupped your cheek, guiding you gently to meet her soft lips. There was no hesitation on your part as you fell into her embrace. You tried to keep up with her pace, but a tremor caused your lips to shake against hers. Almost as if she could read your mind or feel the desperation from the way you clung to her, she deepened the kiss, and you invited her in, craving the sensations she awakened. You ached, trembled, wanted, needed. Natasha, Natasha, Natasha.

"Always so greedy," Wanda chastised playfully, her warm breath caressing the back of your neck.

Natasha's tongue made one last sweep against yours before retreating as she left small kisses against your lips. She released a pleased hum as she parted, and you couldn't help but chase her lips. It was impossible not to want more, even if you panted for air, feeling close to suffocation.

"Don't be jealous, my love. It doesn't suit you," Natasha rasped, catching you before you tipped over in your desperate need to feel her lips again.

"Oh, please," Wanda said haughtily, and you didn't have to see her face to know she was rolling her eyes.

You weren't prepared when Wanda spun you around, kissing you soundly. Her long fingers caressed your cheeks as she held onto you. As you lost your footing, your hands flew out in an attempt to steady yourself, inadvertently landing on Wanda's warm and soft, very inviting breast. She moaned against your mouth, which startled you enough to pull away from the warmth of her luscious lips.

"Oh gosh, I'm really sorry," you stammered, flustered, and took a step back from Wanda, feeling your cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Your gaze involuntarily dropped to her chest before meeting Wanda's eyes, internally cringing at the sly smirk on her already beautifully swollen lips.

"They're just breasts, dear. Are you frightened by them?" she purred, taking a step closer, nudging you backward toward Natasha, who chuckled as she held onto your shoulders, her fingers tracing along your collarbone.

"N...N...No, not at all. Why would I be?" you stuttered, feeling a slight pout forming on your lips.

As you tried to muster the courage to respond to Wanda, she drew closer, her smirk softening into a gentle smile.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, sweetheart," Wanda said softly, and you relaxed slightly beneath Natasha's touch. "But if you ever wish to touch them again, just know I wouldn't mind at all," Wanda continued, gently playing with the tips of a strand of your hair before brushing it aside.

"Oh," you murmured, meeting her gaze, finding nothing but warmth and kindness in her eyes.

"Do you want to?" Wanda asked in a whisper, taking your hand gently, and your eyes flickered between your hand and hers.

Before you could decide, Wanda pulled you in, guiding your face with her other hand, and she planted a wet kiss on your lips.

"You," Wanda whispered firmly against your lips before swiftly kissing you again before parting breathing softly against your mouth, "don't realize," she continued, nibbling on your lower lip, "how utterly adorable you are," she softly sucked on your lip before releasing it with a soft groan, "just the thought of your hands on me makes me want to do ungodly things to you."

"Play nicely, dear," Natasha chuckled softly, breaking the moment as she leaned in to kiss Wanda's cheek before hugging you. Locking her gaze with Wanda, she continued with a scolding tone, "Remember our earlier conversation."

"Mmm yes, yes. You're right, my love," Wanda answered while sending you a wink. She gently brushed your lower lips with the thumb while humming softly.

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked while gently brushing her fingers underneath your eyes, trailing them down your cheek to your chin and tilted your head to meet her eyes.

"Yeah, never better," you reassured her with a flustered giggle, meeting Wanda's gaze to ensure she understood your feelings before leaning into Natasha, who embraced you without hesitation. You smiled softly up at her.

"Alright then. Now that we're composed, this is for you, little duckling," Natasha nodded, presenting the flower you had noticed upon your arrival. Your throat constricted with emotions as Natasha gently handed you the flower, her eyes tender. Scared to damage the lovely gift, you held it close to your chest, fighting back tears as you caressed the delicate petals with the tips of your fingers.

You looked up with misty eyes, hoping for another kiss from Natasha, but to your disappointment she had already started walking to the sofa in the corner. Wanda gently urged you forward with a touch on your back, guiding you to join her. Natasha's suit jacket fit her perfectly, accentuating her figure, and you couldn't help but steal glances at her as she sat down. Your eyes wandered to the front of her shirt, the buttons straining against her ample chest. You recalled the soft warmth of Wanda's breasts, however brief, and a similar desire to feel it again arose as you gazed at Natasha's chest. She sat confidently, arms stretched along the back of the couch, exuding power as she casually rested her ankle on her knee. You hurriedly took a seat beside her, feeling drawn to her magnetic presence. As soon as you settled, she pulled you close, while Wanda sat next to you, taking your hand and tenderly kissing the tips of your fingers.

"It's about to begin, darling. Look," Natasha pointed to the neighboring building where a lantern was being lit, gradually ascending into the sky, followed by several others. Holding your breath, you were mesmerized by the sight of numerous lanterns rising in a breathtaking display, accompanied by distant singing.

