โ ๐ˆ๐“'๐’ ๐˜๐Ž๐” โž // Xia...

By miarrww

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โ› ๐–๐‡๐˜ ๐šฐ๐’ ๐‡๐„ ๐’๐Ž ๏ฝก๏ฝก๏ฝก ๐…๐€๐Œ๐šฐ๐‹๐šฐ๐€๐‘ ? โœ ( ๐—๐ˆ๐€๐Ž ๐— ๐…๐„๐Œ๐€๐‹๐„!๐‘๐„๐€๐ƒ๐„๐‘ ) แดแดแด…แด‡ส€ษด แด€แดœ... More

โœงใ€€It's You
โœงใ€€00 | Fate
โœงใ€€01 | Karma
โœงใ€€02 | Reincarnated
โœงใ€€03 | The Boy
โœงใ€€04 | Major and Clubs
โœงใ€€05 | Lantern Rite
โœงใ€€06 | Dream
โœงใ€€07 | Talk
โœงใ€€08 | Party
โœงใ€€09 | Pool
โœงใ€€10 | Intrigued
โœงใ€€11 | Melody
โœงใ€€12 | Dorm
โœงใ€€13 | Heart
โœงใ€€14 | Warm
โœงใ€€15 | Deep Familiarity
โœงใ€€17 | Midterms
โœงใ€€18 | Unseen Side
โœงใ€€19 | Love
โœงใ€€20 | Bleeding
โœงใ€€21 | Unrequited
โœงใ€€22 | Meant To Be

โœงใ€€16 | Weirded

210 11 2
By miarrww

•───────────•⋆ ✧ ⋆•───────────•


When death takes my hand,
I will hold you with the other
and promise to find you in every lifetime.


The connection between us is too strong.
Even if you wanted to, it's too late to sever it.
Hm? You've never thought to sever it?

"Their Hearts are Delicate like Glass,
Yours Especially."

#16   ──   WEIRDED


(  ♡  )

"Y/N, wake up, the night sky won't be complete if one of the stars are sleeping!"

You felt a gentle hand brushes your shoulders in attempt to wake you up. What time is it? You thought. You lazily murmured some noises before lifting your head up, regaining your position.

You were laying against a rock, sitting on the soft grass. Where in the world are you right now?

When you vision had finally be able to focus on the figure right infront of you, your eyes widened in suprised.

"Look, the sky is beautiful tonight."


You tried to speak, but no words came out. Your mouth gapes wide open, eyes widening in suprise.

Bonanus sat on her leg, her back was facing you. Before looking at the sky, she took a deep breath.

Even though you were in full shock, you gaze up to see what she's looking at.

Ah, the night sky. It has always been gorgeous.

Once you gotten a better look around you, you saw someone... peoples to be exact.

Familiar peoples.

Wait... Bonanus was infront of you, and you could see menogias, bosacious and indrarius were sitting with each other.

Bonanus's siblings? Why are they here?

And somewhere far yet close to them, was.. Xiao!

You blinked, and blinked. But between those blinks, something weird happened.

It was as if the five of them were... switching forms.

You blinked again, and again, and again.

One blink, they turned into some questionable creatures.

One blink again, they turned normal.

You tried to speak again, at least speak to Bonanus.

"...Y/N..? Y/N it's late..."

You gasped and immediately sat up, the sudden lights hurts your eyes as you shook your head, but you were breathing heavily.

"Hey, hey. Are you okay? Calm down,"

You were still catching your breath before turning to acknowledge just who in the world was beside you.

You felt safe, like there's no threat.

Your eyes met with a golden eyes, you instantly realizes that it's Xiao.

What's he's doing here? And where am I?

You remembered that you were studying before this, you took a brief moment to study your surroundings. No wonder the lights hurted you, it was late and they turned on the lights.

Then you remembered, Why is Xiao here?

"Sorry about that. Xiao, what are you doing here?" You asked, voice was a bit cracking up as your breath started to stable, you took off your headphones and lets it rest on the crook of your neck.

"I saw you here earlier and thought of waking you up, just in case if you actually slept here the whole night. It's late now,"

You blinked, and blinked again. He seems.. normal. For some reasons you were glad, relieved. Why?

"Oh. How long...?" You said as you glanced at your laptop, it had already shut down. You sighed as you stuff your tidy stuff onto your tote bag.

"I've been here for awhile now, I used the time to do my assignments too,"

Wait, why were your things had already tidied up?

"Wait huh?" You shot your head to him, "You stayed just to wake me up?"

