Cosmic Power (Korrasami X Fem...

Par PlanetFan13

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After the 100 years old war the world fell into a place of peace and harmony, with Avatar Aang watching over... Plus

About Mira
Book One: Air 1 - Welcome to Republic City
2 - A Leaf in the Wind
3 - The Revelation
5 - The Spirit of Competition
6 - And The Winner Is...
7 - The Aftermath
8 - When Extremes Meet
9 - Out of the Past
10 - Turning the Tides
11 - Skeletons in the Closet
12 - Endgame

4 - The Voice in the Night

438 23 12
Par PlanetFan13

Korra's PoV

I was laying on bed, moving this way and that, not being able to shake off the fear that has been driving me insane for the last couple of days. I was terrified of Amon. Of what he could do to my friends, to the people I love. He could take bending away, I don't know how to stop that, how to stop him

A sound outside my window startled me enough that I woke up screaming, then a chi-blocker crashed through the window and jumped to attacked me. I moved away from the bed and bend my fire at him. Then two other chi-blockers broke through my door and joined the first

I fought at best I could but they ended up chi-blocking me, and kicking me to the ground afterwards. As I tried to stand, I saw Amon stepping inside my room, hands covered in blood, and the trail on the floor that lead back to the bedroom in front of mine and my stomach dropped as I realized what he did

"Mira" I whispered. My eyes filling with enraged tears as I look up at Amon. I tried to attack him, make him pay for everything he's done, for hurting Mira. But his men stopped me, forced me to my knees and held me in place as he stood in front of me

"After I take your bending away, you will be nothing" he reached out a bloody hand, with every intention of taking my bending away. The rage in me suddenly was replaced by fear. So frighting and strong that I just stood there as I saw the hand about to touch my forehead

*End of nightmare*

I woke up from the dream with a terrified scream, jumping on my bed and looking frighteningly around my room. Looking for the chi-blockers, for Amon. But there was no one here but me

Then I felt Naga's snout over my hand, licking it to comfort me. I finally took a deep breath

"It's ... it's all right, Naga. I just had a bad dream" I whispered, more to reassure myself than to tell her. Then my door slips open and Mira runs in, a set of dagger in her hands. Looking all the ready to kill the first person that crosses her way, until her eyes fall on me and she sighs relief

"Are you ok? I heard you scream" she says calmly, sleepy. Putting the daggers down

I took a good look at her, unconsciously searching for any sign that she was hurt. Even though I knew she was perfectly safe, and that Amon didn't get to her, I still found myself making sure she was... alive

"Just a nightmare, don't worry" I say, slightly embarrassed that she heard me, but she didn't seem to judge me for it. In fact her gaze soften in understanding

"Want to talk about it?" She offered gently, welcoming. And all of the sudden I wanted to tell her everything

"No I'm good, thanks though" I said instead. She already has enough on her hands. Dealing with my nightmares shouldn't be her job. No matter how badly I wanted to confined with her. No matter how desperately I needed her to tell me everything was going to be alright

I had to figure this out myself. I had to shake off this fear. I'm the Avatar, I should be ready to stop Amon. But instead, he has me terrified of him

"Alright," she nods, again with the understanding gaze. Then she turned back to the door. "I'm just across your door if you need me" then she was gone, back to her room. Leaving me here to spiral on my thoughts
Mira's PoV

I was worry about Korra. After I was in her room last night, I stayed awake just to be sure she was ok. And for the rest of the day, she looked like she was in an entirely different place, her mind somewhere far away

I offered to spar, so she could let go a little of that stress she was holding onto but she politely declined, she said she needed to focus on airbending, that she needed to master it and that it was her priority. Which is all fine, if she wasn't using it as an excuse. I know she's afraid of Amon, who wouldn't be, but it hit her harder than any of us

I wanted to help her but she refused any attempts I did to get her to talk to me about him. Currently we were at the courtyard. I was listening to the radio while reading a book, as she practiced some airbender moves and stances. But suddenly the radio goes into static before Amon's voice sounds through it

"Good evening, my fellow Equalists," I immediately stood. Looking down at the radio and then at Korra, and her frightened expression. "This is your leader, Amon. As you have heard, the Republic Council has voted to make me public enemy number one, proving once again that the bending oppressors of this city will stop at nothing to quash our revolution. But we cannot be stopped"

"Our numbers grow stronger by the day. You no longer have to live in fear. The time has come for benders to experience fear" I step closer to her, watching her frightening face turn into a panicked one, but before I could say something, she walks off. Her hand trembling slightly

I sigh worriedly as I watch her walk away. The radio going back to playing the cheerful music
*Time Skip*
The next day we were all at the dinner table. Tenzin's family, Korra and I

"Let me help you with Pema" I say, taking the plates she had in her hands and bringing them to the table

"Thanks Mira" she says gratefully, walking behind me and taking her sit

"No worries" I smile, taking my sit next to Korra

After everyone took a sit, Tenzin joined his hands and bows his head to say a prayer and we all follow up

"We are grateful for this delicious food, for happiness, for compassion, and.." but he was interrupted by no other than the snake of a councilman Tarrlok

"I'm not interrupting, am I?" He asks, clearly mocking Tenzin as he bows. What does this rat want?