"What's happening?" you whispered, unable to shift your gaze, afraid the spectacle might fade away.

"It's a tribute to a remarkable artist who passed away a few years back. His family owns the building across from here," Natasha shared, her voice wavering slightly, prompting your concern. Before you could interject, she sighed, gathering her thoughts. "I owe so much to him. When I first arrived in New York, he took me under his wing without explanation. He exposed me to the beauty of art, yes, but more profoundly, he taught me to embrace myself and to find my path in life when I felt lost."

Natasha's gaze was solemn as she gazed at the sky and you watched her throat as it moved as she swallowed thickly and your heart ached.

"It's painful that his family never truly understood him. He feared their rejection, which kept him from revealing his true self to them. His sister never warmed up to me, so I accept I won't be invited to his memorial. Yet, every year, I come here to honor him. Initially, I expected it to be a depressing thing, but his final wish was to each year celebrate his life on the day of his death—with music, dance, and, most importantly, love," Natasha softly explained, her words causing your heart to clench in sympathy. Though her smile remained gentle, a hint of sorrow lingered in her eyes, mirroring the lanterns' orange glow.

"He sounds like a wonderful man, and I'm so sorry for your loss." You said quietly as leaned your head against her shoulder.

"He would have adored you," Natasha murmured, her voice thick, as she gently kissed your temple.

You found yourself at a loss for words. Arguing would have felt wrong, especially considering you didn't quite see how he might have viewed you as worthy of Natasha. This moment wasn't about you; it was an emotionally charged moment for Natasha, almost sacred in its intensity. The fact that she had invited you made your heart ache and swell simultaneously.

"Then shouldn't we celebrate, as he wished?" you asked cautiously, aiming for a positive tone as you reached for her hand.

Natasha quickly wiped the corner of her eye, offering you an appreciative smile as she took your hand in response, nodding. You let out a soft sigh, grateful that your instincts had been right this time and that you hadn't overstepped.

"Yes, you're right, my dear. Let's honor everything he was—vibrant, flamboyant, and, most of all, wonderfully colorful," Natasha chuckled with a hint of teary emotion. Pushing away from the couch, you gently tugged her hand with a warm smile as the music echoed between the buildings.

As you moved across the balcony, Wanda rose too. Dancing between Wanda and Natasha, you tried to uplift the mood with childhood dance moves that used to entertain you and Yelena, drawing a few chuckles.

Watching them move, you wondered why you had never danced with them until now. The familiar tingle sent a ripple through your stomach, settling heavily between your legs—a sensation you now recognized as arousal. You weren't completely unfamiliar with the feeling, but living in denial had felt safer. However, as you watched their hips sway and observed how they embraced each other in dance, you finally admitted to yourself that being around them and feeling their touch awakened your body, and it felt incredibly pleasurable. It was both addicting and frightening; you longed to ask them to make you feel everything, even though you weren't entirely certain what that meant. The ache in your core intensified each time you were with them. Admitting your desire for them to yourself didn't erase the lingering doubts provoked by James' words. What if he was right? What if something was wrong with you? What if they would look at you with the same disgust as he did? The thought of that possibility left you feeling unsure if you could handle it.

Shaking off those thoughts, you returned to the present and allowed yourself to be drawn into Natasha's embrace as she held you tightly, swaying your hips together. Her soft singing accompanied the dance as she spun you in and out, eliciting laughter. Wanda joined in, adding her voice to the melody. Witnessing Natasha's smile upon hearing Wanda's singing melted your heart. She looked at Wanda as if she were the center of the universe, as if her voice held the power to heal any wound, and you have to agree.

They spun you around, dancing until exhaustion painted your being, not just from the physical exertion but also from their captivating presence. The dancing helped keep you warm, yet you could still feel the cold brushing against your skin. When you rubbed your arms, Natasha whisked you inside, rubbing your arms and wrapping you in a blanket from her office. After a while, Wanda joined you both, and as you offered her a small smile, she returned it before planting a kiss on your temple.

If you thought the night had been lovely so far, you weren't prepared for the table set up in one of the display rooms, a space Natasha had showed you a few weeks back. Your gaze swept around the room, and your breath hitched when you spotted a painting that seemed to depict you and Natasha on the night of your first kiss. Moving closer, you took in the way Natasha gazed at you, while you appeared lost in a dreamy smile. Was that truly how you looked, or perhaps it was what Wanda seen? Glancing behind you, you found Wanda studying you intently, her head tilted to the side.

"You made this?" you asked, even though you already knew the answer.

"Yes, I finished it a few nights ago," she replied, stepping closer and casting a gentle smile from you to the painting. You observed her chest rise with a deep breath before she inquired, "Do you like it?"

