Security Breach & SaMs Lemons

By WildChild289

25.7K 305 509


New Rules!.
~ From Bitterness To Tease ~ (2)
Evil Lunar (2) Lemon
Killcode Lemon
Evil Lunar ~Date Gone Wrong?.~
Quite The Predicament (Ruin ~SaMs)
Sweetheart Eclipse
Random Weird Authors Note
Guys I Need Suggestions Please!.
BloodMoon 50/50 same
KillCode 50/50
Killcodes Gettin Wild 👀
From Cold To Hot!. ❤️‍🔥 ~ Solar~
Another Question For Y'all!. 🌙
Easily Flustered ☀️
Creatures In The Dark 😱
Crossing Wires 🫣
Message About A Bloodmoon Chapter!.
Romance At The Movies 🎥
🩸Enemies To Lovers 🩸
Those Crimson Eyes 🥀💋
Solars Dimension ✨
Bloodmoon Twins
Ruin Lost His Memories?!?
The Hot & Evil Eclipse (Again) ✨

☀️ ~ Evil ~ Sun ~ ☀️

636 7 8
By WildChild289

NOTE!!!. ~ This is a request from (NOT SUPER LIGHT!.)
(Archive of our own.)
His emotions kinda switch!.
FEM & NEUTRAL!. (Just says Kit/Center.) (They.)
(Sun has lost his Y/n- Moon comes into his dimension, upon discovering that Moons dimension still has a Y/n- Sun becomes obsessed with the idea of having a Y/n back- platonic or romantic (Preferably Romantic.) He just hates to be without a Y/n in his life. So he does the only logical thing (Jk.) He pretends to be Moons Dimensions Sun.)

Sun sighed.
"How the days seem to grow more and more boring by the second....everything is always so dull and-
Sun stopped his rant to himself when something had entered through the ballpit.
Sun didn't really care though....he was pretty much emotionless at this point but it was his daycare so he had to make sure that it wasn't anything to major....
A Moon had emerged from the pile of balls.
Sun said, his voice sounded very...monotone.

The Moon didn't think anything of it at first but after a few seconds of talking he immediately knew that this wasn't his Sun...
"You're from another dimension aren't you?."
Moon asked.
Sun would have smiled if he had cared enough but still, no emotion.
"I am, I'm surprised it took that long to notice you weren't in your dimension."

As Moon was about to leave, a bit of curiosity got the best of Sun.
Moon turned to Sun.
Everything went silent for a moment.
"Do you...still have your (Y/n.) in your dimension?."
Moon looked at Sun, confusion flashed through his eyes.
"Yes, we do. Why?. What happened to yours?. I'd just assumed that you'd kil-
Before Moon could finished his sentence Sun interrupted, and his tone came out surprisingly a bit defensive.
"My (Y/n.)...No...I would never do that to them...they were the sweetest thing that ever walked into my life...."
Sun regained his monotone voice.
"I was just curious....thank you Moon."
With that Sun turned on his heel, walking away in a "calm." Manner.
"Goodbye Moon." Sun said.


As Sun tried his best to have his thoughts of his beloved (Y/n.) swayed away...He just couldn't stop thinking about them....
Something about the other dimensions having a version of their own was really starting to bother him...Did he want his dimension (Y/n) back?. More than anything in the world of course!. But....if he could have the chance of getting to see them again...
Sun groaned in frustration and knocked a few things off the daycares desk off into the floor!.

Sun made his was towards the portal-
"What am I doing?. This is so much much..."
Sun stopped talking to himself for a moment as he entered the ballpit.
"I already can't live my life properly as it is with knowing my (Y/n.) is gone...and i'll be devastated if this one gets hurt too.!."

Sun stealily poked his out of the portal, he heard a computer speak up.
"I believe you have traveled to the wrong dimension."
The computer blurted out.
Sun looked around to see if he could detect where that voice was coming from.
"I mean no harm..."
"I know." The computer said.
"I detect no threats from you...aside from your
unhealthy obsession for (Y/n)."
Sun scoffed in annoyance at the computer.
"You don't know anything about that. So zip it."
He said in a harsh tone.

Computer spoke up.
"I will allow you to see them, but please do not do anything too irrational...they are quite content with being by themselves as of this moment."
Sun froze.
"Wait...So you're telling me that the sun nor anyone from this dimension has taken them as theirs yet?.
The computer made a sort of a sighing sound.
"No, nobody has claimed them, please do not meddle too much into (Y/ns.) life. I will not ask this again.
Sun scanned the daycare and rolled his eyes at the Computer.
He would respect it...for now....