"This is my home, Tarrlok. We're about to eat dinner" Tenzin says sternly but before he could say anything else, Tarrlok smiles wickedly

"Good, because I am absolutely famished," he glanced mockingly at Tenzin and continues. "Airbenders never turn away a hungry guest, am I right?"

"I suppose" Tenzin sighs exasperated. Using his own culture against him? Fucking prick!

"Ah, you must be the famous Avatar Korra. It is truly an honor," he walks to Korra and bows respectfully. "I am Councilman Tarrlok, representative from the Northern Water Tribe"

"Nice to meet you" she stands up and bows as well before they both took a sit. He glance my way and smiles charmingly. That stupid fake smile he gives to everyone. The one that manipulate people into doing what he wants

"Officer Sonnen" he nods his head politely, yet there was a hint of mockery in it

"Councilman Tarrlok" I say formally but I knew my tone leaned to the edge of annoyance, and maybe a bit of hatred. By the quick puzzled look Korra gave, I know she heard it too

"I was surprised to have heard Beifong assigned you to the Avatar's protection. It's a terrible shame really, to waist your talents as..." he waves his hand, thinking his words. "nothing more than babysitter. You're extraordinarily skilled for a non-bender" I fought the urge to roll my eyes

"And it's terribly bad manner to try to win someone's favor with pathetic, manipulative empty complements" I say back, keeping my voice as calm as I could. "But I guess that's how you made your way up to the councilman chair anyway"

Not to mention that protecting the Avatar, master of all four elements and bringer of peace and balance, was the most important job. But I stopped myself from pointing that out. Something told me that Korra really didn't want the reminder of her duty to the world. Not when she wasn't feeling alright, and I wasn't going to pressure her when I could see she wasn't ready

"Mira" Tenzin warns sternly yet cautiously. He was right, of course, I shouldn't pissed off Tarrlok but I just hated the guy. Nothing more than a power hungry asshole

"It's alright Tenzin. She has the right to have her own opinion" he says casually. Arrogantly

"How very generous of you, councilman" I smile poisonously, reaching for my drink

"It's just," he made a show of frowning worriedly, thoughtfully. "you should be careful with who you say it to. Some people might take it the wrong way" always with the threats with him

"If your ego is so fragile to be knocked down by a simple comment then you chose the wrong line of work" I snorted venomously, taking a sip from my drink before sneering at him "But that's just my humble opinion, of course" I swear he was red with fury

"Why do you have three ponytails?" Ikki spoke before he could answer. Then she sniffs the air. "And how come you smell like a lady? You're weird"

"Well aren't you ... precocious?" He says cautiously before turning to Korra. "So, I've been reading all about your adventures in the papers. Infiltrating Amon's rally, now that took some real initiative" again with the empty manipulative comments

"Oh, thanks. I think you're the first authority figure in the city who's happy I'm here" she says politely

"Republic City is much better off now that you've arrived" he complements. And if he had any good intentions I would absolutely agree, but he clearly didn't have any good intentions towards Korra

"Enough with the flattery, Tarrlok. What do you want from Korra?" Tenzin cuts in. His tone annoyed and protective

"Patience, Tenzin. I'm getting to that," Tarrlok holds up a mocking hand as he looks back at Korra. "As you may have heard, I am assembling a task force that will strike at the heart of the revolution and I want you to join me"

"Really?" Korra gasps surprise at the same time Tenzin shouts


"Of course you do. What is it going to be this time? Same as always. Have a team to do all the work while you take the credit in front of her cameras? Glorify yourself as the hero?" I say annoyed but instead of answering me, he ignores my comment and speaks to Korra as if I didn't say anything

"I need someone who will help me attack Amon directly, someone who is fearless in the face of danger," he gestures to her. "And that someone is you. Of course your," he then glances my way with a distasteful look. "bodyguard can join if she wishes"

"Join your task force?" Korra says out loud before looking down at her plate. "I can't" she says, and everyone around the table fell silent

"I must admit, I'm rather surprised. I thought you'd jump at the chance to help me lead the charge against Amon" Tarrlok comments thoughtfully surprised

"Me, too" Tenzin echoed my thought

"I came to Republic City to finish my Avatar training with Tenzin. Right now, I just need to focus on that" she simply says but there was more to it, and I knew it was because of her fear of Amon

"Which is why this opportunity is perfect. You would get on the job experience while performing your Avatar duty for the city" Tarrlok tries to insists one more time before Tenzin intervened

"Korra gave you her answer. It's time for you to go" he, not so politely, kicked Tarrlok out of the house