Her question lingered in the air as your eyes traced back to the painting, following the defining lines of Natasha's jaw up to her inviting, slightly parted lips that seemed to glisten as if she had licked them recently, and then landing on her eyes. Your nerves buzzed, your chest expanded, and you absorbed the way Natasha looked at you when you weren't aware. You felt an overwhelming desire to step inside the painting and cover her ridiculously gorgeous face with kisses.

"It's beautiful, Wanda," you answered, your voice thick with emotion. Glancing over to Natasha, you found her already watching you, leaning against the door and sipping champagne. She raised her glass in a toast, a smirk playing on her lips—lips you were incredibly tempted to kiss again, especially when she looked so pleased and cocky.

'Beautiful,' Natasha mouthed, followed by a wink that left you feeling utterly flustered.

"I told you that you're my muse, my sweet girl," Wanda interrupted with a chuckle while taking your hand pulling you gently towards the table "and it delights me greatly that you enjoyed the painting," she whispered as she pulled out a chair for you, prompting a bashful smile from you.

"I don't see how that's possible," you mumbled, taking a seat and fidgeting with the fork on your left.

You gasped when Wanda's hand caressed your scalp, gently tugging your hair back. It wasn't painful or forceful, but it certainly caught you off guard. Wide-eyed, you looked at her.

"What was that, little one?" Wanda inquired, her other hand gently caressing your jaw.

"N-Nothing," you breathed out.

"Is that so? I thought I heard our little duckling saying it wasn't possible," she tutted, tapping the bottom of your lip. "And you see, it would upset me greatly if you think of me as a liar."

"I don't. It's just... I don't understand what you see in me. Why me?" You rushed out, relaxing against the chair.

You felt conflicted, both enjoying and feeling guilty for liking how she took control over your movements. Her demeanor was relaxed, nothing threatening in her posture, yet you reveled underneath her touch. Your body responded to her, and you trusted her not to hurt you.

Wanda released you gently, softly kissing your lips before sitting down next to you.

"We need to have a discussion about your lack of confidence, little one. You are a beautiful young woman, and it's easy to draw inspiration not only from your delightful reactions but, most of all, from your sweet smile and expressive eyes," Wanda said as she assisted in adding food to your plate.

"Perhaps next time you don't need to manhandle her when making a point," Natasha drawled, draping her jacket over the back of the chair before sitting down.

"Oh, please. I've seen you be much rougher at the club, and to be fair, she's the only one you're so careful around," Wanda rolled her eyes as she caressed your cheek. You glanced over at Natasha, curious about Wanda's comment, and the glare Natasha sent Wanda made you gulp.

"Tell me, baby girl, did I hurt you?" Wanda cooed, leaning in, though your attention was divided between her and Natasha in your peripheral vision.

"Hmm? What?" You asked, confusion clouding your thoughts until Wanda's words finally filtered through your mind, and you rushed out, "No, no, of course you didn't hurt me!"

Wanda shot Natasha a grin, lifting her chin in defiance, while Natasha scowled.

"For the record, my love, you can't compare Y/N to the ones we played with at the club," Natasha stated firmly, her eyes softening in worry as she glanced at you, sparking more questions within you.

"Yes, yes, of course, I know," Wanda waved off her wife's concern as she prepared her plate, and you found yourself focusing on the jewelry adorning Wanda's wrists, tracing the chain to the ring on her finger. It seemed easier to concentrate on that rather than the building tension between the two women.

"What club?" You couldn't help but ask, hearing the question leave your lips unexpectedly. You stiffened, realizing you hadn't intended to broach that topic, but the need for clarity overpowered your apprehension, despite the tension already mounting in the air.

"I think that's a conversation for another day," Natasha evaded your question, taking a large sip of her drink.

"Enough of this, Natasha. We can't pursue her romantically without explaining something she will be exposed to if she wants to be with us. I know you think she'll bolt the moment we tell her about us, but it's cruel to keep her in the dark," Wanda said firmly, her touch on Natasha's hand holding a tenderness that tugged at your heart.

"I want to know," you rushed out, surprising both them and yourself with the assertiveness in your tone. You looked between them, a sense of worry creeping in.

Wanda's delightful laughter eased the tension, and you released a nervous laugh in return, running your hand over your face in embarrassment.

"Our little duckling has spoken," Wanda chuckled, wiping the corner of her eye before sending a cheeky grin toward Natasha, who shook her head with a smile before focusing on you, letting her smile fade.

"Y/N," Natasha began carefully, capturing your full attention. "It's crucial that you understand what we're about to tell you won't reflect our expectations for our relationship with you. We don't expect you to be anything other than yourself with us, and we didn't plan to pursue you only to leave if it turns out you don't share the same interests or kinks," she said gently, reaching out to grasp your hand and you couldn't help but feel confused even if her words were comforting.