"I won't be causing too much trouble. I just want to-
The computer interrupted him.
"You would like to make sure that they are safe and secure in this dimension, and that is something that I can respect but I must warn you, this (Y/n.) is not the same (Y/n.) and there will be differences I'm sure. You are a perfect example of this, you are different from my Sun. You are more prone to violence."
Sun stepped out of the ball pit once he had spotted what looked to be (human/animatronic.) that looked to be around his (Y/ns.) height!.
Rushing out of the daycare he rushed so fast towards the exit, he nearly ran into them!.

The person turned around and put a hand to Suns chest.
Their eyes widened with surprise, they took a moment to process their close collision and then smiled at Sun.
"Oh, hello Sun! What's the hurry?."
Sun couldn't believe it, and the computer had been looked almost exactly like his (Y/n.)


The Evil Sun had tried to keep his promises to the computer the best he could but he found himself sneaking away from his dimension to see this (Y/n.) A lot more than he had expected too....
Did this (Y/n.) know that Sun was the evil one from his dimension?. Probably not....his (Y/n.) loved him for all of his flaws but...he wasn't so sure about this dimensions (Y/n.)


Sun has once again visited (Y/n.)
He told a joke and as you were laughing...
Sun felt a small smile creep up on his face...Something that he hadn't done in a very long time...
He felt a pair of eyes on him and glanced over, but not enough to make it incredibly obvious...
Moon...held a suspicious glare.
"Well...I'd better get going- gotta clean those pesky barrels the kids are always messing with."
As you excited the daycare, waving goodbye to Sun, Moon looked at you and gave the best fake smile he could....
Sun was trying his best to not look into the direction of Moon....He could feel his stare practically burning a hole in him.
He hastily made his way towards the portal and made a run for it the second you were out of sight!.

The second Sun had returned to his dimension...
Sun groaned as his face came into contact with the wall!.
Moons held Suns hands behind his back so he couldn't try to wiggle his out of this ridiculous mess he'd caused.
"Why were you in my dimension?!? I Thought you said that there was nothing for you there!."
Sun didn't answer....
Moon was about to yell again but paused half through, his mouth slightly gaped open.
'You're here to take (Y/n.) Away aren't you?."
Sun stayed silent...
Moon pushed his face further into the wall, a crack could be heard!.

A yell was then heard, Moon looked back, and with what strength Sun had (which wasn't much.)
He looked over to the voice and saw that it was You...
His eyes slightly sparkled at the fact that you had come to his rescue!.
Maybe you could find a way to love him!. Or at least reciprocate some type of feelings to help him cope....he really needed a (Y/N) in his life...Platonic or Romantic...He just missed (Y/n.) all together....
"Moon...Let him go."
You said in a stern tone.
Moon shook his head in disbelief.
"You followed me through the portal?!?."
Moons voice boomed with rage and worry.
"He's going to hurt you (Y/n!.). Why can't you see that?."

Taking a deep breath you looked towards the imposter Sun....feeling a variety of emotions...
Sympathy...Betrayal....Maybe even a bit of Attraction?.....
You knew almost immediately that it wasn't your dimensions Sun....Something drew you towards felt a bit of betrayal for the fact that it had been months and he never once spoke up about this sham he'd conquered up just to meet you....
"Moon....You and I both know that out of everyone in this daycare- I am the last person that he would ever hurt....Let him go...Please?..."
Moon scoffed and rolled his eyes.
Moon twirled Sun around and pulled him close, giving his best threatening snarl.
"If you so much as hurt them, I'll-
You interrupted Moon.
"Moon...Please...I can take care of myself....

Moon let out a low growl and eventually did as you'd asked- and left the two of you (You and Evil Sun.) by yourselves back in his dimension.
You gave Sun a glare.
"Why did you lie to me?."
Sun began to open his mouth to say something but you interrupted.
"I knew ya know?. I know within seconds of us talking that you weren't my Sun, but I decided to keep talking to you anyways to see where it would go and In the process I couldn't help but find myself feeling extremely attached to you-
Your eyes started to water a bit.
"I know I shouldn't because you're only here for all the wrong reasons but at the end of the day, I honestly can't help but feel like maybe I am falling in love with you!."
There were now tears streaming down your cheeks...

Suns gaze softened and he cupped your face in his hands, trying to calm you down the best that he could...
It was then that Sun was realizing his mistakes....
You really were a different (Y/n.)....
Sun spoke up.
"I know that I've been comparing you to my dimensions (Y/n.)....and I just wanted to say that I am so sorry..."
Sun then let out a low chuckle.
"It seems in every dimension you're just as stunning...I couldn't help myself....You are my everything (Y/n.)
My world...Your world....You'll always be my everything..."

