Convergence [KLONNIE] โœ“

By numinousx

96.9K 4.3K 2K

COMPLETED โœ“ {Book One} "There is no surprise that you do not trust me, Bonnie Bennett," Klaus began, taking a... More

cast โ”
โ†ณ act I
chapter one โœ“
chapter two โœ“
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
โ†ณ act II
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty-two
chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
chapter fifty-seven
chapter fifty-eight
chapter fifty-nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty-one
chapter sixty-two
chapter sixty-three
chapter sixty-four
chapter sixty-five
thanks + sequel

chapter thirty-six

790 55 21
By numinousx

welcome back!

i work hard on these chapters, so i'd like it if you guys would vote & comment. thanks!

seven votes & five comments for a new chapter?

Chapter 36

Mina Bennett entered the house first with Elijah and Elyza Mikaelson following hot on her trail. While she was excited to finally be at peace with the Mikaelsons, she also wanted to be sure Klaus hadn't ruined everything and hurt Bonnie.

Because while she knew Klaus loved her, sometimes love just wasn't enough.

And she knew that for a fact.

Seeing the two in the living room while Bonnie had a glass of what was obviously tea in her hand, Mina smiled.

Elyza glanced down at Bonnie's stomach before looking up. She kind of expected a magical pregnancy to be a little bit more... well, magical. But there was nothing there other than an oversized burgundy t-shirt.

"Well, let's get this done, shall we?" Mina smiled, clapping her hands together.

Elyza looked at Bonnie, wondering if she was actually going to let them go through with the spell to confirm that a vampire had gotten her pregnant. When the younger Bennett stood, grabbing the knife from the table, she nodded. "I'm sure we all know how this works, but just bleed on the table and Klaus will do the same, and if there's anything in your blood that is his then boom."

"And how do I know you will actually try with your best ability to preform the spell correctly?"

Kol skipped down the stairs like a child on Christmas day. "My love," He called. "Are you on vervain?"

"No, why?"

Before Kol could respond, Klaus had her against the wall by her shoulders, commanding her to do the spell correctly as she did with Henrik. With a nod, Klaus knew the magic behind his compulsion had taken effect.

"Nik!" Kol shouted. He had asked the question because he planned to do it himself.

Ignoring him, everyone's attention turned to Elyza. Her compulsion made her facial expressions blank and her voice monotone as she spoke the spell over both Bonnie and Klaus's blood. Mina stood on her tiptoes to see as the blood slowly, very slowly, moved towards each other and started to combine.

Magic had spoke.

The child Bonnie was carrying was fathered by Niklaus Mikaelson himself.

Stepping back from the table on shaky feet, Klaus looked over at Bonnie. "I—"

"What the fuck?" Elyza exclaimed coming off of the compulsion. No one knew if she was talking about the revelation of Bonnie's hybrid baby or Niklaus compelling her.

"Magic made you a vampire, but nature made you a wolf, Klaus," Bonnie explained, walking towards the hybrid. When Klaus started to apologize, Bonnie held her hand up, stopping him. "It's my time to talk." Turning around to face everyone, she started again. "And I want all of you to listen."

Mina cleared her throat. "You heard the woman." Sitting on the couch, Elyza followed and Kol took a seat by his wife. Moving around Bonnie, Klaus sat on the armchair and Elijah sat adjacent to him. "The floor is yours, Bon."

Bonnie sucked in a breath before turning around to face Elyza. She was the first person who she needed to clear the air with. "I didn't know of Elena and Jeremy's plan to kill Kol that day. We've been under the same roof for almost two months now and if you truly believe that I would hurt him or worse, then I would hate me too. But I won't."


"Klaus, let her finish." Mina nodded towards Bonnie to continue.

The youngest Bennett turned to Elijah. "It took me a while to truly understand why you hated me. It finally clicked today," Bonnie thought back to when Mina revealed Elijah's 'fatal flaw'. "I am the one person who's ever come between you protecting your siblings. You fought to get your siblings back together and to keep them safe and I kept coming in between that... So I'm sorry."

Turning around again, her eyes connected with Kol's. "I can't let you kill Elena right now," She started, watching as his eyebrows raised. "But what I can do is promise this. If she betrays us again, you will have free rein to do whatever you deem necessary. I won't stop you. Okay?"

"You'd let me kill your little friend?"

Bonnie nodded. "A couple of days ago, you said that you believed that one of us was going to end up dead because we're leaving her alive. I won't let that happen. Do what you must to protect yourself if she comes for us."

Silence descended over the bunch for a couple of seconds before Elyza stood. "For centuries, I have fought for my husband against all enemies. This," She wiggled her finger around. "is the only family I have left. And now, you have a magical baby baking in your tum who is a part of the fucked-up family I swore to protect... I guess what I'm trying to say is this. You aren't a threat to this family, Bonnie. You're a part of it and I won't do anything to hurt you."

