๐…๐‘๐Ž๐Œ ๐€ ๐–๐Ž๐Œ๐€๐


29.4K 2.4K 1.5K

โSEEMS LIKE YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND AND IT'S SHOWING. SEEMS LIKE YOU CAN'T DENY THE ๐˜Œ๐˜”๐˜–๐˜›๐˜๐˜–๐˜•๐˜š FROM ๐˜ˆ ๐˜ž... More

|๐…๐‘๐Ž๐Œ ๐€ ๐–๐Ž๐Œ๐€๐|
โ”ˆโžค 001 | hello?
โ”ˆโžค 002 | white flag
โ”ˆโžค 003 | what are we playing?
โ”ˆโžค 004 | my turn
โ”ˆโžค 005 | n 2 deep
โ”ˆโžค 007 | apologies
โ”ˆโžค 008 | almost there
โ”ˆโžค 009 | game over

โ”ˆโžค 006 | declared war

2.5K 269 247

- santa rosa beach, florida

'𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐊𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃' was the first thought on her mind as soon as Genesis got back into the house.

It had actually been her only thought since they decided it was time to go so that was what she went to do, even drained with feet hurting so bad she felt like she could just fall to the floor at any second.

She didn't feel bad for what she did but she did want to make sure he hadn't really taken it to heart.

It had to be confirmed that she didn't hurt his feelings or anything, all she wanted was to make him mad a little... she wasn't completely evil.

Turning on the over head light as she walked into their hallway alone, she started to drag herself towards his-

Genesis paused catching a glimpse of something in the corner of her eye.

Looking over to her room, her eyes immediately jumped open and she audibly gasped loudly at what he had did.

SLUT was written in big black letters on the paneled white door with what looked like some type of thick marker.

Her heart completely dropped.

She was so focused on the degrading title that she didn't even focus on the fact the door was slightly ajar too. Furiously she went over to try wiping it away, door just opening wider as soon as she touched it.

"oh my god." She whispered to herself looking at what he did in there too.

Some of her clothing was thrown out her drawers and closet, now littering the floor and bed. He didn't even have the decency to close anything back after his demolition, everything left flung open and wrecked.

She snatched up the closest item to her, a small red satin dress, and it was so damn bold she couldn't miss it. Slut written in the tag.

With rage she quickly bent down to pick up more things, stomach twisting when every single item had been drawn in.

He even left it as just an S in the tags that were too small to fit the whole thing.

Why did he always take it too far?

He can be with Brenda, Latisha, Linda, and Felicia but now Genesis is a slut for dancing.

She could just imagine the names he'd call her if he knew how much dancing she really did.

Genesis didn't feel tired at all and this anger actually gave her enough energy to turn back go storm to Kreed's room.

She attempted to twist the handle but of course it was locked.

this bitch.

"Yo you're so fucking immature! Open this door I know you're still up!" She banged her fist on it.

She didn't know that. But it was no doubt that he was now as hard as she was knocking and twisting this door knob.

"I swear to God I'm going beat your ass! Get up!" She continued to shout, getting louder and more forceful with her knocks.

Red lights flicked on pouring under his door for barely two seconds before turning back off. Just so she would know he was up and purposely ignoring her.

"A child. You are nothing but a dumb ass child."

The lights didn't turn on again but she knew where ever he was, he heard her. And she hoped he could hear just how much she meant it.

She wasn't going to fight his door all night. That's probably exactly he wanted her to do and she wouldn't give it to him.

Shaking her head she turned with a little huff, choosing to go take a much needed shower and go to bed.

She was embarrassed.

Embarrassed that this word was now blown up on her door and in all her clothes like a sick label to follow her everywhere. Even more embarrassed that it might just be true.

It was cruel. He was cruel and she almost let herself see past that for a second.


𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐒 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 fate was against her. That or her sister was because after spending the entire day basically in her room alone, Dymond decided this was the day to have a dinner with everyone.

"I don't want to do this." Genesis told her, folding her arms over her chest.

"But this is the first time I had time to do dinner with you here! Genie, please. The next one you can skip." Dymond pouted, adding finishing touches to the dishes she made.

The menu was grilled chicken, rice, and more optional sides of broccoli, or green beans.

It didn't seem like much to Genesis to be honest. Truly not enough for it to be so important that they all sit together and eat it but Dymond said something about trying to be a family woman for Marquez and what not. More married people business Genesis knew nothing about.