"Very well," he stands to leave but chuckles arrogantly. "But I'm not giving up on you just yet. You'll be hearing from me soon," he bows. "It has been a pleasure, Avatar Korra"

"Bye-bye, ponytail man!" Ikki waves her hand as he leaves. I saw him stop and sigh annoyed, and at that I almost laughed

"What was that all about?" Korra asks me lowly. Most likely referring about my bad blood with him. But to explain the whole story is too long

"Nothing, I just don't like people like him" I tell her and we continue eating
*Time Skip*
"Why are you so fluffy?" I say cheerfully, rubbing Naga's chest with Korra. She laughed amused at it as we see Bolin walking towards us

"Hello, fellow teammate! And my favorite bodyguard" he says enthusiastically

"Hey, Bolin" she smiles at him

"Missed you at practice this week" he comments sadly

"Yeah, sorry about that" Korra winced sadly

"Nah, that's all right. We're probably out of the tournament anyways unless some money miraculously drops out of the sky by tomorrow" he waves his hand dismissively, before holding out two cupcake. "Anyways, the reason I came by was to give you this," he gives me one and the other to Korra and I noticed with hers, he gave her a rose. "Ta-da!"

"Thanks Bolin" I smile gratefully at him and he made a show of bowing dramatically

"Wow, thanks. What's this for?" Korra's asks curiously

"Uh, oh I can't remember now. Oh yeah, now I remember. You saved me from Amon!" He says and I saw Korra frown thoughtfully once more. Damnit! I just got her to feel better and now she's back at being worry about Amon

"Oh, that?" She Shrugs, feigning indifference. "It was no big deal"

"No big deal, are you serious?" He says exasperated. "I was totally freaking out when he was coming at me with his creepy mask all, I will take away your bending forever. I mean that is.. scary stuff; I still can't sleep well"

She only hummed nervously as a man walks towards us, with a big basket in his hands

"Delivery for Avatar Korra," he sets the basket on the steps Korra and I were. "Tarrlok sends his compliments and urges you to reconsider his offer"

"Tell him I haven't changed my mind" she said annoyed. The man nods in understanding and left

"Who's this Tarrlok guy? Is he bothering you? Huh, 'cause I could have a word with him" Bolin, being the absolute wonderful man he is, was ready to punch Tarrlok to get him to stop bothering Korra. And I was half tempted to let him do it

"Heh, no it's not like that. He's just some old guy who works with Tenzin on the council" she clarify, somewhat amused

"Oh, good. Good, that sounds better. I like that better" he crosses his arms relief. I snorted and took out my cupcake to eat
Korra's PoV

Tarrlok sent, once again, another gift this morning and it wasn't a basket like last time. It was a fucking car, a brand new Sato-mobile. He could try all he wanted, I wasn't joining his takes force. Not only because Mira seems to hate the guy immensely and I trust her judgment enough to know it's because he's most likely bad news. But also because...

I sigh heavily and keep practicing the airbending stances. I couldn't do it, I couldn't go against Amon. I tried to work through my fear but every time I tried, I always went back to that nightmare I had. Of how his men took me down so easily. Of how he was about to take my bending away and I wouldn't be able to do a thing. Of... how Mira's blood was dripping from his blood soaked hands. That she died because of me

Shaking my head back to the present I glance sideways, towards the punching back Mira installed on a tree. She was training, although I know she was giving me the time and space I needed without leaving her duty to look after me

She's tried to talk to me but I hadn't known what to say. I didn't know how to express my fear. Even though I know talking to her will probably make me feel better, I couldn't find the words. She's a non-bender, even though I know she would understand my fear, she wouldn't know how it feels. And I felt so damn alone right now

"I see Tarrlok's gifts are getting more and more extravagant" Tenzin gets me out of my thoughts

"Yeah, that guy doesn't know how to take no for an answer" I sigh frustrated. Continuing the stances

"Korra, are you ... doing all right?" He asks hesitantly. Also trying to talk to me, but I couldn't tell him. I'm the Avatar, I should be able to deal with this myself

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say stubbornly

"Why don't you take a break?" He sighs and sits down the stairs, motioning me to sit with him. "I'm glad you turned down Tarrlok, but I just want to make sure your decision was for the right reason"

"I'm just really focused on my airbending right now is all" I look away

"Right, that's what you said," he mutters thoughtfully, almost to himself. "You know, it's okay to be scared. The whole city is frightened by what's been going on. The important thing is to talk about our fears, because if we don't, they can throw us out of balance"

He was right, of course, I'm letting my fear get the worst of me. I'm letting it control me, letting it stop me. But I really couldn't work through it, or talk about it

"I'm always here for you, if you want to talk" he offers gently, understandingly. He stands again and leaves

Sighing tiredly, I rub my hand on my face before moving them through my hair. Looking towards Mira. I saw her delivered a nice lower kick at the punching bag that, in a real person, would've knocked the opponent to the ground. Maybe I just need to punch something. Standing up, I walk to her

