The Glimmering Sea

By JMMurray

407 7 4

It's 1501 and near Venice, Italy, 16-year-old mermaid Armida is torn between saving the ocean she loves and t... More



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By JMMurray

The waters of la Laguna were shallower compared to the Gulf of Venice and were protected by islands striped north to south, long and narrow like eels. As they swam from the lagoon into the Gulf, Armida had to admit, to herself at least, Erastus was charming and pleasant when she had wanted him to be disagreeable and dull. She had wanted to dislike him.

Erastus turned to Armida. ≈Parts of Marea are rather beautiful. Don't mistake my meaning; Thalassa is also wonderful. But it is deeper in the Aegeano, so the sunlight is dimmer.≈

≈I always thought, in the darkness of the water, it would be less...and...well, you...I mean...≈

Erastus had a laugh that enchanted Armida. ≈Are you saying I'm quite bright?≈

Armida ducked her chin in embarrassment. ≈Honestly, yes. I have never seen oranges altogether like your scales. Oranges and reds are rare. Of course, they do offer protection from those predators colorblind to you.≈ She didn't mention the iridescent purple of his eyes because it was difficult to reflect on them. Not without feeling unsteady, a sensation similar to her disorientation the first time she'd tried to walk on the Isolotto di Nuovi.

They swam past the Watcher Station because Armida wanted to show him the area beyond Marea, which seemed quite small to her while with a more traveled companion.

≈Is Thalassa much larger than Marea?≈

≈Oh, yes. Where you have a handful of networked caves, we have spread throughout the Aegeano. The land between our two colonies, Terre dell' Est is a shorter, bulkier shape than the long, narrow Terre dell' Ovest bordering Marea to the west. We have many islands and fragrant, soothing waters. Maybe you will visit someday.≈

As they turned back, Armida heard familiar clicks and squeals ≈Do you have dolphins in Thalassa? These two coming toward us are my friends Nudger and Warbler.≈

≈How delightful you have named them, but how can you call them friends? Other sea creatures are not like merfolk. They lack minds as we have.≈

The dolphins came no closer. Armida heard whispers in her mindpath.

≈Armida, we do not trust your friend.≈

Armida swam to them. She would not ignore them because of some callous Thalassan. She rubbed Nudger's snout and slid her hand down Warbler's smooth back. The two dolphins circled her, then streaked away as if leaving something unpleasant behind. She returned to Erastus with less enthusiasm.

≈I see you care for them. They are not much use except for a bit of play and simple affection.≈

Armida flashed. ≈What do you know of affection, then?≈

≈I know I would show you affection if you permitted it. You spoke of my color earlier; however, I must say your scales are an extraordinary shade. Aegeano blue—the shifting aquamarine of the shallow ocean areas where the water meets the sand.≈

Erastus reached out and drew Armida into his arms. As she pulled away, she was too shocked to caution him. Over his shoulder, she had seen Rinaldo approaching and had caught the distress on his face.

≈Rinaldo! Wait for us!≈

Erastus watched the departing Rinaldo with a smug twitch of his smile. ≈I have competition, then? No matter. I've heard he is to live in Terra. So much the shame for you, yes?≈

≈Rinaldo is one of my oldest and dearest friends. Our parting is painful for us both. It is not an issue for you to involve yourself in.≈

They swam west in silence while Armida burned. She loved Nudger and Warbler. She loved Rinaldo. No pompous outsider had the right to judge her friendships or assume her intentions. No unspoken arrangement with her parents excused Erastus's crass advances.

≈Your famous lagoon is a bit muddy. Not the clarity I am accustomed to at home.≈

Armida held her reactions close when Erastus contorted his entire face as if he'd come across rotting squid. She didn't like his judgment; worse, she hated admitting he was right about the murk.

≈Perhaps we should return. I am sure my parents will want to offer you some fine Marean delicacies before the evening is over.≈

I hope I'm not one of them.

≈Indeed. Also, I will need to review the details of my business here.≈

If she was right, his business was about her. It meant a bond, though Armida was yet too young. Her father would see it as a means to ensure another generation, but for her mother, it would mean another way to control Armida through the chains of expectations. She would be forced to choose between Marea and her own independence.

