Promised To Another

By pearlrantolo

108 21 1

What do you do when you find out that the one you have given your whole heart to was never yours to keep? Tha... More



2 1 0
By pearlrantolo

The beginning of the first week into the exams and there was already a somber atmosphere across campus.
It was like the whole campus was collectively holding its breath as the exam period unfolded.

The usual rustling and bustling movement around campus has reduced to just a trickle of people who were rushing to an exam or coming from one.

"Ugh! Why do we keep getting the wrong answer. Are we using the wrong equation or is it our calculations."
Siba complained as she threw the worksheet she was busy with on my study table.

"I don't know either." I said as I retrieved the worksheet and studied it.

"Ooh, I can't wait for this to be over, two more days and I will be done with Calculus!"
I exclaimed as I threw the worksheet back on the table.

I pushed back the chair and walked to my bed and plopped facedown on the pillow.

We were in my room working through calculus questions preparing for an exam that is in two days.
We were currently stuck on a question that we have been trying to workout for the past thirty minutes.
Sammy on the other side of the room was busy paging through her notes getting ready for an exam that was in a couple of hours.
She was going through her flash cards as she read the notes out loud.

"Time to call for back-up," Siba said as she scrolled on her phone.

"Malakai is about to go into his Linear Algebra exam now, so he is not available to help us out."
I explained from my position on the bed.

The room went eerily quiet for a couple of minutes. I lifted my head up, only to find Siba and Sammy looking weirdly at me.

I looked back and forth between them with a questioning stare.


"Why do you know Kai's schedule so well?" Siba asked with her stare on me, it wasn't suspicion or anything. She just looked surprised.


It had slipped my mind that Siba was still very much in the dark about the developments between Kai and I.
She was not aware of our incessant phone conversation, let alone our secret rendezvous.

For the sake of our friendship, I need to keep things that way.

"Yeah, Arie. How do you happen to posses all that information? I am pretty sure you don't even know what exam I will be taking this afternoon " Sammy sassily chimed in before I could respond.

Ooh gosh! I am going to kill her.
I just gave her a look and hoped it conveyed my intentions.

"I just happen to have asked him to help us out earlier today and he told me about the exam." I responded as nonchalantly as possible looking at Siba.

That seemed to be convincing enough as she went back to her phone.

I gave Sammy a finger before I resumed my position on the bed.

"How about we all take a break from all the studying and grab something to eat?"
Siba proposed.

"And Sammy you can't study right up until your exam. You need the break or you will be exhausted by the time you start writing." She added.

" Yah, I know. I just needed to tie few loose ends. I think this will be it for now," Sammy said putting her flash cards aside.

" Yah, I could really use a breather right now."
I said as I got up from the bed and quickly changed out of my sleeping shorts and into a pair of black leggings and a white Nike crop jersey.

"Since we are all here, I think we should tie down the logistics of the trip." Sammy said as we sat down in the cafeteria with our orders.

I pulled out a chair facing the entrance on the table. Sammy and Siba sat on the two chairs opposite mine.

"Yes please, let's! I can't wait!" I squealed as I clasped my hands in excitement.

We were planning on going on a week long road trip immediately after the exams before we parted ways for the two months long winter break.
It was a way to celebrate the end of the semester but also to celebrate Siba's twenty-first birthday in advance, since it would be the week post our road trip.

"So our first stop is the resort, just eight hours away. We will be spending 3 days there.
Since my dad is a partner, we will be staying for free and I managed to get a fifty percent discount on all paid activities!" Siba said excitedly

We all squealed in excitement.

"There is boat cruising, bungee jumping, zip lining, horseback riding and game drive. So there is a lot to keep us busy for 3 days!"
She said as we leaned over to see the pictures of the venue from her phone.

"Ooh, what about the spa, do they have that?" Sammy asked.
"Because after this week I am sure going to be deserving of the pampering."

" Ooh yah! Their facilities are out of this world," responded Siba as she handed her phone to Sammy to see the pictures.

"So Siba, does your dad happen to have shares at Sandton too? So that we can also get like seventy-five percent discount off shopping." I asked.

"Unfortunately not hun, we will be paying the full price on that."

Siba responded as we all laughed and I took a bite of my burger.