"Mind if I try?" I ask as she punches with her right fist. Then looks back at me, breathing heavily

"Please," she smiles happily, moving behind me. "don't go easy on it. It gave me a real fight when I tried to attached it on the tree" she teases, as if she wanted to light up my mood or ease my stress. It worked and I couldn't be more grateful for that

"Don't worry. I'll avenge you" I laughed joyfully before starting punching the bag. A few kicks and punches afterwards I was left breathless and feeling slightly less stressed. Calm enough to, at least, voice one of my concerns to her

"I don't know what to do with Tarrlok," I say out loud. Still standing in front the bag. I could feel Mira's gaze on my back. "Tell me what would you do if you were in my position Mira" I turn to look at her

"Honestly," she sighs heavily. Picking up a bottle of water from the ground and offering it to me. "if it was Beifong's task force I would tell you to join her. She's always had the best interest of the people of Republic City in mind, but with Tarrlok.." she shakes her head hesitantly

"You don't trust him" I say, taking the offered bottle

"I don't," She shakes her head again and went to sit under the tree. "I joined one of his task force once, upon Beifong's request and I didn't like it"

"Why?" I follow her and sit next to her

"Because afterwards he was all showing off to the press. Making himself look like the hero," she says furiously, annoyed. "He's only glorifying himself in making people think he's the only one that can stop Amon. He doesn't care about the people, he just cares about the power this situation can give him"

"You might be right" I sigh. I know she was, it was clear that's what he wants

"You don't have to join him," she says quietly, looking at me with those supportive gentle eyes. "Not if you don't want to. There are a million other ways to deal with Amon. We'll figure it out" and for all the troubles that are still ahead of us, I believed her
*Time Skip*
It was night time and Mira and I were enjoying some fresh air in the central courtyard as Ikki and Jinora play Pai Sho near a pond. Mira was sitting on the rail in front of me, reading a fantasy book Jinora gave her a few days ago, and I... was watching her read. Amused at the little faces Mira did while she was reading. A few frowns, or a slight raise of her eyebrow as if questioning the decisions of the characters, or a roll of her eyes when, I'm assuming, one of them did something stupid. It was quite adorable to be honest. It was really a relaxing quiet moment. So rare to have that lately

"Avatar Korra! I have something for you" the same man who brought Tarrlok's gifts walks towards me once again. Maybe I talked too soon. Annoyed out my mind, I jumped down from the railing I was sitting on and earthbend the ground under him, turning him around

"It doesn't matter how many gifts Tarrlok sends, I am no​t joining his task force" I snapped angrily. In the background I saw the girls look up at the encounter and saw Mira step closer

"It's not a gift, it's an invitation" the man says hesitantly

"To what?" I ask surprise and snatching the paper he was holding up and started reading it

"Tarrlok is throwing a gala in your honor. All of Republic City's movers and shakers will be there. The councilman humbly requests your attendance" he bows politely before leaving. I frown down at the invitation

"What kind of bullshit is he up to now?" Mira mumbles annoyed next to me, also looking at the invitation in my hands. Then suddenly there were quiet giggles coming from behind us and Mira winced regretfully, turning around. "Sorry girl. Please don't tell your mother I cursed"

"I don't know but it looks like we're going to a gala" I answer her question but as she glances at me I knew we both were thinking the same, this was the next big gift and he was probably going to try to convince me to join him
*Time Skip*
As we enter to the City Hall, the room was full of people, and there were banners with my face on them everywhere. In the end Tenzin, Pema, the kids, Mira and me came to this gala. They were wearing tradicional airbenders clothes while I stayed with my water tribe formal clothing. Mira on the other hand was wearing a really beautiful forest green suit, that I have to admit made her look gorgeous

"I can't believe this is all for me" I whisper to myself but Tenzin heard me

"I'm not sure what Tarrlok's plotting, but keep your guard up. It's not like him to throw a party just for the fun of it" he warns sternly and I nod. Just then I saw Tarrlok walking towards us

"So glad you could make it, Avatar Korra," he says to me, almost ignoring the ones around me. Then turns to Tenzin and Mira. "If you'd excuse us, the city awaits its hero" he tries to walk away with me but stops when he sees Mira following

"There's no need for you to protect her tonight. I made sure the best security was place around the building" he all but straight up dismissed her. And the venomous innocent smile she gave him promised only trouble

"Unfortunately for you Councilman, I don't answer to you. And until Beifong herself tells me I could walk around and mingle I'm staying by Korra's side" she says calmly, her smile turning wicked and hateful. It's almost weird to see her act so cold towards someone when she's so sweet and kind with me, our friends and everyone in the island

Tarrlok frowns angrily and indignantly, and I knew whatever he was about to say wasn't going to end well so I spoke first

"Mira is my friend Tarrlok. I would like to enjoy the party with her" I tell him, smiling softly to try to smooth the situation. He seems to think for a few second before smiling fakely

