My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

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When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



754 29 15
By Sarah__Leann

I flicked the switch and sat at the kitchen table, my heart pounding in my chest at the thought of seeing Kai.

Emrys had decided that he was ready to take the world on alone, practically begging me to go home.

I was too excited to eat, my stomach in knots knowing that I'd be waiting hours until the zaviours arrived.

I had two suitcases stuffed with coffee and another stuffed full of snacks that I wanted to share with Klaus, and all I had left to do was pack my clothes.

After a few hours had passed, I sat outside, staring at the sky, wondering if I'd see them coming.

A few more hours had passed and I couldn't sit still, so I went for a run to get rid of some of my pent up energy.

After another few hours, day turned to night and I knew that it wouldn't be long before the shuttle arrived.

Morning turned to noon, noon into night and night into day. Two days had passed and then a third and a fourth, and I eventually resided myself to my room in a world of pain and misery.

After a week had passed, the pain in my chest had become unbearable and I screamed out in frustration.

Why hadn't he come for me? Where were the zaviours?

Everything had become too much, I couldn't live without Kai. I felt like I had been abandoned, stuck on a planet that I had no interest in and I burst into tears knowing that I'd never see him again.

Sitting on my bed, I saw movement in the corner of my eye. Turning my head towards the window, my body flushed hot, frozen to the spot as I stared at two beady eyes.

A gladarian monster was watching me.

I thought my heart was about to explode as I let out a gut wrenching scream.

Before I knew it, my eyes shot open and I realised that it was all just a dream.

I was drenched in sweat, trembling from head to toe, my heart beating rapidly as I broke down in tears.

Emrys came rushing into my room, flicking on the light and wrapping me up in his arms.

"It's alright, you're ok, just let it out." He spoke sofly, and I lay my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed, my words barely audible, but Emrys ignored my apology.

"Just let it all out." He rubbed my back while holding me tightly.

I wasn't sure how long it had taken for my tears to subside but I knew that it had taken a while.

My face was sticky, the room silent - other than my post-crying hick-ups, and I peered up at Emrys with a sigh.

"I dreamt that he'd forgotten about me. I sent the signal and he didn't come, and then I saw a gladarian watching me from the window."

I sat up in bed and Emrys wiped my eyes with his sleeves. "Don't worry, those monsters are gone and they are never coming back."

"Do you think Kai will forget about me?" I sniffed.

"No, not at all. You two are unbreakable, true love at it's finest and I'd bet my life that he's patiently waiting for you to send that signal. I'm just sorry that you're having to go through all of this because of me. If I could take your pain away, I'd do it in a heartbeat." He frowned.

"I promised that I'd help you, so that's what I'll do. You don't have to be sorry, Emrys."

He gazed into my eyes before blowing out a breath. "I will never be able to thank you for everything you've done for me, Daisy. Without you, I wouldn't have a second chance at life and from now on, I'll do everything that I can to have you back with Kai as soon as possible."

Although I appreciated what he was saying, I knew that I'd still be on Earth for a long time.

In the five months that we had been here, Emrys had done well, but I expected him to be miles ahead by now.

"There's still a long way to go." I muttered.

"Don't worry, I've got this." He smiled sweetly.


I hadn't slept for three days. The pain in my body was intense and no matter what I did, I couldn't shake it.

My head felt like it was going to explode, my eyes stung when the lights were bright, my chest felt like a weight was crushing me from the inside and walking around was like stepping on fire.

When it became unbearable, I called Haldon, who paid me a visit because I couldn't leave the house.

He ran some tests but there was nothing he could do. There wasn't any form of treatment for the pain that I felt. The only way it would stop was if Daisy came home.

Kordin suggested that Haldon sedate me, but that would mean I'd be unavailable for the mission if Daisy was to send the signal.

There was no way that was going to miss the mission of a lifetime due to being sedated, so I respectfully declined and carried on as I was.

Two weeks after Kiara's revelation about the old abuse story, I was surprised to find that Kordin had made it public knowledge.

He must have taken it upon himself to put it out there because no one had any idea that he was going to do it, resulting in multiple apologetic calls and messages from past and present people in my life.

I didn't care though, it didn't change anything. Daisy was still on Earth, I was still in pain and the past remained the same.

Because Daisy was human, I wondered how badly the soulmate bond would affect her in comparison to me.

I was on the verge of a mental breakdown, struggling to get through each day and it worried me incessantly that there was a chance she was feeling the same.

On Earth, her only support system was Emrys, and to be quite honest, he was about as useful as a wet paper bag.

She was there to support him, and in the back of my mind, I knew that it was a mistake to let her go.

She had no one to support her, whereas I had the support of my family, and I couldn't be sure that she was strong enough to handle strain of our bond alone.

Our time apart seemed to slow down exponentially. Minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days and after six months apart, something unexpected happened.

I was making the last coffee from the bag that Daisy left, and as I sat down to drink it, I had a vision.

The second you meet your soulmate, all visions cease to exist and it was unheard of to have them for a second time.

I called Haldon, and when he didn't answer, I forced myself to go to the medical centre to see what he made of my vision.

It was incredible to see her. My beautiful Daisy, sitting in a building eating a plate of food.

Emrys was there too, along with another female, but I couldn't determine how she was feeling which made me hope that I'd have another vision of her soon.

Haldon was actually busy when I got to him and the other medic that shares his job role was busy with patients too.

I hadn't seen Medic Stanza for at least ten months, realising that Haldon was way overdue a break as leading medic.

Why was he still here? I wondered, making my way to his office.

After an hour, Haldon was able to see me, but I felt slightly guilty for pulling him away from his other patients.

"I can come back another time if now isn't convenient." I stated.