Elijah stood up next, directing Bonnie to the seat he had just come from. "For a thousand years, my duty has been only to that of my family... of the survival and happiness of my family. I cannot help the protectiveness I have towards them, but it now extends to you. Shall we start anew?"

For the first time, a smile directed at her had reached the noble original's eyes. "I'd love that, Elijah."

Kol leaned back and propped his feet up on the coffee table. "I don't think there's a need for a fourth speech," He shrugged. "Welcome to the family."

Mina sat up in her chair, wiping a tear that she didn't know had fallen. "With that being said, I think we should come to a truce altogether. No more lies. No more jumping to conclusions. No more attacking each other out of anger."

Niklaus too agreed. "Our mother has found her way back to the land of the living. She will do her best to rip this family apart, especially if she discovers that I have sired an heir."

"Let's make her do the hard part," Bonnie finished. "If she wants to have us divided, let her divide us. We stick together. For too long it has been too easy to pin us against one another."

"Our greatest strength is family," Elijah chanted.

"Always and forever," Elyza smiled.




Not twenty minutes later, while the Mikaelson family sat around sharing memories, a bang on the door silenced everything. Niklaus eagerly jumped in front qof Bonnie, shielding her from any danger that might have been lurking.

"Marcellus," Elijah told everyone, hearing the familiar tone.

"Go," Bonnie urged, seeing the look of panic in Klaus's eyes. Opening the door, the man fell into his arms, his face pale and skin blotchy. Klaus sped him over to the couch, prompting Elyza, Mina, and Kol to move quite fast. "What's happening to him?" She asked, speeding over to him and checking his pulse. "His heart is beating too fast."

"Marcellus," Klaus called out. "I need you to tell me what's wrong."

"Klaus," Elyza got the original attention. "Look." Pointing to his ankle, Klaus looked down, pushing the leg of his pants up. Revealing two nasty werewolf bites, Elyza winced. "Holy hell."

The original hybrid bit his wrist, allowing blood to pour from the opened wound. Holding it to Marcel's mouth, he vampire's eyes shot open, greedily taking in as much as Klaus's blood as possible. The younger vampire sighed in relief as the cure slid down this throat.

"Who bit you?" Klaus growled.

"I got in a bit of a tussle with Hayley Kenner," Marcel admitted. Sitting up, he rubbed his arm, feeling to see if all of the bites had healed. "She and her husband came up on my guys. I didn't expect them to be able to use their wolf powers beyond a full moon."

Elyza shook her head, leaning against the wall. "I'm sorry, but this is too much at one time to be a coincidence... A new regent appears with an ancient mark on her wrist and somehow the werewolves can utilize their powers and humans are being compelled to send broad messages."

"Ancient mark?" Bonnie questioned. "What does it look like?"

"Henrik," Klaus called out with a raised eyebrow. "Are you going to show yourself or are you going to continue to evesdrop from  behind the door?"

"Why aren't you in school?" Bonnie asked. "Is everything okay?"

Henrik shook his head. "I'm not sure what it is but I had to come home. What ancient mark are you guys talking about?"

"I'll take him up to his room and make sure he's alright," Mina offered, standing.

The Mikaelson witch stepped backward. "If ancient markings are what you are trying to decipher then I am the perfect one to do so... I spent centuries in limbo learning everything I could." 

Elyza shrugged. "It's a bird in a circle, eating itself with what looked like stars around it?"

Henrik paused. Rolling up the side of his shirt and revealing his side, he turned to the side a bit. "This?"

"Yes," Elyza confirmed. "How do you have that tattoo? And why?"

Henrik leaned against the wall and rolled his shirt back down. "Quite a long time ago, I met my mother in limbo. I guess the most recent time she's died, she was marked by a Bennett witch. She told me that she would find a way back to me once she figured out how to remove it but she didn't want to put me at risk by staying around. Mother said that the Bennett witches were angry with her."

"The mark carried," Mina confirmed.

Elyza looked over to Elijah as he looked to Klaus. "Esther is in Lenore's body."

Bonnie's eyes widened. "The mark must travel with her, regardless of whatever body she was in."

"That's bloody fantastic," Kol groaned sarcastically. "Mummy dearest is the new regent."




"Genevieve?" Lenore Bennett called, summoning the witch outside of the door.

The redhead entered the room with a voodoo doll and a needle in her hands. "I know what you have called me for," She began. "I think I've found her. She's gone quite far but not too far from my magic."

"Sweet Rebekah has wanted nothing more than the life she's living now," Lenore began. "She will be the easiest to convert. Where is she?"

"Canada," Genevieve answered. "In the city of Vancouver."

Lenore smiled, a feeling like none other coursing through her body. For the first time in a long time, she was quite close to ending her children once and for all. Unlike her last attempts, she had a better plan. "Join the wolves and together bring me my daughter."

Genevieve nodded "Will do," She began, placing the needle in her back pocket. "In my absence, Alphonz is quite ready to make the weapon that can subdue even Niklaus Mikaelson himself."

"Send him in."


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