It's not that Genesis didn't want to do this with her sister she just didn't want to do it with Kreed too.

Of course she was still upset about what he did. She wanted to be no where near him.

Her entire night was spent trying to wash that stupid marker away and it didn't budge one bit. Not with water, not with any soap she tried either.

It would be nothing to just tell Dymond about it, get Marquez to beat Kreed's ass or something, switch rooms so she wouldn't have to see it but she did none of that.

Instead Genesis tossed a throw blanket over the door and told them all that it was just for decoration. Then spent majority of her day alone in the room.

It was her pride she guesses. She didn't want them to know what he called her or why and she didn't want to change rooms and let him think he could run her off.

It was probably a mistake and she knew that but that was how she carried on regardless.

"You really piss me off." Genesis mumbled, pulling on the sleeves of her blue and yellow Italia sweatshirt so they covered her hands.

"And you still love me." Dymond smiled in response. "Go tell them the food done. I'll make your plate first."

"Yes you will!" Genesis agreed cheerfully, turning to exit the kitchen.

As soon as she passed out the arch way, she spotted Marquez on his way over. Which she's thankful for because she was ready to go eat.

"Dymond is finished. Can you tell the other two?" Genesis chirped.

"Ight." Marquez nodded calmly. "Tell Dy give me extra chicken tho."

Genesis nodded as well. "Got it." She pivoted on her heels back to where she'd come from.

When Dymond looked and saw Genesis back so soon she looked shocked, but Genesis found the plate in her hands more important.

"Quez is getting them." She answered before Dymond could question it. "And he wants extra chicken."

"And I want extra rice." She add with a smile.

"Already knowing." Dymond shook her head, scooping more of Genesis's favorite food out.

Dymond finished the plate, giving her one piece of the grilled chicken slabs, and a few pieces of the roasted broccoli.

"Thank you very much." Genesis grabbed it from her.

"Salt is on the table." Dymond told her, also putting down a fork and knife from the pile of utensils she had ready beside her onto Genesis's plate.

All with her one free hand, Genesis manages to get herself a glass and fill it with ice and water using the dispensers on the double doored fridge.

When she got to the dining room, she looked at the gold and white 6 seated table contemplating where to sit.

"Where you sitting, Dy?" She shouted back over to the kitchen.

"At the head of the table on the left side!" Dymond's voice yelled back.

Genesis pulled out the matching velvet cushioned seat to the right of that seat and placed her things down on the gold placemats.

Sitting in her seat she adjusted her white spandex shorts farther down her thighs and got comfortable waiting for everyone else as she was taught to.

But she did grab the salt shaker from the center and sprinkle some on her portion of rice as a start.

It didn't take long for the inevitability disastrous dinner to really begin, Marquez coming in with his plate and Kiari about a step or two behind.

Genesis was happy to see the youngest no where to be found. Hopefully he didn't want to see her either and decided not to participate.

Dymond would give him a pass before Genesis.

"That's Kreed seat." Marquez chuckled to Genesis putting his plate down at the other head of the table.

"Oh. I can go on the other side." Genesis offered, not wanting to mess up any dynamics they had.

"No, you straight. He ain't gon care." Kiari advocated, sitting in the seat beside her then looked at Quez. "Stop being a dick."

"I'm just fuckin wit'cha, G. Stay there.." Marquez snickered some more, making Genesis fan him off.

"Why you been inna room all day?" Kiari asked, grabbing both the salt and pepper. "You cool?"

"Mhm." Genesis hummed seeming as genuine as she could make herself. "Worn out from last night."

"It's been damn near 24 hours since then, shawt." Kiari chuckled.

"Extra fun time." She nodded with her eyes focused on her plate.

Dymond came in with her own plate next, thankfully taking the attention for herself because she just looked happy and cheerful as ever.

"Kreed is getting some juice." She announced setting her stuff down in the seat she said she would be at, a smile on her face. "It's giving family, ain't it Genie?"

Genesis concealed the disappointment she felt hearing that he was coming, smiling hard with her to be funny. "When's the real family getting started? It's been time for a niece."

"Workin' real hard on it." Marquez answered eagerly making Genesis and Kiari both scrunch their faces up.

"Nobody wanna hear about allat, bruh." Kiari shook his head in disappointment.

"Quez if you don't shut the fuck up." Dymond scolded at the same time, both of them only making Marquez laugh harder than he was before.

Then the last to come had arrived, sucking all the fun out the room with his presence when he did.