"Of course, c'mon," he waves his hand and walked into the crowd, stopping in front of a man. "Korra, it's my pleasure to introduce Republic City's most famous industrialist, Hiroshi Sato" he introduced the man. And it didn't go past me that he didn't even bother to introduce Mira

"Nice to meet you Mr Sato. This is my friend Mira" I shake Hiroshi Sato's hand and motion next to me to Mira

"Pleasure to meet you Mira" he shakes her hand as well. Tarrlok seemed really angry at that, but I wasn't going to let him walk over my friend. "We're all expecting great things from you" he says kindly, looking back at me

"Right, greatness" I couldn't help but mumble sadly, until I see Mako and Bolin coming our way and... a very beautiful woman holding Mako's arm

"Hey, Korra! Hey Mira!" He says happily

"This is my daughter, Asami" Hiroshi gestures to the woman in Mako's arms. A cold wave of jealousy watches over me

"It's lovely to meet you. Mako's told me so much about you two" she says kindly, sweet and welcoming

"Really? Because he hasn't mentioned you at all" I say a little spiteful and Mira frowns thoughtfully my way before looking back at Asami

"It's really nice to meet you too Asami" she smiles gently, as she always does

"Mako mentioned you have a Platinum Sato-bike," Asami comments casually before smiling teasingly. "and that you also crashed it" she raised her eyebrow and Mira scoffs amused at that, rolling her eyes

"Mako is a busybody," she laughs. Sending a fake glare his way. "and I didn't crashed it, crashed it. A bola just happened to found its way to the front wheel and damaged the unions, but I already order the parts. I should be able to fix it"

"You know, I can help if you like" Asami offers and Mira smiles happily surprise

"Really? That would be amazing, thank you Asami" her smile widens brightly at her, and for some reason that wave of jealousy hits me all over again. That's her smile for me

"How did you two meet?" I ask, trying to keep my annoyance out of my tone

"Asami crashed into him on her moped" Bolin leans in and whispered to me, yet everyone heard him

"Oh, so you also crashed your bike," Mira teases Asami. Giving her a heart stopping wicked smile. "Interesting" it was all Asami could do to hide her blush and amused smile as she looks away

"Your worry touches my heart Mira" Mako fakes annoyance. His lip tugging upward

"You look fine" she answered with an innocent smile

"Are you okay?" I frown worriedly but he waves his hand dismissively

"I'm fine. More than fine. Mister Sato agreed to sponsor our team; we're back in the tournament!" He says enthusiastically

"Hehe, isn't that great?" Bolin asked excitedly

"Yeah, terrific" I mumble, less excited

Then Tarrlok walk us across the room and we ended up meeting with Beifong. Who did not look happy to see me

"Chief Beifong, I believe you and Avatar Korra have already met" he says calmly, but she just leans towards me and whispered

"Just because the city's throwing you this big to-do, don't think you're something special," she glares at me, I glare right back. "You've done absolutely nothing to deserve this" then as she was walking away, she says in a more gentle tone. "Is good to see you Officer Sonnen"

"You too Chief" Mira says kindly. Glancing my way with a concern look as she sees the frown in my face. I look away before she could ask me anything

We kept meeting everyone in the room until Tarrlok lead me down the stairs, where there were reporters at the bottom. And as soon as they saw me they run towards us, asking a bunch of questions and honestly not even waiting for me to answer them when someone else already was asking another

"If you'd be so kind, they just have a couple of questions" Tarrlok says, and I was about to refuse he pushes me forward

"You can't force her into giving an interview" Mira objected, trying to pull me away and up the stairs but Tarrlok stood on her way, and sadly the reporters catched up to us

"Avatar Korra, you witnessed Amon take away people's bending firsthand. How serious a threat does he pose to the innocent citizens of Republic City?" A man asks. Clearing my thoughts I answer

"I think he presents a real problem" I look behind, frowning at the angry stare Mira was looking at Tarrlok with

"Then why have you refused to join Tarrlok's task force? As the Avatar, shouldn't you be going after Amon?" Another asks. I tried to answer but the one next to him started asking another question

"Why are you backing away from this fight?"

"What? No! I've never backed away from anything in my life!" I snapped, offended but they kept asking

"You promised to serve this city, aren't you going back on that promise now?"

"Do you think pro-bending is more important than fighting the revolution?"

"How do you think Avatar Aang would have handled this?"