I suddenly looked up and saw Kai walking into the cafeteria with one of his friends.
It was like I have now developed a sixth sense that gets triggered whenever he was in the same space as me.
My body knows the minute he walks into the room before even my eyes could locate him.

He was immersed in a conversation with his friend. He suddenly looked up as if he felt my eyes on him.
Nothing in his outward expression changed as our eyes locked, but the intensity of his stare said enough.

Even with this space between us, I could still feel the effects of his attention on me, the jittery feeling from all the butterflies that suddenly became alive in my stomach.

I was at a point where I couldn't deny that I felt something for him. Whatever I was feeling felt like it was growing everyday, becoming even harder to hide from everyone.

"Why did your face suddenly light up like a Christmas tree?" Siba asked as she turned around and followed my line of vision.

Told yah, nothing ever goes over her head.

"He is cute isn't he?" A sly smile crossed her face as she looked at the boys as they crossed the floor towards the counter to place their order.

"What?" I asked, even though I heard her the first time.

"His name is Jake incase you were wondering. I think you might have met him the other day when we had the pool party at the house." She said, a plotting look plastered on her face.

"Yeah, he is cute. What do you think Arie?" Sammy said with a pointed look at me.

I Just narrowed my eyes at her.
Before I could say anything, Siba called out to Malakai and motioned them over.

They collected their food and made their way towards us.

Malakai grabbed the seat next to me, while Jake took the one between Sammy and Kai.

"So Jake this is Arie, you have met her the other day at our house. And this is Sammy her roommate," said Siba as she did the quick introduction.

Recognition dawned on Jake's eyes as he looked at me.
"Oh yah, Arie. It's funny how I've hear..."
He grunted lightly and covered it with a cough as Kai most probably kicked him under the table.

I looked between them, but Kai busied himself with his food and wouldn't meet my eyes.

"I heard that Kai has been... tutoring you in calculus." He provided finally.
"How has that been going?" He asked with mock innocence.

I definitely did not miss the silent conversation that was going on between him and Kai.

"Great I guess, because my mark improved considerably." I said as I took the last bite of my burger and took a sip of my fizzy drinks.
I was giving into my craving of creasy food and junk.
That's all I've been craving since my period started.

"Yah, about that. Kai will you help us with a few questions later? Arie is coming over tonight for a study session," Siba interjected.

"Sure, no problem." He said, his eyes still not meeting mine.

"Guys I need to get going, my exam is in an hour." Sammy said as she pushed her chair back and got up.

"You got this hun! Break a leg," I said as I got up and gave her a quick hug over the table.

"So how was the exam?" I asked Kai quietly as I sat back down.

"Challenging but doable." He said simply, still looking everywhere but at me.

"Okay, enough about school."
Siba said.
"So Jake, are you single?"
My eyes widened at the realization of where this conversation was headed.
"Yeah, why?"

I tried to catch Siba's eye to stop her.
But she just flashed me a smile and continued,

"Arie happens to be single too."

"Ooh, is she?" Jake looked at Kai before flashing me with what I believe was his smoldering look.

The guy was cute. I will give him that, and would most probably reduce any other girl to a mess of excited nerves with that look.
But he didn't have that effect on me.
His one flaw being that he just wasn't Kai.
The thought surprised me.

Before I could answer Siba said,

"I could pass on her number, I don't think she would mind."

"And she is right here!"
I exclaimed.

"And I know a very cute spot for a first date."
She continued as if I hadn't said anything.

"Siba." It was soft, but the warning was clear in his voice.

"What? I was just looking out for my friend." Siba said with her eyes on Kai. He kept his stare steady on her.

"Alright, whatever. I forgot how uptight you can be." She said as she backed down first.

"Arie, that's our cue. Some living organisms has clearly crawled up my brother's ass and he won't let me have my fun playing match making."
She said as she started to get up.

"See you later." I said softly to Kai. He just nodded and turned to hold my gaze briefly for the first time since he sat down.

I turned to Jake and gave him a little wave,
"It was nice seeing you again. Just ignore whatever she said," I said nodding towards Siba.
"She forgot to take her meds this morning," I loud whispered conspiratorially at him.

Siba just laughed and smacked me on my ass.

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