"There's no need to come back. Everyone has been seen to and we've called in some back up, and to be honest with you, I have nothing to do at the moment." He stated with a soft chuckle.

I nodded, sitting up straight while clearing my throat.

"Well then, hopefully I won't take up too much of your free time."

"What is it I can help you with?" He asked.

"I was hoping you would be able to shed some light on how I managed to have a vision of Daisy this morning? As far as I am aware, it isn't possible to have them after meeting your soulmate."

Haldon sat back in his chair, confusion in his eyes as he looked over at me.

"Are you sure it was a vision and not some sort of hallucination?"

I laughed out loud, shaking my head. "Oh, I'm sure. I had them for years remember? It was just like how I used to get them, getting on with my day and then zap, a vision."

"I can't say for sure, but I would imagine that your vision occurred due to the fact that you and Daisy are now on seperate planets. The soulmate bond is a strong force, powerful beyond comprehension and it isn't something to be taken lightly. We have never studied the effects on what it is capable of, but as you know, it can wreak havoc on the zaviour body. I can run some tests if it would put your mind at ease but I'm not sure that we'll find anything." Haldon stated.

"Thank you, Haldon, but no. I merely came here out of curiousity, unsure whether or not I'd have any more."

"I'd say it's highly likely that you'll have another one. How has your pain been since we last spoke?"

"It's been relentless." I sighed, taking note of how it currently felt. "But.. it seems to have dulled since the vision."

With the excitement of seeing Daisy, I hadn't noticed that the pain I was feeling had dulled considerably.

"I must admit, I find it quite peculiar, but then again, so are the circumstances that you have found yourself in." Haldon half smiled.

"I just hope that she comes back soon." I sighed.

"Indeed. I actually miss her presence around here more that I thought I would."

I chuckled at his words. "She's a one of a kind, isn't she?"

"That she is. She isn't like us zaviours, there's something about her that draws people in. She has a natural likeability about her which people can't deny.. I wonder if it's because she's human?"

"No." I smiled widely. "She wouldn't be any different as a zaviour."

"Maybe less accident prone?" Haldon chuckled, and I laughed along at his words.

"I realised earlier that you haven't had a break from this place for months. Is it not time for Stanza to take the reins so that you can have a well deserved rest?" I wondered, changing the subject.

"I thought about it when Daisy left, but I've been so invested in everyone else's lives that I kind of put my own on hold. I wasn't sure that Stanza would keep up with everything so I kind of just decided to wait until Daisy returns. She will need another medical when she gets back, so to keep things familiar for her, I never took my leave."

Haldon's loyalty was admirable and I was grateful that he was happy to stay on for Daisy's sake.

"What about your soulmate? Is she not wanting to see more of you?" I wondered.

"She understands why I do what I do and shes happy for me to stay here a little longer. We spend time together in the evenings so it's not like we're completely apart." He shrugged.

"Thank you, Haldon. Your work doesn't go unrecognised and I am grateful for everything that you do." I smiled.


A few weeks after my meltdown, everything seemed to be progressing nicely.

Emrys had stuck to his word and made a conscious effort to get out more, and because of our frequent trips to crowded places, he bought me a car to make our commute times easier.

It wasn't anything fancy, just something to get us from one place to another but it was better than standing around waiting for buses that never seemed to run on time.

I was having lunch in the cafe with Emrys while Samantha was on her break, when my vision suddenly blurred and an image of Kai appeared before me.

I was taken aback, a complete shock to the system but whatever this was made my heart swell.

I didn't have any pictures of Kai and not seeing him for six months made my hallucination feel like a god send.

He was sitting in our kitchen, coffee in hand but the one thing that stood out were his eyes.

The brightness was gone, dark circles had formed underneath them and that's when I wondered if my hallucination was maybe a vision?

"That's not possible." I whispered, staring at the food on my plate.

"Daisy?" Emrys looked at me from across the table.

Looking up at him, his brow was creased as he focused his attention on me.

My eyes flickered between him and Samantha before I stood from my seat and made my way outside.

"Daisy, what's wrong? Is everything ok?" Emrys asked, following me out the door.

Samantha remained inside, seated at the table as I peered over at her through the window.

"I saw him, Emrys, I saw Kai. I know it sounds crazy but I think I had a vision." I breathed, sitting down on a bench.

Emrys sat beside me, concern in his eyes. "Are you sure it was a vision? You're human, Daisy. I thought having visions was a zaviour thing."

"I know, I know.. But I saw him, Emrys." I stated.

"Is it even possible?"

"I hope so, because if it isn't, I fear that I'm losing my mind."

"I believe you." He smiled and a slight grin formed in my face.

"You don't think I'm crazy?"

"No, not for a second. I believe that this soulmate bond that you share with Kai is real, and I think it's trying to tell you that you need to be with him."

"If only that was possible." I mumbled.

"Give me a month." Emrys smiled sweetly.

"Give you a month? A month for what?" I wondered.

Emrys took my hands in his and I turned my body to face him properly. "Give me one more month to get used to Earth. Ready or not, flip the switch and send the signal."

My eyes widened, heart racing in my chest as I sat there staring up at him, completely speechless.

"Daisy?" He chuckled.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, what? Did you just say.." I trailed off.

"You need your happy ending." He spoke softly and my eyes glazed over.

I flung my arms around him, unable to control my excitement.

The end was near, I thought to myself, a smile on my face as happiness dared to break through.


Hi guys 👋

I enjoyed writing this one so I hope you enjoyed it too?

Do you think Emrys will be ready in a month? What about Daisy.. Do you think she'll leave him if he's not?

Thank you for all of your votes/comments, I enjoy reading your thoughts and feedback 😊

Next chapter will be up soon so keep your eyes peeled 🥰

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