Time After Time. *Complete*

By Caffinated_Mama

73.1K 1.4K 82

It's been years since the battle of Hogwarts. Years since the class of '99 set foot in Hogwarts. Years since... More

Chapter One - Plot Twist
Chapter Two - A Toast
Chapter Three - Living Under The Spotlight
Chapter Four - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter Five - Memories Of The Way We Were
Chapter Six - Back To School
Chapter Seven - Hex Your Ass To Monday
Chapter Eight - What's The Plan?
Chapter Nine - Is It Me You're Looking For Part I
Chapter Ten - Is It Me You're Looking For Part II
Chapter Eleven - The Flashback
Chapter Thirteen - Welcome Back
Chapter Fourteen - The Catch Up
Chapter Fifteen - Breakfast
Chapter Sixteen - The Tour
Chapter Seventeen - The Library
Chapter Eighteen - Comfy Couches
Chapter Nineteen - Potions
Chapter Twenty - Who Is Mia?
Chapter Twenty One - I Need To Say This
Chapter Twenty Two - Ball Prep
Chapter Twenty Three - Shine Bright
Chapter Twenty Four - Guilt? Ron?
Chapter Twenty Five - Hermione and Draco's Game
Chapter Twenty Six - The Vial
Chapter Twenty Seven - I've Put Up With Your Shit
Chapter Twenty Eight - Do You Hear Yourself
Chapter Twenty Nine - Fucking Lies
Chapter Thirty - Molly Weasley
Chapter Thirty One - Clinking Bags
Chapter Thirty Two - Trouble in Paradise
Chapter Thirty Three - Breakfast
Chapter Thirty Four - Amanda
Chapter Thirty Five - Hogwarts Common Rooms
Chapter Thirty Six - You Again
Chapter Thirty Seven - Forgive Me?
Chapter Thirty Eight - Quidditch
Chapter Thirty Nine - The Final
Chapter Forty - Aftermath
Chapter Forty One - Aftermath
Chapter Forty Two - A Final Feast
Chapter Forty Three - An Idea
Chapter Forty Four - In Your Memory
Chapter Forty Five - Surprise
Chapter Forty Six - Next Generation

Chapter Twelve - My Woman

2.3K 49 3
By Caffinated_Mama

Ginny and Harry both stood with their mouths open in disbelief. Harry knew that Ron had been lying all this time. He knew that he had done something to drive Hermione away. He thought this might have been what had happened. But he never expected to hear what he did. How Ron simply shrugged it off. Never apologise. He was fuming that his friend did such a thing to Hermione.

Ginny was in shock. Shocked at what she heard. How her brother could do such a thing she didn't know. But then she thought about what she had just said to Hermione. What she screamed at her. What she called her. She wanted to bury her head in shame. She wanted to grovel at Hermione's feet. But Hermione wasn't even looking at her. Ginny knew she messed up big time.

"You're not going to believe this crock of shit are you?" Ron said, looking between Harry and Ginny. "She is lying."

"Actually, she isn't," Hermione turned around to see Susan standing, watching the scene unfold. "Everything Hermione said was true. He lied to both of us."

Ginny looked up, shocked. "But Hugo is only 6 years old. Not 10 years old." Hermione looked confused. "Ron and Susan were married for a few years."

"Worst few years of my life," Susan groaned. "Although I have a handsome son and a beautiful daughter out of it, so I can't complain." She looked at Ginny. "But no, that night I thought I was pregnant and went to tell Ron, but it was a false positive result." Everyone nodded in understanding. Even people listening in the hall. "But that is how it happened. Ron and I had been seeing each other for a few months before that night."

"Oh, you stupid cow!" Ron snapped, walking towards her, but her new husband, Justin, stepped in front of her. "Shut the fuck up!"

"Don't speak to her like that!" Hermione shouted.

"So that is why you left?" Harry asked now feeling like the worst friend in the world. "You found out he cheated?" Hermione nodded. "Why didn't you say something?"

Hermione looked down before answering. "Harry, Ron was your best friend. No matter when Ron and I fought beforehand you always took his side. You always made a point of saying you weren't getting involved but at school, I was always the one who ended up sitting by myself or walking around the castle by myself. You never meant to, but you always took his side. And I knew you would take his side again. I mean you were dating his sister. Of course, you would. And I couldn't tell Ginny as he was her brother."