"You could get locked here," Xiao sighed. "Calm down, I have time. You should take a breath first,"

Noticing how blank your mind is, you decided to take him up on that offer. You took some long, and deep breath, calming yourself down.

Okay. What happened?

Firstly, after you studied, you accidentally slept. You have some sort of... dreams? nightmares? You don't know.

What was it about? You don't... remember. Anything at all. All it left was a weird impression on you. Maybe it has to do with you being relieved that Xiao looks normal and not in pain?

Whatever. The next thing you knew is that Xiao wakes you up. Behind him was the sun, almost setting. Just how long did you sleep?

You could guess some of the things happened, Xiao saw you here and will be there to wake you up if you haven't woken up before it's too late, he did his assignments in the mean time. And probably the one that tidied up your things.

"...Sorry" was all you could've muttered before placing a hand on your forehead, standing them onto the table.

"It's fine," Xiao said in a soft and gentle tone. "Are you okay?" He has a look of sincere and genuine concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little headache," You shook your head and gave him a confused smile, "I don't know what was that about though."

"Don't worry about it, what were you doing here?"

"Oh I was studying and reviewing some math lessons from two days ago, y'know, the one I told you?"

Xiao nodded, of course he remembers. He won't admit it, but he remembers everything that you had said to him. Why? Just because.

He also purposely asked you the question just to make sure you're okay, focused on the reality. But also because he wants to hear that soothing voice of yours. Why? Why not.

"I learned the formula, it was about—" You then went on to give a lengthy explanation of the formula.

It was a thrill to explain the things you finally understood, especially since Xiao patiently listened to your ramblings and even nodded to every sentences you had said.

He's a second year, right?

"—But... You've probably knew this already, sorry," You said, letting out a small shy laugh before rubbing the back of your neck, embarrassed when you realized how you were practically rambling to him. About a math equation.

Xiao shook his head, when you were not looking at him, you could've sworn he snorted and the corner of his lips were curved upwards, but that's probably your imagination.

"It's a normal thing. People tends to do it when they actually understand something, especially math." He said, his tone was still low, soft and gentle as ever.

"It'll get more harder from here though," You sighed, slowly pushing yourself and the chair you were sitting on backwards, standing up afterwards.

"It's getting pretty late, I apologized to have kept you waiting," You lowered your head a bit.

"Hey, it's fine," He said, standing up aswell. "I don't mind." Because it's you. No reason.

"Let's head back to our dorms?"

You smiled before nodding, "Yea, lets go"

The walk to the outside of the building were pretty quiet, but it was a comfortable one. Just as you exited the building, Venti greeted the both of you and the three of you walks together to the dorm.

That's where things got better.

Venti was walking ahead of you two, it seems like he was giving you two some time together? You weren't sure but you and Xiao were walking side by side, trailing Venti from behind.

You two had a nice chat and sometimes even Venti will joins in and comment, so it was nice to know that he doesn't feel left out.

The walk to the dorms were practically a nice and comfortable moment, it makes you closer to them.

It makes you forget about the weird feelings about your dreams too, as if you remembered them in the first place.

"I'm going to take a hot bath, I'm exhausted," Venti sighed in relief when they had finally reached the dorms as he stab his keys onto the doorknob.

Xiao just nodded, it'll be some time before he's hanging with his friends and he's always the type to get ready quick, so he decided to drop you off at your dorm even though it's not that far.

"Will you have duties at lunch tomorrow?" You asked, hands behind your back.

"Not that I know off—" He glanced to the side before thought of something, "...But if I'm covering someone last minute, I'll tell you, if you want."

That was. Bold. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Yeah! I'm thinking of buying you some foods, but I'm not sure if you like the food at the cafeteria," You brings a finger to your chin.

"You don't have to..." He whispered before meeting your sincere eyes and smile, how could he refuse that smile? "I don't mind," He replied.

"Great! If I'm not mistaken, there's a nearby café too... Well, I'll see you tomorrow?" Now that you have reached your dorm, you gave him a smile as you unlocked the door with your keys.

He gave you a small, genuine smile. "Yea, see you."


"Are you sure?" Your roommate, Yun Jin asks as she helped you lock the door.

"Yeah, don't worry. My head will feel a lot better once I slept," You said with a small smile while rubbing your forehead in a soothing motion.

Your head was hurting once you and Xiao separated ways. Weird, because when you were with him, your head feels okay. Except that weird relief feeling, of course.

"If you say so, would you like a tea or hot chocolate? I don't think coffee is suitable right now," She asked as she makes her way to the kitchen.

You sighed, she really don't have to but seeing that Yun Jin had already prepared the mug and all, you replied quietly. "Hot chocolate will do."

