The Broken and the Rogue āœ“

By DreamieAster

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"I want to let them know that they can't have you, I want everyone to know who your true mate is." ... More

Ch. 1: The leader of the rogues
Ch. 2: New life or new prison?
Ch. 3: Breaking the rules
Ch. 4: The agreement
Ch. 5: Meeting the team
Ch. 6: A special kind of training
Ch. 7: The Spirits' Forest
Ch. 8: Time to Fight
Ch. 9: An Unexpected Situation
Ch. 10 The truth gets revealed
Ch. 11: Welcome to the Rogues
Ch.13: The Status of the Relationship
Ch. 14: Accepting the Feelings
Ch. 15: A Traditional Date
Ch. 16: A Passion that can't be contained
Ch. 17: Talking about the past
Ch. 18: Sweet revenge
Ch. 19: A new problem arises
Ch. 20: Karma's a bitch
Final chapter: The Luna of the rogues

Ch. 12: The Jealousy of an Alpha

363 46 41
By DreamieAster

"Keiran Duncan, twenty-five years old, joined the Crimson Fangs four years ago, and is in charge of strengthening relations with the other packs, if Callius is thinking about expanding his pack as Roselyn suspects, he will have the information," Klaus explained.

He looked around the meeting room and adjusted his glasses. The group of people present paid attention to the folder that Klaus had given us before starting to speak.

The meeting had already started more than an hour ago. The first part was boring for me, the only thing they did was inform the inner circle of the basic information about the Crimson Fangs and their most important members, which was nothing new to me.

"And how do we get him to talk?" Zaziel asked from the head of the table.

"That's the easy part," Klaus grinning replied. "Keiran loves two things, women and alcohol, if we mix the two it won't be very difficult to get information out of him. Every Friday he likes to visit a bar called Extasis, I'm sure tonight won't be the exception."

"Then we're going to have to call Vivian, she's going to know what to do," Zaziel said, putting his hand on my thigh. "Darla, do you think she might be ready for tonight?"

"No, she won't be able to do it," Darla replied. "She's sick, Xara is going to kill us if we try to get her out of the infirmary."

"We need to find someone else," Lion said. "If we don't act tonight the operation will be delayed too much."

"I can do it," I offered, making everyone turn to look at me.

"No, you won't." Zaziel squeezed my thigh. "You have no experience in the field."

"How complicated can it be? It's not like I have to go into the middle of a battle, I just have to act cute, get him drunk, and make him talk. Plus I know how the Crimson Fangs work, I have an advantage in that regard."

"He's not going to recognize you?" Artec asked.

"No, my uncle liked to keep me hidden in his mansion to avoid an uprising, he feared that my father's loyal followers would turn against him when they saw me. Only the members of the council and the ranked members know me.”

“Are you a hundred percent sure about that?” Asked Lion, raising a brow.

“Yes, my cousin would put some videos of me online but she always censored my face.”

“I say that we should give it a try,” Darla agreed with me. “Rose is right, it's not something too risky for her, and we are going to be following her anyway.”

“If Darla says so, then I also think it's a good idea.” Artec threw Darla a kiss.

Lion rolled his eyes at Artec. “I don't see why we shouldn't try.”

From the corner of my eye, I could see Zaziel frowning, he didn't pronounce a word anything but his stiff posture and his raging gaze said it all.

I put my hand over the one on my thigh and caressed his knuckles. He looked at me and opened his mouth to speak.

“Please, let me do this,” I whispered to him.

“Alright,” Zaziel said to everyone. “Roselyn will do it, but if anything goes wrong we finish the mission immediately.”


All the bravery that had come over me during the meeting vanished on the trip to the bar. I began to regret volunteering for the job; one thing was imagining what I could do, how badass I would look on a mission, but another was being minutes away from starting my first job for the rogues.

My biggest fear was ruining everything,  it was not only about my personal revenge anymore, it was also about proving my value within the group. After being saved by Zaziel in the last trial I told myself that I had to work hard to compensate for the fact that I had not completed the same challenge as the rest, my pride was at stake in the mission.

The moment that made me understand the seriousness of what I was about to do was when Klaus reached out to place the microphone on me. I felt like one of the spies in the movies, wearing a tight red dress with a deep neckline, red heels that screamed dangerous woman, and a knife hidden under my skirt.

It was exciting and dangerous. I wanted to open the car door and run away, and on the other hand, I couldn't wait to start the mission.

The car stopped and I clutched the small purse I had on my lap.

I felt a hand grab my wrist and I looked up to find Zaziel's face.

"Don't do anything too risky," he said. His beautiful light blue eyes seemed to want to say more than he admitted out loud.

"I know, I'm not in the mood to put myself in danger."

Zaziel held my face and caressed me under my cheekbone. "Don't get too close to him. With a man like him it won't be difficult for you to make him talk even without trying."

"I have to get close to him, that's the point of the mission." I leaned my body towards Zaziel.

"I didn't say don't get close, I said don't get too close." He moved his hand to my neck and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Don't let him touch you."

"And what if I do?"

Zaziel brought his mouth close to my ear. "You're playing a very dangerous game, pup,” he whispered. “You better not cry when it's time to face your punishment.”

As if nothing had happened, Zaziel walked away and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"It's time for you to go," he told me, pointing to the door on my side. "Don't worry, it'll be easy for you to get the information. You look irresistible tonight."

I nodded and got out of the car. The bar's sign caught my attention, the neon violet lights that announced the name of the establishment burst into the darkness of the night.