"You could have," Ginny growled, but she was looking at Ron.

Hermione shook her head. "I wouldn't want to come between family members." She shrugged. "I had already planned a trip to Australia to try my parents to see about restoring their memories so it seemed like the right time. Slip away while no one was around and start over. Build a new life for myself. Away from the gossip, away from the papers and away from Ron." She looked to Harry. "I am sorry if I hurt you by leaving, but I thought it was the best choice. I knew he would lie about that night, but it was easier to let you hate me and make a fresh start."

"I arrived at the flat, just as Ron had stepped into the shower," Luna explained. "She filled me in and we packed up all her things. Everything. We then went to the Burrow, knowing you would all be at the party, packed up my things and we left."

"So you have been in Australia all this time?" Harry asked. No wonder he couldn't find her.

Hermione however shook her head. "No, we went to find my parents, searched for about a month with no luck so we came back to London." She couldn't look him in the eye.

"Back to -" Harry couldn't understand this. "I searched everywhere for you. Even your parent's old house and dental practise. I had people out searching for clues as to where you were. But we found nothing. I searched for years."

"You did?" Ginny asked shocked. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have helped you search." She frowned.

Harry shrugged. "Like Hermione, I knew he was your brother, and you were going to believe him. Going to take his side. You would defend your brother just as I would defend my sister," he gestured to Hermione who gave a little squeak in surprise. She always thought of Harry as a brother, but she didn't know he felt the same.

"You wouldn't have found me," Hermione explained. "We were untraceable," she exclaimed. "We even made my parents' old home untraceable as I knew you would look there. I didn't want to be found. I wasn't ready. It took me a while to get over what happened. Ron completely broke me and I had to put myself back together again." She sighed. "I am sorry, but it was better this way."

"She wanted to reach out so many times," Luna went on to explain. "We both did. But we were still angry, and then we were worried that too much time had passed, and you would hate us."

Harry and Ginny shook their head. "Never."

"Excuse me," Andi said standing up and putting her arms around Ron. "Who cares about the beaver and Looney Lovegood? I mean we were better off without them." She turned to look at Hermione. "If you don't mind, we could like to get back to our evening."

"Of course," Hermione smiled and even Andi herself was shocked. Hermione lifted her bag and took Luna's arm turning to leave.

"Wait!" Ron called removing his arm from Andi and stepping forward. "Hermione," he smirked. "Why don't you and Luna sit with us?" he gestured to the table behind him. "It's obvious you two don't have dates, and it would look pretty sad if you had to sit at a table by yourselves. Pathetic really." He stepped forward again until he was standing right in front of Hermione. He leaned in to whisper. "If you wanted me back, you didn't have to go through all this drama to get me," he winked at her as she tried not to gag. He lifted a hand and ran it down her arm.

She pulled her arm back. "You wish," she grimaced, taking a huge step back from him.

He smirked. "It's alright, sweetheart. The past is forgotten. You're here, and I'm here -"

"And I'm here," Andi reminded him as she folded her arms, now pissed.

"Yeah, why are you still here?" Ginny asked. She had put up with the woman for most of the day, but she couldn't stand her. "Surely there is a bloke in here desperate enough to hook up with you."

"I'm going nowhere until I'm paid," Andi snapped, looking to Ron.

"Paid?" Harry asked, smirking.

"Only reason I am here is to make his little girlfriend jealous," she motioned to Hermione. "There's the girl, I did my bit, and now I want my money," she turned to Ron with her hand out.

"I'm not paying you," Ron chuckled.

"You promised me -" she started, but he shoved her aside.

"You did fuck all now piss of before I knock you out," he looked to Harry and Hermione. "Fuck me she is annoying."

"You brought her," Harry pointed out.

Andi stamped her foot and walked off to the next table, right up to Draco. "Hey gorgeous," she said in a seductive voice. "Is this seat taken?" She went to pull out the chair when Draco pulled it back.

"Yes, it's taken," he said, turning his nose up at her.

"Don't you want me to sit next to you," she leaned into him, and Hermione wanted to hex her ass. "I'm much more fun than whoever you're saving the seat for."