Well only for Genesis. Everyone else seemed unaffected, all acknowledging him in some form as he walked over to join them at the table.

Genesis didn't even spare him a glance, picking up her fork so her hand would stop itching to go across his face right here at this table.

Her heart twisted slightly when he pulled out the seat directly across from her instead of sitting on the side with his brothers as she expected.

She looked up just enough to only look at his plate and she fought the urge to react negatively to the smell of the ketchup he had on his rice.

He was truly nasty.

"Can we eat now?" She asks fully looking up.

Though she wasn't even facing him, he was definitely staring directly in her face and Genesis could see it in peripheral.

"Askin the right things." Marquez agreed, being the first to dig in to his chicken.

Genesis followed happily starting with her rice like everyone else.

She continued on trying to enjoy her meal with the other 3 people at the table engaging in some small conversations between eating.

For Kreed to be the only one not talking it was not that easy to act like he wasn't there like she hoped.

Every so often he would adjust in his seat, make his fork clink loudly on the plate, or set his glass down forcibly hard all while still looking at her.

He had the audacity to still want her attention after what he did and it was Genesis's pleasure to give him none of it.

Genesis felt her phone vibrate in the elastic waist band of her shorts three times back to back, then again making her pull it out before there could be a fifth time.

A smile formed when she seen the messages were just from Ashaley and Navi, both of them venting about the other when Genesis knew they were in the same room.

"Who's that?" Dymond just had to be nosey, asking so loudly though Genesis tried to be discreet and keep her phone under the table.

"My hoe." Genesis answered sarcastically, keeping her eyes down as she typed out replies to them both.

A fork loudly dropped onto the ceramic plate.

"Since when! Who? Let me see, is he cute?" Dymond leaned over trying to see into her phone, not catching on like the air head she was.

"It's the girls I met yesterday. Be calm." She smiled more swatting Dymond away, though she wasn't who the words were really directed to.

"Who? Ash n what's ha name... Navi?" Marquez looked up, earning a nod from Genesis.

Marquez nodded in approval as well. "Long as it ain't that other one y'all be wit... the Mala one."

"Yo! Kreed pissed her off yesterday too. Did some shit to her hand." Kiari announced, saying it immediately like he just remembered what happened himself.

Kreed didn't react to the statement, just blinking down at his hands though the last part was apparently untrue according to him.

Genesis believed him yesterday, but now she absolutely did not.

Malu never fully told anyone what happened but she just kept saying her hand got hurt and Kreed was to blame.

"I liked her." Genesis shrugged. "She's nice, I got her number too."

Kreed did react to this though. Grabbing up his cup of juice and downing a few quick gulps.

The smile on Genesis's lips grew. She did not get that girls number but it was worth it to see him panic about it.

"The fuck you do?" Marquez turned to Kreed, fun demeanor leaving in a snap.

Kreed audibly gulped the last of his juice, then set the glass back in his place before turning his head towards his oldest brother.

Genesis wanted to look over and see his facial expression right now. She imagined it would be probably something very funny like the one he gave her when she asked the same thing.

"It wasn't none bad though. She was cool after five minutes. Just wan' speaking too much english to figure it out." Kiari answered for him.

"Dude gon' go to jail. And Ian bailing you out so you gon sit there just like your moth-" Marquez started to mumble.

"Genie seasoned the chicken for me! It's good isn't it, bae?" Dymond chimed louder than everyone else to make him stop talking.

"Say, she made us some pasta with cheese n sauce n shit the other day. It was good as fuck too." Kiari tells them, picking up some rice with his fork then shoveling it into his mouth immediately after.

Genesis felt a foot lightly tap her own underneath the table but she chose to ignore it.

"I told you it sounds nasty describing it like that."

"I said it was still good though." Kiari shrugs.

He tries again, this time pushing her foot completely off the floor and Genesis finally looks up to glare in his face.

Kreed slightly leans in more when she holds his gaze, way too hopeful that she might actually give him the time of day again.

Genesis adjusts herself in her seat so she was sitting criss cross on her chair with her feet tucked under each leg.

"We could tell by the way you ate most of it." She grinned going back to the conversation.

In a blink Kreed deliberately flings his hand out across to her knocking her glass of water down all over the table where it spilled off the sides into her lap, ice falling onto her bare legs making her gasp and spread them apart so the cubes would fall between her thighs onto the chair.