"That's enough with your questions. Good night" Mira steps next to me and tries to lead me away from them. I was annoyed and irritated by all their questions and I really was about to follow Mira until one reporters asked a question that hit a nerve

"Are you afraid of Amon?" And I lost it

"I am not afraid of anybody! If the city needs me then," I hesitate but the rage inside of me was too much. "I'll join Tarrlok's task force and help fight Amon" I gesture to Tarrlok

"There's your headline, folks" he immediately goes to my side and hold my shoulder, smiling wickedly and pleased with himself

He did this. He manipulated me into having no choice but to join his task force. He pushed me into this uncomfortable situation with the reporters knowing I would snap. And I fell right into his trap

Frowning disappointedly in myself I turn to look at Mira but I was surprised to see her looking at Tarrlok with a murderous glare
Mira's PoV

Tarrlok is a manipulative piece of shit. Cornering Korra against those reporters was the lowest I've seen him get. He wanted her on his glorifying task force and twisted her arm until she agreed. He wanted the power that working with the Avatar will certainly give him and now I was stuck, once again, in one of his task force. I wasn't leaving Korra alone with him. She was my friend and I wasn't planning on letting him manipulate her again

After a successful mission, that conveniently, ended up with a lot of pictures showing Tarrlok stopping a group of Equalists, Korra and him were back at giving another public interview

"Avatar Korra has bravely answered the call to action," he starts proudly and I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I was standing next to Korra. "With the two of us leading the charge, Republic City has nothing to fear from Amon and the Equalists"

"Question for the Avatar!," a reporter stands up and asks. "Amon remains at large. Why have you failed to locate him?" Korra huffs annoyed and walks to the mic

"You want to know why? Because Amon is hiding in the shadows like a coward," she says furiously before grabbing the mic and addressing Amon himself. "Amon, I challenge you to a duel! No task force, no chi-blockers, just the two of us tonight at midnight on Avatar Aang Memorial Island. Let's cut to the chase and settle this thing, if you're man enough to face me"


She puts the mic down and walks away, I follow her before any other reporters could keep asking her questions

"Korra are you crazy? You can't just call out Amon like that"

"Well, I just did" she says angrily, determined. "I will fight him and end this mess once and for all" yet I heard the fear behind her words and I couldn't, for the life of me, let her face him by herself

"Then I'm going with you"

"No, I said it would be the two of us and I meant it" she says, stubbornly as always

"Korra.." I sigh heavily but she stops me

"I'm doing this alone Mira" she looks back at me with something like panic in her eyes. "And I won't put you in danger"

She didn't wait for my response, she just turned around and kept walking. Leaving me here cursing Tarrlok for pushing her in a situation that forced her into making such a rash decision
*Time Skip*
That night we were at the dock, and I was, once again, trying to convince Korra to either don't go or to let me go with her. But as stubborn as ever she refused

"Korra, this is madness" Tenzin says, stepping next to me

"That's what I've been telling her for the last three hours" I sigh annoyedly

"Don't try to stop me and don't follow me. I have to face Amon alone" she says back, loosing the rope of her boat and using her waterbending to ride it towards the island. Guess I'm going with my second plan

"This is all your doing!" Tenzin snaps angrily towards Tarrlok and in any other occasion I would've love to see how that ends

"I tried to talk her out of it too, but she's made up her mind" he says defensively. I snorted poisonously, he glares my way but doesn't comment on it. "We'll be watching the island closely. If anything goes wrong, I have a fleet of police airships ready to swoop down"

"I'm not taking that chance," I say to him but kept my eyes on the island and Korra almost making it there, then I turn to Tenzin's confused look. "I've got her Tenzin"

Then I go to a water bike I hid under the dock and rode it to the island. setting off to find Korra. I wasn't letting her face Amon alone, when I knew Amon wasn't going to play fair and bring his Equalists with him
Korra's PoV

Ok, I've got this. I can do this. I'll face Amon and end this before he can hurt anyone else. Before he can take away anyone's bending

As I was looking at the city in the distance a hand was place on my shoulder and I instinctively attacked. Turning quickly and blasting my fire at my attacker, but in a quick move they dodge to the side and grab my wrist, gently, and redirect the fire to the ground. I was about to throw another punch when I realized who was in front of me

"Hey, it's me" Mira says softly, stepping closer while still holding my wrist. And I didn't know if I should be relief it was her or terrified that she was here

"Mira? What are you doing here?" I gasp out, fighting off the trembling that took over my body. I really thought it was Amon

"Trying to avoid Beifong from cutting off my head for failing my mission," she says teasingly. Smiling wickedly as if noticing my anxiety and trying to calm me down. "I have to say, you do make it pretty hard"

"You have to go before.." if Amon finds her here, he'll hurt her. The image of the bloody hand and the trail leading to her room flashed before my eyes, leaving me in cold terror

"Korra, I'm not leaving you ok?" She says gently yet stubbornly. "We're a team, I've got your back and if you don't like it," she shrugs arrogantly. "well, too bad because you're stuck with me"

"Yeah I know, because I'm your mission" I look away annoyed, for some reason the fact that she's only here because I'm her job hurt a lot

"Because you're my friend," she whispered softly and I look back at her surprise. "and I would fight until my last breath to keep the people I care about safe. So you better deal with it ponytail" she punches my shoulder lightly, teasingly