You had stopped crying and gave a light smile to Sun...
Suns eyes locked onto yours.
He leaned in but seemed a bit hesitant to do so-
You closed your eyes and your stomach was filling with butterflies as your lips crashed together.


Suns hands removed from your cheeks and roamed down to your other sets of cheeks. (🤣 )
His hands gripped your butt.
You made an mph- sound, feeling surprised.
Wrapping your arms around Suns neck.
You jumped up to entangle your legs around his body-
Sun moaned and tried to deepen the kiss the best he could, carrying you over to the security guard's desk- he set you down and began to lay light kisses to your neck- giving you a hickey in the process....

Unbuttoning your shirt- he pauses for a moment.
His face still in the crook of your neck-
He smiled victoriously seeing that how he'd won your heart.
Unbuttoning your pants, your eyes widened slightly as you heard the zipper go down-
Your body shivered as the feeling of Suns tongue glided across your skin.
He chuckled.
"I've missed much...having someone to love and adore....We haven't even gotten to the good parts yet-
Sun paused and pulled away to lay a kiss to your cheek. "All the parts are good but-
He smiled charmingly.
"You get what I'm trying to say...I hope."
You nodded, pulling him back in for another kiss.

His eyes widened at how dominant you were being right now.
Sun closed his eyes, sliding a tongue in-
His hands fiddled with your kit/center-
After a few moments of him pleasuring you-
Sun pulled away from the kiss, and gently pushed you down into the desk.
"His hands on your thighs now.
"May I?. My beloved?."
He asked in a soft/caring tone.
You laid your head back.
"Yes. Please give me everything you've got...."
Sun smiled, a hint of mischievousness in his tone.
"Anything and everything for you (Y/n.)"

Sun placed your legs onto his shoulders.
Your eyes widened at the position you were in, and you couldn't help but wonder what made him decide to try this particular one?.
Sun looked at you one last time and with your approval- he thrusted his member into your kit/center.
Your breath hitched- not expecting sun to hit all the sweet spots so quickly.
Sun let out a low chuckle and picked up the pace-
Closing your eyes,  you couldn't think straight-
Your body felt like it was in overload from the pleasure!.
You moaned out.
"I'm gonna-
Before you could even finish the sentence- you climaxed onto Suns member.

(Idk if this next part is gonna come off as weird but...Experimental Chapters And I mean Sun has lost his marbles soooo. Makes sense, doesn't make sense. 🤷‍♀️ Idk but here ya go!. 💕.)

Sun took a finger, and reached down towards a spot on your leg where some substance had oozed out.
(Yours not his.)
Sticking a finger to his mouth- he made a mmm sound.
Sucking on his finger for a few seconds- He looked down at you, and smirked.
Your face flushed.
Sun started to thrust again-
Again, Again and again and again.
Your breathes raggedy!.
It seemed like an eternity before Sun came!.
He was really trying to stretch this love making as much as possible.


You stood up to leave but Sun grabbed your arm, a rather firm grip too....
You asked, tilting your head, curiosity washing over you.
"What are you doing?. I need to go back now."
Sun gave a pleading look.
"(Y/n.) I'm nothing without you....being here with nothing but my thoughts, it could drive a man mad!."
Sun pulled you into his chest. 
"Will you please stay with me?."
Silence filled the room...
You honestly didn't know what to say...
You glanced back to the portal but before you could look back to Sun...Everything had went black.

You awoke with a terrible headache....
"Ugh...what happened?."
You looked around and found yourself in the top of the daycares tower....
But...this didn't look like your dimension....
Did Sun knock you out or something?.
It's as if he knew that you were thinking about him...
Sun walked into the room with a handful of medicine, crouching down, he laid a kiss to your forehead and handed you the pills/liquid.
"Take case you start to feel a bit yucky...I hope I didn't hurt you...."
He gave an apologetic look.
You frowned and took the medicine.

You opened your mouth to speak but Sun put a finger to your lips signaling for you to hush for a second.
"I know you have questions.....and I will answer them once you have time to recover from your....
Sun whirled a hand in the air-
He said the word slumber in an almost whispering tone.
He looked over to you, guilt flashed through his eyes, but only for a second before he stood up to leave the room.
"You have things to preoccupy you...heck you could even sleep if you want too....just get some rest..."

Sun gave you one last look and smiled a loving smile.
"Oh, by the way...I've blocked off your dimension, I made the decision so much easier for you My Beloved...You'll be safer here."

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