But Draco pulled it again, right out of her hands. "Lady take a hint and fuck off somewhere," he snapped turning back to Theo and Daphne. Andi just stamped her foot and headed out of the hall.

"So," Ron said, stepping again up to Hermione. "Fancy being my date for the evening?" He purred.

"No," Hermione said flatly.

"Don't play hard to get Hermione. Neither of us has dates now, and for a woman, it's a bit desperate looking. Stop sulking and accept your fate. You belong to me."

Hermione wanted to punch him. Actually, she was going to when she felt an arm go around her waist. "Actually, Weasley, I think you'll find she belongs with me. Not to me but with me." Hermione looked up smiling as Draco looked at her and winked before turning his attention back to Ron.

Who was turning purple. "Get your Death Eater hands off my woman!" Ron bellowed around the entire hall.

"She is not your property, Weasel," Draco said, showing no emotion. Hermione reached her hand around to hold onto Draco. A motion that did not go unnoticed by Harry or Ginny.

"Get away from her," Ron said, stepping forward with his hand out to grab her. Hermione stepped back, pulling Draco with her. "Hermione, are you high? Do you know who this fucker is?" Draco moved a piece of Hermione's hair out of her face. Ron looked like he could spit venom. "Malfog you better fuck off!" He growled.

"Which Malfoy are you referring to?" Blaise asked, coming to stand next to Luna and wrapping an arm around her waist, and Luna placed hers on top of his.

"Huh?" Rona asked, confused.

"I believe Blaise asked you which Malfoy you are referring to when you said to fuck off. Is that right, honey?" Luna smirked.

"Honey?" Ginny asked, shocked.

"Which Malfoy?" Ron asked. "What the fuck are you on about Luna? There is only one Malfoy."

Hermione smirked now, lifting her hand to rest on Draco's chest. "Actually," she said, making sure her wedding rings were in clear view. "There are two Malfoys. Draco, my husband, and myself." She lifted her hand in the air. "Hermione Granger-Malfoy."

There was a deathly silence as Hermione looked up to Draco, and he glanced down, looking lovingly into her eyes. Harry and Ginny were standing there in shock, looking between Draco and Hermione and Luna and Blaise.

Ron was breathing heavy, like a pot about to boil over. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE A MALFOY? YOU CAN'T BE MARRIED TO HIM!"

Hermione chuckled. "That's funny because I have been for a few years now." She shrugged and looked back at Ron. "So don't worry. I am not here alone. I already have a date."

"Me," Draco grinned, pulling her close to him but keeping an eye on Ron as he didn't trust him.

And he was right.

Ron pulled out his wand as Draco stepped in front of Hermione, blocking her. The whole hall gasped. "I don't know what fucking spell or curse you used on her but there is no way my fiance would ever marry you! Harry, we need to arr-"

This time, it was Hermione who exploded. "I am NOT your fiancé you dirtbag! In case the empty apartment and ring back weren't enough of a message for you, I dumped your ass! And I am married to Draco. Draco is my husband. My soul mate. Love of my life. No potion, no curse, no spell. I love him!"

Draco was beaming now as Hermione declared her love for him in front of teachers, friends, and even the local papers.

Ron ran a hand through his hair, looking around for help.

"You married Malfoy?" Harry asked, shocked.

Hermione nodded. "After I left, I rebuilt my life and ran into Pansy and Blaise and then Draco. We reconciled and he apologised for his behaviour. After that, we began to spend time together and ended up falling in love." She shrugged. "I love him."

"And I love her," Draco smiled. "Truly, madly, deeply."

"We are happily married," Hermione smiled. "And we have a beautiful little girl together, Sienna."

Harry gasped. "You have a baby?" He smiled.

Hermione nodded. "The most perfect little girl. I can't wait for her to meet her uncle Harry someday."

Harry placed a hand to his chest as he sighed happily. He had never seen Hermione look so...at peace before. She looked happy. She looked to be deeply in love.

"Well, I can't wait to meet the beauty," he nodded.

"Harry!" Ron said, shoving him slightly. "What the fuck is wrong with you! This is clearly a mistake. A horrible mistake. Hermione needs our help. We have to save her!"

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