I was about to answer when the clock stroke midnight, and Mira and I jumped startled at the loud sound. We look around and then at each other and laugh. We stood there, waiting for Amon to show up, and it wasn't until almost 1:30 that we figured he wouldn't

"Either he won't show up or his clock stopped working" Mira jokes next to me. Yawning tiredly, I stretch myself and stand up

"Guess you're a no-show, Amon. Who's scared now?" I scoffed amused as we both set our way to get down and go back to the city

Yet as we were passing next to the open entrance of the temple. Two bolas were thrown from the darkness, trapping our feet and dragging us inside. I immediately burned the bolas from our feet and the light of the fire showed at least 20 chi-blockers around us but we were in pitch black and as much as I try to use fire to see, Mira was quickly knocked down and my bending was chi-blocked

I as fall to the ground images flashes in my mind. Of Sokka, of Toph and Aang, with a strange man, then everything went black
Mira's PoV

I knew Amon was a coward, bringing a bunch of his Equalists to do his dirty work. They ambushed us from the dark, we didn't stand a chance. I tried to fight back and get Korra out of here but it was pitch black, the only source of light coming from Korra's fire, but it died too soon for me to know where the chi-blockers were, and to noticed one of them hitting me in the head with something hard

They currently have us on our knees, Korra still a little disoriented by the chi-blocking. I look around the room, accessing the situation and trying to find a way out. I needed to get her out of here before Amon shows up. I couldn't let him take her bending

What if i... Maybe I should..... Beifong won't like it but I have no other choice, not if I wanted to save Korra

As Korra wakes up she looks around, eventually looking at me with frightened eyes. A set of footsteps started to sound coming from the entrance and then Amon came out from the darkness

I had to get her out of here. I instinctively reach out to that part of me that I've kept hiding for so many years. I reach out to see if it was there ready to use, to feel if they hadn't accidentally chi-block it. They hadn't

"I received your invitation, young Avatar" he says calmly, mockingly. Then reaches out his hand to her face as she panickingly tries to get away from him. And I fought against the chi-blockers holding me but it was no use. There is no other way. I have to...

He takes her chin and forces her to look at him as he reaches his other hand to her forehead, her eyes wide in terror. and just when he was about to touch her face and take her bending, I wielded that secret part of me into my advantage, creating a wave blast that knocked them all back away from us

Amon fell to the ground a few feet from us, raising his torso and looking at me with I could only interpretate as shocked, it was hard to know with the mask

"Impossible" he gasps horrified. I put myself between him and Korra and surround us with my power, with my bending. The flow of energy, dark as night yet as colorful as a sunset took over the space. A whole small colorful universe, shining brightly around us

"Take one step closer Amon and you're all dead" I say with deadly calm, looking at him with a murderous glare. Feigning fully mastery on my power when in reality I was terrified that he would see right through me and know that I never learned how to wield it

His goons stood up and took a few steps back from us, frightened of what I was wielding, and I knew Amon would try to destroy me now as well as he intended to destroy Korra. He could try, I wasn't going to let him

With a wave of his hand, Amon and his goons left without another word. I waited a few minutes before I let my bending go and turn to Korra. She was still kneeling on the floor, trembling slightly. I kneel in front of her

"Easy, easy Korra," I whispered softly, comforting. "are you hurt?" I ask, but she couldn't talk. Still too frightened by what just happened. What could've happened to her. "I need you to breathe Korra" I pull her into a hug and I couldn't determine which of us was trembling more

I just showed my rare cosmic bending to Amon of all people. But I had no other choice. He would've hurt Korra, take her bending away. I couldn't let that happen to her. I would face the consequences, I didn't care if he throws the force of his entire Equalists movement at me. I would do it again if it meant protecting my friends

"Korra! Mira!" Tenzin yells hysterically from the entrance, running towards us. "are you two all right? What happened? Was Amon here?" He asked, holding our shoulders

"Yeah, he ambushed us" Korra says lowly, pulling away from the hug

"Did he ... did he take your bending away?" He asks her with worry but she shakes her head

"No, I'm okay" she created a small flame before glancing my way with a confused frown

"Ah, thank goodness" he sighs in relief but then Korra throws herself into his arms, sobbing

"I was so terrified, I felt so helpless" she sobs frightened but Tenzin hugs her back, rubbing her back

"It's all right, the nightmare is over" he reassures her gently

"You ... you were right," she lets go and looks at him. Wiping away her tears. "I've been scared this whole time. I've never felt like this before and ... and Tenzin, I don't know what to do!" She goes back to hugging him. Him and I shared a worried frown

"Admitting your fears is the first and most difficult step in overcoming them" he says gently, understanding and we stayed there for a few minutes before we went back outside. The police forces now searching around the island for any sign of Amon and his Equalists

Near the dock Beifong was standing, waiting for us and I internally winced sadly. She will not like that I used my bending