Armida would not bend to her mother's will. Despite the risk of defying her mother, she would be unafraid to find her path, whatever that might mean. Her actions would be a challenge to her father as well. Armida's heart ached with the worry that her relationship with him would be filled with strife.

Armida's mindpath tingled with the tension oozing from Erastus. Relief upon arriving at her homecave was short-lived. Celestina and Faro met them as they entered and coaxed the two into the dining hall, again brimming with enticing treats.

≈Mother, Father, I am rather tired tonight. If you permit me, I will excuse myself. I hope you enjoyed the tour today, Erastus.≈

Faro peered at Armida with concern. ≈Of course. Take your rest. We'll see you in the morning. Perhaps with additional events to celebrate.≈

Oh, I think not, Father.

Armida did not turn right in the hall, which would have taken her to her sleepcave. She turned left in the passage and she ignored the mermaid who rushed past her toward the gathering room. She skimmed by the provisioner who'd helped prepare the feast.

She had to find Rinaldo.


Armida became entangled in a group streaming to the Ceremonial Grotto. It was rare for Mareans to convene in these numbers when no festivities or assemblies were planned. Armida moved among them, addressing those she knew best with a few words and nodding at others. Surely Rinaldo would be here.

Uncertainty infected the mood of everyone. Armida sensed it in her mindpath. Half-sent words, stuttering thoughts, and something else she could not identify. She could not interpret their meanings. Something had happened while she was playing guide for Erastus.

Laurenza, the Revealer, rose above the rest and attention focused on her.

≈Mareans, we await the arrival of the Custodian and the Magister to have the presence of the full Tribunale. With them present, I will share news the ancient books cannot explain and have not prophesied. There is nothing specific to guide our actions in these difficult times.≈

Armida noticed Isabetta near a short pillar, her hand resting on the bulging stone as if she needed stability.

≈Isabetta, what's happening?≈

≈It's bad, Armida. The Revealer will explain.≈

Celestina and Torquato swam toward the rimstones. Laurenza hushed a few of those waiting who'd begun chanting.

≈I have news of the neopod.≈ She paused while someone sent a cheer to everyone. ≈Unfortunately, what I share is not all celebration. The neos are female. We are grateful for these healthy births but we can't ignore that we have entered the fifth season without male pups.≈

Armida exchanged an intense glance with Isabetta. When she gripped Armida's hand, it revealed worse to come.

Laurenza's anguish was apparent in her bleak expression. ≈We've more sadness to share. We are here to inform you of an unimaginable tragedy. I'm devastated to tell you our dear little pups, Alvise and Umberto, have been lost to sludgesharks."

Armida raised a hand to cover her mouth. How awful. Their families must be shattered. She turned to Isabetta. ≈Paolo is the last male pup. Someone must tell him and stay with him.≈

The water churned with activity. Clusters of Mareans grew agitated at the announcement and pressed forward, anxious. Laurenza backed away until she was against the rimstone wall. Celestina and Torquato could not reach her through the throng.

≈Armida, we must go to her. A crowd surge could put her in danger. They do not see what they are doing.≈

Isabetta and Armida darted around several pillars to circle close to Laurenza. She nodded thanks and faced the crowd with her hands raised.

≈Tomorrow the Tribunale will meet to discuss the meaning for Marea. We will need everyone to contribute, each in their way. Stay calm. Marea has been through troubled times in the past. We will come through and be stronger for it.≈

Mareans were accustomed to working together and resolving conflict equitably, yet the murmurs in Armida's mindpath betrayed a tone unfamiliar to her. She and Isabetta linked arms and swam through the crowd with the Revealer behind them, navigating around those who exhibited the most distress.