Natasha glanced briefly at Wanda before refocusing her attention on you. "But Wanda is right; you need to hear my story, and partly Wanda's, before we go any further. We've made our intentions clear that we plan on pursuing a romantic relationship with you, if that's what you want."

You opened your mouth to express your desire to be with them no matter what they planned on sharing, but Natasha halted you by raising her hand, signaling for your silence.

"Please let me finish before you decide to say something. I need your undivided attention, and even if you wish to interrupt with questions, I want you to let me speak until I'm finished," she said kindly. You nodded, feeling the heat of a blush creeping up your cheeks.

Taking a deep breath, Natasha focused on you again, a slight frown creasing her face. "I'm telling you this because you have the right to walk out if you feel uncomfortable or unwilling to enter a relationship with us based on what I'm about to share. It's important that you understand, that if you decide to leave, we will still welcome you into our home and treat you with the same respect as we have before our relationship changed."

You didn't quite comprehend where she was leading with this conversation, but their assurance that they wouldn't exclude you regardless of your decision was reassuring.

"As you might know, I arrived in New York at the age of nineteen, much like you," Natasha started and sent you a small smile before continuing, "It felt liberating, a time when I sought indulgence above all else. I fell into a reckless lifestyle, prioritizing pleasure over studies and my nights were consumed with either drinking or spending time with a different woman each night. Looking back, I'm not proud of that younger version of myself, but I've learned to accept my past. Passing my first year of college was more a stroke of luck than a conscious effort, to be honest education wasn't my priority then. I played a risky game, seeking control of others, finding a sense of desire and dominance in those encounters—but it all escalated when Jean came along."

Natasha licked her lips and rolled her shoulders before continuing, and you couldn't help but sit at the edge of your seat in suspense, wondering how this story would turn out.

"I hadn't expected to be so captivated by her, though in hindsight, it was more about lust than love to be honest. Jean awakened desires in me that my inexperienced self wasn't prepared for. Our first meeting was at a party and by then I had built up some confidence when it came to seduction, or so I thought. So not unsurprisingly I decided to approach this tall, charismatic woman, thinking she'd be an exciting conquest. But I quickly realized I was wrong. With just a glance, I understood there was likely no one on earth who could seduce her. My presumptions fell flat, yet I persisted. Maybe Jean took pity on me or simply found me amusing—till this day, I'm not entirely sure. Nonetheless, by the end of the night she invited me into her bed. If I thought I knew about sex before her, she unveiled an entirely new dimension of it. But instead of being in the one in control I was rendered under her control from the start, she ripped down my well placed walls without care for the consequences."

Natasha paused, taking a deep breath, and glanced over at Wanda. Almost as if sensing Natasha's emotions, Wanda started speaking softly.

"I met Natasha when I arrived in New York, back in my early twenties, while she was in her mid-twenties and strikingly captivating. But we were both broken, albeit in different ways. It wasn't love at first sight; we were too shattered for that. Yet, amid the pain and healing, we discovered a love born out of survival and mutual respect. Like I mentioned before, little duckling, Natasha is my other half. She knows my darkest parts and chose to love me regardless. But you... what I felt for you was immediate. From the moment I saw you in our house, you made my heart sing, and it has only grown as I've gotten to know you better. So, when you asked me before why you, well, there's no specific answer to that. Love doesn't always make sense. All I know is that our lives would feel less vibrant without you in them."

You tried to control your breathing as you absorbed her words and everything she was sharing, feeling your heart ache and fill with warmth simultaneously.

But almost as if Wanda sensed your overwhelming emotions or simply perceived the weight of the silence, she spoke again, this time with amusement.

"Well, I can't deny Natasha didn't sweep me off my feet. She was this brooding, big bad lesbian glaring at everyone at the bar. Who wouldn't want to take that puppy home?" Wanda chuckled, prompting a playful toss of a carrot from Natasha in her direction, which brought a smile to your face. Your heart warmed with endearment for Wanda and her attempt to alleviate the heaviness in the room.

"And you were a prima donna," Natasha huffed out a laughter, sending Wanda soft smile before winking at you.

"I was, wasn't I?" Wanda said, pushing her hair back with a pleased expression. "But let's not forget who ended up on top the first time, even if it was a struggle."

Natasha burst out laughing, and you couldn't help but giggle at their banter. However, you wanted—or rather, needed—to know more.

"So what happened to Jean?" You prodded, glancing between them.

Wanda looked at Natasha who took a deep breath turning her attention to you.