"Alright, I'll send it to your room, rest for now alright?" She said with a smile.

"Alright, I will. Thank you Yun Jin." You thanked here with a smile before going to your room, leaving the door slightly open.

You immediately sat down on the edge of your bed, hanging your tote bag at your chair before letting yourself fall onto the bed.

Why this huge migraines?

What in the world is the cause? You thought. It was most definitely not because you were studying a math formula, it shouldn't leave that big impact to your head since you had already understood it.

There was an odd gut feeling that told you it was because of the sleep you took in the library.

You remembered you had a dream, you know you dreamed. But you couldn't remember what your dream was about.

All it left you was a weird and odd feeling, once you had woken up you were immediately glad that Xiao looked, normal. And okay.

What was that about?

All you were thinking about now, it that you are scared to fall asleep. What if you dreamed about something again? Let alone something unpleasant that'll leave you a huge migraines.

You shook your head and bring a pillow to your face, you shouldn't think about that! That's what causes the migraines in the first place anyway. And thinking about it only makes it worse!

Then, you were greeted by a soft knock on your door, you knew who it was so you rested your arms beside you, not bothering to remove the pillow on your face.

"Here, it's still hot so be careful alright? Also Yanfei bought you some chocolate cakes and Hu Tao gave some snacks for you. They hoped you'll feel better," You heard the person placed a mug on your desk that was just beside the bed.

You could tell Yun Jin was infront of the desk, since your head was just beside it. You muttered a soft, "Thank you, to you and them. I appreciate it so much," before removing the pillow on your face.

"You're welcome, if you need anything don't hesitates to call out okay? I'll be happy to help you," Yun Jin gave you a smile before walking out of your room and gently closing the door shut.

You sighed and smiled sheepishly before slowly sitting up, letting your feet dangles beneath the wooden floor. I love them, was what you thought.

You took the mug that was placed on your desk, the hot chocolate was still hot but it doesn't stops you to admire it. The milk could be seen in a some sort of a flower and heart shape, which makes you stare in awe.

Not only is Yun Jin is talented in opera singing, but also latté art?! You had to take a picture for this.

You snatched your smallest camera, which was a digital camera that was placed near your desk.

Pretty. You thought as you took a picture.

Which makes you remembered, you forgot to print out a picture. Which was taken a long time ago, on a party.

But you shouldn't probably to do that now, Yanfei would scold the hell out of you if she founds out that you were doing something else other then resting or sleeping.

Huh, that felt neutral and normal thinking of that.

Why does it feel different when you describes Xiao?

You know Yanfei and Xiao this year, but when you described Xiao, it felt like as if you known him your whole life.

You shook your head again before finishing up your hot chocolate, you really shouldn't think of anything right now.

You placed the mug onto it's saucer before kicking your feet onto the end of your mattress as your hands were holding the end on your side.

You let yourself falls onto the bed back flat, staring at your ceilings.

It's just another day, weird things happened.

You thought before falling asleep.

"What?" A deep and hoarse voice could be heard, deadpanned expression was on his face.

The figure behind him only strummed his lyre. What in the world did he meant by that?

Xiao sighed in frustration before crossing the both of his hands again.

The bard before him cheekily smiled, "Anyway, I'm not asking you to move on─"

"Which I never said that I wasn't?"

Venti scoffed, "Yea, clearly." He sarcastically replied. "But anyway, I suggests you retire."

Now it was Xiao's turn to scoffs again, "You may take your leave."

Venti sighed and shook his head, expecting this response from the Yaksha. "The karma is building up on you, especially with your grievances. You're not going to survive."

Xiao stayed quiet, Venti was faced with his back. Xiao stared to distance, it was obvious where he was looking at. That place.

"For your old man's sake, and her?"

"Absurd." Is what Venti could get from him.

This illuminated beast, the last guardian yaksha, probably the strongest in this country before his own retired god, Morax, is on the verge of dying.

He would wish for a time where he can rest, but at the same time he thought that, that time will come once it is finally his end.

He longs for a day to come when he will wear the mask and dance — not to conquer demons, but to the tune of that flute amid a sea of flowers.

With her.

Nothing matters anymore if it won't be with her.

"I'm continuing my duty, and nothing won't stop me." He claimed sternly.

Venti knows, even Morax knows, deep down he'll feel guilty if anyone suffers from the karmic karmas from him. That's why he stood by his contract.

Even if it'll lead him to his death.



───  IT'S YOU   (  ♡  )   Xiao

✧ Published ; 16 January 2024
Words ; 2611

A/N : I'm sorry for the person I'll become.


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