"Are you two ok?" She asks worriedly to me but I didn't look at her, I couldn't

"Mhmm" I mumble unsure, feeling the guilt starting to raise up. We've worked so hard to keep my bending a secret and now it was out there. I didn't mind Korra knowing, it was Amon who I was scared of

"Mira, what happened?" She asked gently. So out of her usual actitude that it felt like a knife in the heart. I couldn't look at her in the eyes

"What was that?" Korra asks, still in Tenzin arms. "Mira, what were you bending?" She asked lowly, as if to keep it between the four of us

"You didn't" I heard Beifong muttered in disbelief, and maybe a bit of worry

"I had no choice," I look at her for the first time, frowning pleading. "He was going to take her bending away. I had to do it Beifong"

"You showed your bending to Amon?!" Although she was angry, I heard the fear, the worry

"He was going to hurt her! I wasn't going to let that happen," I say a little louder, maybe a little angry. "so yes! I did what I had to do to keep my friend safe," I then cross my arms stubbornly. "he can come after me all he wants, but I draw a line when the people a care about are in danger" she only sighs
Korra's PoV

We returned to Air Temple Island with Tenzin. It was late and everyone was already sleeping when we all said our goodbyes and went to bed, yet I couldn't fall asleep. I kept thinking about what happened tonight. About what Amon was about to do. About what Mira did to stop it

A knock on my door slightly startled me but when it opened I saw Mira at the other side, in her pajama. Naga, who was sleeping on the floor, immediately stood up and walked to her, grunting happily

"Hey, can I come in?" She asks gently but I heard the worry in her tone. Naga reached her and snuggles her face against Mira's chest. And Mira, being the absolute gentle person she was, wraps her arms around Naga and kisses her head

"Sure" I say, relief that she was here. That she was safe

"You know what I never did as a kid," she leans against the wall and smiles charmingly. "a sleepover with friends, yeah crazy right," she laughs but I knew what she was intending. "I was never very popular in school so.."

"Is this you trying to have an excuse to sleep here tonight so you can make sure I'm safe?" I asked teasingly, raising my eyebrow suspiciously

"Maybe," her smile turns mockingly wicked. "is it working?" She asked, then goes to the door and takes a bag from the floor. "I brought snacks. But if Pema asks tomorrow where all the candy and cookies have gone, we gotta blame Meelo" I laughed joyfully at that

"Alright, fine we can have your sleepover" I was relief. Half of me didn't want to be alone right now and the other half wanted to do the same and go to her room so I could make sure she was safe, especially after the target she definitely put on herself tonight

"You're a bender" I say lowly, looking up at her

"I am" she sighs heavily, before coming to my bed and sitting at the end. Naga laying back on the floor but keeping an attentive eye on us

"But that wasn't any of the four elements. What was it?" I asked curiously. It wasn't anything I've seen before, yet it felt familiar somehow

"Honestly, I'm not sure" she created a small ball of light. It was as dark as the night sky yet still so bright with mix of radiant blue and green colors, with hints of orange, red and purple. They were moving around as it they were alive, dancing in an ancient harmonic dance

*Author's note: When she creates the ball of light is like the planet. And when she blasts or creates a string of power (like she did to protect Korra and herself) is like the ring*

"I've searched everywhere for an answer," she whispered almost defeated. Looking down at the ball on her palm. Its light softly bathing the sad expression on her face. "Every ancient book I could get my hands on, but there's no mention of bending like this in them"

"It looks," I was suddenly hypnotized by the movements and colors of her bending. It was beautiful. "like the night sky, like the northern lights in a way"

"Tenzin thinks it could be cosmic energy," she comments thoughtfully. "That I somehow can manipulate it and materialize it into our world, bend it as I please" as she says this, the ball changes into the shape of a crescent moon. Wow!

"Tenzin also knows?" I look up at her. Beifong didn't seem too happy that she revealed her bending to Amon but Tenzin didn't say anything about it

"Yes. Him and Beifong are the only ones who know, plus my mother. But my mom thought it was too dangerous for the world to know about this bending, so we hid it. Beifong and Tenzin found out after my mom died" she explains. The crescent moon disappearing. I frown worriedly, regretfully

"And now the worst enemy of benders know about you and your bending. All because of me. I'm sorry Mira" I sigh heavily, feeling horrible that it was because of me that she was now in even more danger

"Korra it wasn't your fault. He was going to hurt you, I wasn't going to let him" she reassures me but I still felt guilty. "it was my choice to use my bending," she places her hand over mine and whispered softly. "and I will do it all over again if it meant keeping you safe. Amon's Equalist be damned, he can come for me for all I care" she laughs arrogantly

"He won't," I say immediately, too quickly. The image of Amon's bloody hands returning to my mind. The bright scarlet red of her blood staining the floor. "I won't let him" I look at her. I swore to her

I refuse to let him hurt her

Thanks for choosing this fanfic♥️ I hope you like it and as always please take care of yourself. Until next chapter

"If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see."


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