"The relationship between Jean and me was toxic. I was clueless when she introduced me to BDSM, and without prior experience, I thought what we had was a healthy and normal dynamic. Perhaps she found it exhilarating to break me," Natasha explained as you frowned at her in worry while taking a bite of your food.

"Do you know what BDSM stands for, darling?" Natasha asked, pouring herself a glass of wine.

"No, not really," you replied uncertainly, wondering if they would laugh at your lack of knowledge.

But they didn't laugh; they exchanged a look before offering you a reassuring smile.

"BDSM is an extensive topic we could delve into for hours, but that's not my aim at the moment. In essence, it involves various expressions of power, ranging from physical to psychological control, involving practices like bondage, suspension, sensation play, breath play, age play, discipline, just to mention a few. What many don't realize is that these dynamics may or may not involve sexual acts. The key lies in individuals determining the dynamic that meets their needs. Consent is a cornerstone in any relationship, especially within the realm of BDSM, where it holds significant importance." Natasha explained gently, and when she finished, you noticed the your hand holding the fork hovering midair and put it down in embarrassment.

Trying to process all the information Natasha had provided, you attempted to understand the emotions that followed. As you glanced at them, it was hard to imagine them in such a dynamic. You couldn't fully decide if you felt concerned, terrified, aroused, or intrigued; it felt like a whirlwind of emotions leaving you dizzy yet with a desire to know more.

"So, you and Jean had a relationship like that?" you asked carefully, relieved that your voice didn't waver. Natasha nodded while chewing, watching you carefully.

"Yes, she was the dominant in the relationship and I was the submissive." She answered before taking another bite.

"So she controlled you?" You pondered, trying to see it in front of you but it was hard seeing someone so confident like Natasha as submissive.

"In a way yes, it was an experience that wasn't all filled with good experiences in the end. But in a healthy BDSM relationship a dominant is suppose to provide structure and maintain boundaries in the relationship. More importantly, they are responsible for the well-being, support, and safety of their submissive." Natasha explained firmly as she looked at you, giving you a sense that she was ensuring you understood the importance of what she was explaining. You straightened your spine, giving her your undivided attention. She offered you a pleased smile before continuing.

"The role of Dominant begins with negotiating the contract for a scene or relationship, and ensure that everyone involved is being considered. They assure that safe words and gestures are clearly known. During play, the Dominant may give orders, inflict intense sensations, or punish if necessary. Behaviors can range from spanking and flogging to detailing every moment of how their submissive will spend the day." Natasha said as she kept her eyes locked on you, and you hoped you would remember it all in the morning.

Natasha's face twisted into something like pain before returning to her soft gaze as she continued.

"It was when I started to research more about BDSM on my own that I noticed how destructive and dangerous the dynamic between me and Jean was, where consent wasn't always considered. My breaking point came when she wanted me to submit to her outside of the bedroom. It was when I finally dared to share it all with Tony, the man we danced to today, that I found the strength to end it all. My family had no idea what went on between me and Jean behind closed doors, and they still don't. When I broke up with her, I think it affected Yelena the most, as she looked up to Jean."

Natasha took a sip of her wine as she finished talking, looking at you over the brim of her glass.

"Yelena knew Jean?" You asked, even though you had just heard what Natasha said. You wondered why Yelena had never mentioned her before. Yes, you had fallen out of touch after she moved to New York, but you still wrote to each other a few times.

"Yes, she and Jean were close, and I think Jean won Yelena over with her dog in the beginning. But over time I know Yelena came to see Jean as a big sister; they had the same sense of humor, and Jean spent a lot of time with her. So, I know she was hurt for a long time when it ended. She didn't talk to me for a week when I first ended it. I could most likely tell Yelena everything today, but it's still painful talking about Jean, and Yelena has such good memories of her. I would feel bad for tainting them, and I think I would do more damage telling her today," Natasha explained, shaking her head.

You looked over at Wanda, who regarded Natasha with compassion, though her lips were dipped in a frown.

"I had no idea," you mumbled as you poked at your food.

Natasha only hummed as she ate, while Wanda stayed quiet. It was a lot to process, and you wondered how you could get more information from Yelena without making it obvious that Natasha had shared anything about Jean.

"Did you like the food?" Wanda asked, breaking the silence, and you sent her a smile while nodding.

"I love it," you answered as you took another bite, glancing at Wanda, who had turned her attention towards Natasha. They were talking quietly, and you tried to imagine them involved in the acts Natasha had mentioned earlier, but you had a hard time envisioning them in that dynamic. Who submitted to whom, you pondered, watching them.

"S-So, do you two practice BDSM together?" You stuttered out, avoiding their eyes as you stuffed another small piece of carrot in your mouth. You chewed it slowly, wondering what had gotten into you tonight. It's like you lost all sorts of filters, and you wished the ground could just swallow you and put you out of your misery.