"Mane what the fuck?" Marquez immediately yelled looking at the youngest like he was crazy.

"Yo you not for real right now, Kree." Kiari groaned as well watching the liquid start to pour over to him and his plate too because of the way it fell.

"Oh no!" Dymond gasped too, reaching over and picking the glass up for her sister.

Genesis was the only one that was barely shocked. She looked down at the mess he had made and she just couldn't help but laugh to herself.

He was by far the most ridiculous person she's ever came in contact with.

And she was going to murder him with her own two hands.

"I really can not stand you." She seethed sending another hard glare his way.

Kreed reclined back in his seat once again, returning the mug just as hard while the rest of his body was calm like this was cool and he had not a care in the world for anything.

All he did was glance at Kiari, then back to her eyes. Telling only her why he did it, and making it clear he had no remorse for it either.

"You jealous nut." She hissed to him under her breath.

That's when both her and Kreed seemed to realize Marquez had been talking to them that whole time, both their eyes darting to him in the middle of talking.

"You just do shit for no reason my nigga! Shit I be talking about."

"Aye chill on him, yo." Kiari defended, putting a hand towards Marquez.

Genesis took a deep breath ignoring them all and picking up one of the decorative cloth napkins sitting in the center.

"Ain't no chill." Marquez retorted. "Spilling shit over shawty like he stupid."

"It's fine." She mumbles putting the fabric. "You need one, Kiari?" She added softly.

Kiari shook his head reaching over to help pick up the ice that fell between her thighs for her. "Use em for ya' self."

Dishes clinked and she realized too late that Kreed, being the complete man child he was, picked up a handful of the food on his plate before flicking it in her direction with the same hand motion someone would use to skip a rock along water or throw dice on a side walk.

Sliced chicken pieces landed in her plate, greens landed in the ends of her hair, and pieces of his disgusting ketchup up coated rice had stuck to her chin and neck.

Genesis took a second to assess what happened, and then just like that she was trying to jump over the table.

Unfortunately, Dymond who was still beside her held her back by her arm.

"What is y'all issue today?!" She looked between them like they were crazy.

"It's a him issue!" Genesis fumed wiping food off her skin.

"Bro why is you doing all this?" Kiari frowned looking at Kreed as if he was ever going to fucking tell him.

"Because he's a fucking baby and that's what babies do when they can't communicate how they feel. They throw bitch ass tantrums." Genesis answered, glaring back to the degenerate sitting across from her.

"So what do you want to say, Kreed? Since you are so desperate for my attention right now - it's all yours! I'm listening!" She egged on looking him directly in his eyes so he could feel every hateful word she had to say.

"Genesis! Cut it out." Dymond advocated.

Genesis held their eye contact not giving a fuck about what Dymond was talking about. "I'm a grown ass woman! Don't tell me to cut it out when he's throwing shit at me like a 3 year old."

Kreed blinked sucking in a sharp breath before aggressively pushing his chair out and silently excusing himself from the table.

Genesis stayed unfazed going back to cleaning the food off of herself as he tramped off to the opposite direction of their bedrooms.

Good. She wouldn't want him to be in such close proximity of a slut any longer.

"That was too fucking far, Genesis." Dymond was the first to break the silence.

Was she being funny?

She had to be.

Kreed purposely knocks over her glass, Kreed flicks food at her face, Kreed comes and vandalizes all her belongings, but Genesis took it too far by calling him the baby that he literally was?

And it was her own sister who was speaking against her.

"No, Dy. He-"

"I took it too far, Dymond? Bitch I'm wearing half the dinner because of him. I didn't take it far enough!" Genesis snapped back before Marquez could.

"Yes, the name calling shit was uncalled for. And you know that good and well!"

Genesis chuckled humorlessly immediately dropping the cloth from her hand. Name calling. The damn name calling was uncalled for.

"That is the same boy that wrote 'slut' all over my door last night and in the tags of half my fucking clothes." She informed smartly. "But I'm wrong for calling him a damn baby? Oh suck my dick."

With that Genesis also excused herself from the table, drowning out both Dymond and Marquez asking her to further explain her statement and Kiari asking her if she was okay.

Speed walking down the hall to her room she angrily ripped off the blanket as she walked in and locked the door behind her.

This wasn't going to work. Not for another day let alone 3 months. She didn't have to be here at all.


bursting that bubble right when they were getting somewhere >

anyway, i should just put a big fat warning in lala land so yall can stop cussing me out about it smh

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