Isolation's Echo

By sleepy_crew

72 2 0

Title: "Isolation's Echo" In "Isolation's Echo," witness the enigmatic tale of America's self-imposed isolati... More

episode one/chapter one [Lunari's pov]
episode one /chapter two [2ed person]
episode one/chapter three [Aris's pov]
episode two/chapter four [Alex's pov]
episode two/chapter five [Felix's pov]

episode two chapter six [Sullivan's pov]

9 0 0
By sleepy_crew

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter 😁 and don't forget to vote.


Who knows how many hours it's been since the fight but right now we're in some classroom with the protectors we beat.  "Introduce yourselves," the sleepy-looking teacher said. Before turning into a yellow worm thingy. I'm far too sleepy from the so-called training to go first and I still need to train.

"Hiya~ my name is Eric Seraphin I'm 15 and my code name is Ghost, I hope we all can get along," the floaty boy said.  "What's your quirk"? Lighting boy asked. "Hmm"? Floaty boy asked.

"A quirk is a person's ability or superpower" the mouse's voice played in my head. 

"Oh right, my quirk is information, basically by looking at a person I can see their quirk, species, age, specialty, etc," Floaty Boy said. "Wow that's so cool, can you tell me what else you can do"? Broccoli boy said. "Maybe another time," the floaty boy said. 

"Hello loves, I'm Alexander Addison I'm 15, my species is vampire, my ability is blood control, and my code name is burnout blood," Vampy said. "So you can control blood and use it for offense and defense" Broccoli Boy said.  "Yep you got it," Vampy said smiling and showing his fangs.  "Vampires are real?! So cool so cool" Broccoli and lighting boy said. 
"Yeah, I don't see why they wouldn't but ok"? Vampy said.  

"Konnichiwa, my name is Aris Skirvings, I'm 16, species werewolf, code name flash speed, and my abilities are speed and split. The speed part of my ability is pretty self-explanatory the catch of that is that I can't exactly turn it off. The split part is that I have two sides of me my human side and my werewolf side my werewolf side is stronger physically but he's also meaner he's my exact opposite." Silly said. "Can you switch with your other side on command"? Broccoli boy asked.  
"No, I'm still working on that," Silly said with his hand scratching the back of his neck.

"How fast can you go" Broccoli asked. "Mach 20 I believe," Silly said. "Wow," Pinkyy said. 

Ugh, I guess I'll go next. "Names Sullivan Amir, I'm 16, my code name is strength,  'yawn' my ability is super strength, and I'm a dragon hybrid," I said.  "Wow, so can you turn into a dragon"? Pinky asked. "Yeah but unlike most I 'yawn' have a human form," I said. "How much can you lift"? Broccoli asked. "About two tons," I said. "So you must have a lot of muscle then," Pinky says. "I think she's flirting with you" Lix whispers. "I doubt it but ok" I whispered back.  

"Nice to meet you all, my name is Felix Rose, I'm 15, my ability is precision, and my code name is Frost. I hope we all can get along" Lix says with a smile. Most of the girls in the glass blushed when he smiled. Do girls really like guys who smile? Maybe I should try that tactic next time. 

Where captain shouldn't she be here" I whispered and asked the group. "What are you talking about she's right here-". "WHERE'S CAPTAIN"? Lix whisper yelling while also freaking out. "Relax boys I'm right here," Capt said. "I almost had a heart attack," Lix said with his hand over his heart. "Are humans that weak"? I asked. "Why are you so mean to me"? Lix asked. "It was an honest question," I said. "Also you should probably introduce yourself now, Lulu," Vampy said. "Yeah you're right," Capt said.

"Hello everyone you probably haven't seen me since your class didn't get to fight me".  "I fought 'ribbit' you tho," the frog chick said. "Oh right you did. Anyways my name's Lunari narkuri, my ability chains, I'm 15, my code name is chained, and my species is demon," Capt said. "Can I see your horns"? Floaty chick said with stars in her eyes. "Sure," Capt said. She closed her eyes and her horns and tail came out.  "You so pretty" floaty girl blurted out. That made Captain shocked since no one had ever complimented her she'd only received insults. 