Wanda's warm chuckle felt like a caress as it floated in the air.

"We play sometimes, but since both Natasha and I lean towards the dominant side, it can be fun in the bedroom to see who ends up on top. But ultimately, we mostly engage in non-sexual scenes with submissivs at the club. However, it's been a while since we last did that," Wanda said with an amused lilt in her voice.

"Oh," you breathed out, unsure of how you felt about that. The thought of them with someone else made your stomach churn, but not in a good way, and you dragged your fork around in the mashed potatoes on your plate, sulking.

"After everything with Jean I was determined to learn as much as possible about healthy dynamics and I found that I'm naturally good at dominance. It comes naturally for me and it's been a part of my life for many years. But we don't want or need a 24/7 BDSM relationship. We engage in scenes from time to time, but it's not part of our everyday relationship," Natasha added, noticing your discomfort.

"Is this what you want from me?" you dared to ask, unable to raise your eyes for fear of what you might find there.

Natasha's smooth hand covered yours, and your chest swelled as you looked at her graceful fingers, firmly grasping your hand, her rings cold against your heated skin.

"We want you for who you are. We aren't telling you this to force or convince you into something you're not ready or willing to do. We're sharing because we are part of this community and co-owners of a club downtown. It's a significant part of our lives, and even if you wouldn't be willing to explore that dynamic with us, it won't change our desire to be with you," Natasha said gently. "Do you understand what I mean?" She asked, gently squeezing your hand.

"Yes," you answered, looking at her through your lashes, nibbling on your lip in contemplation. Your mind drifted back to the night when their friends were at dinner at their place, recalling how you had watched Kitty and how Wanda had explained Kitty's submissive role. Thinking back now, you remembered feeling arousal when observing her with the older woman.

"If I wanted to try it, what then?" You breathed out, surprised by your own boldness but curious nonetheless.

"Well, first, we would have a longer conversation and possibly draft some papers to better understand your desires, as well as ours. But it's not something I think it's wise to start up right now. If you're still interested further along, we can revisit this conversation, okay?" Natasha answered quietly, caressing your hand. "But we can introduce you to small things if that's something you want," Natasha added.

"Really?" You looked up, unable to contain your smile.

"Yes," Natasha answered with a chuckle, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Tell me, my sweet girl, how did you feel when I grasped your hair tonight?" Wanda asked, and you turned your attention towards her as she leaned back against her chair, watching you and Natasha intently.

"It felt good," you answered truthfully, squirming in your seat with embarrassment.

"Thank you for sharing that with us. It's important to us that you're honest with your answers," Wanda said gently, offering a soft smile as she leaned in closer.

"Would you like for me to do it again?" She asked, and your heart skipped a beat at the way she was looking at you.

You nodded bashfully, looking down at your plate, not daring to meet her eyes.

"Pretty girl, look at me," Wanda urged gently, and you didn't hesitate, flickering your eyes up to meet hers.

You relaxed in your seat, reassured by the warm look of encouragement in her eyes.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about when you're with us, darling. All I want is to make you feel good. Will you let me?" She said warmly as she reached out for your other hand.

"Yes," you breathed out, feeling your heart beating hard against your ribcage, a drum of excitement echoing in your ears.

Wanda leaned in closer, and you couldn't help but close your eyes as her fingers caressed your scalp before gripping the roots and pulling your head back. Her movements were smooth, sending a tingling sensation down your spine, and you gasped softly at the tension in your scalp.

"Beautiful," Wanda whispered, and all you could do was try to control your breathing as she shifted her hand, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine.

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked gently, softly caressing your neck with her fingertips. Your body felt like it was on fire, every touch making your core tighten with sensitivity.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes," you chanted quietly, feeling overwhelmed by their closeness and their touch.

"Remember you're safe with us, the moment it get's to much you tell us to stop," Wanda reassured you gently making you relax against her.

"What do you need?" Natasha murmured against the shell of your ear, nearly making you sob at the feeling.

"A kiss," you confessed, feeling Wanda's grip on your hair tighten, eliciting a pleasurable groan.

"I want you to earn it. Do you want to earn it, little one?" Natasha whispered, her breath warm against your skin.

"Whatever you want."

Desperate at this point, the warmth of Natasha's breath and Wanda's firm grip, along with the press of her body against your side, made you feel safe and cared for.

"I want you to name three things you like about yourself," Natasha said clearly, leaving soft kisses against the tips of your fingers, sending shudders through you.

Trying to clear your fuzzy brain, you focused on what Natasha asked, but your mind went blank each time you tried to speak due to their distracting touches.

"Concentrate, baby girl," Wanda gently demanded, her shifting hold causing another tingle down your spine.