When she and Isabetta had escorted the Revealer to safety, Armida pulled Isabetta into a quiet niche. ≈Revealers do not usually bond, do they?≈ When Isabetta shook her head, Armida came closer to true comprehension of the perilous times Marea faced. ≈Is that why you choose to become a Revealer?≈

≈It is part of the reason. My memory is my strength. I also knew I would never have a bond-mate like you.≈

≈Like me?≈

≈You have Rinaldo, of course.≈

≈Rinaldo and I have nothing. Not with Terra standing between us and not with what I think my parents have planned for Erastus.≈

≈You are fortunate to have choices. I do not. I accept my station. If I am honest, I am not sure I want to bond. Not all are meant to.≈

Armida was taken by the seriousness of Isabetta's tone. It was not bitter and lacked the accusatory nature of Delfina's observations. ≈I have been blind, never bothering in my concerns to explore beyond my self-centered world to see your difficulties.≈

Isabetta smiled at her friend. ≈Do not think of my life as lacking. We must face the future to solve the crisis and spend less debate on our past.≈

≈Come with me to the kelp forest. I think most clearly amongst the life flourishing there.≈

≈Now? What about Erastus? And your parents? They must have kept our news about the neopod from him. I imagine he will hear it one way or another.≈

≈I do not care. I need to calm myself before I see Paolo.≈

≈Then we shall go.≈


No matter the time of day, Rinaldo had always filled the kelp forest with light, or so it had seemed. Armida led Isabetta into the ribbony plants now nightblack instead of the shimmering yellowgreen of daytime she was used to.

Isabetta hesitated, holding Armida back. ≈There's something here. It's...≈

≈Careful. Whatever creature it is may detect our presence.≈

They slid into a dense tangle of shadows and darkness and let the kelp snake across them undisturbed.

Kelp twined around an indistinct form. A slice of gold. A flash of orange.

Armida and Isabetta were motionless except for slight rocking with the current.

Then Delfina's face was visible. Attentive orange fingers traced the line of her elegant cheek.

Orange fingers.


The two friends watched as Delfina and Erastus danced and frolicked, saw how they teased each other, unconcerned. Their mindpaths were full of flirtatious exchanges. Intent on each other, they seemed unaware of anything or anyone else.

Armida had once assumed Delfina was not interested in such things because she herself was not. Or had not been until recently. Or wasn't anymore. Armida had to shake herself from this. She would not allow herself to think of Rinaldo.

Why had I diverged from a path she and I once shared?

Armida twisted with irritation that Erastus found she and Delfina interchangeable. She was nothing like Delfina.

Muck. Let them have each other.

Isabetta shivered. ≈Dare we leave? Or is she in danger?≈

≈Erastus is not foolish. But Delfina is. She seeks a bond. She wants a family.≈ Her playfulness when Marea mourned the loss of two merpups curdled Armida's regard for Delfina.

≈But she is too young and he would have to live among Mareans. No Thalassan would consent to remain here, as no Marean would live in Thalassa.≈

≈Perhaps the Tribunale has plans to change that.≈

≈What do you mean?≈

Before she could respond, a vibration reached Armida's soundbones. Armida searched the dark water in the distance for any movement. If she had been paying attention instead of allowing her thoughts to churn over Delfina and mermen, she would have been aware of them sooner.

Sludgesharks. Isabetta's gaze skittered from side to side, then focused on Armida as if a solution could be found there.

Erastus tensed, then clutched Delfina's hand and jerked her out of the kelp forest. The teasing expression on Delfina's face was swept away by panic as Erastus's mindpath silenced.

≈What is happening? Why are you angry?≈ When Delfina wrestled to free herself from his grip, he held her tighter. He controlled her with a cruel twist of his arm. Although the urgency was apparent, Armida recoiled at the violence of it.

Delfina startled, causing Erastus to loosen his grip. She darted away from him.

Toward the sludgesharks.

Without weighing the consequences, Armida revealed her presence. ≈Delfina! Sludgesharks approach!≈

Delfina went limp; her reaction was one of someone already dead. Armida was reminded of the Terran she had seen caught by a riptide, yielding to his fate and near drowning. And like the Terrans who had rescued him, Erastus seized Delfina around her waist and, without a glance at Armida, plunged deep and fast into the darkness, heading back to the caverns. With luck, they would make it.

The sludgesharks slowed, nosing through the kelp forest seeking their prey. Seeking Armida and Isabetta.

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