"Thank you your pretty cute yourself," Capt said. "You all can sit down if you're done," the sleepy teacher said. "Where do we sit tho"? Capt asked. "Anywhere just leave me alone," the sleepy teacher said. "ok then, wanna sit in the back"? Capt asked us. "I don't care where we sit as long as it's somewhere I can sleep," I said. 

We walked to the back of the classroom and Captain sat down first. "If you sit next to me you can fall asleep use me as a pillow if you want," Capt told me. After she said what I sat down at the desk to the right of her and laid my head in her lap. I heard her chuckle when I lay down.  "Can I play on your hair"? She asked. I mumbled a yes since I was already getting sleepy.  She started massaging my scalp which felt so good but what did it was when she started humming the song she hummed when we lost that one time in our first year.

[Flashback:  blood was everywhere, I could barely see since there was a knife stuck in my eye. Aris's legs were cut up, Eric was passed out from blood loss since he got hot in the head. They cut out Felix's voice box. They stabbed Alex in the neck with a wooden steak and ripped his arms off   "I have to get up" I said. I tried to stand and fell back down due to exhaustion.   

"Ugh come on," I said.  Then I felt a clawed hand on my shoulder then a voice. "It's ok just relax I got this" Lunari said. Back then I never once respected her enough to call her captain but after this day she had gained my respect.  I looked up at her and saw those piercing red eyes and how her teeth were grinding together. For some reason even though I didn't fully trust her my body did though cause my body instantly relaxed when those words left her mouth. I nodded my head and she walked toward the group of people that beat us.

"Aww think you can beat us girlie," one of the boys said. "You're just a little girl why don't you go back to cooking class" another one said. "Or go get your captain and tell him to come get his loser team," another one said. Then they started laughing. I saw her first ball up then this hit her. One of them said, "Girls don't belong on the battlefield little girl ".  She opened her eyes and they were white. Something happened she held her hand in front of her chains came out of the ground and wrapped around the men. 

She squeezed her hand making the chains tighten the boys screamed in pain. Then a sinister grin made its way on her face and she put her hands together and then ripped them away from each other ripping the men in half.  That was not all she put them back together and told them that they would pay for their sins and then I blacked out.

I woke up to my head on her leg, Aris's head on her shoulder, Alex's on the other, Eric's head against her leg, and Felix's body against her chest. She was humming a soft melody. that's the moment I realized who the captain of this team was. End of flashback.]

[Lunari's pov]

I had just finished my song when he fell asleep he was lightly snoring.  "I've never seen him so peaceful before it's kinda weird," Eric said. "I agree," Felix said. "What do you think he's thinking about"? Alex asked. "If I were him I'd be thinking about what happened back in seventh grade," Aris said. "What when we lost to those-".  "Oh, we don't take about that," Eric said.  "Why do you think so"?  I asked them. "Because of that song you were humming, it was the same one you sang to us after you defeated those people," Alex said. 

"Oh yeah it was I noticed that it calms y'all down," I said. "Oh course it does! it's the song you sang to us when we were all at our low and you had to protect us" Felix said. "Oh yeah," I said laughing a bit.  "That's not funny I still have a scar from that," Alex said showing us his neck and arms.  "Wow we do you get those scars from they look super cool," the yellow-haired boy said. "If you don't mind me asking who are you"? Alex asked. "Oh right sorry, I'm kaminari denki" denki said. 

"My scars are from the first battle I was in with my team," Alex said. "Was it the first battle we all fought together in?" I asked. "I think it was," Eric says. "Damn," Aris says. Broccoli boy approaches us. "I've only seen Rose's power since he's the only one I fought but I'm asking if I could see a bit of your power"? Broccoli boy asks.

"Is this a challenge"? Aris asks. "Challenge"? Broccoli boy asks. "A challenge is when someone tries to show off their power to another person" Alex explains. "Of well in that case yes? Kinda I just wanna see y'all power tho" broccoli boy says.  