"You're making it hard to," you whined, attempting to gather your thoughts amid their touches.

Their chuckles mingled together as they leaned in closer.

"I'm good at math and science," you managed to force out, feeling proud for getting the words out.

"Very good, baby girl," Natasha praised against your neck, the warmth of her breath feeling heavenly against your skin, causing you to shudder in pleasure as she kissed your neck.

"Give us another one," Wanda said softly, releasing your hair to drag her fingers against your scalp before twisting your hair, eliciting a sound you had never heard yourself make.

"I-I'm kind," you stuttered out as Natasha's lips caressed your throat, the soft wet slide of her lips making you squirm in your seat, each movement causing shivers from Wanda's tugs on your hair.

"Yes, our smart and kind girl, continue," Natasha purred against your neck.

You swallowed thickly as a whimper slipped past your lips, feeling like you might combust at any moment.

"I want you to mention something you like about your body this time," Wanda whispered against your ear, and you were panting at this point, longing for more of their touch, yearning for the ache to stop.

"I-I can't," you whimpered, unable to find a single positive thought about yourself, growing frustrated.

"Do you want us to stop?" Natasha asked gently, as Wanda released her grip on your hair.

Natasha guided your face toward her, and you opened your teary eyes as she wiped beneath them.

"We should stop," she said with concern, scanning you over, but you covered her hands resting on your cheeks, shaking your head.

"No, please don't. I-I want to continue, I just can't think of anything I like," you confessed in a rush, stuttering out your plea.

"Give me one thing, one little thing you like about yourself, and I will give you what you want," Natasha said gently, her gaze steady on you.

Closing your eyes in search of something positive, you were about to blurt out anything just to move forward and taste her lips again, but you didn't want to deceive them.

"My legs," you whispered, wanting to hide from them, but Natasha's hand held you gently while Wanda massaged your scalp.

"They are very lovely indeed. I can't explain how proud I am of you, my little love," Natasha said softly as she guided you up from your chair. You could feel your legs shaking as Natasha steered you onto her lap. Instead of sitting down, she shifted you to straddle her lap. Your heart raced facing her, feeling her warm hands holding your waist.

"You did so well, baby girl," Wanda praised, leaving a soft kiss on the crown of your head before holding your shoulders.

You looked at Natasha, hoping for her to take action, eager to feel her lips against yours. When Natasha finally kissed you, all thoughts of earlier conversations abandoned you. All that mattered was Natasha. Natasha kissing you. Heat spread from your chest through your entire body as Natasha's full, soft mouth moved against your own, kissing you again and again. She kissed you almost as if she wanted to meld with you. You couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't do anything but hold onto the woman in front of you for dear life.

Natasha's tongue glided across your lower lip, tasting, teasing, and retreating even as you strained to deepen it. Natasha paused, and you whined, a humiliatingly desperate sound. Opening your eyes, you found Natasha studying you, contemplating what to do next, and you vibrated in anticipation.

"If you want this," Natasha murmured, her voice husky and velvet, "then I promise to take care of you, because I want it all, all of you."

You only managed to bob your head mindlessly, grasping for her to join your lips again, but before you could, Wanda held you back, eliciting a groan of disappointment from you.

"Easy now, I think we can continue this at home," she murmured against your temple, while Natasha chuckled, patting your leg.

"Wanda is right, let's go home," Natasha said, leaning in to kiss your temple before helping you up.

Wanda steadied you when your legs shook and offered you a wink as Natasha gathered your things and made a quick call to have the table and items cleaned up after your departure.

The car was warm as you entered, and you couldn't help but relax between them as it drove you back to their house. You wondered how the night would turn out, feeling excited yet still harboring fear about taking it further. Your body craved more of their touch, desperate to feel and kiss them. However, you couldn't help but fear that they might find something wrong with your lack of experience.

"A penny for your thoughts."

You rolled your head to look at Wanda, meeting her soft, inviting eyes. In the darkness of the car, you couldn't help but find her irresistibly beautiful. Her lips tilted up in a gentle smile as she caressed your cheek with her knuckles.

"I'm thinking about what will happen back at the house, what you expect of me, and if I will be able to live up to it," you admitted quietly.

You felt Natasha leaning in closer, and Wanda's frown slightly deepened as her eyes flickered over your face.

"You have nothing to fear. We would never force you to do something you don't want to," Wanda said seriously, and you couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"It's perfectly natural to be nervous, but I want you to know that you are safe with us. If at any point you feel unsure or want us to slow down, you just need to tell us," Natasha added, stretching out her legs.

Their reassuring words brought you comfort, and as the car arrived at the house, your apprehension settled. The crisp cold air outside felt like a balm on your heated skin. Inside, the house was warm and inviting. Natasha helped you off with your jacket, prompting a stuttered thank you, and you quietly wondered if there would be any moment this evening when you didn't sound like a small girl.