The security guards looked at me warily as I skipped the long line of people waiting to enter. With a sweet smile I showed them my fake VIP invitation, they checked it and lifted the security rope.

"Welcome, Miss Danvers, I hope you have a good night," one of them told me.

The interior of the bar met the expectations that came with its fame. The small round glass tables had golden legs, the armchairs seemed to be upholstered in red silk, and even the air smelled of roses.

"Keiran should be next to the bar." Klaus' voice sounded through the earpiece. "It's taking me a little longer than expected but soon I'll be connected to the security cameras."

"Got it," I replied.

Black hair, tall stature despite sitting on a stool, and a suit that looked new. Just like Klaus said, Keiran was drinking at the bar. I approached slowly, sat next to the man, and smiled at him before calling the bartender.

"First time here?" Keiran asked me, his gaze drifted to my cleavage. "I would have remembered such a beautiful woman."

"Let's just say tonight I'm in the mood for new adventures," I replied.

"I like the sound of that, maybe I could join you on your adventure." He reached his hand towards mine.

I moved my hand away, escaping his touch. "Perhaps, but first you'll have to show me what your worth is, what can you do for me?"

"How about we start with a drink?" He winked at me. "I'm Keiran, by the way."

"Sophia." I smiled at him. "And I'd love a drink."

Keiran bought cocktails for both of us, more than once. Actually, most of the drinks went to him. I saw him fall under the influence of alcohol while I listened to his pathetic stories. My smiles and compliments were enough to convince him to move us to a private boot.

He couldn't walk without staggering, it was almost a miracle that we reached our destination without Kieran falling to the ground. I helped the man get on the sofa and then I sat next to him.

"Sophie, you're wonderful," he dragged his words. "What can I do to ensure your company for the rest of the night?"

I pretended to think about the answer. "Tell me something interesting about yourself, I'm sure you have something that could impress me."

"I have connections in many packs."

"Really?" I leaned my body towards him. "How?"

"It's part of my job, I'm in charge of expanding my pack's relationships. That's why I like bars like this in free territory cities."

"What pack are you part of? It's surely one of the most influential." I tilted my head, leaving my neck visible.

"Crimson Fangs." He gulped, looking at me.

"I bet you have a lot of work to do with a pack as big as that one, why don't you tell me one of your work stories?"

"I can't do that, my alpha might get angry if he finds out."

My simple flirting wasn't going to work to get him to talk. I needed to up the act a little.

Still smiling, I stretched my arm towards Keiran.

"Don't you dare touch him, pup." Zaziel's voice rang through the earpiece, surprising me.

Fuck him, I thought. The mission was more important than fulfilling my alpha's whims.

"Nothing's going to happen if he doesn't find out," I told Keiran, resting my hand on his chest.

“Pup, I’m serious,” Zaziel insisted.

"I don't know," Kieran answered as I began to caress his chest. "I guess I can make an exception for you."

"You flatter me, love." I batted my eyelashes and lowered my hand down his abdomen, stopping where his pants began.

"I visited Dainan Zylvaris, Alpha Comrar asked me to convince him to start negotiations with him."

"And you did a good job?"

"Of course, Mr. Zylvaris and Mr. Comrar now have weekly meetings. Those two like to keep secrets because no one knows what they're up to.”

I got even closer to Keiran, our bodies were almost touching, and I opened my mouth to continue questioning him.

My question stayed in my mind, before I could say it out loud I was interrupted by a dart that stuck in Keiran's arm. In his drunken state, he didn't realize what had happened and he gave me a smile before collapsing asleep on the table.

"What did you do? I was about to get important information out of him," I shouted in a whisper to Zaziel who had just entered the small room.

"I warned you not to touch him," he answered, closing the door behind him. "Now Klaus is going to have to work twice as hard to cover up this mess."

"It's your fault, I didn't do anything wrong." I got up from the seat and walked towards Zaziel.

He grabbed my face and raised it so our eyes met. I had never seen him so angry, his perfect leader mask had disappeared.

"Did you have fun ignoring my orders?" Zaziel pushed my body, trapping me against the wall. "Are you trying to make me angry on purpose?"

"I was trying to do my job, why does it bother you so much that I touched him a little?"

"Because you're mine!" he screamed and moved his hand to squeeze my neck. "I am your mate, no one else should feel your touch."

"I thought you didn't care about being my mate."

Zaziel squeezed my neck harder and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was fierce, messy, and there was so much anger and frustration in it. Neither of us gave in, we both fought for control, and it was Zaziel who won by squeezing my ass, making way for his tongue by surprising me.

I could feel my body heating up and every touch from Zaziel increased my desire. His scent mixed with his arousal was simply mouthwatering.

He separated his lips from mine and started kissing my neck. A moan escaped me as he sank his teeth into the skin around my collarbone.

"Look at you, falling apart from my touch." He smirked at me. "Do you think he could have made you feel as good as I do?"

"Never," I answered, drunk on his scent.

"Just what I thought."

Zaziel put his leg between mines. He sucked under my ear as he lifted my skirt. His knee brushed against my panties and I moaned his name.

"That's all I wanted to hear," he whispered in my ear before turning away from me. "It's getting late, it's risky for us to stay here."

I looked at him confused, not understanding why he was walking towards the exit.

Zaziel smirked at me before grabbing the door handle. "Bad girls don't deserve to go all the way. Maybe if you behave I can reward you next time."

And then he left the room.

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