The boys started playing rock, paper, scissors. "I'll go," I said. I gently shook Sullivan awake. "Mmh"? He asked. "Can you get up hun I have to do something"? I asked Sullivan. He yawned and got up off my lap.  I stood up and took off my earrings and gloves. "Want this"? Alex asked. "Do I want it? No, do I need it? Yes," I said. Witch made the group laugh. I grabbed the collar from Alex and put it on it's just in case.

The class stacked desks on the desk to make room for the challenge.  "Alright midoriya you first," Denki said. "Mr. Aizawa wouldn't allow this you two need to sit down," the blue-haired boy said. While moving his hand in a chopping manner.  Tape dude taped blue-hair's mouth shut.

Broccoli boy stood in some stance then he had lightning surround his body and an x appeared on his face. the x disappeared when Broccoli Boy punched the air and a huge gust of wind blew past me. Making me grin wildly.  "Not bad broccoli boy," I said. "Thank you, and my name is Izuku Midoriya by the way," broccoli boy said.  

"What a weird name," I thought. I held out my left hand palm facing up and closed my eyes for a second. When I opened my eyes, the chains around my left arm loosened and broke my skin so blood dripped down it. I closed my eyes again and imagined my chains going up Broccoli Boy's legs. When I opened them Broccoli Boy was shocked as the chains from my arm lead down my body wrapped around his legs and just for the fun of it I hung him from the ceiling while his ability was still active. 

[Sullivan's pov]

"Did Lulu just hang someone upside down"? Alex asked. "Yep," I said. "She could have done anything and I mean anything more to show her power and she chose to hang him upside down?! Like really" Silly said. "It's kinda funny," Lix said. "it still shows her power since she did it fast as hell," the floaty boy said. "You just wanted to see her show Dominance over the class didn't you"? I asked. "Maybe," Silly said turning in the other direction.

"Horny" vampy mumbled. "I heard that Alex" Silly said. "What it's true and you know it," Vampy says. "Am not" Silly says. "Am to," Vampy says. "Am not" Silly said facing Vampy. "Am too," Vampy says staring down silly. They start having a staring contest.  "Who knew broccoli boy was that strong" Capt said. "He didn't use that power when I fought him," Lix said. "You would have been dead if he did," floaty boy says. "Shut up Eric," Lix said. 

"I thought I might introduce myself I'm Sero Hanta but you can call me Sero" Big Elbows says. "Nice to meet you sero," Capt says with a smile. "I'm Mina Ashido but you can call me Mina" Pinky says. Then she looks at me and Lix elbows me. I groaned and said, "Nice to meet you, Min".  She blushes for some reason. Sero clears his throat and says "Where were wondering where you guys are from" Big Elbows says. "we're from America" Vampy says.  When he says that the whole class goes dead silent and turns towards us.

"Did I say something wrong"? Vampy asks. "I don't know" Eric whispers. "I'm sorry I thought you said America I must have heard you wrong," Big Elbow says and laughs. "No you heard right we're from America," Vampy says. just then broccoli comes zooming towards us. When he got to us he said "Do all people have different species there? And quirks? Oh and how is your hero system? Is it different from ours?" Broccoli boy asks super fast  "I didn't even catch that," Silly said. "Maybe one question at a time"? Vampy asks. "Right sorry, I got too excited," Broccoli says.

"It's fine," Vampy says. "It's a good thing Alex is answering all of the questions 'cause I don't think I could answer all of them" Lix whispers to me. "That's way too much work" I whispered. 

The sleepy teacher woke up and told us class was over and we could head to the dorms. So we walked to the dorms as Broccoli kept asking Vampy questions and Pinky was supposedly flirting with me. Captain was talking to her new friend earphone jack and floaty chick. Eric was talking with the quiet kids of the class and Felix was talking to some snobby dude from class b.  "How did you find out you were a dragon"? Pinky asks. "Um well......


How did you guys like the chapter? Who do you guys ship together?  My favorite is definitely Alex, Lunari and Sullivan, mina. But if you guys have any questions feel free to ask me. Also don't forget to comment and vote. So see you in the next chapter 👋

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