In the kitchen, you watched as Wanda poured more wine for herself and Natasha while bringing out a soda for you.

"I have another little surprise for you tonight," Wanda said, moving toward the door leading to the backyard. Natasha motioned with her head for you to follow Wanda, a smirk on her face.

Wanda led you to her studio, and you reached for Natasha as Wanda opened the door into darkness. Natasha swept you up in her arms, walking inside. You couldn't help but laugh as she stumbled, your legs bumping into each other as you walked.

"You're gonna make me fall," you teased as you tried to break free from Natasha's hold.

"I have to make you fall in love with me somehow. If this is the way, then so be it," Natasha chuckled, attempting a cheesy line.

"I've been falling for you for as long as I can remember, so I think it's enough falling for me," you playfully responded, looking up at her.

Her grin turned into a tender smile as she looked down at you. Before anything further could transpire, Wanda called for both of you, interrupting the moment. Natasha released you, but you grabbed her hand, pulling her with you as you ventured further into the studio in search of Wanda.

She stood in front of a white sheet, and when she turned around, butterflies flapped wildly in your stomach. Wanda pulled you closer and then unveiled the sheet.

"I made this for you," she declared, revealing a beautiful painting of a dragon. You gazed at the sight of a beautiful painting, similar to one you had seen online. Wanda had noticed you looking at a poster for your room a few weeks ago and had teased you about it. However, her painting surpassed the poster, with perfect colors and details. You felt emotional, realizing how much time Wanda must have spent on this.

"I can't believe you made this for me, it's perfect," you whispered emotionally as you walked closer to the painting. "I love it," you continued, a bit choked up.

Wanda hugged you from behind, and you leaned back against her. Standing there, looking at the painting felt like hours, but in reality, it was probably closer to minutes, especially as Natasha grew restless and began fiddling with the brushes on the side.

"I think we should paint something together tonight," Natasha's words surprised you; you hadn't known she could paint. As you turned to look at her, something thick and wet landed against your nose. You shrieked, jumping out of Wanda's arms to wipe your nose, only to find it orange from the paint Natasha had playfully smeared. Growling playfully, you grabbed a tube of paint, offering Natasha an evil smile.

"You're gonna pay for that," you declared, stalking over to Natasha, whose smirk grew wider.

"Oh, I'm shaking in fear," she teased before bolting away, and you chased after her with a joyful laughter.

It felt victorious when you outmaneuvered her. Unable to catch her, you hid, then jumped out, squirting a good amount of paint that landed on her neck, dripping down her open shirt.

"So you want to play dirty? Fine by me," Natasha purred, catching your waist and rubbing her paint-dripping neck against your cheek.

"No, stop, ugh, you're getting paint on me," you whined, squirming in her arms.

You managed to get free but didn't get far as Wanda swooped you up in her arms, dragging a finger from between your brows down your nose. You couldn't help but groan, feeling the paint on your skin, but you joined Wanda's laughter. Without warning, Wanda tickled your side, making you squirm in her hold as you tried to break free.

Before you could get away, Wanda's mouth was on yours, and you melted instantly. Her hands slid down your back, pulling you closer. The sound that rumbled from your throat was obscene, and Wanda wasted no time, licking into your mouth as you released a small gasp. Her tongue was hot and agile, exploring your mouth and flicking over your lips, it was an exhilarating sensation. Wanda pushed against you, urging you onto the counter behind you.

Wrapping your arms around Wanda's neck, you shifted back to sit on the counter's edge, feeling the cold steel against your behind. However, having Wanda between your legs made it all worth it. You couldn't deny that you had imagined this scenario a few times, to feel either of them this close and each time you yearn for more. It exceeded your expectations every time, being surrounded by Wanda's intoxicating scent, feeling the warmth of her body, and the firmness of her hands on your skin.

Wanda's mouth moved to devour the tender skin at your neck, causing your head to loll back. As you arched into Wanda, she moved quickly, too fast to keep up. Her teeth scraped against your skin, leaving marks on your throat, eliciting moans of pleasure. You tangled your hand in her auburn hair, its silky texture felt lovely wrapped around your fingers as you grasped and tugged. In response, Wanda sank her teeth into the skin where your shoulder met your neck, as you ran your nails over her scalp repeatedly.

"More," you pleaded, longing to feel her closer, even as she was nestled against your throat, trapped between your legs. "I need more, Wanda."

"How I've longed to have you like close, so eager and to hear you beg for more," Wanda panted softly against your throat.

You tried to control your breathing as your eyes found Natasha looking at you both as Wanda spoke, your thighs trembled around Wanda's hips as you craved more.

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